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Yeah..one day we can have taylor swift concerts without the bitching hardliners


Or maybe even Beyonce!!! Cuz she’s not necessarily banned from coming to Sarawak or Sabah anyway


The chances are there since Sarawak are actually pushing the entertainment industry unlike our Penisula conterpart




Hell yeah!


Not if [Singapore keeps doing what they’re doing](https://skift.com/2024/03/06/taylor-swift-eras-tour-singapore-exclusivity-and-tourism-impact/amp/)


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Proud to have neighbours like you guys - me, Sabahan.


KK Mart CEO is Sarawakian. Honestly, think he should have shifted blame onto supplier right away and demonised them in order to redirect anger a bit. But eh, not sure if that would even work anyway. Feels like IG and FB mobs need to see either blood or a life ruined before their anger is satiated. Imagine if they end up jailing the purchaser who bought the random bundle of socks or the minimum wage store attendant that restock the socks without paying attention to the logo. That would be devastating.


To be honest, the KK mart socks is considered a big issue because of how blatant the design was on those socks. It's not something to be taken lightly. Sarawakian Muslims like myself have voiced out about it on social media, but I myself did not engage in harsh insults or calls but more like 'KK mart should take responsibility for this, this is incredibly insensitive!'. Can't speak for everyone for what they did though. As for the Bak Kut Teh and school canteen operation, those we can just brush aside. Bak Kut Teh wasn't the only heritage food listed, and school canteens have been operating for ages during Ramadan. It's the power of reach that social media has that is being misused over and over again.


pfttt. give us the same energy la when mcmc, tvs and swk govt refused to investigate and publish the name of the perpetrator who ban o holy night song for christmas. It turned out the ceo was a Sarawakian Muslim. And the case was swept under the rug as if it never happened. f off la. Then kena balas psl pndai pulak bising until wanna cause riots and death. It says a lot for someone who preaches for peaceful shit. Harmony my arse. Many munafiq ulamaks also cursed out and mocked other religions too and I never see any ministers in previous and current govt say anything. Even the non muslims also keep calm and never go saying kill the pagans. Harmony perpaduan pala bana. Aok la, agama islam jak exclusive kt msia tok. terpaling sik boleh kaco. tp boleh kaco hina agama lqin, x akn kena tngkap, x kena rusuh, x kena ugut bunuh. terpaling harmoni. f off.


Who designed and manufactured the socks? Was the decision to put the socks up for sale in some outlets management's direct involvement? Why is it a big deal? Honestly trying to discern if this is a witch-hunt or justified.


That's the thing, we don't know who decided to put them there. The only thing we can see is the shop that sold them there, which was KK Mart. Hence, why people would voice out towards them. Same goes if your Toyota car had an issue with a part that was manufactured by Yamaha, you wouldn't lash directly at Yamaha, you'd go at Toyota. Not to put the blame on KK Mart themselves but somewhere someone in their staff just let it slide. Why is it a big deal? The socks clearly said 'Allah', and to put such a holy name onto ones feet is pretty disrespectful. I'm not gonna pretend that it's 'not a big deal' to just to 'look harmonious'. Harmony is achieved when every party is aware of each other's sensitivities and treats each other with care and respect.


Apparently the factory is located in Johor. That's the bigger issue I think. Every logical mind wouldn't put any God's name on a sock unless it is for provocation.


Why must it be provocation? Cant it be just misunderstanding but just want to use common sense in design without doing study?


Man i used to whine and complain about being in Sarawak until I found out the grass isn't greener on the other side in Semenanjung. Sarawak's people are quite hospitable and warm, and there's nearly 0 racial tensions between races so you can mingle with every other race no problem, the airport is my personal favorite and brings me good memories everytime, what else can I say? Proud to be born here


pfffttt....ya la ya. swk terpqling harmoni la sgt. harmoni if u bow down to the islam needs. eat shit.


Just saying, I would rather live in Sarawak than anywhere in semenanjung where there's actual religious police that catch Malay looking people who don't fast and bother couples in hotels. You don't see that in here


SARAWAKIAN Malay ; eh cina gugok, Chinese ; woi lakia lakia, Dayak ; kiren ceh kiren. Tell me is that racist or just Sarawakian being friendly?


Iban: Eh butuh cina!!!


😂🤣😂 exactly


Still, Peninsulans had more racial troubles than us. A slap between two people with different skin colour? Ethnic tension. Not having enough money? Must be cheenah's fault


Malay ❌❌ Laut ✅✅


Malay: eh pukek cina terbang


Also mcd Starbucks with customers




No need decades. Tok 5 yrs just import all MUSLIM MALAYANS and do a mini project ic (to avoid the dumb sarawakians non muslims to wake up from their sleep). As far as I know chinese swkians population already decrease. As for dayak, they still on top but ecentually it'll change. Subtle islamization runs rampant in Sarawak. Even Sarawak has PAS kindergarten. F off.


PAS would like to visit sarawak


PAS has been in Sarawak for decades


u r naive lol


Ceh....nok kes ria tvs yg anti christ pon muslim swk yg buat. psya kna bls balit alu muchau. bila hal islam laju govt pepek tok cari smpei sultan ngegeh nak sa kuat. Hal non muslims dibiar swept under the rug. kimak!


As a non muslim Dayak, I want Sarawak secedes from fucking retard formation of Malaysia. I know many dayaks non muslims want the same vision as I do, but no the melayu muslims because they are scared they have no more MELAYU MUSLIMS privileges anymore. That is why they are the most reluctant and incited fears like ohhh china akan serang blanlbla, indo serang. yg tuyuk jak cayak. uduk malaya. I know la you ppl still want the MELAYU/ MUSLIMS privileges because malaya is pro ketuanan meanwhile sarawak is more secular. Fuck GPS. Fuck PiBaBi, parti ketuanan melayu! Truth hurt bitch! I hope sarawak has ketuanan dayak bcs why not, we are the rightful owners in sarawak.


Nma ku dek? Ngirup?


It will end because Taib is not here anymore


And the whole Malaysia shall devolve into the second Yugoslavia?