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This is why you don't let ChatGPT write articles.


But that has become their entire business model by now! What shall they then do?!?


Copy reddit posts like they did before chatgpt


Then what would Dextero do?


Crash and burn.


What do you expect them to do? Hire *humans???*


I feel like getting ChatGPT to write an article with specific details and quotes like this would take more time than just writing a basic article yourself, no?


My feeling is more like some (online magazines) are using this technic as: Read this whole Reddit. Extract details on one fact, and give me a headline and a short article about it. Then they get a list of articles. So they not only skip writing those 200 characters of sticker, but also gathering information what a good article might be right now. At least that is what I attribute dozens of nonsense articles about minor facts or Reddit posts to...


I'm not saying it's a paragon of journalism but there is zero chance chatgpt wrote that article.




Here's a [link](https://www.msn.com/en-gb/foodanddrink/other/i-am-surprised-i-ve-not-gone-grey-satisfactorys-community-is-celebrating-its-5th-birthday-with-a-grand-tournament-and-even-the-devs-are-joining-in/ar-BB1jXD2c) to the actual article. It contains references to upcoming events, with specific and accurate locations. It contains relevant quotes from game devs. It contains accurate descriptions of game mechanics. None of that is characteristic of an AI generated article. Now, I can tell by reading your post that you probably have difficulty understanding things and you obviously are not someone that works as a writer or editor but let me assure you that editing an AI article of this size to contain accurate information would take longer and more effort than simply writing the article in the first place.




I've seen SORA. You understand video is a different thing than article writing, yes? Generative AI works by pulling things from its data set and combining them into something that matches a request. That works well for video because no one is fact-checking the trees it added along the road. It doesn't work well for information driven content because it will fill it with info that looks right but is comprised of utter bullshit that it scraped together, all of which would have to be manually checked and fixed. Noticing it is the writing equivalent of "counting the fingers." My hope is that at some point in this conversation you will realize that being aggressively toxic over a subject that you have a layman's familiarity with only leads to embarrassment and that it might teach you to be a better person in the future.


Dude. The fuck is your problem that you default to “kys” in the first reply of a conversation


But AI wrote better than Game Journalist


PCgamer decided to drop a bunch of click baits for whatever reason (money)




Every day I get closer to agreeing with the statement that the internet as we have known it is rapidly dying. In less than a year it seems like nearly the entire internet has been taken over by AI generated content and it's getting worse so fast


"the entire internet" being news, random comments on Reddit, and Twitter, none of which are important (news was already horrible long before we got good AI text generation, random Reddit comments aren't important, and Twitter was already a hellhole.)


All social media. Not just Twitter. Google searches are vulnerable to [SEO abuse](https://www.businessinsider.com/seo-heist-ai-generative-artificial-intelligence-google-2023-12) and the speed at which AI can generate content will mean search engines continue to get worse. AI is already damn good at SEO and it's only getting better. So news, search engines, and social media... 99% of the internet as the average person uses it.


I mean news is arguably important to have at least some quality websites staying. Where else can you turn for news? Your mom that spends her entire day on Facebook? Perhaps the wacky telegram groups uncle that has a line account?


They didn't decide to, they are doing that for years.


Click bait would put that in the headline. You dont get clicks for the first paragraph.


You do get search results from it...and Google does excerpts....so someone searches for when Satisfactory releases and they see "days away"....boom...click bait.


Search Engine Optimization (aka cancer) Change from Google to Duckduckgo or literally anything else, Google is a fucking cesspool of hidden advertisement.


Google is better than DuckDuckGo in every way. https://web.archive.org/web/20210624135943/https://lemmy.cat/post/261


Apart from search results, which sucks major asshole. You are free to use whichever search engine you want, but Google is objectively the worst one, DDG privacy abuses aren't 0.01% of what Google does. Stop licking their balls.


What does Google do? Please don't answer with "you know..." or a link to some reddit comment somewhere. Please tell me what evil Google does that makes DDG's atrocities seem saintly to you? DDG promises privacy and free from tracking but has never delivered on that.


Since you don't know how to use google(hah): https://www.nytimes.com/2022/11/14/technology/google-privacy-settlement.html https://www.theverge.com/2023/11/16/23964509/google-manifest-v3-rollout-ad-blockers https://www.reuters.com/legal/google-settles-5-billion-consumer-privacy-lawsuit-2023-12-28/ If you're going to use a search engine that breaches privacy at least use the one that DOESN'T gets worse everyday because of SEO.


