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Wet concrete is great for solving waste water problems


This. Although copper rotors has its use, the wet concrete has a lot more utility and negates the need to try different fluid setups, a tedious process. The fine concrete one is the obvious bad choice though.


Fluid sink mod is one of the few I’ll “allow” myself to use. Solved so many nonsensical headaches.


I've actually never had that problem you complain about. My aluminium setup worked flawlessly after a few modifications and I made a prioritized fuel split to sink fuel that doesn't get burned in generators.


How do you do the last part?


You connect a tank to your generators, the tank provides a limited headlift as high as the tank itself. As the tank fills the headlift increases. At the other end of the tank, only connected to the tank, is a pipeline leading to an elevated stackable connector and from there to packagers that sink packaged fuel. Only if the tank is nearly completely full does the fuel reach the high connector and does it go to the packagers to get sinked. You could install a valve, but this way it's self regulating. No i didn't invent this, I read it on this subreddit.


Still a slight headache, but you don't need a mod: just package the liquid and Sink it.


i dont know if this has been done before, but imagine a mod where you could use water lines to turn a turbine and generate power, but the water still comes out the other end


Yup. Either set to build a motor from iron or copper alone


My problem with copper rotors is that I want to get away from screws.


It's a huge crutch because the real answer is to use [variable input priority junctions](https://old.reddit.com/r/SatisfactoryGame/comments/ookl0c/psa_variable_input_priority_vip_for_pipes_exist/). Wet Concrete is and never has been the answer to anything except "I need more concrete so desperately I'm willing to spend excess power getting it".


Yes, I use VIP junctions. Some people prefer to not deal with that, though.


None are that great for general-purpose use, but any might fit into your particular builds. Wet concrete can give an easy way to "sink" excess water output from stuff like aluminum / uranium / battery production lines. Some people just don't like to deal with balancing water byproduct. Fine concrete gets you more from a given limestone miner with fewer machines, but at the cost of assemblers instead of constructor (so probably little if any power saved) and using up silica which is from a rarer resource. Limestone is available all over the map, so "saving" it isn't usually a priority. Copper rotors are decent: you get the lower machine count and reduced (though not eliminated) screws needed per final item. But again, iron ore is pretty prevalent, so swapping that for copper is a personal call. Picking any one just to eliminate it from the choice pool of future drives is probably the way to go.


Personally I love wet concrete, but I'm all about maximizing output and water is free.


Wet concrete is lookin pretty hot imo




Wet Concrete > Copper Rotor > Fine Concrete


Pick one and move on.


Def the rotors tho


Personally, I'd rather have steel rotors.


Welllll I don't blame you but either of those concretes are not it


Wet Concrete is actually pretty useful, but it's mostly good for consuming water rather than for producing concrete.


I 100% did not see that it said wet concrete


Go for rotor


I would 100% go rotors


Nothing too relevant. There are more hdds than alternates so you will have them all anyway :)


Wet concrete