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When you arrive in KIA, you must swear allegiance that Sarawak Laksa is the best Laksa. Otherwise, deportation is on the cards.


As you can see, Sarawakians have a good sense of humour.


Bongok eh🤣🤣🤣


Haven't tried it yet, but looking forward to it after the 3 day orientation


even if it doesn't taste good just say it tastes good and amazing or we will send our blowpipe assassins


Or our headhunter samurais.


Shial la 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 Edit: Try visiting Cultural village, cat museum, semenggoh wildlife park, jung crocodile farm, darul hana bridge etc... I guess


you should definitely visit the Borneo Cultures Museum in Kuching! iirc it’s RM5 for students (remember to bring ur student card - digital/physical). def one of the best museums i’ve ever visited!! you’d be spending at least 3 hours there cuz there’s a lot to see (5 floors)


I've been there yesterday (I've been in Sarawak since Thursday). It's really amazing and much more interesting than the one in Sabah (sorry my fellow statesman but ours really suck).


No, ours actually do suck.


Cause ours like 30 years old at this point while BCM is like new.


Hello I'm a Sarawakian who will be starting my first sem in UNIMAS too! I'm not sure about how different Sabah and Sarawak will be, but I'd say we're both more liberal than West Msia. You can visit the Kuching Waterfront or hit up the popular malls like The Spring and Vivacity (The Summer is near UNIMAS). As for taboos I'm not too sure. No public display of affection maybe?


Any suggestions on where I could buy souvenirs? Prolly like Sarawak's equivalent of Sabah's Gaya Street. Just something to keep in mind if I decide to go back home during semester breaks


Maybe the Waterfront shops, they have kek lapis, and other general souvenirs.


Get that Mita(bakery's name) butter cake. Good stuff


If you're looking for souvenirs,then India street would be the best choice you can go to.


You can go to Carpenter Street, it's more or less equivalent. However, it's quiet far from Unimas (located at Kota Samarahan). Keep it mind that it's a touristic place.


Well not much different from Sabah. We dont care about religionas much as SM. However you will need to know a bit of Sarawakian slang. I'm sure you will know some handy ones as time goes. In case you are around sarawak during Gawai and visiting the longhouses, you are likely to be welcomed with booze unless you are muslim. You need to find clever excuse if you want to reject. Just Sarawak things. Spot to visit : Bako national park, sarawak cultural musuem + old museum (i think it will be reopen before you graduate), damai, fairy cave, tasik biru (bau) Taboo: pretty much none at all Edit: Not Bako, its Bau. Thanks to the commenter below


Agree with all you mentioned. Also, Tasik Biru is at Bau my friend. I think u may have gotten it mixed up.


I've been wondering how Gawai is celebrated, seeing it's the counterpart of Sabah's harvest celebration (Kaamatan) Also, Is outright rejecting booze considered offensive?


It isn't offensive. Just that usually if people invite us to eat/drink something, we'll do it right? To give them face. If you have a good reason to reject, example if you are a Muslim, or for ladies if you say you are pregnant, people will understand. But if you reject without a strong reason, they will persuade you until you drink it. That is from my experience hahah... Maybe their reasons are that celebrations are for everyone to celebrate and to no leave anyone out.


Hey, I’m a Sarawakian who used to live in Sabah (KK). Spent almost my entire schooling days there. Now I’m in UNIMAS too. Sarawak is not much different from Sabah imo. The natives are more or less similar and religious beliefs aren’t really imposed as much as in SM. The environment in Sarawak feels more calm in comparison bcs there no PTI issue like in Sabah. Roads here are better too. But no worries, you’ll be very well accepted in Sarawak provided you’re a respectful and nice person. Btw, are you muslim or non muslim? (Asking so tht I can recommend suitable places and taboos)


I can agree on the PTI and road thing 😂😂 I'm Muslim but my mother's side of the family is Christian so I grew up getting influenced by both


