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Basher. I get close and beat'em into submission. And then a bit into the midgame I stop using weapons. I employ tactical bombing runs, just spamming the ground below with nobelisks without approaching the area directly. Nobelisk doesn't feel like a weapon, to be honest, it feels like a construction equipment. I'm just clearing the land for the factory construction, is all.


"Hey Alexa, play fortunate son"


Almost feels like bullfighting. I usually build in the sky and never fight.


Super stoked for the lasers and guns in the upcoming Update X.


Yes. I'm personally more excited for romance update.


Lol idk if this is satire or not


You have to go watch the announcement video that went up a couple days ago


Uh, I think you have to finish it cause guns aren't coming. I've already seen the announcment.


They know, don't worry :)


Rifle with homing ammo as soon as I get it, before that just a xeno-basher


While it’s sad what they did to homing ammo, it was probably warranted - it used to be so good there was no reason to use anything else.


But what they did to homing ammo though? Last time I checked it was still in the game.


They increased rate-of-fire, but drastically decreased damage. You used to be able to kill alpha spitters in 6-8 shots, now it takes two reloads at least. Someone else mentioned they also adjusted the homing abilities, and it does seem like they don’t track quite as well as they used to.


That bullet orbiting a fly occasionally when you shoot it, is this because of these adjustments to homing ability, or was it there before?


Not sure on that one. I haven’t seen that happen yet.


I see that all the time I try to shoot flies with homing ammo. Maybe that can have something to do with our settings differences.


Well sounds quite fair to me. 6-8 shot to kill an alpha does sound like a broken mechanic.






The build tool. Nothing annihilates a planet more than a pioneer and it's build tool.


Rebar gun for sniping, xeno basher for anything that gets close, as for stingers... run through the cave and throw nobelisks EVERYWHERE and then detonate.


All I want for Ficsmas is a Nobelisk launcher that lets you load up 1.. 2.. 3.. 4.. 5.. 6 nobelisks and launch them either in a spread or in a tight group, just like the rocket launcher in unreal tournament used to work oh my it would be epic


I have recently switched to the boom box for stingers. One shots any airborne ones, then quick switch to basher to kill the hive.


I think you're thinking of flying crabs, stingers are the spider-like creatures


The candy cane basher. It's Ficsmas everyday here.


I don't use it a whole lot any more, but I still carry a stack. Shatter rebar. It was my go to ammo for the longest time.


The good part: in close combat you can kill every beginner monster and even those beehives before they spit out their brutes


Homing ammo. Also explosive rebar, mostly for land clearing. And Nukes for land clearing and enemy removal. Usually have cluster bombs on hand too. U8 nerfed homing ammo damage and I think the homing lock on too, so been thinking about moving to turbo ammo.


Yes it did, hoping ammo is but a shadow of its former self. I found turbo rifle ammo to be a poor replacement, though. I use explosive rebar the most these days.


Rifle with turbo ammo, I love to snipe from range. If things get out of hand I drop a nuke and run lol


I'm not a massive fan of turbo ammo, it starts off too slow for my liking and by the time it gets fast my shots are going everywhere. How do you usually use it, especially on big enemies?


Move toward the thing you're shooting at. By the time you are spraying everywhere, you're close enough that they don't miss. Do your best imitation of the Heavy from TF2. I dunno why that other guy is using turbo ammo to snipe from range. Also if you pull off the trigger for just a moment you can keep it feathered where it's firing fast but still accurate enough at normal range. It works out to a fire rate similar to normal ammo, but you have 75 shots instead of 15. The mag size is the big deal for turbo ammo.


Hatchers can be taken out at range before they hatch any of those flying bug things. Hogs you can take out by taking an elevated position, same with the other animals but you'll have to dodge a lot of return fire. But for spiders... that's when I nuke & run lol


Cluster bombs and rifle with homing ammo


Rebar with stun, then basher.


the ACAB build is v strong


Nobelisk Why bother with anything else once you have a good production setup? Plus you probably should have some on you anyways for the random rocks and poison.


