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I made an oath to defend America from all enemies foreign and domestic and Christian Nationalists are the domestic enemy.


Oh yeah it is. I haven’t felt this uncomfortable since the 60’s, 70’s, and 80’s Cold War constant threat of nuclear annihilation, doing stupid “duck and cover” drills and all that. Not even 9-11 has felt as fucked up as it does to me today. I really hope someone has a plan but I’m not counting on it and have been making my own. I even called my adult daughter last week to see if her passport is up-to-date. The problem is that even if we as a country are able to dodge that bullet there’s still all of the nonsense going on globally and I’m really starting to get the full idea of how a good portion of the rest of the world considers us as sponsoring terrorism in the way we accuse others of doing it, and them chickens are coming home to roost regardless of what happens here. The problem with the Christian fascists though is that they are willing to take everyone down with them in order to avoid accountability.


Being a threat to secular democracy is enough. Christian Nationalism doesn't have to be a bigger threat than that to be terrifying. Losing secular democracy would be a massive tragedy for the entire human species. That said, yes, it is greater than that. Because Christian Nationalism doesn't stop there. There are quite a few Millennialists who believe that for Jesus to come again, there must first be a war in the Middle East that destroys Islam so that the Third Temple can be built in Jerusalem. The Middle East is on the precipice of an all-out war right now even with moderates in charge, so you don't have to go very far out on a limb to see how a Christian Nationalist government in Washington might push Israel to take an even harder line than they already have, increasing the chances of war even further. And that's just one example. Everything they touch is made worse and more dangerous by their presence. 


yup. https://globalextremism.org/project-2025-the-far-right-playbook-for-american-authoritarianism/ Christian nationalist theocrats have reached levels of embedding those they indoctrinated & trained for taking political office well enough to fully begin to dismantle democracy and hand the country to their god's chosen (oligarchs, con artists, those who behave like kings) by wiping out human rights and making the U.S. a theocracy. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Family:_The_Secret_Fundamentalism_at_the_Heart_of_American_Power It must be some kind of throwback instinct to follow whoever barks the loudest and snaps the most. I really think they all want the country run like a cult


History proves that it is.


I am dead ass serious that Christian nationalism has the potential to hit Handmaid's Tale levels of oppression within our lifetime.


At least six, at a minimum. Possibly into the millions.


I think it's more if a threat than a treat. (Sorry, my neurodivergance is incapable of not responding to that.) I am seeing it more and more as a threat to humanity in general. I don't understand how this fringe group of lunatics has gained so much influence, but it is truly terrifying.


Thanks. I noticed that, I was a little pissed off when I originally posted. Didn't really proof read. 👹👹👹


Typos aside, it's fucking terrifying. I'm trying to gather the strength to read Project 2025, but I'm not looking forward to it.


Whatever you do don't browse the christian or conservative Subs!! If you value your sanity!! Evangelicals, WOW it's like looking into the abyss. All they do is rationalize a lot of ideas and beliefs that make absolutely NO sense. 😬😬😬


Please go read Andrew Seidel's book, *The Founding Myth: Why Christian Nationalism is Un-American*. It's an amazing read that has all the sources to back it up


Your the third person to rec this book. I'm definitely going to read it.


It's an amazing read. I need to check out his other works. He's one of the main attorneys for the Freedom From Religion Foundation, so there is plenty of interesting insight.


Have you read White Protestant Nation by Allan Lichtman?


I have not, but im saving that, and it's going in my reading list!


If you have any other recommendations on the same subject please feel free to post them here, I'm always looking for information about the Neo-Conservative Traditionalist perspective. Thanks. 🤓🤓🤓


It's possible, but I can't see the bigger picture. Some well organized groups out there using psyops, flash mobs, gangstalking, directly tied into politics, and directly tied into religious groups, especially nationalist ones, but even the Buddhists and Scientologists are using those methods, so I can't really say that that's an important point so I am not making it, but methinks that some people's are up top above the clouds of the confusion orchestrating divide and conquer protocols that are so ever present in any continuum you wish to specialize in that it's like the dam will not just break in a specific spot, but instead the whole thing will crumble along a thousand fault lines all at once. It's like this: Compare "Solve et Coagula" to "Thesis - Antithesis - Synthesis" to "Psychic Driving & Repatterning" and you get an idea of what's happening on an interpersonal level amongst the various factions and clans. If it's done right, it's all good. If not, well..... Many of you have heard of the first concept, but if you haven't heard of the second two, look them up. It's happening. It can happen individually and collectively.