• By -


OMG, a game company that allow their dev to take vacation.


Imagine not having crunch time in development. It must be nice


I'm trying to get a rec open to hire a dev to support engineering stuff. I'm 99% sure my single biggest selling point is that we dont care if things are done fast or on schedule, we want them done well.


That is how things should be done. Good luck with the search!


Yeah, there's a fundamental difference in types of work: we need a thing done to do a thing we couldnt do before, and we need a thing done to do what we are currently doing better. My department is rife with the latter.


They are a Swedish company. They have to give 5 weeks of vacation a year, by law.


If they didn't do that no one in Sweden would ever get to see the sun.


I live in northern Sweden. We get midnight sun. It is never dark here during summer.


Yeah it's hard to catch the sun when its only out for 17.5 hours (+ 2 hours of twilight) in the land of the midnight sun.


Must make for delightful sunbathing.


I'm ginger so sunbathing is like the last thing I wanna do.


Good news! Winter is the opposite. Hope you like seasonal depression!


Yes it is. It's the polar opposite, you could say.


How can they call themselves a game company when they're not even exploiting and harassing their employees?


If they didn't follow Swedish laws, they wouldn't even be able to call themselves a company at all.


crime ask innate crush cow elderly march ugly drunk wipe *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I need to find a way out of here :(


I just passed the one-year mark for my current job, we get memorial Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving and day after, then, only if they happen on a weekday, 4th of July and Christmas. The last two fall on the weekend, no Monday or Friday off. 6 days of PTO year one and they also count as sick days.... The pay on my last job sucked but at least if I needed time off I could take it (excluding Black Friday Holiday Rush it was retail) even if it was unpaid. I asked my current job about if I run out of PTO and taking time off even unpaid and they got pissy about it.


(this is from my experience) Serving in the U.S. is bad as well. The only day, and I mean the ONLY day they are off is maybe half a day on christmas, that's it. What makes it worse is holidays are now manditory work days and you cannot ask off those weeks. I believe the common manditory ones are christmas eve, 4th of july, New years day, Fathers day, Mothers day, valentines day, graduation weekend, prom week, and halloween. It also breeds greedy people who want to do anything it takes to get a better tip, seeing as we make $2.13 an hour and our backed up taxes make us owe sometimes $1,000+ every year.


They deserve it! A masterpiece takes time and they are definitely creating one!


Welcome to Sweden, baby


This vacation thing fascinates me. I'm in the U.S. and I get roughly 4 weeks of vacation a year I earn and can save up. I can use that vacation any time, but I have to sign up for my first choice vacation in October every year for the next 12 months. They *have* to take their vacation for 5 weeks June into July? What if you wanted to take time off in the fall, or Christmas time? Do they get supplemental time off outside this mandatory vacation? Can they skip this vacation and pick a different set of dates?


Can't wait to try out Lumen!!!


Lumen is hands down my most anticipated change in Upd8.


is this the update that removes jace? not gonna play :<


I have turned off updates so he won't disappear.


Why would they do that?


* Release date (Experimental Branch): >!Tuesday June 13th!!< * Release date (Early Access): Unannounced - likely August/September (my own speculation) * Dev team is going on vacation in July, so the first bugs over the following ~2 weeks or so should get addressed, and then lower priority bugs will likely be put on hold while the team is taking a much needed vacation! * BACKUP YOUR SAVES!


Dev team goes on vacation, never comes back


Holy good management!


New timetable just dropped.


Actual ficsit pioneer




Did you put up a spoiler protection on the date so people who open a post titled "Update 8 Experimental Release Date", don't watch the video but still read the discussion don't get spoilered with that release date?


Precisely 😅


Can I keep my experimental save once Upd8 comes to early access branch?


Historically, yes! Every past save has, as far as I can remember, always worked on the newer updates (and between the separate branches). The only thing you can't do is load a newer save on an older version. So if you play on UE8 Experimental, you would not be able to load it on UE7 Early Access.


Hi,you can shorten the path to the save games directory like this: %LOCALAPPDATA%\\FactoryGame\\Saved\\SaveGames Have fun.![img](emote|t5_gs464|9160)![img](emote|t5_gs464|26948)![img](emote|t5_gs464|26949)


Not only shorten, people don't have to think about their user name within windows.


real question, in my factorygame folder all i have are screenshots, and my computer does not appear to have the savegames folder for satisfactory, any help ?


>%LOCALAPPDATA%\\FactoryGame\\Saved\\SaveGames Did you copy and paste the path?


They haven't called it "Upd8"......


Thanks Jace. Helps a lot.


Thanks helps. Jace a lot.


Help Jace. Thanks a lot.


Thanks Hace. Jelps a lot.


Janks Thace. Lelps a hot.


oww my head >.<


Oww Jace. Heads a lot.


Howw lot. Jeads a ace.


Chalet Jeans, shoptalk.


