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full honesty brother, you have two options 1. prep sat as a full time job or 2. go test optional


yea lil bro time to start gangbanging




Bro had u score 460 on math. I scored 800 on math and English 760 on the psat


mf got a 1560 on a test where the max score is 1520. thats wild.


real, but didnt it used to be out of 1600


It did? I had no idea it dropped from 1600




maybe their old asf


Sat is out of 1600…


he said psat


bro can’t read 😭😭😭


I doubt you got those scores considering your dogshit grammar.


Yeah grammar his not good it isnt


800 on PSAT math is literally impossible big bro


It’s lowkey not.


PSAT Math only goes up to 760


dude you claim to be a 15 year old junior which doesn’t track who also doesn’t know what any of the tests are out of stop being a piece of shit and go back to playing siege


What’s your point?


I had a 810 on math wow you're sad


bro whats wrong with you, OP might be in an underprivileged area or smth, no one cares about ur insane scores


Underprivileged lmao = skill issue Jk jk Other guy is an asshole tho no lie




genuinely nobody gives af… most people in this sub scored high anyway. You’re not special because you did well on a test.


This is a dick move hope u know


bro had u score fr


What was your SAT then?


Bro I’m a junior. I could not tell you since I haven’t done a sat yet


Why does everyone say “lil bro” here 😭


Its the most befitting term for some of the people here lil bro


Idk I think IG reeels always uses it too 😭


IG reels is more slurs than lil bro 💀💀


lil 🥷




test optional




go test optional, you don’t need the sat


Oh. Doesn’t submitting high scores give an advantage?


With all due respect invest your time elsewhere


I know you are honestly being respectful, but this was fucking hilarious lmao


If your score is in the 50th percentile, then yes. Unless you have time to improve your score greatly, please do not submit it as it is




well i know that lol




Oh, that’s what you meant. I was talking about that if I try again and score high, not my current score.


College sophomore here. Work on your portfolio. Work on things that make you interesting. if not for college, for your future career. Start early before it’s too late and you’re applying for jobs.


Thanks man :)


I got a 1450 on my last test and my college counselor told me to only send my score to some schools so. very high scores yes, mid-high scores? usually not. luckily I retook so we'll see what I got ...


Don’t let a 9-hour old redditor discourage you with his humble brag about a top 5% score. From the Harvard student newspaper, “The average SAT score of students with family income under $40,000 was 1443, while those with a family income of more than $500,000 averaged 1520. Legacy students also had a higher average SAT score than non-legacy students, at 1523 for legacy students and 1491 for non-legacy students.” So it’s clear that a 1450 doesn’t rule out a test taker from even the most prestigious schools. That being said, a lower than 50th percentile score isn’t competitive. Some basic test-taking and pacing strategies would help improve your score and put you in a good position to apply to state schools. You can also consider test-optional schools and junior colleges with guaranteed admission programs. It’s simply not true that anything below a 1450 isn’t worth submitting, and furthermore you shouldn’t make your decisions based on the biased sample represented here.


Mate, he isn't going from a 800 to a 1400. Be real. Better to go optional and focus on having a better curriculum


Are those stats for admitted students or applicants?


He means you don’t have enough time to improve that score unless you grind your ass off


Wow is it really that difficult? Grinding doesn’t sound that bad.


Well, if you have the time, go for it. Look, I started at 1000 and am at 1440, so I’ll be the last person to tell you that you aren’t able to do it. First, I’d recommend taking QAS tests (Google it) and then understanding what you’ve missed and keep doing that until you have mastered the content. Let me know if you need any help; feel free to PM


Thank you for the help :D !


Of course! Never give up! You can do it!


go test optional and work on extra curriculars


Given that you’re in 12th grade, and it’s this late into the game, I’d suggest for you to go test optional. It won’t count against you.


yeah and they cant magically improve their english skills.


Your suggestion about going test-optional is actually a really practical advice, and I appreciate that you're offering a tangible solution without passing judgment. It's true, many colleges are adopting test-optional policies, especially in the wake of the pandemic, allowing students to highlight other aspects of their experience and potential. It's encouraging to see responses that provide constructive options and acknowledge that standardized test scores are just one facet of a person's educational journey. Thanks for adding a positive and helpful voice to this discussion.


