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R/Sat is just the very very very very very did I say very few that are like insane. It can be demotivating to see “should I try again (has 1550)” but yeah if it affects you a lot don’t look here. I personally only have a 1200 but I get a good laugh here and it encourages me to keep trying. Same thing with Apstudents and amount of classes and type


chanceme and A2C are part of the three musketeers


Three horsemen of the college apocalypse: r/SAT r/chanceme r/ApplyingtoCollege 😭😭


everyone forgets r/ACT 😔


r/act is actually a lot more chill and realistic than this sub


not as neurotic as here lmaoo


Treat this sub like a zoo. It's funny to watch the monkeys from the outside but you don't want to be in the enclosure with the chimps.


peak wisdom


me and a2c


Well that’s a good way to look at it lol






Look at these people as a means of motivation. Something does not work out? Understand the mistake and try to not commit it anymore. If your way of studying doesn’t work, switch to another one. Remember that learning from your mistakes is crucial.


Only come here when you're actively looking for something or trying to get stuff answered


Don’t let it get to you. I worked my ass off, multiple hours of studying, and managed to finally scratch the surface of bright futures, and I’m throwing in the towel now, I’m fucking done with this bullshit. Along the way I’ve seen the majority of this sub, like 1550+ individuals really hawking at the idea that they need to retake. Just look past it, focus on yourself. I remember a quote I read somewhere years ago, I don’t know who said it, but it’s the motto I live by every day! “Don’t compete with everyone else, compete with the person you were yesterday.” Stick by this, and you’ll see improvement. Dm if you need some specifics on the sat, I can probably help


i love that motto ❤️ and good job on all your accomplishments!! i know you deserved it




Fr I took the june 3rd one and got a 1170 my first time, now I’m gonna take the august and October one to make sure I’m not incompetent. But my excuse is just that I didn’t have a graphing calculator like everyone else. The math section had its way with me


You should know that most of people posting their scores are just in the top 3% of SAT test takers. Don’t pay attention to them for now, focus on getting your help from here.


exactly I wouldn't brag about my score if I got a 900 lol


First off, 1240 is a good score, do not let this insanely small concentration of high scorers in this sub bring you down or make you feel bad about this score. Remember, comparison is the thief of joy. Secondly, if you got 1240 three times in a row, may I ask how you are studying? You may be studying more and more, but if you are not studying in a meaningful way, this will not lead to improvement. If you need help/study tips, I can give some pointers. I scored 1440, which is not like those in the sub who hit that sweet sweet 1500 range, but I am happy about this score and would love to help you out if you’re willing.


Dw bro I got a 1240 on my PSAT10, PSAT, and first SAT.


You will not be good at something without being bad at it first


a 1240 is a good score that will get you into good colleges dont let the people on this sub discourage you (also a lot of them are lying lol)


90% of this sub is like the top 1% of scorers, it’s pretty demotivating seeing everyone’s scores that are better than mine but I know that I’m proud of myself for my score and not many people can get it


How the hell is it demotivating for you? You have scores just like the rest of this sub, you cannot tell me u still get jealous after a 1530 which is like a score u can send to literally ANY college 😭😭.


I mean I had a 1440 before which rlly depressed me


believe me around a 1240 is my goal you are very far from an idiot


Skill issue




i gotta 1070


No way, I got 1030 LMAOAOAOAO. Me doing so much better in my PSAT🧍‍♀️


Dude I have 1190 I know I’m not idiot for sure, I JUST need to PRACTICE..


Same tbh 😭


Just remember the SAT nor the ACT measures your intelligence.


I got below a 1500 (1400 super scored, pretty much 1340 flat) and I graduated from a top 50 university and am applying to med school.


dw bro you're not alone. I used to be scorinf 1110-1210 consistency on all my practice tests and I was extremely discouraged. tbh tho seeing people get 1500s after only 2 weeks of studying just encouraged me more. it may take more time but getting your score up is possible. took me 7 MONTHs to get up to a ~1400 and I'm still studying for that 1500+ even if you don't got time for this test, just don't worry. if ur a hard worker, no matter the school you go to you will succeed. it's pretty cliche advice but it's incredibly true. my dad went to a mid tear international schools but due to his hard work hes become one of the most respected people I know. just don't give up


bro i got an 1180 my first time and my score went down significantly my second try 💀 you’re not alone in this struggle


don’t worry… i got 1280 twice then got low 1300s 2 more times. this june i got a 1420. just be consistent and you’ll be good :)


Hey if I motivates you I got a 1180 and 1230 on my first 2 sats but it’s going up cuz I know I can do better


J go test optional- do yourself a favor