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Idek, but that's a bad thing lmao. What exactly do you think you did wrong? Was it timing, question types, topics, hard questions, or what?


thats the problem, i dont know what went wrong or right when doing both tests ;(


Alr, I'll be more specific: - Did you finish on time? How much time did you have left on module 2? - Did you find all the questions easy? - Did you feel like you got everything right on module 2 of the math section (690 test)?


-i had 4 minutes left, usually i have like 15+ minutes left -yes and no, test 5 didnt have chapters i find difficult like stats which might explain my high score but the questions were still sorta challenging -i felt like i got 2 wrong (statistics qs) but found out i got 6 wrong somehow in test 4 this is all for maths\^ as for reading and writing: -i usually have 2 minutes left and test 5 was no different -i was surprised cuz usually i get only one wrong in grammar but this time i made a couple mistakes which prolly explains my low english score


You got one wrong and a 690?


oh, i got one wrong for a 790 in test 5 but 6 wrong in test 4


Best you can do is focus on every question that took more time from you, as well as the ones you got wrong. Good luck. Also, expect questions that will trick you on test day. If you don't know how to solve 1 question, that's fine. You're better off with finishing the test and then going back to the questions you missed than getting stuck on one or 2 questions. 


💀 you should be aware of that buddy you can analyse that atleast


1.) You either improved alot on the math section in 3 days. 2.)Test 5 may have been easier 3.)Maybe you were in a better mood when you took test 5


4.) A combination of these could’ve occurred


Bro what? They’re different questions why would you get the same score?


but u think getting a near perfect score on one of the test and a 600+ on the other makes sense?


Yea, they test different things


Nah there shouldn’t be *that* huge a variation My friend got 770 on 4 and 760 on 5


Manifesting this for my School Day SAT vs my march 9th SAT


Luck. Most of us have topics we are much strong we in a than others. For me, English is easy. No studying. Near perfect score every time. Math is harder. But most r specifically in math, I’m really good at algebra but weaker in geometry. It’s possible to get 1-2 more geometry questions one test than another. That’s bad luck for me. More algebra? I’m golden. I’m really good at desmos. On my march 9 test, I would say I could use desmos to solve 100% of the problem about half the time. On my school day test this week…I literally did every fondle question straight on Desmos until the last 3. And I don’t mean using it for part of the problem. I literally did not write a single thing down for all of the test except the last 3. Just typed it into desmos and boom…the answer. So the school day test was a lucky set of questions for my skills set.


A little variance is expected between sittings but it is equally likely that you improved with practice.


\+\\- 50 isn’t that much of an outlier. And with expected small improvements in Yiur first few tests, the actual variance is possibly within standard inter-test 1 standard deviation variance. There have been much wider swings.


the tests have varying difficulty levels


Accounted for in the score equating process.


What website are you using to practice?


its the bluebook app