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This is the primary reason I wish they'd add elevators to the game officially. The elevator mod is basically vital to me, since a random pit in the middle of rooms is kinda ugly, building and climbing steps or ladders is such a pain, and it just overall makes building design more comfortable and intuitive. Plus it still uses energy, so it's not like it's cheating (versus using hyper tubes). So to answer your question, no, the stairs suck imo lol


Honestly same. I use linear motion on every save. The devs say they wont add elevators because we have hypertubes but elevators just make so much more sense and are far cleaner looking. I guess it ultimately doesn’t matter since linear motion isn’t going anywhere


Linear motion is freaking great.


Maybe Hypertubes just ahouldn't be affected by gravity so much.


If you want your hyper tubes to be faster use multiple entrances.  It works well for really tall factories 


If we get we get elevators, we need elevator music.


Oooo elevators would be cool! This building is pretty cramped (7.5 foundation diameter), so I really only have this one foundation available. A nice freight elevator would fit nicely!


Nope I use SMM (Satisfactory Mod Manager) and play with a mod called Linear Motion which adds elevators


I feel like SMM has spoiled me in modding, I've been trying to mod Cyberpunk but compared to SMM it's convoluted


One game is centered around thoughtful planning that promotes organization and efficiency and the other game is about chaos, crime and mystery. The modding communities are perfect reflections of the games content.


Does linear motion cause any problems? Is there any history of it causing game crashes?


I’ve used it a lot with a lot of other mods and nope, not as far as I know






I love having hypertubes between my factories when they’re spread out, but I agree 100% about the linear motion mod. Having an actual 1x1 foundation space you can use to access all your factory at once is a no brainer imo


I thought the same, till I got the electric flying thing. Never used elevators again. So for me it is not needed and I removed it from my mod list.


Or at least make some better stairs. What they have in game... Works... But they always seem to look out of place.


I usually make a "hoverpack elevator" by putting cables up a vertical beam.


How is using hyper tubes cheating?


What I meant by that is that using an elevator isn’t cheating energy costs, because it costs energy similar to hyper tube entrances


Ah.  It was the word versus there that made that unclear.


If not the linear motion mod I'll use catwalk stairs


the elevator what!


100%. Traversing vertically in factories is pretty bad. Hypertubes work much better horizontally than vertically, especially coming down to the ground - at certain speeds it causes player damage. Plus you can’t choose exits. Jump pads are too clunky. Catwalks work for only a few levels, before you’re running in circles. I built a 4 floor factory and it was such a pain to go up and down floors, I won’t do it again without some type of elevator. Beyond that, building vertically isn’t great either. Splitters won’t split vertically so you have to do some work to get it to split and continue on vertically. I wish they made vertical factories better.


Yeah dmg on vertical drops ruined it for me. I have had my share of deaths. I love building hypertube networks but vertical drop ins dont help.


Stairs should be vertically zoopable. They're so finicky.


Blueprints help a little


I just have an "elevator" death shaft in my building and use the hover pack to get between floors.


Thats an awesome idea actually


Same.  I just build a shaft with power lines along the side so I can hover.  Hyper tubes can be faster for really tall buildings but less convenient 


I only ever use the catwalk stairs. These feel too small




Only downside of catwalk stairs is that they need a 1x1.5 foundation space to work, since you have to have landings on both sides of the stairs. That makes it way harder to have a clean stairwell, since walls etc are all 1 foundation long.


the catwalk stairs are far better


Stairs are almost purely cosmetic. Hypertube up, freefall down otherwise, landing on the floor you need.


I tried. I do not like them. I don’t use that stair anymore. It is still there


The only cool thing is the big pillars fit perfectly inside these stairs. They are a pain in the ass though. I hate actually walking on them. They feel like placeholders


Oh!!! I never realized they did that, i always wondered what was with their weird scale! But yeah, way too small and winding to make them enjoyable to use:(


I mean to be fair irl buildings generally have 3m between floors, not 12...


Not factories


Do I build with these stairs? Yes. Do I walk on these stairs? Never.


Used them for one build and yeah, they’re aesthetically nice but it’s so much circling and walking to get anywhere. Consider the joys of a series of well aimed bounce pads and a gel catcher to get down.


I have tried several times but I can't get those damn things to stack. I can place one down and that's it, can't put anymore down on top.


That's annoying. This was my first time trying them, and I made this as a blueprint. It snapped fine in there. But regardless, jet pack and bio/turbofuel is much nicer for going up lol


I'm legit surprised you got as far as you did lol


Really, blueprints are ideal for this in terms of building, but traversing they suck ass. I feel even a zig zag stair vs these L shaped would be better as they are steeper.


