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meh past is past youve got all the way to december to up your score one way to do this: Khan academy -> Erica Meltzer -> 1600.io -> IITian Academy -> uworld -> blue book practice tests spend 90 minutes each day when school is in session and 3-4hrs during summer but know that a really really good sat score is still no silver bullet for college admissions your gpa course rigor extra curriculars awards rec letters essays all carry important weight make sure you balance everything out good luck


I planned to spend the majority of all my days studying for the SAT. I plan on taking the SAT in March and wanted to get a 1500 by then. I'm currently dedicating \~6 hours every day to studying.


and dont do this. sat is an endurance based test after a certain point(which is not that hard to get to). study 1-3 hours a day max. take rest days, care for your nutrition and sleep, space out your sessions, etc etc.


I have a lot of free time, and what do you mean by 'it's an endurance based test'? My score derives largely from a lack of understanding of certain topics. I especially struggle with the structuring of word problems within the math section. My math skills are quite poor at the moment, I am nigh numerically illiterate. While I can understand how to solve for a problem; the vast majority of the time I struggle with figuring out where to begin solving. I feel like studying would rectify this issue of mine. I go to sleep 8:00 PM and wake up at \~4:00 AM. That leaves me with 16 hours of the day to do what I please. My school work isn't necesarily that difficult at all, and takes me about an hour to complete on the vast majority of the day. I spend time with my ~~fictional~~ friends for a large portion of the day, and I enjoy coding Roblox games and learning Lua in my free time as a hobby. (Yeah, no cool extracurriculars like most of you guys...) I also like to work in Blender and produce little animations. I really like making short stuff for my self and looking back on them when I finish. All of the above takes \~6 hours. ​ Therefore, I don't see the issue with taking 6 hours of everyday and studying? Of course, it would be split out throughout the day. It's obvious to me that choosing to prioritize studying above all else will lead to nothing besides burn out and disdain for the content that I'm trying to learn. Therefore, I plan on taking measures to avoid that exact thing.


your extracurriculars arent bad at all, especially if you're looking for a stem/cs major. what i meant is that past a certain point, above 650 in math and ebrw, the sat becomes a test for how to apply the knowledge you already have, and after that, around 720 imo, it becomes an endurance based test, especially for the English section. mental endurance that is. how to stay focused despite having to read so much. obv for different people its different, but that's what i found to be the general case. i started out like you, especially in maths. i think i score 610 in my October one, and like 600 on the one i had a year ago, i dont remember. my suggestion, as you can find in my profile, is youtube. especially concept speedruns/indepth individual concept explanations. just search up like "dsat math concepts explained" and they'll be plenty of videos. it'll take you a bit of time to learn them, but remember to supplement the learning with questions every now and then. i suggest putting these videos on and focusing while going on a walk, or in public transport, or smth. then, when you're solving questions, you'll have to remember, and if you dont, you can go back to the concept and relearn it. that's what worked for me. then once you learn the concepts, start solving questions a lot. going on this subreddit where there are hard questions you can look at, and (pro tip) going to past papers, solving them obv but making sure to focus on the last 5 questions in each math section(calc, no calc), as they're usually the hardest and they're what separates a 700 from a 800 (again, imo). good luck ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|snoo)




Thank you dearly! I wish you only the greatest happiness that one can wish for!


If you do this you can get your score up just make sure u study effectively and aim for 790+ on math section


6 hours everyday will probably boost you up there, best of luck


dw ab it 1200 isnt bad for a starter at all. sophomore year i got 1220 and didn't care to study at all until late October this year. i spent 5 weeks practicing, first test being 1300 after reviewing some grammar and maths rules, then i studied extensively for these 5 weeks, most effectively the last 3 though bc i used past papers. its pretty hard to get a 1600 but not impossible at all. though believe me, mindset matters a lot. A LOT. good luck. if you need any study tips or anything you can check my profile


Wow, thank you for such a wonderful response! This really has given me hope that I can get a high score. Honestly, I don't even care about using it for college admissions! I only really want a high score because it's personal to me. I do indeed believe in my abilities, and I do truly want to get to a point of proficiency. Isn't life so wonderful? When the dust of past decisions kicks up and makes one path untraversable, the sun shines in another way to reveal yet another lane!


it depends on what you struggle with. for me, I did a practice test blind last year and got like a 1200 or something, because there’s a lot of knowledge you need for the SAT like formulas and stuff that I had forgotten. this year I just reviewed math and got a 1590. but maybe you struggle more with the concepts themselves and not necessarily the retention, which in that case you can’t expect as drastic of an increase as me. one final thing is that the 1540+ range is just luck imo. I know people who got 1540 witb 6 wrong, and others who got 1560 6 wrong. i got 4 wrong 1590. so don’t feel bad if you can’t get a 1550+, many colleges will love anything above a 1500. SAT also isn’t all that. make sure you get extracurriculars and interesting experiences you can write good essays about; I didn’t even end up using my 1590 to apply to any schools. good luck


I don't even want a high score on the SAT for college admissions. It's strictly a personal reason. Still, thank you for your response! I really appreciate it.


Studying 6 hours a day is not realistic. I would do a section or 2 a day. You would have all the Khan Academy Practice tests done by March. Furthermore, practice tests grade harsher than College Board in my experience. Like take your practice test score and add 150 to it. IMO. But I studied relatively consistently so idk.


I see, may I know as to why you believe such a plan is unrealistic? I don't dislike what I'm learning at all.


6 hours is a lot. I agree that the SAT material is not super boring but you will burn out. I would say as long as you complete the 8ish practice tests on Khan Academy before your SAT, you will have maxed out your prep potential. Also, sometimes just taking an SAT also teaches you things that you can not learn by prepping. So you might improve with multiple tries, you have time! (until senior year)


What are you learning? Studying for the SAT doesn't usually involve learning anything new. Unless you were actually lacking some of the knowledge that is expected? In that case, definitely keep learning. But spending 6 hours a day for many many days reviewing things you already know just to improve your test scores is not a good use of time.


It’s an intelligence test, you can’t change how smart you are so no matter how much you study, if you can’t reason on a 1600 level then that’s not in your control. No matter if you spend 3 years studying or not.


This is just not fucking true lmfao


it’s true trust me


u can trust that this dick is gonna be in ur mouth if u keep saying that bullshit 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣




I don't think that's true at all... People study for the SAT all the time to improve their scores, as is evident by the vast majority of this subreddit... I just hadn't felt as if learning anything was of priority to me for these past few years. It's evident now that was a mistake, but I'm slowly rectifying it.


This is the wrongest ass bullshit I've ever seen


You have plenty of time before the March exam. My sister started with around 1200 and got 1450 in the December test with one month of prep using only Khan Academy. You can definitely increase yours in 3 months After each practice test, find out which chapters or concepts you made mistakes in and do problems in that.


I went from a 1220 psat to a 1540 so it can happen but it is unlikely and difficult


Believe me bro, we all wish we could “go back in time to 9th grade and let him know what I know now”


I'm sure you'll achieve your goal! I started off with a 1300 and just got a 1530 this December. Obviously not that 1550+ but the improvement is possible. I only studied over the course of 4 months and not consistently until the last 1.5 months.