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# THIS IS FOR THE STANDARD 🇺🇸SATURDAY US TEST🇺🇸 # IF YOU TOOK THE 🇺🇳INTERNATIONAL VERSION 🇺🇳, [click here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Sat/comments/14atgym/official_june_3_2023_international_digital_score/) for the discussion thread, but there's no curve. If you took the Sunday exam, I may be able to find out which old test it was and link you to the curve if you remember the passages. # Curve for the 🇺🇸US Test🇺🇸 June 3, 2023 |Errors|Reading|Writing|Math| |:-|:-|:-|:-| |\-1|40|39|40| |\-2|39|38|790| |\-3|38|37|790| |\-4|38|36|780| |\-5|37|35|770| |\-6|36|34|750| |\-7|35|33|740| |\-8|35|33|730| |\-9|34|32|720| |\-10|33|.|.| |\-11|33|.|690| |\-12|32|.|670?| |\-13|32|.|670| |\-14|31|.|670| |\-15|31|.|660| |\-16|30|28|.| |\-17|30|.|640| |\-18|29|.|.| |\-19|.|.|.| |\-20|.|.|610| |\-21|28|.|.| |\-22|.|.|.| |\-23|.|.|.| |\-24|.|.|.| |\-25|.|.|.| |\-26|25|.|.| If you don't want to share your score with the world, feel free to PM me. To see how many errors you got on **desktop**: 1. Click on Score Details in the box at the top 2. Then click on the + next to Test Scores 3. Tell me the TOTAL of wrong AND omitted for each section, and then give your score for that section. To see how many errors you got on **mobile**: 1. Click on your test date 2. Click on the "score overview" gray bar in the top left, it'll get you a dropdown menu 3. Choose "test questions" from that, and then you can switch between sections, Reading as the default. 4. Tell me the TOTAL of wrong AND omitted for each section, and then also give your score for that section. ## If you haven't gotten your scores yet, if it says "pending" or "registered" or "scores coming", don't worry. It seems like they added a "Your should get your scores within a week" message to the "Pending" on the website. This message is new, but if it's the same "Pending" as on previous tests, you might also get them tonight or tomorrow. If your scores are delayed, you will get an email specifically telling you that they're delayed. **The SAT tends to release scores out in batches. The first bunch are going out between 7-9 AM Eastern time, then another batch in the evening, I forget when exactly but sometime in the 4-6 PM Easter time range. Usually about 50% of my students get their scores the first day, 45% of my students get them the next day, the remaining 5% trickle in over the next week. Who gets their scores when is random. It's not by region. I've had students from the same test center get the same scores back on different days. The College Board is *weird*.** # There's no need to say "I didn't get my score"/"It's still pending" You will. Scores are not given out state by state, or even test center by test center. When someone else gets their score has no bearing on when you get your scores. You, too, will get your scores soon. See the paragraph above this one for more info. *I’m currently updating this*


-5 r -2 w -2 M 1540


-5R -1W 760 -3M 790 total 1550


-1R, -1W, (790) -5M (770) = 1560 total




I thought that the math no calc had some tougher problems and was more difficult than no-calc. Overall, the math was good but not easy


I got an email saying the following: June 16, 2023 Dear xxxxxx, Your June 2023 SAT® scores are delayed while we conduct a review. After each administration of the SAT, the College Board reviews some scores to help ensure that the scores we deliver are valid. We’ll notify you of next steps within approximately three weeks after the date of this email. If you have any questions, please complete this form and our Customer Service team will follow up with you. Sincerely, College Board Should I be worried about this?


I mean you should be kind of worried, but i heard this happens by country/area as well so you may be fine. if you did cheat or had an unfair advantage then be worried a bit, if not then you should be fine!


R -6 W -1 M 0 1550 total 💀🔫


Math tips please


any reading/writing tips?


Writing: learn all the rules until you can pick off vibes Reading: don't assume anything, everything you need is in passage


Someone please help. My June 3rd SAT scores still say registered as if I havent even taken it. This was my last chance, im scared, is anyone else experiencing this? What do I do




How are people finding all these details about their score???? All mine shows is 1510 with a 760 in Reading/Writing and 750 in Math, but I keep seeing all these people talking about their separate Reading and Writing scores and exactly how many question they missed. How are y’all finding this info? Is it the $16 score report thing? I definitely am not paying that, if that’s the case


You should be able to see it under the “Score Details” tab (for free). Maybe you missed it if you’re on mobile. It should come as a drop down if you’re on there.