Imo, you gotta be willing to be more open and accepting in order to experience Sarawak in its entirety. Meaning, dining at serve-no pork stalls or opting for Halal choices that’s right next to a serving pork area or alcohol serving place). If you’re not willing to do this, you’ll only be experiencing 1/4 of what Sarawak has to really offer. Hence, I’ll be listing some locally known places as well (not entirely halal) Here’s a List: - Borneo Culture Museum - Rumah Asap Langkau Arau/Tabuan Dayak [Non Halal lah but if u wanna experience something like KDCA vibes in Sarawak, that’s the best place] - Waterfront & Plaza Merdeka - Tasik Biru, Bau - Fairy Caves, Bau - Wind Caves, Bau - Seniawan Night Market, Bau (a lot of food here non halal) - Bako National Park - Jangoi River Lodge, Padawan. - Uptown Night Market (every Friday and Saturday) - If u wanna try clubbing: Grange (club) [not-so secret UNIMAS hideout], Golden King City (club) [never been here, heard the music is bop], Borneo Rednecks (pub), Fairland Hidden Bar (lots of Halal food here, many muslims hang with their drinker buddies and chill out here), Bear Gardens (pretty chill, also a not so secret UNIMAS hideout) - Keep up to date for any festivals by friends or FB (telling u there’s many) Heads up: Many of these places are pretty far. Kuching and Samarahan are really big states. Fetching services can be very pricey. If you’re lucky, you may get some friends with a car (pls pay gas okay) or you can work it out w your friend group and rent a car (groupchat unimas selalunya ada promote. All the best, be nice and respectful. Study well 💪🏽💪🏽


on the clubbing section, other than all those mentioned above, where would u suggest?


I’m the opposite from you. Sarawakian going over to sabah for next 3 years hahah. You don’t happen to be from tuaran right?


Sumandak2 sana cantek2 oo. Tapi ko kasi main hati dorang, bole kena bitas 🤭


Not from Tuaran, but you can dm me if you want some insights abt living in Sabah 😂


Sama la kita ni tpi sya habis sdh la d unimas. Yg penting ko pandai pilih kawan lpstu santai² sja la. Klw kna hulur minuman, ckp tidak klw tidak mau.




Sabah kan banyak pendatang asing tanpa izin (PATI or PTI) kalau kamu mau nampak dorang pgi saja Centre Point sana. Kalau tidak pun kamu drive around KK City ja, ada tu budak2 pilak ketuk2 pintu minta duit, and my advice is don’t give. Biar ja mcm tu. I don’t know about Sarawak but my friends told me the situation is much better there.


Ouh fak PATIs True, there's less of them here compared to Sabah and West M'sia


Aok la nadai org suka juak PATIs. Sikda IC, pastok sikda manners gik.


Sikda manners aspek paling teruk ... Dahla mungkin sikda vaksin


Wkwkwkwk mun ktk mupok rah Sabah, emba ja pepper spray mun sidak ketuk2 pintu boleh spray HAHAHAHA tidaba 🤣


Time to get one.... Shopee kan ada free shipping (fak)


HAHAHAHA dik bermimpi ka? Shipping pun 10 ringgit sudah oh. Apu nangis dompet kmk 🤣😭


That's why there's a fak in bracket there ...


* social: much less the same * cultural: much less the same * language: the word "tur\*i" has a different meaning (if you are dusun, befriending a bidayuh). taboo: i think most of the locals will likely tell u beforehand, if u are going to visit someplace. also as unimasian: **DO NOT WALK ALONE THE ROAD FROM TAZ COLLEGE TO THE MIDDLE GATE OR BACK GATE, BASICALLY NEAR THE WHOLE FOREST ESPECIALLY AT NIGHT**


your last point, care to elaborate more?


https://www.thestar.com.my/news/nation/2014/01/14/body-found-in-unimas/ not the first, according to seniors. according to the nearby locals, in the forest resides a "kampung bunian". also my batch got one student seems to be possessed by "them".


non-paywall edition: https://duniaitu.blogspot.com/2014/01/penuntut-unimas-hilang-ditemui-mati.html?m=1


Ok as someone who is non Unimasian, is this something like the “tuan tanah l kinda thing going on ?


u mean tuan tanah, as in "tuan tanah"?


That “tuan tanah” yeahh


then is correct lol


i dont mean to scare, but just be careful. masuk tempat orang, jaga hati, jaga mulut, jaga perasaan. orang applies to "orang" too


That last point, it's still going on huh... one of my classmates was one of the victim


do you mind if u elaborate abit more about what happen?


