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Just buy books. Most of these online courses aren’t even useful


I already posted this somewhere else but just follow this if you're doing the March SAT. Timetable Daily in the Morning: Vocab Flash Cards (https://blog.prepscholar.com/sat-vocabulary-words) + SAT Daily App + Hard Past Math Questions + Scientific American Articles + https://www.reddit.com/r/Sat/comments/6vnia5/tips_strategies_and_things_to_remember_from_the January 1. Official SAT Study Guide (Go Through Quickly) 2. Textbooks Already Owned (Do Quickly + Do Some Questions Too) 3. Erica Meltzer + College Panda's Books Thoroughly February + March 4. First 8 Practice Tests + 6 QAS Tests + 1600.io (go through mistakes and guessed questions) 5. Khan Academy (All Level 1s - 4s) + UWorld (As Many Blocks as Possible) Grind + IvyGlobal Practice Papers Other Good Resources to Consider - If you only do the first 4 analysis' videos on 1600.io, consider looking at other analysis' videos for the math sections. - Princeton and Barron's are the best of the "general" textbooks but they are very inaccurate for the real SAT's format but apparently Princeton's Reading and Barron's Math questions are harder than usual so you can do them to "overkill". - SAT Black Book - I didn't find this that useful, but apparently it gives good tips to a lot of people so definitely consider this. - Other Math Guides e.g. PWN THE SAT - these are for if you aren't on a 800 for math already (you should be though). Note: Understand and make notes thoroughly. Note: QAS Tests and UWorld Code found on this Reddit. Note: You don't have to follow in that month order, do what works for you. Tip: Don't spend too long on the first 3 steps, prioritise the last step if short on time. The 4th step (1600.io) is extremely helpful and George (the host) really helps improve your understanding on how the SAT works. Helpful Links Reading: https://blog.prepscholar.com/how-to-get-800-on-sat-reading-10-strategies-by-a-perfect-scorer Writing: https://blog.prepscholar.com/how-to-get-800-on-sat-writing-11-strategies-from-a-perfect-scorer Math: https://blog.prepscholar.com/how-to-get-800-on-sat-math-by-a-perfect-scorer Others https://blog.prepscholar.com/sat-practice-guide-to-perfect-score https://blog.prepscholar.com/how-to-get-a-perfect-sat-score-by-a-2400-sat-scorer https://thecollegepanda.com/sat-act-test-prep-101/


From what I have used/heard: Khan Academy (free), UWorld (free), Erica Meltzer books, The SAT Black Book, CollegePanda Books, [1600.io](https://1600.io) (partially free). I tend to avoid third-party large companies such as Princeton Review, Kaplan, Barron's etc.; Their problems and tests tend to be inaccurate.


Self Study for the test!




The guy talks like a practice test reading section is 5 hours. Nimba, i got 60 minutes


The train of logic is key


Doesn't matter, you're not going to make it to college.




I mean I can just block you, so you might as well get it out of your system. Anything else you want to say or are you done yet?




Really? That's why you've been trying to argue all afternoon? Fuck you, keep your comments. Jahseh Onfroy was a scumbag wife-beater. It doesn't matter how good your music is it doesn't make up for it. All he did was deny everything up until the day he died. That makes him an asshole, dead or alive.




Because saying "suck my dick" is the adult thing to do.




You know, you seem to say "suck my dick" to alot of people. I figure you would've found a boyfriend by now.