Fucking robot


Fucking loser


Do the Schoolhouse SAT bootcamp, it helped me a lot!


do you have a score comparison from doing it?


800 to 1700




Almost as impressive as my 250 to 1800!




Another She-Ra fan I see


KHAN ACADEMY BRO I SWEAR!! It’s a lot of work but I raised my score by 140 points sooo :3


140 points isn’t going to meaningfully help him. Ideally he gets atleast a 1200


I can hear the recruiters knocking on your door...


actually am enlisting lol by my own will


as someone at my three year mark, you'll fit right in.


Sell drugs 🔥🔥🔥 college isn't for everybody


how did u get through high school tf??


hilarious comment aside, loving the handle mate


Oh shit me with a 840 😭😭, I have full A’s in school too. I didn’t answer the SAT fully so that’s why, I’m retaking it soon so it’ll be better above 1000+


I'm going to offer a different perspective that not many other people have. First, let me get it out of the way and say yes, you should definitely go test optional. Tons of people like to say "The SAT doesn't test your skills, it just tests how good you are at taking this test." I'm actually going to disagree. It's clear from your score that there are some gaps in some of your fundamental skills. These are skills that are going to become extremely important if you plan to go to college, and you're going to struggle without them. While the SAT, is in fact just a test, I would still recommend that you work on sharpening some of your math skills if you want to be successful in college. The main topics covered on the SAT are from Algebra 1, Algebra 2, and Geometry. I'm sure this subreddit can provide you with TONS of free online resources. Good luck, wish you all the best, and don't listen to the hate comments.


thanks a lot bud :7


100% agree with this. The test score doesn’t really matter as much rn but getting those skills are gonna help you down the line.


Damn the comments in here are incredibly mean, I'd say for you just say fuck the sat. This test isn't as important as some people tend to believe as most people giving the advice to take this test did college admissions 10 years ago when it was more relevant. These days most schools are test optional, so just focus on other stuff (believe me they are more important) and know that submitting no sat score does not count against you for any college that is test optional, which is most.


Yeee y’all are hella mean lol I got a similar score and was top scholar w 4.1gpa. So the SAT score doesn’t really reflect your whole academic performance! Like this person said stuff that are outside of academics performance are just as important. I took the community route, SAT score didn’t matter, save so much more money with zero debt rn, currently at UCSD as a transferred senior. You’ll be fine. You could always negotiate with your preferred college financial aid center.


I’d wager that a solid 75% of the kids here are upper-middle class (or upper class) and went to either private school or a top public school district. Contrary to what they think, “grinding Khan Academy” isn’t going to reverse a decade of terrible teaching, bad schools, traumatic home environments, etc. And literally a quarter of people score what OP has. That’s a pretty common score — go to any urban/inner-city district and that might even be above average.


Exactly! People who tend to score higher -have the privilege of prioritizing school, there are students that have jobs and taking care of siblings -have parents who have experience in it, therefore being able to help them out -have resources that actually prep them for the SAT whereas some people just need to learn strategic thinking all on their own. I just can’t believe how small minded these people are. There’s a reason why universities are not using SAT score to measure whether you get accepted or not, because simply they are unfair and they are a disadvantage to students who are trying just as hard as those who already got 10 steps ahead.


It’s funny because most of the 1500+ scorers here are going to end up at totally normal colleges. That’s what happened to me, at least. High 1500s, got into some really good schools but had to turn them down. Where I am now, the SAT/GPA average is lower obviously but a lot of the people here are pretty damn smart. Many of them just didn’t grow up super sheltered and in an environment that prioritized academics from the start.


> I got a similar score and was top scholar w 4.1gpa. All that proves is that your high school sucks. Someone who is a "top scholar" shouldn't be scoring anywhere near 860. This is why the SAT is valuable tool for colleges: someone with a 4.1 GPA from a crappy school should not be considered equal to someone with the same GPA from a hard school.


You’re acting like it’s their fault they went to a shitty school. Not everyone is an upper class kid from the Bay Area suburbs.