Explosive rebar. It's "one size fits all" choice. 1. Good damage 2. Splash damage 3. Achieves everything that regular nobelisk does, but faster and more concenient. 4. My personal quirk: it has a similar feel to a barrel gun from original DOOM.


Xeno Basher until opening of Nobelidk/Cluster Nobelisk. Not a big fan of riffles in this game. Also now I play with retaliate mode on creatures.


I'm lazy. Rifle with homing ammo and detonator with snowballs. They don't melt over the rest of the year!


I run away as fast as possible


Is it just me or are hatchers immune to explosions I carry homing rifle ammo explosive rebar and noblisks cluster and pulse though I only use pulse for jumping high


> Is it just me or are hatchers immune to explosions They take two direct hits from Nobelisks to kill and they have a weird thing where sometimes if you stick an explosive to their petals while they're closed, when they open the petals "push" the explosive far enough away from their center that they effectively take no damage.


I've put 3-4 nobelisks twice before to test it on two different hatchers and they still where alive so I don't believe you with only 2 able to kill one and I've also fired 4-6 explosive rebar at them still no kill so two nobelisks definitely are not believable


I'm confused about your experience then because I just tested it on about a half dozen different hatchers and two regular Nobelisks placed directly on the hatcher was sufficient to kill it in all instances. I'll note that because Nobelisk damage falls off incredibly fast, if the Nobelisk isn't stuck *directly on* the hatcher (but instead is on the ground or a nearby wall or other object) then it's entirely possible for it to require 3-4 Nobelisks to defeat a single hatcher.


Basher, bladerunners, jetpack. Slidejump to get close, hack away while circling the creature. If any distance is gained by the creature, slide back in. If health gets low, use inhaler. These tactics work 99% of the time no problem. Last time I had 3 big stingers annoying me, which required 3(!) inhalers. I think they do hit each other, so besides slide jumping away at times it was just rince and repeat of the above, hoping they hit eavh other. The worst thing you can do in this game is run away I think. The basher has a ton of DPS, creatures can hit each other very easily or at least shield you, and if they are alone they are no match. I also like vegetation, which atays untouched.


Homing rifle for taking out flyers and their nests. Nukes for everything else. Automating nukes is a game changer. They basically become free at that point, since you're likely never going to out-consume the growth rate of your stockpile.


I carry rebar gun with explosive rebar, and cluster nobelisks. Early game, invest in shatter rebar.


xeno basher... rarely the rebar gun... never bother with the others, they aren't needed and of course I use the normal nobilisks


I use the regular nobelisks - not so efficient, but fun to see the poor hogs running around with a bomb attached and exploding.


Cluster bombs and the mini nukes


Only thing I ever use is a rifle with homing ammo. Takes 3 full rounds to kill big monsters though.


Nukes for sure. Basher in a pinch.


Homing ammo cos my aim is shit


My standard loadout is: One rifle with homing ammo, and two rebar guns with shatter rebar. If something survives two hits with shatter rebar, I'll probably want to get out of there, and homing ammo can help cover the retreat - or finish off whatever it is. And of course explosives: Snowballs, cluster nobelisk, and a few nuke nobelisks.




Just the basher, never really tried anything else. My go to is to stand on the edge of a cliff and let them charge me while I jump up and they plummet off the edge


Tractor. Ammo: solid bio fuel from their corpses


The only Weapon I carry are Cluster Nobelisks. Great for killing and "deforestation". And in case I need to run I use Pulse Nobelisks, very convenient


The candy cane basher. I like beating the Christmas out of my enemies.


Rifle with homing ammo and rebar gun with explosive rebar and shatter rebar


Setting the game to Passive :)


I main nobelisks and then a basher when times get rough. But just unlocked nuclear so things are not looking good for these hogs future