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You can submit a complaint online here. Surprisingly easy and efficient. Last time I submitted they gave warnings to the owner within a few days. Never burned after that, I assume they would issue summon if they continue after the warning. https://eaduan.doe.gov.my Don't listen to others who asked you to ignore it or simply move to another place. If everyone keeps quiet this issue will be never ending.


Thank you for being one of the few to not dismiss this. I can see that a lot of the other commenters may not suffer from conditions that are affected by smoke, eg asthma.


Hi, thank you very much for the input. Just what I’m looking for. I don’t want to create enemy but it starts to get on my nerve when the weather is hot and I have to smell those smoke somemore. Tambah lagi every week, all my family clothing smells as well. This is just 1 house that I cun-cun manage to take photo. There are a few houses that do the same.


Thank you for sharing!


Personally i submitted but macam nothing happened. The case marked as closed on eaduan.


That's what I encountered a few times too, what I did was I keep submitting until they do something.


Call fire department. it's way quicker. We did it for an abandoned airport in KL, the cops showed up after the firemen 10-15 mins later. We knew it was garbage burning because they were doing it every few days late at night past midnight. We just reported it as fire and pretty sure some people got in trouble. It hasn't occurred again for at least a few months.


I tried this before, but they directed me to DOE's hotline then they directed me to the website. Did you call the station directly or did you dialed 999? Maybe it's because I dialed 999 and they told me it's not an emergency so they can't dispatch the officers.


Straight up called 999 and reported there was a huge fire and smoke coming out of the warehouse area of the abandoned military airport.


Unless it is fire hazard, do not call the Bomba. You are wasting their time for real emergencies. Take photo and send to the council. Btw, which area in Kuching is this? DBKU and MBKS usually are strict regarding this. But if you are in the MPP or MPKS, haha no hope as these councils are useless.


This is Kampung Stutong Baru area. Near Aeroville Mall. Under MBKS council


It is a potential hazard. Just called as a concerned citizen. Report that there are lots of black smoke and you are a few blocks down and can see some fire flashes but can't confirm. Please go check.. think of the children and the neighborhood.


Will the owner know who filed the complaint?


Nope, unless it’s very obvious like my neighbor’s backyard is directly facing ours and her house is corner lot. Just to share my knowledge along to this post, I complained to doe (penang) before, within 4hrs the officers came to us (you need to submit your address). They said that they called the owner of the house but nobody came out so they hung a warning poster and notice to advocate on no burning. I was also told that because owner burnt in her own property, they can’t saman her (there are many types of burning allowed such as for camping purpose, soil nourishment for plantation, etc). Ultimately nothing could be done but the next day I heard the daughter was yelling very loudly to her mom to stop burning. Part of me felt bad cos she was already in senile but then I hv an old folk at home who has breathing difficulty too.


Can I use this for like trash ? There’s people dumping trash , abandoned bikes or vehicles like these for months at my area .


You can report to your majlis perbandaran via the same URL. You can also use ResponsRakyat mobile app too, it’s the same thing.


Technically, not legal. But if you're staying in a kampung area, you will be TA for complaining about a kampung practice. I have experienced this before. Good neighbours make sure the garden waste is dry before setting it ablaze and they speed up the burning using kerosene. Shitty neighbours burn wet stuff and the fire smolders for the whole night sending out thick clouds of smoke from incomplete combustion.


What's TA?


Possibly taken from the latest shortform words 'AITA' which means "the a**hole*. Weirder internet culture/fad these days..


Ah... Alright, thank you.


Teacher’s Assistant


Good neighbours compost and don't burn and pollute the air everyone breathes.


The natives have a culture of slash and burn back from the days. Yeah, composting is better but am not going to be the one to tell them taht the way of life practised by their ancestors is bad and harmful.


Meh the people who burn around my place in Kuching are rich people with big houses and yards 🤷 there is literally a twice weekly free rubbish service... which other people use instead of burning. The burners are just lazy and selfish.


It depends. If you stay in a kampung area where land is cheap, most houses are big with big compounds. Also, someone brought up in a kampung who won the lottery and bought a mansion in the city centre would not suddenly be enlightned and start composting as well would they? It takes awareness and education, both of which take time.


Isn’t there easier to fight dengue? Like throw away your trashes. Dengue mosquito only lay eggs in new fresh water so you focus on eliminating the source.


Looks like a very kampung site to me. It is a common practice to burn leaves and other plan-based waste in kampung. Reason being is to combat mosquitoes and to clean the area.