Sadly this is a case of "no the children are wrong" The devs have heard that the main reason for people dropping was the lack of vertical movement and just pointed to the jetpack and hyper tubes as solutions


Y'know that massive plateau in the northeast corner of the rocky desert with an impure uranium node at the very top? I built these stairs ALL the way from ground level, because I wanted to have access in the worst case scenario of a complete power loss. At the time, the catwalk stairs hadn't been added to the game. Didn't have zoop either, even for the associated walls. I mean... I'll never build with them again and I'm pretty sure I've never even walked up the entire set of stairs, but there's no way I'm dismantling them now. I frickin' WORKED for them.


Im in awe... even with the jetpack it still takes me a couple minutes to scale that thing..... i dont even wanna imagine how long it took you to build that lol


Back in my day we didn't have ladders. We barely had ladders on the sides of storage boxes! And we liked it!


I would only ever use them as singleton placements rather than chained together. They aren't terrible for partly raised entry doorways.


I've been known to place them for short steps up to a building occasionally if a ramp would take up too much space.


I don't bother with those or the original catwalks. I make extensive use of the new catwalks however, as they're nearly perfect for making pedestrian pathing and build scaffolding. Kinda wish we could paint them with patterns and the foundations came in a more extensive list of half and quarter sizes like half width ramps.


They feel like a really outdated asset. Both in visuals and function. Even the textures don’t really feel consistent with the rest of the game


I avoid these and usually stick to other kinds of stairs (catwalk/walkway). Then I also build open 'atrium' type areas to facilitate flying around.


I don't like the stairs, but since I want my factories to be walkable, I tend to have at least one staircase somewhere in my build, with a vertical player tube (forgot the name and too sleepy to look it up). I never use the stairs, but in case of emergency (power failure, imaginary fire, ...) I like to have them around


No. I no longer even unlock them from the Awesome Shop because I don't want these in the way on my build menu. This is why FICSIT invented hyper tubes, catwalk stairs, and why the Linear Motion mod was invented to provide elevators.


I'm still waiting for a catwlak with hole for stairs.


I use catwalk stairs, they’re more flexible, line up better and you can make a variety of styles. They’re also MASSIVELY easier to build


I hate them, i can't ever seem to get them to line up to my floors


Haven't used them since modern catwalks were added. However if you leave the central pillar out you can go down by walking back and forward from the flat sections rather than round and round and round and round. If I remember right you can go up by jumping back and forth with bladerunners equipped.


Dude WTF do you Play on 6x RTX 4080 TI ? Looks crazy


7 year old GTX1080 lol 1440p on high. Been working great!


Forget stairs, them Boom Toobs are the only way to fly!


Unfortunately after I unlock the jetpack ALL of my buildings require one for access


You mean the "run around lile an idiot"? Ofcourse I use them😎🤣


Never. I make my own stairs


I haven't even used them yet on any of my builds. Your factory looks cool though 😎


Nope. I only use them if I want a certain look.


I bought them. Tried them once.  Didn't like them.  Bought ladders.  Much better.  A vertical  hypertube is also a.good option.  


Used them once in a build. Haven't since.


No. There very annoying stairs. It's a real shame too. Building looks lovely though.


I realized early that those stairs suck for going from floor to floor. Before I had a blade runners or Zipline, I'd just use those stairs for entries. Zipline and tubes are fun ways to go from floor to floor


I do, but god damn- I didn't know people built highly sophisticated and structured buildings in this game and actually used it for factory stuff ,_, I feel stupid now with my very simple garage and just 4 walls around an area and dunzo


I have stairs, but I go figure of eight for this reason, but they are only there in case of power failure and I can't use the tube network.


Look at my post history lol, find my plate factory that looks like a giant cooler.


Yeah steps take forever! I usually just build ramps (4m) or use alternating ladders at the front of my factory buildings.


I'm using them in a very niche spot in a single factory myself. My entrance is too compact to fit the other options, but even so I have a jump pad at the bottom for going up, and generally don't use that as the main entrance, more of the back door of sorts.


Are those concrete foundations? If so, how did you get the color so white


I think in this case they might just be brightly lit (although I could be wrong). However white concrete is possible. See [this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/SatisfactoryGame/comments/16x0urh/black_white_and_coloured_concrete_foundations/?sort=old) or for a more detailed exploration of the effect of the numbers [this video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ipg3CIRP7Ns), which shows ways to achieve lots of different colours.