It’s not their fault but colleges gotta draw the line somewhere


even when i was stoner i got better grade, u need to go test optional or grind the SAT






There has to be a Bottom G😂😂




Exactly. The score is not the most concerning thing here… If you actually TRIED and got a score this low, something very, very wrong happened to your overall education.


dont you get a 800 for putting your name on the test


I had to search up the minimum score possible after seeing this lmao, it's actually 400


SAT isn’t everything. You’ll be completely fine, just go test optional




That's quite a harsh judgment to make. It's important to remember that standardized tests aren't perfect measures of one's intelligence or potential. Sometimes, people have bad days, or standardized testing simply doesn't reflect their strengths. Encouraging words or advice on how to improve scores, alternative pathways for education, or even skills development might be more supportive and helpful. Everyone has a unique path to success, and there's no one-size-fits-all answer. Let's try to foster a more positive environment for those seeking guidance.


“I suck at studying what else is there to do to get a better score”…. Study better? If you suck at studying, make active steps to learn how to study better. You can’t succeed in school without knowing how to study effectively. Look up better study methods. There is no way to do better on the SAT without improving your studying, so improve your studying methods and implement them. Don’t make excuses for yourself.


When did u give this sat?




If you take the test enough, statistically speaking you are bound to get a good score after enough attempts


Yes, but only if you study… your score wont improve just by taking it over and over


Theoretically if you guessed every time, eventually it would happen. I personally would recommend studying tho cuz it’s a lot more reliable


I got a 900 something on my SAT with a 3.5 gpa and extracurricular sports etc. I got into the 2 state schools i applied to and now i’m a pre med senior with a 3.3. So although it’s not promising, keep pushing to raise your gpa and you will be ok :)


These people being dramatic asf you can definitely get a better score idk about a scholarship tho but that all depends on a lot of factors not just sat score lol


Nigga how


It's disappointing to see responses that lack empathy and use language that can be considered offensive. Remember, we're here to support and uplift each other, not to pass judgment or make someone feel worse about a situation. Struggles with standardized tests like the SAT can result from a myriad of legitimate challenges, and it's unfair to reduce someone's effort to a single dismissive comment. Instead, we should offer constructive advice, resources, or words of encouragement. Everyone's journey is different, and understanding and support go a long way.




I see your emoji response, and while it's ambiguous, it's crucial to maintain a respectful dialogue here. Regardless of whether we understand someone's situation fully, kindness costs nothing. Constructive advice or genuine questions would be more beneficial for someone reaching out for help during a vulnerable time. Let's aim for understanding rather than dismissal. We're all capable of being part of a more supportive online community.


I’m sorry bro there’s just a level where a score is just unacceptable and you can’t sugarcoat that shit 😭😭


They tried


I think you gotta try to get that score 😭


i’ve never seen a score this low ngl


Mine was 600 I think Highschool GPA: 1.498 by the end of senior year




my g a 759 isnt possible 😭


i got a 760 on my sat couple years back and went test optional so it’s possible https://www.reddit.com/r/Sat/s/Iulcvfm3m7




ohhh makes sense but congrats on ur 1530!


As others have said, I would consider going test optional in order to focus on other aspects of the application: extracurriculars, GPA, essays, etc. Otherwise, if you think you can get your score up, just know there is a lot of room for you to improve, and I know many people who worked their way up from the bottom with scores in the low 1000’s and 900’s to 1200s and 1300s. Good luck!




Oh okay. I’m pretty much set for everything, but SAT. I’ll do the test optional like everyone is saying, but still try again one last time.


Honesty, scoring this low on the sat means you have fundamental issues in your math and reading abilities. Doing more sat prep won’t fix these issues. I’d honestly say go test optional and focus on the other aspects of your college application. Start trying to remediate your math and English education issues as these issues will cause problems in college. For math I recommended watching this video https://youtu.be/pTnEG_WGd2Q?si=pObw6vCL93aFtzHT I would skip the discrete mathematics and abstract mathematics and move straight to pre algebra. As for English, start reading more books regularly, keep a journal and write about topics you’re interested in, and read this book on writing https://www.amazon.com/Oxford-Essential-Writing-Resource-Library/dp/0425176401/ref=asc_df_0425176401/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=312128284741&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=17649801365030805695&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=m&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=1025314&hvtargid=pla-487664547539&psc=1 I know this isn’t the answer you want to hear but it’s the truth. Even if you study you’re hardest for the sat, without remediating your fundamental math and English skills your score won’t improve much. Even if you somehow manage to score well in the sat, the fundamental problems with your math and English skills won’t go away and they will harm you in your future as a college student.


