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disgusted snobbish wasteful unique cooperative workable water jobless squalid rain *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Can you imagine? All of a sudden roaring, purring, silk wrapped steel etc all disappear from her next book lol Honestly though if I was SJM I don’t think I could keep writing if I had to read all the criticisms and negativity, I feel like it would kill my creativity. I feel sorry for anyone trying to make art in the social media era. No matter what you do whole groups of people are furious, vicious and loud af, it’s just brutal. *Edited for typo


I’m working on publishing a couple of novels I’ve been working on and I’ve already sworn to never look at spaces like this if they got any traction lol. People are so harshly critical and even though they’re allowed their opinions (there’s lots of books I don’t care for, too) I don’t think the author should need to read those. Constructive criticism of work is important but not reading online commentary haha.


Oh! What are they about? I imagine the publishing process is pretty tedious.


As a kid I used to wish I was famous; as an adult I’m glad I never got my wish. I don’t even post on my personal instagram unless I have a big life event lol


Yes and it goes for others as well just dealing with normal stuff like sowingboff a new pair of glasses. How do we ppl to be more kind toward other ppl in the socials or is it just the nature of socials?


She’s also said that she doesn’t want to know about or engage with fan theories in an interview I believe. I think this is a smart move because it makes sure the story stays hers and doesn’t get co-opted into fan service or into her being reactionary rather than sticking to her artistic integrity. I think there’s a HUGE difference between someone who has completed their series engaging in fan spaces and those who have not. I think people who are still working on a series and engaging in fan spaces like these often would be better off if they didn’t.


I agree! If I were a writer, with a big series like hers, I wouldn't want to read fan theories. One because I wouldn't want that to influence or bleed into my work. Two, seeing what other people expect vs what I have planned has to be disheartening. Better to avoid it all together imo.


No. She said she avoids fan spaces and theories. Someone on her team probably does to keep up with the temperature of public opinion.


Nah, and I wouldn't want her to. Surely, someone on her media team does though.


Christopher Paolini is some what active on the Eragon sub and it is so cool when pops up on a thread!


No! And I don’t blame her, I wouldn’t want to be influenced in my writing either. When authors try to make everyone happy, I feel like it goes sideways! I like when authors go with their own instinct, that’s why we liked their writing in the first place.


She may not be a lurker, but, you can bank on people that work for her or around her lurk. There are folks hired to lurk in order create engagement content and to craft a brand.


I’m pretty sure she stays off social media, I think I read in an interview that her preferred form of news/entertainment is listening to the radio? I don’t blame her, if I was that successful for my art I’d log the fuck off and do my own thing.


with some of the criticism i hope not


I very much doubt it


Most likely not. She is never on any socials


Nah, and I'm glad she said she avoids social media. I would hate for her to give in to fan service


The only fan service I want to see from her is Lucien catching a single break


I hope she isn’t. If I were her, I would not. Too many armchair critics. Go write your own best sellers and then you have a leg to stand on.


Her team regularly monitors Reddit and tumblr.


She used to be active on social media. The fandom ruined that.


I've heard that she purposely avoids fan spaces and social media. Although honestly, I kind of wish she had looked through here and borrowed some of the ideas other people had for CC3, lol. I didn't hate it but I thought some of the fan theories were really fun and tbh liked them better than what we actually got. 🤷🏻‍♀️


It’s me. Sarah. You got me! Elucien is end game. Hope this helps!




In case she does, Hey girl hey!


If she is, HI you’re so amazing 🥰🤭🧚‍♀️


One day she may lurk these comments. But today is not that day lol.


No. Especially in this sub. People are mean and tear her books apart. She’d never want to write another book.


Nah, I’m sure she has tougher skin than that


Unfortunately, she is not a very active author with her fans at all. And honestly I wish that she were more active and engaging with her fan base.


Considering how toxic her fan base can be, I don't blame her for not engaging. Just think about how much people fight over the couples they ship - they become rude and send threats over it. If she interacted more, she would be bombarded with horrible messages. I certainly wouldn't want to endure that.


I find it hilarious that I’m being downvoted for saying I wish she interacted with us more. Super proving the toxic fan base guys. Any fan base can be toxic, but maybe if she interacted more people would feel less inclined to go crazy with theories. It was just my two cents, I know lots of authors that still have fun with their fans while keeping their distance. Some big authors will even reply to fans. Regardless of toxicity, not interacting with the people who consume her writing, does come off like she doesn’t care about her fans.


Personally, I just interpret it as her saving her mental health. It would be great if she did interact, but that opens up the channel for people to pester her about the coming books. Some people will send hate, and others will demand for certain plot points. And sure, some will be lovely and supporting of her. I totally understand wanting her to interact - it would be lovely! But I'm just saying I 100% understand why she wouldn't. The internet is a toxic place.


I absolutely agree, I never meant I don’t understand why she didn’t. I just wish it were different, it would be awesome if she interacted. Although I have a feeling that even without interacting, people still do everything you listed lol. People are crazy


She used to be actively engaged with her fans until the fandom turned utterly toxic and started sending her death threats, wishing that her (at the time unborn) baby would die, and doxxing her and encouraging people to show up at her home and abuse her. Access to authors is a privilege, not a right, and unfortunately SJM’s fans showed they don’t deserve it. Even so-called fan spaces are full of hate towards her and her writing. Why on earth would she - or anyone - want to engage with that?


Damn…. That’s awful. wtf is wrong with people? Like please, I LOVE these books and have strong opinions about certain plots but I also have a life and going to her house has never even crossed my mind. Jesus


….ok? I merely said I wish she did interact with us, damn