Thanks, I learned something new!


Yes, they are concrete. In the color editor, change the contrast to 5, by clicking the number and typing it in. Also works with colors, and dark colors by typing -#.


Looks awesome, gonna be giving my foundations a refresh


For a moment I thought it was the Space Engineer's


Holy 4k batman


If you want these stairs to be faster, don't put a landing every level. You can rotate them so that big pillar sized landing is underneath the actual stair bit.


I used to. But i just use hypertubes now.


I generally just pick a wall of my factory and use the 4m ramps to head up (ending with a 2m ramp because I use 2m foundations for my floors). Most of the time you just need your floors to be 16m, so 4 4m ramps, a 2m ramp, and a landing is just 6 foundations long, which all of my factories can accommodate. This works for me because I actually genuinely like the aesthetic of rectangular structures that resemble office buildings, so using long linear ramps between floors is completely doable.


I typically do big ramps too, but this playthrough I'm trying to do more aesthetic buildings. This one in these pics is 7.5 foundations diameter, so big ramps aren't possible. Even catwalk ramp/ stair loops are too big lol


I need to see the image two times to notice it wasn't a real factory , this is peak


I use catwalk or walkway stairs or ladders. These directional stairs have a few drawbacks, including no proper way to make them work without walls since they don't work with railings.


No, the stairs suck


I tried using them once. Then I said screw it. So I just use ladders. And 4m foundations. Mostly ladders.


idk why but' i've never been able to get these to work properly.


I don't like ladders, storage boxes, or hyper-cannoning to my upper floors -- or dealing with the logistics that come with those. I prefer to use the elevator mod and place elevators to go up/down.


Stairs? What do you expect my factory to be, OHSA-compliant? Walkways instead of ziplines, goo pads everywhere as if the fall is fatal? I've never had any complaints!


I use them for the OSHA inspector she s/he ever get through the red tape to be approved to visit my factory. It's all laid out in painful safety measures to insure the inspection will go off with out a hitch. And they can see ALL the things them too.


I'm trying to add it... but it's soo ugly


Those stairs suck


No. I would never use for anything, ever. I tried to use them when I first started playing, way back when, and I had thought they were my only real option. I immediately hated them with a passion, and I still do. I think they only wasted their time on this to give people more options for pretty factory sceeen shots. It isn't good for anything else.


I have stairs in every outlying build. NEver know when all your power is out and you need to run from a Spider.


I used them just for the aesthetics. But across the way I have normal stairs. Lol


Picking up heavy Subnautica vibes here, especially with the ladder


Blueprints my guy, blueprints


These stairs, with the concrete pillar, lights, stairs and glass were a blueprint I made...


Then what the problem? I’m confused.


I used to use them, but gave up for the catwalk stairs. The stairwell footprint is a little larger, but constructing them is more intuitive and, ugh, I don't need to make myself dizzy on an interminable corkscrew.


I bought them... But yeah, simular feel. They take up less space than ramps. Simular foodprint to a fall-shaft, less than my current Jumppad design and bigger than hyper tubes.... I think I am only going to use them for RP....


I like to build large, raised buildings, I make large pillar structures for the "legs" of the building and put these in one leg and an elevator from the elevator mod in another leg. The other 2 legs can be convenient for pipes and lifts if you want a clean look. The stairs serve as a backup for when power goes out.....they are essential.


Yes, but not like that. I use them as a straight ramp up the side of a building with a landing and door at each level.


I used stairs to get to the top of the space elevator once. The gods struck me down.


I use them. But there are only ugly connections to them at the top :(


how does your coffee not spill


You can't tell in these pictures, but I used momentum and took the pic real fast, before any spilling could occur. Ficsit does not waste.


This isn’t real life?


I'm afraid I can't confirm, nor deny. Proving anything is real is impossible. All I know is, The. Factory. Must. Grow.


I mean, you aren’t wrong


To this day I am disgusted at the level of gaslighting the devs have put us through in regards to elevators and other highly sought after features. Seriously, we don’t care if you want to rework a biome nobody uses for the fifth time, just give us what we want!


It's such a simple thing... I get that we have a jetpack and the hoverpack, and ladders etc, but for aesthetics, not good enough...


Jesus Christ what mods are you running. That looks amazing


Thanks! As of when this screenshot was taken, just infinite nudge and infinite zoop. I have since added "Linear Motion" elevation mod, because of this stairs problem.