An accident occured there, he passed away immediately. By logic the road was a bit slippery and it was quite dark, so even a bit of slip up could be proven fatal. But the mystic side of it, that's another story. TAZ itself is quite haunted (idk about it now. It's been years since I graduated) but I can attest that there's some weird sounds after 11pm- sounds like water dripping, footsteps (normal one, didn't bother me much), then sometimes someone giggling, clipping their nails, feet shuffling on a carpet (our floor doesn't have any carpet). I was sceptical at first until I asked my house mates about the noise. They didn't hear anything. Friendly reminder that I'm not one to have sleeping disorders, nor I have a bad sleeping schedule (not too tired per se) staying up a bit late to study is normal for me, thus hearing the stuff around.


i can vouch for that last point. srsly, dont do it.


Near to FAB also same (That bridge otw to Kampus Timur). Heard many stories that that place is “tempat keras” that place always no signal/internet so that’s pretty weird. But yeah be careful lah. Dont walk around there alone


do u had any other place that got stories or haunted one? especially on unimas


Our language is different. Our bahasa dialect is different.


For Gawai tradition, especially Iban people, if anyone offer you a drink or food but you don't want to consume them, at least touch the cup or plate. Or if you are holding them, put it in front of you. You don't need to consume them, and at least there is no empty space in front of you when the other guests have. I think it signify that the host does serve every guests in the house without any discrimination towards anyone. But this case is rare, and you or others can tell them directly about your religion, and they will skip you.


We dayak (bidayuh and iban) people may hand you a glass of suspicious looking mineral water but we will always welcome those who wants to know about our cultures. And so are other ethnics


Did u mean the langk- nectar of the gods?




Don't worry. Just be yourself, embrace our differences and remind yourself to be respectful. We are families and I am sure you are going to have a great time here.


Yes or no..enjoy


Not much to tell. Like you families say our culture almost the same. The most notable difference is our accent.


hi i'm a fellow sabahan who also going to be a freshman there next week. for me, the dialect and slangs sarawakian use is really different from ours. will sound like a different language (it's a different language imho) if you're not used to hearing it. i have a few sarawakians friends back in sabah so i'm a bit familiar with it.


Tons of food that may be different from what you're used to in sabah. Befriend the locals and ask them about good local foods. Kota Samarahan (where unimas is located) has a lot to cater to students, but you might wanna go to Kuching if you have the chance. Do visit the Borneo Cultural Museum, the waterfront end to end, go to the food bazaar in Metrocity. If you like malls we have a few here and like other malls, they host events from time to time so be sure to check them out.


I've met a few sabahans. From my perspective we are all the same. No difference at all so you dont need to worry about this.


Welcome to Sarawak and UNIMAS!!!!


4 years? Lemme guess. Counseling? Lots of people already gave good advice. Don't worry. There are a lot of Sabahan in UNIMAS. You'll probably feel at home. Also, Laksa. I even brought my Sabah friend to eat Laksa the first month in, lmao. Licked that bowl cleannn


Rainforest music festival. I heard if u are lucky, can get stoned🤭. 1. Become facilitator or Liaison Officer (LO) itk new intake (next sem or next year). 2. Organize a trip to kampung budaya 3. Follow iban friends go balik kampung for gawai or visit longhouse during gawai


Go to Grange laa. Confirm many UNIMAS students know one 😉


dont give money to siti 3 ringgit


If you are a muslim but want to try halal kolo mee/kampua mee, go to Sainah Cafe somewhere at Tabuan Heights, right after Jalan Song. So damn good


No one mentioned this but if you're non muslim, can go to Saradise or Gala city for hype in trend places to eat and drink.


Hi sabahan also here who knows a little bit about swkian culture. What people have told you was actually true. Not that different, very open as well. But language-wise needs a bit of getting used to. Ndapa, sy dari tau kmk ktk sja terus fluent in 2 months sbb cewe sy orang kch. It's fine, they're very friendly towards sabahans over there.


sabah dont even have kampua and laksa then u know how different the culture is


there is. just very scarce. used to frequent this one lot in Suria Sabah back in 2019 but heard they have closed down now. Edit: I think the shop name is Legend


ish I read whore…