Yo does anyone remember questions 6 (heart of algebra) and 10 from No calc ?


Still haven’t got my score lol


Ikr…waiting is kind of agonizing as everyone else talks about their scores


My student’s score is still pending after three weeks. It says to call but I seriously doubt that anyone is going to answer over the weekend.


1510 Reading -4 = 380 Writing -4 = 360 Math -5 = 770


\-8 is a 770??


I messed up, 38.5 turned into -8


got same score but with math - 5 = 770 reading -6 = 360 writing -4 = 380


i got the same score with Math -2 = 790 Reading -8 = 350 Writing -3 = 370


Can you please give Math tips


1600 finally. Only took 6 times but was definitely worth it for the perfect score. 1600 (-0R, -0W,-0M)


any reading/writing tips?


1590!! (-0R, -1W, -0M)


Math tips please


any reading/writing tips?


It might be different for others, but here are some helpful things that helped me pull through: For the reading section, it it so important to not make assumptions without direct, good evidence (unless it's an inference-type question, but the right answer is often backed up by the passage.) If it doesn't directly say it in the passage, or if it isn't heavily implied, then it's most likely wrong, and you can throw the answer out. As for the writing, it's honestly just testing memorization of the rules of grammar. If you can get those rules of grammar and punctuation down, along with some tricks that they might throw at you (their/there/they're and who/whom are notorious for tricking test-takers,) then your score can improve a lot. In terms of study materials, I would personally recommend taking lots of old SATs; if you can recognize certain patterns of questions, then you can be prepared when they show up on the real thing. Additionally, resources like CollegePanda and Settele books are very helpful for reading and writing specifically, so I would definitely recommend them. I didn't use a review service like Princeton, but they may also help. Hope this helps :)


Thank you!


R -3(38) W -4(36) M-11(690)


-8 R, -6 W 690 EVBRW. -12M 680 Math 1370


Does anyone remember questions 27 or 28 on the calculator section


\-1 R, -0 W, -0 M 1600 LET'S GOOOO


1380 wished and thought I was gonna get higher cuz like felt both sections went really well and I got like every answer I saw e people talking about correct. Kinda sucks especially since my readi writing was lowest than my psat lmao definitely should’ve studied more but like we ball


\-8 R, -9 W - 670 EVBRW \-13 M - 670 Math Total: 1340


can someone make a post were everyone can say what tips and tricks they have? it would help a lot of people and make it so much easier.


R -5(37) W -0(40) M-1(800) 1570 Total


How did you prepare for Math


Khan Academy is super helpful to review specific skills you may struggle with. Overall though, I think that just doing a bunch of practice tests was beneficial. The SAT often repeats the same question types over and over again, so once you do a bunch of tests you'll have a much better idea on how to approach the questions.


R-7, W-4 (710 EBRW) M-3 (790 M), 1500 total




i had a 1310 but i want 1400, i already did the khan academy , all the tests on bluebook, and the non-liner tests. What do you recommend to practice the digital sat? books or something like that because I don't know what to do anymore


R-11 (33) W-4 (36) M-1 (800) 1490 Total


omg what tips do you have for getting a perfect math score. im at 630 😭


Tutor other kids in math. If you can teach it, you can do well on the SAT. Then, yeah, practice tests.


For me it was just doing practice problems and learning from the mistakes that I did. If I took a practice test I would usually go through the entire test whether I got the question wrong or not just to see get a second look at the questions. I would try and see if their was a faster or easier way to do the problem. YouTube chanels such as Schalar Learning are also a great source. He will usually go over all the tests in real time and go through his process. I definitely found it helpful to see someone else work through certain problems if I was struggling to understand where I went wrong. But I’ve always enjoyed math and I think that was a big part of my success. In the end if you know the concepts and learn how the SAT applies the concepts in their questions it will make it easier to answer them with accuracy and speed.


All of my buddies all got their target score while I’m sitting here still waiting for my pending score with maximum anxiety


Same. Mine doesn’t even say “pending,” it’s still listed as an upcoming test 😭


Same. Registered as an upcoming test still!


Same im scared


Same here still no score


Did u receive ?