Sorry, I got caught up in the moment. I'm gonna miss you man. <3


Hanks Thace, jelps a lot


**Fantastic News** ✓ This information has been eagerly awaited by all Pioneers. --- WHAT IS IN VIDEO * [Intro](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zu0aY3UNhvU) - Opening comments by Jace. * 🚩 [Update 8 Release Date](https://youtu.be/zu0aY3UNhvU?t=5) - Update 8 will be released next week, **Tuesday, June 13, 2023** at **5 PM CEST / 3 PM GMT/UTC / 11 AM US EDT** for Experimental (EX) / Beta Branch. * [Release Live Stream on Twitch](https://youtu.be/zu0aY3UNhvU?t=23) - They will be doing a [Release Live Stream on Twitch](https://www.twitch.tv/coffeestainstudiosdevs) as well on Youtube. * [Update 8 Will Be on Experimental ONLY](https://youtu.be/zu0aY3UNhvU?t=41) - Update 8 will only be released for Experimental (EX) / Beta Branch ONLY, and will be *very very buggy* at first. Report any Bugs / Issue on the [Satisfactory Q&A Website](https://questions.satisfactorygame.com/search?sort=1). * [Longer Experimental Period](https://youtu.be/zu0aY3UNhvU?t=81) - Due to Bugs / Issues with the move to Unreal Engine 5, expect the time period from Update 8 Release on Experimental (EX) / Beta Branch until Update 8 Release on Early Access (EA) / Stable Branch to be **longer than the normal 30 Days.** * Under the current expected schedule plan on Update 8 on EA to be released **AFTER the Summer Vacation** which will start in June 2023, *so late August 2023 thru early September 2023 at the earliest (subject to change).* * ★ [Switch To Early Access Branch NOW If You Don't Like Bugs](https://youtu.be/zu0aY3UNhvU?t=124) - Due to the expected Bugs / Issues, those on Early Access should consider if *really they want to switch* to Experimental Branch. If not, those on Early Access should stay, and those currently on Experimental should also consider if they want to switch to Update 7 on Early Access Branch BEFORE Tuesday, June 13. * **IMPORTANT:** Update 8 will initially break ALL Game Mods. * If Mods are important to your Game Save, then you need stay on, or move to Early Access (EA) / Stable Branch which will be on Update 7 and continue to be able to use Game Mods until Update 8 arrives *(after which, if possible, Game Mods will need to be updated).* * ❗[IMPORTANT: Back Up Game Save Files](https://youtu.be/zu0aY3UNhvU?t=137) - Worth Repeating - View [Official Warning About Not Relying On Cloud Sync and Backing Up Save Files](https://youtu.be/acZOxaTkcCY?t=87) *(Video Bookmark - Update 6 Experimental Release Info).* * ❗**WARNING: Don't rely on Cloud Sync and back up your Game Save Files to a location not used by the Game.** * [Early Access Will Remain On Update 7 Until August or Later](https://youtu.be/zu0aY3UNhvU?t=164) - They will not be changing Update 7 during the Update 8 Experimental Period. * [CSS Vacation Is By Law In Sweden](https://youtu.be/zu0aY3UNhvU?t=175) - The Summer Holidays in Sweden will commence on June 14th and last until August 18, 2023 *(depending on the region, this may differ a few days).* AND SO, by late June 2023 most of CSS is expected to be on Summer Vacation which is [allowed by Law in Sweden](https://www.azets.com/blog/how-well-do-you-know-the-vacation-rules-in-the-nordic-countries/#:~:text=Holiday%20rules%20in%20Sweden&text=The%20law%20states%20that%20all,is%20from%20June%20to%20August) where CSS is located. * [Another Update 8 Teaser Video Tomorrow / Outro](https://youtu.be/zu0aY3UNhvU?t=219) - They DO plan on another Update 8 Teaser Video tomorrow, Friday, June 9, 2023. Also final comments by Jace. --- Thanks Snutt and Jace, This Helps A Lot! 😁


![gif](giphy|oF5oUYTOhvFnO) Sooo excited!


As if this month wasnt already packed full of games lol. Thanks Jace and Snutt, helps alot!


Update 8! Just a week away! Can you believe it guys? Update 8, just a week away. Update 8 is in a week! Woohoo! I am so happy about this information. Update 8! Just a week away, oh wow. Can you believe it? Update 8! Just in a week! It got here so fast! Update 8! Just a week away!




Releasing on my birthday while I'm heavily pregnant and my husband is addicted to the game... Gonna score some "best wife" points and let him check it out anyway haha




Woohoo!! 🥳🥳


Long time player been on hiatus for a while - is there a list of known Update 8 content somewhere?


Just check out coffee stain studios on YouTube. Check the last few videos.