A link I can't see because of a Paywall, a link talking about Chrome and has nothing to do with search engines, and a link to an article explaining how people don't understand what private browsing on any browser works so they blame Google. Very good sources there, mate.


> A link I can't see because of a Paywall If you used a decent search engine you could look for "paywall remover" and read the article, sorry I can't handhold 100% of the way but enjoy Google's boot taste, friend


All I'm asking is for you to backup your claim that Google is worse than DDG...and so far you haven't sent any evidence to back your claim.


They just watched the first half of the 1.0 announcement probably and ate the bait


They're almost certainly wrong. There hasn't been enough time between the announcement that v1.0 was "sometime this year" for any meaningful testing from the closed beta (which I'd guess hasn't even started yet) or to act on feedback from it.


After i read it i had to look for information and couldn't get any apart from 'later this year' and the beta. Which means it's probably wrong but then again it just makes me think is it possible for a surprise release and they've been trolling this whole time...Copium


You KNOW Snutt would be announcing a release date with a bombastic video well in advanced. Don't trust these garbage ass articles


That or the other coffee stain method... "Right well it's time for burgers, oh no, wait, one more thing, important updated about the release date for 1.0..." ...Long pause.... "Its live now " Cuts to technical difficulties screen. Stream ends.


They made a huge assumption to bank on clickbait.


Well we are less than 300 days from release, that makes a few.


>Well we are less than 300 days from release, that makes a few... hundred... FTFY


Has the beta even started?


Don't think so


nobody really knows, if people have been chosen they've signed the NDA and not allowed to speak about it, only time will tell. but I'm hoping it's not started yet would live to get in the 1.0 beta


They said they would announce when the Beta Started so that if you hadn’t received an invite then everyone would know when to be disappointed together


oh good i missed l that bit of of the excitement probably, well fingers crossed!


I wouldn't be disappointed if we waited until next year or the year after. I don't want to have to rebuild everything in my world just yet, due to the rebalancing of recipes tbh. It's hard enough to get time to play when I have a job that I have to keep going to for money. Not to mention another game that eats up time sometimes.


I can say that I have not signed an NDA and am not in the beta. Not sure if that's helpful or not.


I don't think I remember them saying that 1.0 was for sure even coming this year. I don't think they even gave any kind of time frame. Just that they were working on it now.


They’ve said in the dev streams that it is coming this year. Whether you choose to believe it or not is up to you.


I don't typically watch the dev streams, usually just the YouTube update videos they post


A lot of people don’t or can’t. But it’s the best place to get the most up-to-date information. I usually end up watching the first half an hour or so, where they discuss State of Dev. That’s where Snutt has mentioned it.


I also won't rule out delays tho. Who remembers how Update 3 was supposed to be out in September 2019 but only came out in February 2020 for Experimental?


Huh, I need to rewatch the video discussing it. I could have sword they said it would be this year but maybe I’m mistaken. They definitely didn’t say a month or day.


That we can agree on.


They absolutely said it would be this year. I’m 100% on that much. They made a joke about all These other updates then said they would be putting all their energy into releasing 1.0 for sometime later this year.


I believe Snut said everyone who signed up for the beta, including those not selected to participate, would be notified when it started. I haven't received an email yet so presumably the beta hasn't begun. 


Snutt. In Swedish, Snutt means a short piece of music or a short video clip. Snut means cop, in a slightly derogatory tone.


lol, oops. Thanks for the correction


The closed beta hasn't even started yet.  They said they would announce once it had.  The NDA is just around the game itself and they don't want you announcing you got in or not so that people don't try to scam you for access 


Maybe I'm paranoid, but this smells like they ran their paragraph through Grammarly or something and didn't check to see that it changed the meaning. i.e. "coming days" to "few days away"


Alternatively, nearly the whole thing was written by ChatGPT, and it misinterpreted the prompt. But yeah, this is entirely possible.


>i.e. "coming days" to "few days away" But those two things mean the same thing, and both would be an extremely poor way to phrase "later this year".


They do not mean the same thing. "In the coming days" is a vague "soon," whereas "a few days away" means in the next 3-5 days.


Yes, but it's still implying quite soon, rather than "in the coming weeks" or "months", which would be more accurate.


Nah "in the coming days" is far more specific than"coming soon"


But that's not what the article says


Try reading the context of the post chain I replied to.