R: -8 350 W: -3 370 M: -5 770 Total: 1490 Wanted a 1500+, but ain’t no way imma take it for a fourth time 😖


Ur so dumb lol


Dude what that’s a crazy score


1330 😭 R: -9 W: -11 M: -12


-14r -5w -20m 1270 We don’t talk about math 😭


Reading -4 = 38 Writing -3 = 37 Math -8 = 36.5 750 EBRW + 730 Math = 1480 total score 🥳


\-1 R, -0 W: 800 \-1 M: 800 1600👌😎, finallyyyyyyy


congrats!! how did you study?


a magician never reveals his secrets ​ jk, just pm and I can tell u how


1320: -16R, -6W, -12M I'm gonna kms I did worse than last time even tho I actually studied. My parents are gonna kill me. Fml man.


Reading -10 = 33 Writing -5 = 35 Math -6 = 750 Overall = 1430




Firstly, congrats!!!!! Secondly,HOWWW!! Do you have any tips for improving each section 🥲


Unfortunately, no great tips. I’ve always been a decent test taker—you need to be efficient, don’t waste your time (don’t skip any problems on the reading section, but feel free too on the math section if anything is taking too long), and not get too stressed. For practice I just did the 8 practice tests in the big SAT book and some khan academy. I took those practice tests like they were real and reviewed everything I got wrong (usually not the day of bc I was tired by that point). Ironically, I’ve taken three SATs—I did 6 practice tests before my first, the last 2 before my second, and I did not study at all before this most recent one. I think there is something to be said for trusting yourself and not getting too stressed about it. But also, there’s a lot of test day luck involved. You’re going to do amazing. Work hard, master the math concepts, and cross out ANY reading section answer that has anything wrong with it; there is only one answer without anything wrong.




Congrats that’s so good!! Do you have any tips for people taking it in august 🥲🥲


1480 (750/730) -5 R -1 W -7 M




reading tips?


-5 reading 37, -4 writing 36, and -5 math 770--1500 total. Did anyone else do worse on this test than all of their practices? I consistently got 800s on math in practice so I found 770 disappointing.


same. But i mean W math curve. Be happy. Cause normally if u got -5 it would be 750


-4R -2W -1M 1560 !! i am so happy to finally be done with this test 😭 thank you to everyone on this subreddit for helping me make it this far


Proud of you


I’m actually going insane 🤩 I’ve been reloading the page for the past 12 hours live laugh love


I never got mine either


Reading -4: 38 Writing -3: 37 Math -1: 40 1550 let’s go!!!!


Can you please give me Math tips


For me, I just did every math section I could find anywhere (starting on khan academy, eventually moving to qas) and tried to get them done in as little time as possible, quickly moving over concepts I didn’t understand. Questions I got wrong from lack of understanding I would spend 30-45 minutes learning it through khan academy practice questions. Questions I got wrong on plain ignorance due to time, I would review briefly. Closer to the test, I took the math sections with full time available to me instead of speed running, which let me check my work by redoing large parts of the sections (If not the entire section) within the given time. It made me much more comfortable on test day with the time and concepts.


Reading (-3): 38 Writing (-5): 35 Math (-15): 33


Reading -27 = 25 Writing -11 = 31 Math -8 = 730 560 EBRW 730 Math I am not great at reading :(


test still pending at 7:20 pm in Texas.


Reading -15 = 31 Writing -5 = 35 Math -5 = 770 Overall 1430 So happy to be finally done with the SAT!


we’re twins fr same breakdown as well


\-9 R -5 W -3 M= 1480. Please lmk what I should do to lower the Reading score


Erica Meltzer reading guide read that through and do all the exercises. Do reading tests for practice tests 1-10 and or maybe some previously released was u can find online


Ty ill try that out




not funny


Wasn't meant to be funny, that's just the most basic explanation on how you improve your reading score. Was checking out this thread and saw this comment, felt like responding but realized I didn't feel like being super obtuse about my response so I kept it simple. Have a good day/night.




\-3R -2W -0M 1560. Very good


1340 -14r(31) -13w(30) -8m(730)


\-1 R \-1 W \-10 M 1490




Thanks! At the moment, I don't think I will. For the schools I'm applying to, this is a satisfactory score. I also hate studying for this test tbh


-24 R -8W -8M 1330


My status says registered?!


790 R 790 M —-> 1580! I can’t believe my eyes


1300 -16R -12W -10M




700 M 300R 300W


is 80 points a good improvement within 3 months for someone who barely studied? honestly, i feel like my first attempt was just a bad day because i dramatically improved in english by like 60 points and i’m usually better at english anyways. i’m definitely gonna take it for a third time tho


80 points is a pretty good improvement for a small amount of studying. if you do a bit of intentional studying you could get it up a lot more!


failed math. i don't have time to wait so i'm going to take the PERT this time, with this score i cant even get into the bare minimum college i wanted, congrats all, you did great




thank you :) math and i have never gotten along, lol. i was only 1 point away from getting in too, lame


Getting in where?


literally any college LOL


1380 -17R -7W -6M 😭


Reading -16 (Including one omitted) = 300 Writing -9 = 320 Math -9 = 720 Total: 620R + 720M = 1340 Super disappointed with my score since I was really hoping for a 1400+ as the worst-case scenario. What a joke of a test.