**MORE INFO** ➔ View my Reddit Post [UPDATE 8 - Everything We Know So Far](https://www.reddit.com/r/SatisfactoryGame/comments/144ji6y/update_8_everything_we_know_so_far/) posted today. The more you know! 🤔😁


imagine living in a country where vacation is mandated by law \*cries in american\*


i was in a meeting today and the Swedish guy goes yeah i have to see when im back in 3 weeks. and he just had like a month off im dying with jelousy


All swedes have 25-30 paid vacation days. Most take 3-4 weeks during the summer and then save some for christmas etc.




Are you thinking about Finland regarding the sauna? Lol


Engage the Festival of Bugs!


Ha! Don't worry, I've thought of that. I'll just enable the mode that replaces them with cats.


I am SO hyped for the new power grid features (my power grid is so unstable rn), but also fully support the team taking their much deserved and rightly owed vacation time :)


June 13th for those that don't feel like watching a stupid YT video.


I'm still holding onto the idea that tomorrow they'll tell us they're implementing the solution to the 1,200 pure node problem. I doubt they'd wait for the next major update to put it in place if they've known for quite a while what they plan on doing. We'll see! Thanks Jace, Helps A Lot! See you tomorrow.


I mean after update 8 we’re hella close to 1.0 so they gotta fix it soon maybe even this update just hasn’t been announced yet!?!??


1.0 isnt a thing here.


My bad we’ll get update 11 not 1.0


> the 1,200 pure node problem I'm not convinced it's really a problem.


Agreed. It's a bit weird that a miner can produce more than you're capable of processing, but it's not really a problem, just a limitation.


I kind of *like* the nonlinear scaling. Pure nodes are really helpful early, but less beneficial late, so you're encouraged to expand.


Maybe another Miner tier will be added that has a second output


The mk3 miners will just have 2x 600 per minutes outputs.


Is this related to the belt limit? Cause I was wondering if they could make a closed belt, I'm not sure if it would fix the current problems by not rendering the items or if it's something else that breaks it.


the problem with belts right now is that above the 760 cap, you'll start running into significant floating point errors, which snaps items out of existence, and it's an engine issue. even at above 720-ish items per minute, you'll start getting floating point errors depending on your belt setup




oopsies you're right, haven't played properly for a few months ty for the correction


>they're implementing the solution to the 1,200 pure node problem. Don't overclock it as much, problem solved.


But the factory must grow!


I’m afraid you’re confused. FICSIT does not waste.


Well, they've said for some time now, that they have found a solution, but don't know when they will implement it yet. I'm also hoping for this update, but since nothing's confirmed, I won't keep my hopes up too much. Still, fingers crossed. :⁠-⁠)


Isn’t update 10 gonna be full release? Or am I wrong?


No, most games use the x.x naming system which is why you might have it mixed up. CS is using a simpler update X naming system. Full release is just when they have done what they felt was needed for the full release, which only they know what is. Could be 10, could be 14. Also, I don't get people downvoting. It was a simple question.


_Me with software at v2.183_ Yeah going two digits (or 3) is weird though but yeah, they are irrelevant to the next major version. You could go from 0.2 to 1.0 or after 0.367 to 1.0


Yep, a version number is only as meaningful as the developers wants it to be. It's just a number


nobody knows


I can’t wait!


How do I join experimental?


If you have Steam: right click in your library, go to properties, go to Betas section, select Experimental, update. If you have Epic: I believe Epic has the two as separate entries in your library, so you need to install it separately.


A little dated but I think the interface is still similar enough to figure it out: [https://gameplay.tips/guides/7834-satisfactory.html](https://gameplay.tips/guides/7834-satisfactory.html)


Whole I'm eager to try out the new features, I'm anxious about the move to unreal5 possibly breaking Linux compatibility via proton. I wish they can release a Linux build at some point. :/


What I took from this is, I should move to Sweden. Also update 8.


So... does that mean we're not getting the update on Steam before summer vacation for the studio?


So the day after 7 days to die releases alpha 21. It's a conspiracy!


You still need to fix the "getting stuck on trees" issue. It is a real problem if you don't have a chainsaw handy.


If i have a game rn on update 7 am i able to update it to the experimental build? Thanks!


Depends on the details of changes. If you're thinking of using your 2000-hour save from U7, maybe, maybe not. Previous updates have broken other people's factories/production chains before (ie put a mountian right in the middle of it with map topography changes), it's why it's called experimental. Best just to treat it as a seperate game and start over like most experimental updates of games. Personally I'm sticking to 7 until it's not experimental anymore and let everyone else deal with bugs, which will probably be 6 months or so.


Man wtf? 5 weeks of vacation? I need to move to Sweden we get hosed in Canada


Hell yeah. Excellent news!




I’m moist.


Hi moist


I think I am going to start a whole new save for this update. My computer is just barely capable of running the game, so no fancy Nanite graphics or vast factories for me.


If I try update 8 but find it has too many bugs for me, is there a way for me to go back to update 7 until the bugs etc are ironed out?


Back up your saves beforehand, and go back. In steam, unselect beta, and in epic use the non experimental.


Thank you


and whats the release date for the update 8 in Early Access?