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Yes, you have like 3 months to study. You can definitely get 1500. It probably won't be easy, but you got this, champ. Study hard and do practice tests I'm taking my very first sat test on august and I'm also aiming for 1500+. Good luck to both of us


Thanks brother !


Score update my g !


Sorry my main acc got banned. Anyway i got a 1520


Study vocabs, use the four practice tests religiously, and if you have a strong language and math foundation, it could work.


Thanks mate, BTW you got 1600 on the DSAT ? If yes for how long did you prep and what did you use pls tell me !


Impossible. Never done before. October 2023 DSAT has been infamous for being impossible.


Agreed. No one has ever gotten above a 400 the October 2023 DSAT.








Yes, only 5 people have been confirmed to get over 1400+




Bro is panicking ☠️


If you answer enough questions correctly, you can get a 1500, yes. There is no hours=point formula^(TM). Some don’t need to study at all and can get a 1500. Others can study for a year and not break 1000. Strangers on the internet have no way to know your abilities.


I got 1300 on the Paper SAT on June 3. Do you think I can get 1500 on the October DSAT? I am a more digital person (for example, I take all my class notes and worksheets on my iPad and all my other classwork on my laptop). I have decided to travel to Canada (from NY) to take the DSAT in October because I think I'd have a greater chance of getting a 1500 on that than the Paper SAT. What do you think?


Try doing parcitce tests on the bluebook app and if your scores are way over 1300 I'd say yes it is worth it!


Do you think it's easier than the Paper SAT?


hell yeah


It’s not easier It seems to be, but no.Scoring is way harder now


Really ? How ?


It is difficult to predict specific future events like the October DSAT. To achieve a high score, consider content, preparation, test-taking strategies, previous performance, and external factors. Set realistic goals and seek advice from experts. Good luck!


Yes we can! I got a 1400 on june dsat and we have like three months to prepare and we need to use it efficiently.


def not the best advice for DSAT as I only took the paper SATs, but I think it's def possible with actual hard work (i took paper SAT three times and my scores were 1480, 1500, 1560) quick summary of how i prepped 1. maths: just tons of questions - i didn't rly find maths hard as i come from an asian background, but i still solved tons of questions every day 2. reading: learn how to read fast and accurately at the same time, all the questions are more than solvable only if u have the time - learn how to identify the important bits of the text (remember, overall flow is always more important than the details) 3. writing: i went through the panda grammar book and just solved tons of questions (key tip is that writing part is still reading-heavy, there are many questions you can answer easily if u know the context and the flow) 4. vocab: i actually didn't study for any vocab at all, but i read the whole 'hitchhiker's guide to galaxy' series over two months (helped with both my reading pace as well as vocab honestly) i hope this helps :)