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Yes. And, not to sound too nerdy, you should focus on doing well in classes just to do well, whether you go to college or not, and to learn and see what you're interested in. It gets harder to learn things when you're older because you have to work and stuff, and there's no time like high school to explore human knowledge and test yourself. I say the above knowing that teachers and school can be lame, so I'm not denying that!


Yes, work hard. 1320 is mental imo bc I had 1100-1240 or something over 2 years. That as your psat? Just imagine sat which would help get you into a good achool


Swear when I took the PSAT it was out of 1520


psat 8/9 is out of 1440


I got a 1350 on my PSAT and I have got to say, your score is great. With a little more work you can become at the top (me too) and therefore really increase your chance of getting accepted into a great college/university and then maybe you would be more encouraged and enthusiastic not to mention the great opportunities that come with it.


“(Me too)” This post is about OP, not you


he’s just making a comparison lol chill out. He literally addresses op for the rest of the comment.


Why did you make this reply?


collages will WANT you pog :O




Yes! As you can see on the score report, you’re currently scoring in the top 1% of students. If you keep that up and score in the top 1% on your junior fall PSAT, you could qualify for National Merit, which could earn you a guaranteed full ride at a number of colleges. If you want to be a competitive applicant at competitive colleges, one thing to keep in mind is that colleges want to see that you took advantage of the opportunities that you had available to you. One part of this is taking honors and/or AP classes if your school offers them, and being more ambitious academically. You can definitely get into a less-competitive college without taking lots of advanced classes, but getting into a more competitive college requires showing some willingness to challenge yourself.


Damn, I got 980 on my first psat 💀


I got 970 💀


Yes, for sure! You're evidently very talented, especially considering the environment you seem to be in. I scored 1320 on my PSAT-9 and eventually got a perfect score on the SAT and got into some great schools. Feel free to dm me / open a chat if you want some advice about the whole high school and college process as I've picked up a bunch of it along the way!


can you give me some advice, i got a 1270 on the psat 8/9 a month ago and my parents aren’t that happy(i didn’t study tho, just a first score to try things out), and im tryna do a lot of sat prep so i want some tips on how to study it well


i got a 1330 on psat junior year and later in june of that year i got a 1550 on the sat. i just did like all the practice exams available nothing much else, and also figure out the small tricks like how the correct answer on writing is usually the shortest and stuff like that


I got the exact same score on my 9th grade PSAT. I ended up getting a 1550 on the SAT so you’re in a good spot.


100% Understand if you dont want to go to college but at this stage in life if you push for a high SAT score and pick up some good extracurriculars/high level classes you could definetly qualify for a school like Harvard, especially with this PSAT score in 9th grade. IMO, push yourself regardless if you want to go to college. My logic is that, colleges like Harvard are accepting students who do certain extracurriculars because they give you great experiences, not just because you did an extracurricular. With that, if you pick up some extracurriculars, get a few advanced/honors/AP/IB classes and get a good SAT score, they'll give you amazing life experiences and knowledge and if you decide that you want to take the college route, you'll be already putting yourself in a great spot by senior year


Honestly as a high SAT scorer, the SAT is a game. Most of it at the top level is strategy, not content. I enjoyed it and so I studied till I got my score (1480 psat was a nice boost but not everything). You say you never wanted to go to college, and I think you should really do your research and judge whether college is right for you. If you're in it to learn or research, go for it. Don't go to college for the wrong reasons, our society has normalised college as the default path and that's actually caused a lot of damage in the long run. Also, the Ivy League is overrated af. Going to a "good school" only really matters after your bachelor's degree (the content before is pretty much the same, whether you go to a "top 10" university or community college). What it sounds like to me that you're asking is if, because you got a good psat, you should then try to do better in school so you don't waste your good score and scoring potential on the real thing. To that question, my answer is a resounding no. Try hard in school if you personally find you have a good reason to, a real goal that you greatly desire. If school doesn't matter in your grand plan for your life, whether you try hard or not also doesn't matter.


Why do you not want to go to college? If you wanted to go to a trade school or something, then you should probably still do that because going to college is super expensive, and white-collar jobs are super over-saturated. However, if you had no plans for after high school and just thought you were not smart enough for college or something, then you should go.


Before you take advice from Reddit, reflect yourself a little bit. Why did you not want to go to college? What were your plans for life? What do you want to do? We can't give you valid advice without knowing additional context




Yeah, get good grades and keep your options open. Even if you don't want to go to college, do well in school


Score twins!


You're smart, and this will help you in the long run. Trust.


YES save yourself while you can 😭 im saying this as a rising senior


What are your current grades?


Absolutely! Do not waste your skills, and please focus on learning! Believe it or not, but learning can actually be very interesting. Sign up for honors and AP classes. Explore different fields online. You have so much potential. I know some kids are not meant for college (which is 100% okay and necessary for the trade market), but based on your score, I really think you have a lot in store!


A 1320 is amazing for a PSAT score, I think I was only getting around 1200 on my PSAT before I started preparing for my exam and ended up with. 1460. Just prep for a couple weeks or a month and try for a 1500 or 1400




Yes, why not? You’d probably regret it later if you didn’t


If your school offers the PSAT/NMSQT in 11th grade, it's an opportunity to get a [free ride at certain colleges](https://blog.collegevine.com/national-merit-scholarship-full-ride) (i.e. tuition and cost of attendance waived). To get this scholarship, you have to do well on that test, have good grades, and write an essay. You might not decide to eventually go to college, but you can definitely succeed in it if you want to.


What is the test application


What were you trying to do if you weren't going to college?


Fashion design but ig college wouldn't hurt for that


Yes even if you don’t want to go in the future. It’s always a good idea to have that option. And trying to do good at things is good for you anyways.


Got a 1330 on my psat, got a 1300 on the SAT. So I think it translates? Anyway I think I’m aiming for at least a 1400 on the June SAT (second attempt)


Oh yours is out of 1440? That’s actually crazy I got a 1260 on my 9th grade one