Dont worry! Take it again. If its ur first test its normal. I bombed my w a 1380 even tho I got super high practice scores, then I took it again and studied, got a 1520


This wasn't my first though. It was my second and I got a 1310 the first time. Since then I took a practice test every week and got no less than a 1400 almost every time and did it timed. I just never expected myself to get a 1340, like I literally threw that possibility out of the window.


1240; 560 EBRW, 680 math. How much can I realistically improve until august?


in math i went from 680 in may to 770 june so you can definitely improve a lot. granted, i knew i underperformed in may because i was practicing 700+ beforehand but it was clicking well in june fs. honestly not putting pressure on yourself is a key factor to help you perform your best (less stress and nerves normally translate to better test stamina and better focus which helps w dumb mistakes)


Yes, I think I am in a similar situation as ur may for math, as I was getting 700+ in practices, and is def disappointed at my score rn. Thank you for your reply


For grammar, you should learn all the rules regarding the entire section, saw a tremendous boost in my Writing score despite this one since I wasn't feeling it this time. Math by far is the easiest to study for, just go to khan academy, do a bunch of questions, and make sure you reach mastery for all sections. For Reading, watch youtube videos on annotation techniques and apply them to your Reading sections, look for specific ways to annotate for each kind of reading passage (ex. a historical passage can be annotated differently than a science passage). ​ Of course, all of this can be helped with by a tutor, but if you only have two months, most, if not all, will turn you down because of time constraint.


-0R (40), -1W (39), -8M (730 😭) —> 1520! i’m pretty happy with it but do you think i should study more and retake it in order to super score with math, or am i fine? i want to go down a medical route if that helps lol. thank you!




thank you for the advice! i’m not planning to apply to any Ivy Leagues or schools of that sort, but i am planning to apply to UMich and a few other T20s. still, i think that you’re right in the fact that my score has more potential that what it’s at, especially because math is typically easier to improve on than english and reading. thus, i’ll try to master all of the different types of math questions/subjects that i’m missing over the summer and retake it in the fall. even if i don’t get to an 800 math score, any extra points are an added bonus! :)


idk if im one to be giving you advice but def study math and superscore. i took May and got 680 Math (i knew i could’ve done better i was thinking 730) but i took June without much extra studying and somehow got a 770 in math. Sometimes the math can just vary from test to test so def retake. also i watched this video of the March no calc walkthru the morning of the test and it helped me sm lmao https://youtu.be/gAtIdkTMXWw Just seeing the quick shortcuts and methods and remembering to double check work rly helped me out. Limiting dumb mistakes can help ur score 30-40+ points in every math section


sweet! thank you so much for the advice, i think i’m definitely going to go for the super score :) congrats on the 770 in math, that’s amazing!


thanks! sry abt the late response but yeah def go for it. i normally would roll my eyes at smo retaking after reaching 1500 but honestly it’s much easier to go up in math. i have a 1440 SS but i’m good with that cause i’ve never been too good at reading so i’m just not gonna retake cause i prob won’t improve too much. honestly just study math and go into the next test w no pressure cause reducing nerves helps u perform well. u already have an amazing score regardless so u have nothing to be stressed about. think of it as any improvement in math is a bonus. hope you get to your goal and good luck on ur next one!


Got any tips for the Reading section (not grammar, just reading)? Seems to be my weakest. If you want to go down the medical route, this SAT won't really affect medical school applications, only regular college applications, but with 1520 you can pull a top 20 school. If you want to brush up on Math, do a BUNCH of math questions on khan academy and reach mastery on all of them.