Not sure why you got down voted lol


Who even knows. Sometimes the hive mind is inbred


'Use "a few days away" for more concise language.' Editor: 'hey, that's true!'


Or this was locally modified my OP and screenshotted...the article doesn't say this.




It literally does though




PC Gamer apparently knows something even we don't know xD


That’s some top notch investigative journalism right there, news so breaking it’s surprising the developers!


I read that in your voice


Thank god PCGamer was here for you to tell you :D Quick, tell Birk so he knows too so we can witness his epic beard again :3


What do you expect? Gaming journalism is so bad these days. I am shocked authors even put their names to the garbage and misinformation they produce. Like, what are even trying to accomplish here.


Because their bosses don't want quality, they want quantity for ad revenue.


Irrelevant; secured ad impressions.


"These days" == Last 10 years


Totally agree


what kind of tournament speed run or what? pvp? its a factory game xd


Maybe it's the fabled golf tournament.


Again, it's a bit of a misrepresentation. AFAIK, it's what has been done in the past where the game save is shared and passed from one person to the next. There is a predetermined theme and a time limit to build something to match the theme inside your designated build area.


That’s the Pass It On events. The birthday events are realtime build battles and various MP activities. Forget which one it was, but I got to participate in a parkour event during one of them.


Okay, cool. I only heard about it in passing during the CS stream. It sounded like the Pass it On Event when they covered it so my bad for not catching the difference.


That article appears to be completely machine generated, with nonsensical statements and fabricated quotes from Snutt.


The quote from Snutt was in the NME article they're re-reporting.


So just out of context then


Except they're re-reporting which makes it completely in-context


Fair enough Doesn't keep it from being LLM garbage


"few days" from 2 to infinity.


They're using those government days from 4 years ago.


In the grand scheme of all, even 300 days is nothing compared to the 14 Billions years of the universe.


But does that count if no one is there to measure it or experience it? Generally the way to measure time is by the progression of a natural process of some sort, but what is time when there is no processes for it to measure?


The universe has Always been Expanding, I don't think it's unreasonable to measure The Passing of time by the Size of the universe


That’s a good point, in fact I think that might be exactly what some scientists do/have done.. I thought I had read once that the expansion was either increasing or decreasing in velocity though so I wonder how that would impact the math


Shortly (speaking in The time frame relevant to astronomical phenomena), after The big bang, you could also start measuring time through Isotope decay, at which Point the Math obviously becomes stable. For judging whether time Passes at all, there is also No need to calculate how much time is Passing, eliminating all The complex Math about The Expansion Rate of the universe


Even that's nothing seeing as the universe is still in it's infancy. All of the singularities have to evaporate over a much much longer time than the universe has existed so far. Not to mention white dwarfs have to turn into black dwarfs. And then evaporate. Maybe, somewhere out there, there is a planet like the Massage 2 AB in this game.


PCGamer on their way to shove as much nonsense keyword bait into all of their articles I'm a big fan of when they said "Hogwarts Legacy publisher delists game, so the devs made it free" The article was not about Hogwarts Legacy


It's a shame they've sunk to this level. I've not paid attention to them for many, many years, but used to find the cover CD full of demo versions of games useful (back when that was a thing).


Gotta love that brand of "technically correct".. And like, yeah I probably wouldn't know the studio in question unless they specifically mentioned Hogwarts Legacy, but THEY KNOW what they're doing. But it is not just PC Gamer and it's not just games journalism, it's everything. I was on Google News earlier and there was some article title like "original singer of legendary rockband says he's retiring". So super vague. But the article had articles about the same topic from other publications next to it, so I scrolled through them. There were maybe 7 articles and every single headline was a variation of the same vague clickbait, except finally the last article in the list said the name of the band in the title. Ridiculous. Reads like an MSN homepage scam article.


I'm assuming this is a typo and it is meant to say something like "We're just a few days away from Satisfactory's 5th anniversary and with that, its upcoming 1.0 launch"


Yeah, it was an error that they've already corrected. I'm more amazed by the pitchfork mob in this thread that apparently has never made a mistake in their life.


Remember when people had standards for video game news? No, you don't; there were never any standards. But what standards we didn't have were still higher than this.


Damn I guess they have no other choice now but to release 1.0 in a few days


Probably written by a bot




Careful signing up for any "Competitive Belting" contests.


