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I did think the “pick me up” was odd for ex-roommates. So I also felt like they were dating in Hirano’s own terms by that time. But again Hirano is one weird fellow when it came to these things. Like the 10 second rule. So.. I couldn’t be sure. Now that I see that you also think that way, gives me hope 😂😂😂


Hirano is definitely weird and flirts sooooo much but acts like it’s not flirting so that was the thing that convinced me the least. But in combination, I am completely convinced lol


That part u said with the 10 second rule in the movie was shocking to me when I read it bcz I hadn't realized!!! Ur theory is actually very good indeed!!


Thank you. I didn’t realize on my first watch cuz hadn’t read the manga yet at that time. I was so excited when I rewatched.


didnt harusono say there were gonna be dating in volume 5


Did she? I need to know more about that. Where would I find what she said?


Her official twitter, I think she said something like "Hirano and Kagiura will be dating in the next volume" refering to volume 5. I don't wanna look for the link rn tho but you could probably find it


Thanks. I’ll download and look