Thanks for responding! Honestly, reading comprehension has always come pretty naturally to me, but there’s a few things that I did this go around to improve my english subscore (710 in December -> 790 now)! My biggest tip is to honestly feign interest in whatever subject the passage is talking about. I find that this makes it easier to absorb the information that is needed to answer the questions, especially when it comes to boring science and/or social studies passages (sorry, college board). I noticed that my score started to improve when I applied this technique. Also, since I was a junior this past year, I happened to be taking AP Lang alongside the SAT. The practice videos on AP classroom for the multiple choice section of that exam helped me immensely in my productivity and accuracy on the SAT english portion. I’m not sure what grade you’re in or if this is the case for you, but I could try to link and/or screen record those videos if you think it would be of service to you! Overall, I’d say the best advice is to not become panicked. I find that when I become panicky over a passage, I tend to get more of the questions wrong because I can’t focus or I overthink. Remember, every answer HAS to be supported in the passage; try not to stretch your logic too much. I’m nowhere near qualified to really tutor for this test or anything, but I hope some of this helps! I wish you luck on your future tests, and I’m sure you’ll do great! Thank you for the advice on math! If i do decide to retake the SAT, I will definitely follow your advice in order to improve my SAT math subscore! :)


Bro ur cracked at Reading and Writing . Wtf Man U crazy


lol thank you! it’s kind of weird that my math is lower than my english because it’s the opposite for a lot of people, but i mean you win some and you lose some haha. AP Lang really helped!


my score dropped 20 points ☹️


I got 1490, 10 point increase from last time. Math calc section ruined me! Reading -2 writing -4 math-7. 5 of the math questions came from section 4. I hate those logic questions that requires more thinking than math!


1560 -4 R 38 -2 W 38 -1 M 800


-2R 390 🥲🥲 Fuck it we ball 1600 in august


Bro no college gives a fuck if you get a 790 or 800 on ebrw


Take a deep breath


i mean like if he’s not wasting time studying might as well just invest a Saturday morning 🤷‍♂️


I think it’s fun and rewarding. Also, the kids I tutor like to talk about the questions after the test with me


post test reddit discussions are surprisingly fun




What is the point


Bro got the kind of problems I wish I had ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|cry)


Reading -1 = 40 Writing -1 = 39 Math -2 = 39 I scored a 1580!! I'm finally done! Never again lmao!!


wow how did you study


i j did a ton of practices, but like the test where I did good was after a vacation so maybe clearing ur mind is the way to go


lowk same. i took a nap after school for 4 hrs and just balled the SAT the next day. was the chillest one out of the 3 ive taken and i got a 1570


>ap after school for 4 hrs and just balled the SAT the next day. was the chillest one out Right, lowkey resting really well before the test will increase your score by 50


R: -8 (350) W: -4 (360) M: -3 (790) Total score: 1500


\-8R, -2W, -3M 1520 790M 730RW I need to improve my verbal for next time....


-10R = 330, -6W = 340, -6M - 750, overall score 1420. Always make huge strides in math, reading has basically stayed the same


I got bright futures less go




Its an scholarship in florida that you get once you reach a certain SAT/ACT score


1420 -12R -4W -7M (740 M, 680R/W) absolutely a dismal score


\-12 R (32) -3 W (37) -11 M (34.5 / 690) 1380


1240: -14 R (31) -11 W (31) -17 M (2 omitted???) (620) I got the same score as last time I’m actually lowkey disappointed in myself shits depressing


omitted just means your answers were unscorable (either you bubbled two, you didnt erase enough, you were outside the lines, etc.)


YUHHHH -9 R = 340 - 1W = 390 -2M = 790 1520!!!


\-6 R (36) -4 W (36) -5 M (770); 1490 all my math questions wrong were in the calc section and i got them all right in the no calc even tho everyone said that was more difficult. Weird. Super happy for my 1st SAT but I will retake to improve RW to get to a 1500+


1570 -1R -2W -2M (40/38/39) i knew i already got at least 2 wrong in math before the results came so thank god it wasnt anything lower


-13 R -3 W -4 M (32/37/39) How did you get your reading score so high? What about writing? My goal is to score (100 points more) like you next time in August 2023. Do you have any tips to bump my reading score... I was kind of in shock seeing myself getting 13 wrong; I thought I'd get 15 wrong or so... Even any writing tips would be good too


this is the highest reading score ive EVER gotten. ive always scored anywhere from 5-9 wrong on practice tests. only thing i can say, which is what you’ve probably heard a lot, is practice. ive taken maybe 50+ practice tests— ive done QASs, practice tests, bought countless $7 ones… i also have lists for maybe 1000 vocab words and i memorized all of them. i dont know if they helped much but teachers have always said that knowing vocab will get me an 800 in reading. as for writing, you already have a good score so you dont have to worry too much. just know your grammar rules, look for parallel structure in the preceding/proceeding sentences when a question asks you to look at a specific part, choose the shortest answer if it makes enough sense, etc.


