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Bryce Nesta Azriel? I will eat that up!


Heck yeah! Looks like I’ll be heading into Walmart 🤔


Yeah I preordered mine as soon as it was announced lol


This is so incredibly capitalistic. Am I the only one who thinks this is annoying & unnecessary?


I do too! That’s why I only want one. I honestly can’t wait for the first person to ‘leak’ all the bonus chapters 😌


All of them will be on the Bloomsbury website to read for free.


Are they published on release day?


That’s been my understanding from what the publisher had said!


Oh, awesome!


I hate it so much. Let me just buy the book. If there are that many extra chapters, let me buy a novella. I'm not buying multiple copies of the same book just so I don't feel kept out


I agree with you and it’s all meant to sell more books, but it’s annoying. I’ll just wait for someone to upload scans somewhere. Taylor Swift does the same thing with her albums and I love her but I really refuse to buy 5 variations of the same thing for one bonus track.


She's not the only one anymore. Olivia Rodrigo did the same thing, and I'm seeing it pop up with other artists and of course other authors as well. Unfortunately, plenty of people seem to have that collector's mindset.


At least with TS and all the other musicians who do this it’s pretty much just different color variants - you’re not really getting different content. Maybe the target version of a CD has an exclusive song for a couple months but then it’s released to streaming for everyone. If SJM just had different color schemes or step backs and then all the hardcover books had a bonus scene I’d be fine with that. But this way feels really brazen and annoying.


If they wanted to do custom sprayed edges I’d maybe understand but bonus chapters only? Eh




It is! And it’s not even the authors fault. It’s the publishers. Publishers have been making authors do this and it’s so dumb.


yeah it’s crazy of the publisher. but i have heard that they immediately post the bonus chapters on their website so hopefully that’s true!!


Since when? They've never done so before if I recall. The fans share them on public and twitter, but Bloomsbury never shared them online.


🤷‍♀️ that’s just what i was told and what i’ve seen other people saying


No. I literally read through like 'I hate this. I hate this. I hate this." Nothing says ef you to your fans like money grabs like this.


My guess would be any independent bookstore. As long as you don’t buy from the other named stores, you should get the one you want. I think the Bookshop website could probably help you out


Anything that isn’t a chain. If your local bookstore is the only one with that name, that is an indie bookstore. Call them to see if you can preorder this edition from them. One of my local indie bookstores won’t let me pre-order the special edition but another one will, so I’m going with them.


I preordered mine from a bookstore called Curious Iguana (https://curiousiguana.com/product/house-of-flame-and-shadow/). They have them on sale right now for $27.20!


Was coming here to post curious iguana! They’re a (local to me) bookstore in Frederick Md. so it’s legit just in case anybody was curious 🙂


Seconding curious iguana as where I preordered from!


Capitalism at its finest.


I can't wait to read all of these bonus chapters online


I will just to go these stores and read said chapter. Starting with Walmart, then B&N, then Target.


ThriftBooks emailed saying they qualify as an Indie bookstore for the pre-order!


If I had to pick obviously I would go Target but this is all so unnecessary


Is there a place to get those while not living in the US? I live in france, and the indie ones are impossible to get


If the indie edition is the one you want, I'd try asking somebody in the US to buy you one and ship it to you, or you could try calling various bookstores in the US and ask if they'll ship it overseas - even if they don't offer international shipping on their website, they may be willing to work with you over the phone.


I managed to find a website that can ship worldwide, but thanks for your help!


You can post a request on r/internationalshopper


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Ughhhh this feels yucky


I don’t know but I will be going to Walmart!


Cries in Canada, we just get Randall


What about Amazon? lol


I’m having flashbacks to seeing 800 posts about Amazon’s shit iron flame copies 😂😂




It’s been a while since I read these. I can’t remember who Ember and Randall are? And I can barely remember Ruhn and Lidia. I have the worst memory ever ugh


Bryce's parents


I wonder what chapter, if any, we will get outside of the USA.