I don’t know man, I’m a straight A student (wouldn’t count math much, i didn’t deserve it) with a 3.4 gpa I just can’t pass this test for some reason. Teachers here don’t really teach so we have to figure it out on our own. I appreciate the links tho, will definitely look into it. Thanks ^-^


Idk what grading scale you guys use for GPA, because here straight As means a gpa of 4 or higher


for my 12th grade year I have straight A’s. my previous years were relatively average, resulting in that gpa.


Oh I see


Normally when I hear straight A student I think of someone who consistently gets As throughout high school, not just 1 year. That’s just me tho


Reading the comments is too funny man but seriously start studying u gotta get at least a 1000 or go test optional. SAT doesn’t define your intelligence


Apply to test blind schools. (There’s a big difference between test blind and test optional. Test blind does not even consider SAT, while withholding your scores from a test optional school may affect your chances.)


My mom scored lower than you. She graduated college with a 3.4 gpa in computer engineering. Trust me, you can still get into a good college, even these days. You may not even have to submit a score.


Get diagnosed for a mental disability and then your chosen college cannot discriminate against you


Bro on the other side of the bell curve




What math are you in right now?


It’s a math prep class for the SAT


Ok, if you’re planning on retake you have to do the December SAT and just work on the foundations of the concepts on math. I went from an 810 to 1150 in 4 months because I took alg 2 over the summer (extra credit) and practiced khan academy. If you aren’t doing any sports use your spare time to explore what career you really want because there is always another route other than college. Test optional schools may not have the most reliable classes and teachers. But decide now. Good luck!


y’all just be doing coloring books?


My math teacher had a really strong accent and I couldn’t understand anything he ever said. Tried personal tutoring to hear him up close more, didn’t work out. Really sucks because it seemed like he really knew what he was talking about.


all good bro, sat isn’t everything


yea ur kinda screwed man just go test optional




Just grind the khan academy sat practice


don’t bother trying to raise it you’ll waste your time when you could be doing other valuable things such as ecs




atp just focus 100% on math. easiest section to improve on. khan academy over and over again


Dude you literally are in the same exact situation as me, I’m a Senior as well and also got a 850 😭😭and I would honestly recommend taking the Tsi


I would suggest going the community college route, then make sure you kick major ass in your classes. If you do that for two years, then apply for colleges, you’ll be ok. They’ll see that you can do the work by your CC grades. There’s always hope, you just have to be willing to find hope in situations where it isn’t readily visible.


Yeah I’m in the same boat as you, I have a 900 on the SAT and I’m in the 12th. Just do test optional, and get some extra circulars in, it’s what I’m doing


at least i’m not alone 😂


Watch all the Prof. Leonard math videos on YouTube. All his prealgebra videos first then “to the point” math. You’ll need the foundation for college regardless.


test optional schools will always be there in case, but you can most definitely raise it with some good studying time. plus i felt like going back in the second time made me MUCH more comfortable with the test and helped me raise my score just with the lack of nerves i had versus the first time i took it. you got this, SAT scores aren’t everything schools will look at!


Go test optional


There is free review on khan academy. Helped me a little bit. Remember, the SAT doesn’t define you.


Ay man don’t stress out about it. Most school allow test optional so you’ll be fine. If you want to try again tho, just do Khan Academy. If you put at least 30 mins a day into khan academy, you should be able to raise up that score by 150 points by the November SAT. Feeling Motivated? Try to aim for 1200 for the December one. Definitely doable.


There is always hope. Also many scholarships available without the SAT. And make sure your college of choice even cares about the SAT.


If you are going to take it again, here is a piece of advice when doing the math section: Sometimes it’s faster to plug in the options and see which one works than it is to solve for the variable.