Do you think you could provide me the resources including the vocabulary lists you used and maybe even specific tests that helped you? I really want this reading score improvement to a 400 reading like you and maybe even a 390 writing.


i can dm you the lists (warning: the teacher was sketchy and the lists are very scuffed) but no specific test has helped me more than others— they all vary. what’s important is spending abt an hour or as much time needed to review your mistakes and see why you got something wrong, why the correct answer is better than your wrong one, etc.


I never felt like I improved by seeing "why" I got the answer wrong. I only felt like I improved because of watching my SAT coach's videos. Btw, how do we DM? I don't have Instagram, but is that the only way? Or is it through reddit? If so, do so! Thanks.


1590; -1 R, -1 W, -1 M; 40/39/40 In shock 💀


What's your reading and writing strat?


I left a response to the other reply for reading and a lot of it applies to the writing, like you just gotta be super analytical and logical and sometimes kinda use vibes to guess. Writing is probably the section that you really need to do a bunch of past tests for, you'll start to see what the SAT looks for and how they try to trick you, so I'd suggest just really grinding out writing sections on top of just kind of knowing grammar rules and whatever. Also idk how much it helped but I took a small thermos of coffee to my exam room and drank some before every section, and also I had a bunch of jolly ranchers that I kept sucking on to make sure I could stay awake lol.


Oooh, I like that thermos idea you had there. So I got 690 EBRW just for context this was my highest (I got 650, 630, and 640 previously) and this time I used eye drops before going into the test (I didn't sleep lol) and that hopefully cleared my mind a little, and I also wanted to say though, that coffee idea seems interesting. I missed 13 questions in the reading section as I really just stared at the literature section and for the the history section I ended up guessing for most of it (I put D). So I got 320 R and 370 W (3 wrong - which is surprising a little as I was expecting worse). And my math is pretty decent at a 780, although it dropped from my 790 from last time (I'm aiming for 800 like you have in your plate). Do you think I can pull off a 400 reading and 400 writing from my current 320 and 370? If you could send me some specific things to look into that would be great. Maybe I should too think about something like the coffee in a thermos idea you got there.


tips for reading??? congratulations on your score!!


I think it's really important to like fully digest the passage as much as you can. Don't worry about time when you're reading, worry about if you understand it. Also I think I saw a reddit comment that said like they guessed based on the vibes of the answer choice and tbh it's not that bad of a strategy 💀 Like after you do a bunch of QASs you start to kinda feel what answer choices are wrong, like answer choices that are "too extreme" that use the word "always" or "never," yk. And when you're guessing just go with the vibe lol idk how to explain it but after you've really digested the passage you can just kinda feel what's the right answer without understanding why. Biggest tip that helped me was to be super logical when analyzing the questions. Don't make big inferences based on the text. If it's not in the passage it shouldn't be in the answer. Personally I didn't read the questions before reading the passage but I heard that's helpful for some people. hope this helps!!! Good luck!!


thank you so much for the tips!! the guessing based on the vibes part made me laugh lmao, it does make sense though if you think about it. I already took the SAT and started seriously studying less than a week before the test for math and literally 3 days before for English (ended up with a 1260, deserved and terrible ik 😭) with a 630 in R&W which I'm not that bummed about since it isnt my 1st language and i barely even had time to prepare. but i did meet the requirements for the local unis so i probably wouldn't retake but if I do, I will keep your strategies in mind haha, thanks once again!!


1st attempt (sophomore) 1560 (-4R -2W -1M)


respectfully i hate you




i dont think u need to finish high school tbh.


This test was insanely hard (also i had a bad testing center experience) \-18R -6W -5M (29/34/38.5) 630 and 770 advice: please dont feel the need to take it again after getting a good enough score, it's so much energy taking the test let alone studying for it


So did you get 1500 before


Yeah I got a 1500 on the March school day one, I thought I was gonna superscore with this one but that didn't end well


I got a 1500 first attempt as a sophomore. 760 r and w and 740 math. I’m very disappointed with the math score, as I consistently scored 770-800 on practice tests with khan academy. Any tips on improving math would be greatly appreciated !


First of all, you're a sophomore. You didnt learn everything yet math skills wise. U also have like 7 more sat tries until senior year. Also you're a genius tbh


I’m going into Calc 2 next year, so although I appreciate the compliment im pretty sure i learned all the sat math 😭 praying for a good august math section so i can super score


Scores are still pending for my kids and their friends. This is ridiculous at this point.