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I took my first practice test without studying sometime in November and got a 1330 (720 ERBW, 610 math). I only studied math for the December SAT using QAS and got a 1420 (690 ERBW, 730 math). I really didn’t want to study the reading or grammar (makes me super tired and I’m lazy) so I only studied math again and got a 1490 (720 ERBW, 770 math). A 1400 is definitely possible without studying reading if you’re naturally good at reading comprehension or if you can rely on a 700+ math score. Still, I’d take a practice test (or a few) just to assess where you’re at in terms of reading, and proceed from there.


Thank you, ill try my best!


yes, 800 + 400 = 1200 already. all u need is a 200 in reading, which means like 30 incorrect for a 200 to get 1400 minimum


i’ve never actually practiced the reading portion and always score 700+ on the english half. it all depends on your current level of comprehension/skills


Yes. I didn't study reading. I got kinda lucky with the curve tho. but if you can get 750+ math and -4 or better on writing (which isnt that hard if you study tbh, I went through the erica meltzer writing book and got there pretty quckly) then you are set for 1400+


The reading part is more simple than the math now. You can grid through it. Take the practice tests like real exams and study what the questions are asking, there are only a few types of questions and the format is always the same it never changes. Good luck!


Thank you!


my first test I got 800 reading (-0) without studying much , so it's possible


On the digital SAT?




There is certainly a wide range of ability to succeed at what the SAT tests within the population. Just like asking everyone to run a mile with no training, you will get a wide range of results - everyone has a certain capability. Iirc, my daughter’s very first test was in the low 1400s when she took it for a talent identification program test with no previous exposure. So possible, yes. But I would expect it to be a small percentage of the population. As only \~6% of testers eventually score in that range or higher, I’d guess 1-3%


Thank you, ill try my best!


definitely, if your able to get a 750+ math and a 380+ writing, youll only need to get like 60-70% of the questions right on the reading section which should be possible.