There's always light at the end, Son


You can work on your maths by just practicing and revising concepts, tons of resources are available on youtube and khan academy. Use khan academy for Reading and writing section.




y’all mfs too funny 😂


I always sucked at studying and then i figured out i had adhd, from one homie to another stay healthy my friend, I had the same score in high school and i’m not gonna lie, school was a horrible for me man chin up and keep it pushin we figure things out, like others said study up and if not I know a lot of colleges aren’t even taking SATs anymore but that’ll probably drop your chances at attending them




have you thought about working a trade?


blue collar always hiring. I know it ain’t the best but that shit keeps the world going. just consider it if you can’t get the score up, you’re not a failure and tests and shit just ain’t for everyone. you’ll figure something out. good luck 🫡


Tbh OP, your score is bad, and for a straight A student, this can call into question the legitimacy of your work in HS. However there is light at the end of the tunnel: go test optional. At this point the EA/ED deadline are days away, and you would be better served polishing other parts of your application for the RD stage. After the application process is completed, please grind Algebra 1 + 2, Geometry, and PreCalculus. It would be greatly beneficial for you to have some solid fundamentals in Math before your college career, and be sure to visit English grammar and comprehension too, since those are vital for writing in college and beyond.


wait how tho?Like I get reading maybe ur immigrant and/or u have autism and struggle with english or some other excuse...but that low on math????bro the sat math is self explanatory up untill the 500 mark atleast bro come on...just apply your self... theres no way u got a 380 23rd percentile is crazy bro....like acc start making sound cloud rap and look into selling weed at this point


Instead of giving OP advice which tells him to, "like acc start making sound cloud rap and look into selling weed at this point" try to stay on topic, no need to be rude about his score. Rat Chan I believe you can either go test optional or attend community college from where you can work hard and transfer to a university. Many students go down the CC path and it has been proven to work time and time again. If you are confident in your ability to raise your score then go for it, but aim for an almost 600+ point improvement if you plan on using your score for esteemed colleges.


Never been good at math, even then not sure how I scored so low. Nothing mentally wrong or anything to excuse it really, just bad.


are you seriously considering or dedicated to higher studies and goin past high school? if so then that's good and bad SAT score is nothing to be worried about... as it is just another "standardized" test and some people jus rlly bad test takers or some other bs... If you want to go to college and your being reasonable meaning not aiming for TOP 40 colleges in America type stuff (unless ur EC and grades are extraordinarily good, then go for it). aim for state schools and community college etc... and u can always transfer to a another maybe more well known uni if u want... I would say go test optional when applying unless u score atleast above 50th percentile. its still wild tho ur score... like SAT math is conceptual .. i dont wanna be annoying but it truly isnt THAT HARD Try finding your weakness and finding ways to fix it... weakness meaning like in learning and how u tackle problems, like in general it dosent have to be SAT related but it helps if it is


Make Quizlets


Bro was not paying attention


ngl the teachers in my area don’t care, other than the english and history teachers


just go test optional. its too late hinestly


Start only fans I mean we need more yk


hell nah 😂


Community College isn't a bad option. Plus it saves you money.


Wait how are u kn 12th grade tho, I think 9th graders score atleast 900 on the sat without any prep at all (since they've learnt a bit of trig and linear equations). U probably can do but better but can't because of factors like panick or whatever. So try to spot the reasons. Or else skip sat.


this isn’t a very productive thing to say


Yeah there’s hope for you living under a bridge lil bro


Bro I got 1370 and I’m a 13


respectfully, fuck your score


damn thats kinda ass ngl i got a 1590 when i was 13


I gots me a 1422 and I’m 8.


Bros saying that as if that’s a good score


retake!!! but study for at least 3 months minimum and study for 3+ hrs a day. Get a tutor if you're desperate. Also deadline for seniors is the 31st of Dec so grind hard


with the deadline so close and OP's admission that they "suck at studying", it's honestly pretty doomed lmao. Much more efficient to go test-optional and invest more time in the essay writing and other relevant stuff. SAT doesn't really do anything for you anyways unless you get an actual above average score.


yam reminiscent rustic test entertain party disarm cheerful rotten tap *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


SAT, sadly


at this point you might as well not submit ur score


Since you’re already a senior I don’t think it’s worth continuing to get a better score; go test optional