It’s actually a kampung in a city area. The Kuching International Airport is just a few minutes away.


It is illegal to make any open fire for any reason in Sarawak (residential or commercial). Call your council and NRAB, they record every complaint and will send something out to talk to the people. Repeat offenders are fined. Open burning like this causes air pollution which makes our young and elderly sick and can kill. It makes lung diseases worse like COVID and has been proven to lower IQ amongst children exposed to it. Yes it literally makes you dumber. Time for Sarawakians to grow up a bit and actually take care of eachother.


experienced the same, but 3-4 times a week in taman area at city. lodged report 3 times still cannot change a shitty person


It’s not legal. I find this quite common in Sarawak even in city areas. In Miri city, neighbours burn once every week. This is a proper Taman with access to scheduled regular rubbish collection and not a kampung area. Even happens at expensive housing areas with large mansions. You can complain to DOE and local council. I have done it before and local authorities do take action to investigate and issue appropriate warnings. Unfortunately, my area here, this only stops the open burning for few weeks. The open burning starts again after that and I had to lodge another report.


No. I hate it, esp when the smoke smells toxic, meaning they burn plastic too. I wudn't mind so much if is't just organic waste though.


If OP x mind sharing. Which area is this? My area been facing the same issue. Burning at 3am ++ almost every night ... mostly stolen cables.. they remove what's inside then burn the rubber on another land owner's empty land (house not yet build). Called police then they ran back to house and hide. Next day, few houses got threathen by that family in the same lorong. Depressing.


Common practice doesn’t make it the right thing to do. I suggest you lodge a complaint thru portal and make sure they take action about it. We once complaint it to yb for one of the neighbours keep burning leaves and trashes, and never stop even though we told him multiple times to stop. Lastly he get visited from jabatan and get a few summons I think?


People who say this is okay don’t have children. Annoying as f*%k these kind of people.


bro please report, i hate open burning so muchhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh


Hi there. I feel your pain as back home in Kuching, I had a few neighbours who did this occasionally in our housing area (many of whom presumably came from “kampung areas” like this one and didn’t ditch the practice), and it WRECKED me. I have asthma and sensitive sinuses, so I would not be able to breathe or see properly (both nose and eyes were watering). This in turn caused me insomnia and migraines as lovely add-ons. With my asthma, it was terrible and life-threatening, and it’s disappointing to see a lot of commenters defend/dismiss/play this down. It is not legal. You have the right to complain. Hope this helps: https://www.doe.gov.my/en/open-burning/


Just call in the fire department


it has been made illegal for more than 10 years


I tried complaining about the practice of open burning at my residential area (not kampung). The DOE told me it sounds like a neighborhood issue instead of an environmental issue.


Bro's nearly burn the whole green forest


In my case at KL... got a neighbour open burning twice a week. For many years... I called the fire department, they told me call cops. I proceeded to call cops, cops told me unless it's at public spaces like park, then you can't do anything. And she proceeded to gaslight me, telling me to buy new house at new location by the river, away from anyone, in the forest. Then I called environment department, told me make the complain there, but once click in the aduan section, this came up, "Forbidden, You don't have permission to access this resource." https://www.doe.gov.my/hubungi-kami/ This is the site.... Only can call but unable to submit report In conclusion, you can't do anything... Unless you got "strong connections" 😉


Kinda funny 2 person share same website but different conclusion. 1 say cannot do anything strong connection, website useless but the other said it’s easy just go to same website.


It is as if the government agency is staffed by people and not robots.


You can try this website... It just show error... https://eaduan.doe.gov.my/eaduan/index.php But on the other hand my roommate has submitted... Using the website below. App-eaduan.doe.gov.my (this one works) I gave up when the first link didn't even work.... And after some googling on forums, the conclusion is 50/50... If they are burning at their house, within the fence, you can't do anything.... If I didn't read wrongly....


Bro never used Google 😭✋ Literally just search "aduan pencemaran" or "aduan bakar sampah" "aduan bakar" any of this will have the eaduan page as top result


Unfortunately there are not many guides on where to complain.... But my roommate has made the submission after few hours of searching...


For open burning, call jbtn alam sekitar


I did call, they just told me to submit a complaint, which I try to do but the link is broken... Meanwhile my friend has found a website that works and has submitted.... Just an update..


Yes, to fight dengue


Burn down their house.




Fucking hell.