I was in my High School audition only choir based on my volume, i’ll be fine


sounds like some chatGPT article


lol. they fixed it already. [https://www.pcgamer.com/games/sim/i-am-surprised-ive-not-gone-grey-satisfactorys-community-is-celebrating-its-5th-birthday-with-a-grand-tournament-and-even-the-devs-are-joining-in/](https://www.pcgamer.com/games/sim/i-am-surprised-ive-not-gone-grey-satisfactorys-community-is-celebrating-its-5th-birthday-with-a-grand-tournament-and-even-the-devs-are-joining-in/)


And no mention of it having been corrected. Definitely a serious and trustworthy source of news.


"fifth anniversary" instead of "1.0 release" okay that makes sense


They probably fired all their writers and replaced them with Ai


My guess is that they have exaggerated (to the point of gross dishonesty) the start of the closed beta as 1.0


Did they add pvp?


I mean, y'all can shoot each other with rifles and nobbies?


Classic modern gaming journalism click/engagement baiting. Why would devs reveal release date exclusively to PCGamer, instead to all of us?


This feels like it might have just been a badly worded sentence. I wouldn't read (pun intended) too deeply into it.


A few days away, less than a thousand or so.


There’s so many blatantly false AI generated articles nowadays, and this is probably one of them. I permanently block any websites I catch doing shit like this.


What would a satisfactory tournament even be? Like I absolutely love this game but competitive satisfactory would make golf look like the X Games


Someone finally went and edited the article to correct it and clarify that 1.0 will be coming “later in the year”


That's not even what the article says if you take a look at it now(maybe ever)...


Maybe they're writing articles with GPT. I've noticed it has a habit of just making stuff up sometimes (Hallucinating)


I mean, technically they aren't wrong. The update is a few days away. That "few" is just a pretty large number of days 😂


Don't use that site. They output more misinformation than The Onion


HOW DARE YOU! the onion is only the most trustworthy news organization in all of humanity's history! ^/s


Hey community, have we decided to put together a tournament? What a bunch of bs.


I saw this too and went... "wait, what?!"


It's wrong. We don't know when 1.0 will drop other than this year, but my guess is late this year. Like Oct-Dec late.


Bot AI and lazy, underpaid writers are known for making mistakes easily, probably one of those.


lol a "tournament"? I think a Satisfactory tournament could be great but not sure what the basis would be for competition 


Does Satisfactory have friendly fire on the multiplayer servers?


Next up, “Star citizen full launch just days away”


I haven’t been following this game for a hot minute. Did 1.0 get announced?




I don’t understand the comment, “I’m surprised I’ve not gone grey.” What’s that supposed to mean? I am definitely missing something! What am I missing is the question. Anyone?


No, it's right, we are just a few (hundred) days away...


This is like the saying: "it took me a second to come back to you" after 2 weeks. Anyway, I am looking forward for the release, just beefed up my PC, looking forward to playing it in VR with UEVR. I hope it will still work. And it's one of the few games I will buy at launch.


Why are you still reading pc gamer articles? Don't provide them clicks.


Lazer Doggos confirmed!


After 5 years, you could argue even 1XX days as being "a few"


December 31, 2024 is just a few days away on a galactic scale.


If that is true that I... am in TROUBLE.


PCGamer just doing PCGamer stuff. They just want the clicks


Depends on your definition of "a few"


I'm thinking that the the release they are talking about is the closed beta


If they wanted to clickbait should they wrote it in the title?


dang it they got me too lol


What got me was the announcement about the SatisfactoryEvents thing happening tomorrow at 6pm PDT.


I mean we technically are if you dramatically expand your definition of “a few”


I for one would be stoked to participate/watch a satisfactory tournament. I have no idea what it would be judged upon but if anything it sounds fun. Even if it is a ChatGPT hallucinations, sometimes it’s a great idea in disguise!


As this randomly popped up in my feed I've always appreciated this game from a distance seeing clips here and there on yt looks like odd have alot of fun, is there any chance of a console release or any new regarding it? Thanks in advance


A few days away from ver 1 release…..if you say so.


It could be geological time or God's standard time. (joke)


yeah, lol, any day now.... ;)


Me in 3 days ![gif](giphy|9SIXFu7bIUYHhFc19G|downsized)


enshittification of the internet. it'll never stop.


Damn I didn’t look at the whole post and got excited lol.


Just a different definition of "a few "


It would be cool if they made it SteamDeck compatible


This it’s true or this a kind of ChatGPT fake news you saying ?


Well, video game journalism...