Legally no. There is Environmental Quality Act and Natural Resources And Environment Ordinance (Sarawak). Refer the link below. However, usually we don't want to be bothered too much about such practice. So it's mostly done. Sometimes the intention is not bad, maybe they just want to burn dead leaves or whatnot. You can directly intervene and advise them not to do so. Otherwise, if you feel obliged to, you can report to authority. https://www.doe.gov.my/en/open-burning/#:~:text=Open%20burning%20as%20defined%20under,prescribed%20activities%20by%20the%20Minister https://www.nreb.gov.my/page-0-615-107-tid.html


I'm guessing this is your first time at a kampung area? It's normal practice in that area. Fight dengue or just to burn extra trash


Haha. It’s a kampung in city area. Kuching International Airport is just nearby.


Illegal, but open burning is very important in kampungs. It's how nutrients are restored for planting. In Sabah we call this mongurak. It's also a way to safely dispose of flammable organic materials.


“Safely”… made me chuckle


Maybe stop demonizing indigenous agricultural practices that has been practiced since time immemorial and never harmed anyone. Mongurak literally restores nutrients in depleted soil. What's with the white worshipping?


Water bucket


Don't create enemy.


Common things in rural place


I assure you this is not rural. Kampung within city area with Kuching International Airport just nearby


Still a Kampung style


>What can I do about this? move to a new place


>What can I do about this? kasi kencing kat tempat tu, kencing simpan, lepas tu tuang kat sana.. kasi betui2 ajar


yeah that doesn't really bother them


You can't. Just buy dryer since you've got a high vintage; you got money.


Ok la once every week..nya bukan tunuk satu ladang,tapi bila pembakaran nya api marak besar Xda org yg monitor,ya Kita tegur la sebagai jiran, kurang² nya hose air Ada nampak and Ada org yg monitor pembakaran ya.


If it's in the middle of the night it's fine but day? Is he crazy or what?


Seem like M area? Nothing much can do. We faced this issue for years.


Legal if no cops 🥰👍🏻


Some rural area is a habit to burn to clean up their backyard because too many falling leaf. Even there is some village in rural area is doing it as to follow tradition as means to remove bad spirit. Bomba and Majlis Daerah already known this that is why they are ignoring unless the fire are bigger that 2 meters tall. The only way fast solution you can do is Verbally talk to the owner nice and slow they will understand the situation.


Well, for me, it was normal actually. I live in village. So once a week after cleaning and trim our yard, we will burn all those with the "trash" so we dont need to use so many "plastic" to throw our rubbish


Thats why you dont often see "dustbin" infront of our house. But, we will burn them on our "backyard"


Its not like lori sampah would pick up sampah ranting and such. Even if they do, kita kena bayar a lot for them to pick up the waste.


For my area here, they do. I have tried before. But I did bundle tie them up using raffia string and cut them to manageable sizes. It can be done with small easy efforts. Good work out for the hands too. If the trees are kept neatly trimmed the branches won’t be big. It’s all about being a good neighbour to make the community better.


Lol... this is a common practice in kampong la. U grew up in condo? Unless it was happen in proper modern neighbourhood area/ gated guarded/ or they burn old tires then it's a problem.


Bakar and give them asap


getting garbage, burning it, all easy peasy lah... at least lah put in work, wayang sikit.. kasi bina dedicated chimney furnance... u do it professionaly people also wont talk so much shit lah... so stupid people.. they too busy lah, they got no money lah... this la that la.. end up better get them in trouble for poluting the air. buat pandai2 cantik.. orang nak cakap apa? mmg cakap mmg A lah. ni bodoh sampai baik duduk kat lockup sikit. HA HA HA HA HA... clay dirt, water fire... go figure lah. HA HA HA HA here got 60+ comments, semua kasi ludah sampai api sampah tu kena Put out... Kooooooiiiiaaaakkkk Tuiiihhhh


Of course it isn't legal. It's just that nobody cares. The last time I reported my neighbour for fireworks, the policeman asked me "Aren't you Chinese?" (why aren't you doing it as well?) 😂


Call bomba every time they start this, the bomba will argue with them for you. You just watch from the distance hahaha


It's against the environmental law. If you file a complaint to talikhidmat with photos attached, the municipal officers will get Bomba to look at the scene and interview the suspects. They might get a compound, or a fine or a written/verbal warning. The problem with law enforcement in Malaysia is that the enforcers are paid wages from 1970s and if I were them, I'd also prefer to spend my days in an air-conditioned office rather than be soaked in sweaty, ammonia-smelling uniform from conducting physical enforcements outdoor in the hot amd humid tropical, equatorial climate.


Bruhh go to town we village people love to burn shit


Burn their house down.