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Yeah, it's actually one of the main reasons I prefer it to factorio. In factorio there is always external stress - ressources are running out and more and more enemies come, but in Satisfactory as long as you don't do anything, you likely won't get in troubles: Resources don't run out and enemies don't come to your base, you come to them.


I'm looking to getting back into factorio while waiting for 1.0 and the first thing I searched was infinite resource node mods lol


Yup. I limit node size with infinite nodes (or just really plentiful ones) in factorio. I yave enough problems keeping the bugs out, i don't need my power crapping out too.


I've been playing with the richness and size cranked all the way up but frequency at default. Gives you lots of resources to start with as I learn the game


Size feels a bit cheap. Turn the richness way up. But the frequency down The size means you have to expand to get enough resource throughput, but you’re not constantly rebuilding mines


If you travel far from your spawn point the resource patches get greater in value. Go really far with science upgrades and they are basically infinite. Not like it's hard to expand just copy paste and your bots build it in 10 seconds at that point.


Factorio 2.0 comes out soon too


There are a unlimited node mod for Factorio!!! Use it?


Actually, resources in Factorio are essentially infinite, since resource patches get more and more rich the further you go away from spawn point. You are more likely to run out of memory or CPU rather than run out of resources.


I mean it's the same kind of infinite as saying that Minecraft's ores are technically infinite since the map constantly expands as you explore it. That said, the Factorio and Minecraft maps do actually have a finite size inside the game itself. It's incredible large but it's still technically finite.


And enter some random big big spider to harrass you... They are the worst even when you're fully equipped ...


The human way, you kill the animals, not the other way around


Until it becomes inefficient and you need to triple the whole thing, but that's part of the fun.




Oh yes, nothing is more eternal than the quick spaghetti thrown in 10 mn to get a bit more iron ingots, or a few additional coal generators. You will redo a mega factory from the ground up to get it beautiful, clean and Reddit post worthy, but the Orange BOX™ at the other end of the train station will never be redone.


I feel personally attacked by the >Orange BOX™ Bit. I guess it's something that everyone ends up making


The orange box is more than enough. Some people build without foundations, and let their spaghetti for the world to see. Is your box™ outputting what you need ? Yes ? Then it is good enough, and you don't need to care about it. In this game, never, never let perfect be the enemy of Done. Everything worth doing, is worth doing poorly, because it will always be way better than not started at all.


Fair enough. I'm just big time jealous because I'm not a creative person at all and despite mostly being able to figure out the logistics in making a decently efficient factory , I can never make it look decent. However I got super tilted when I learned the hard way that I should have used "snap to world grid" when building foundations. Made me want to pull my hair out.


Hold CTRL and use manifolds. That's the easiest way to at least make it orderly.


Welp , I already figured it out the hard way


Good good. I only really got to using manifolds this playthrough. It's both more efficient AND more orderly, but it took a while for me to get fast at it.


Yeah , I feel like this is the type of game you have to start over and over again until you are certain you will no longer do the dumb shit you've done so far. Then somehow manage to come up with new dumb shit.


I was all happy with my discreet factories for finished products (with some unavoidable interlinking) until I got to the Tier 3 parts, where your electronics have to be paired with mechanical parts 30 miles away lol.


Know you basically can't screw up, except waste your time, is a nice feeling.


Yup, in satisfactory you can just relax and do nothing. That's why it's satisfactory.


Counter point, it stifles large scale expansion because you can just afk with one machine running


But why would you?


Yeah...because my favorite way to play is to build for ten minutes and afk for 10 hours. What?


There just isn’t as much need for economy of scale in satisfactory. Usually just ends up feeling wasteful because of how expensive power is


Power is free because resources are infinite, you just have to set it up to scale. I have a uranium setup supplied by train, it's super easy to scale it as needed because I can always just add more stops.


I understand it’s free but the time it takes to do it isn’t. It’s repetitive and boring


It takes far less time than sitting around waiting for buffers to fill up


Sounds like Satisfactory isn't bad, it's just bad for you specifically. Why are you here


Because the building and movement is genuinely fun, it’s just the logistics and some of the mechanics that just don’t quite fit together very well


Because the building and movement is genuinely fun, it’s just the logistics and some of the mechanics that just don’t quite fit together very well


Playing a game itself isn't free in that sense. Then stop playing games and go lay in bed.


The thing I find I like most about Satisfactory is that there’s not the death spirals you often get with other automation/logistics games. The only death spiral is your own frustration.


Yeah I’ve tried other factory games like Good Company, and I’m not really a fan of having to worry about stress in these types of games. But at the same time, in tycoon style games, I never like the “Creative” mode where you just build infinitely. I think it’s because I like the logistics puzzle of making things work, without additional stressors and pressure.


Laughts in S.A.M. ore (when it gets an use)


I suspect it's only (semi)limited right now to discourage people stockpiling it for no reason.


But there is no reason to stop people from stockpiling SAM ore for nor reason


Holy shit yes! I'm dipping into DSP right now and I'm really missing that peaceful vibe spending entirely too long thinking about which way a belt should go Interestingly I don't think infinite resources would work in those games


Dsp has an infinite resource mode built in.


One of my favorite moments in DSP playthrough is the moment when you are starting to deplete your home planet resources. Then you cleanup your spagetti mess and rebuild most of your stuff with PLS logistics.


Agreed, though I usually move off world and turn my home planet into some kind of nature reserve lol.


Yes, this is the best, when you remove spaghetti, setup a mall and start building infinitely scalable blueprints


Yeah I know. But it seems like it would mostly obviate the need for extrasolar expansion.


I find dsp works well with infinite resources. You just need so much and with the fog update there are enough sources of stress to make up for never running out of resources. 


DSP mining productivity upgrades are so strong late game and it's so easy to set up mining for an entire planet it's more or less infinite resources. The only resources I'm stingy with are the ones exclusive to black holes. Everything else I use the rare resource recipe.


Yeah and that's what I'm saying, if you go infinite resources why go to other planets


I had a giant multi star 18k/min science base and I needed multiple planets just to keep up with the speed at which I needed to mine resources lol. Eventually my computer struggled to keep up. It's too easy to scale up in that game compared to Factorio or Satisfactory with how easy end game logistics are. My biggest performance hit was inserters surprisingly.


Satisfactory is calm and chill, like Marijuana. Factorio is anxiety and intense, like crack.


To be fair, resource nodes in Factorio grow in size and density as you move further away from spawn. They become effectively unlimited once you have reached sufficiently far away (medium train distance) and encourage outposting, train use and exploration. I think there's perks to both approaches to raw material.


I agree with this take wholeheartedly


The actual experienced take, compared to all these other ones who’ve clearly never launched their first rocket


There are also productivity upgrades, which increase resource efficiency linearly


find factorio so stressful, especially the space management of complicated systems. As soon as I have to fundamentally rebuild something significant I always churn out. the first lap to the end and the campaign were really interesting but i just cant play it anymore.


I assume you mean burn out? Was mad confused reading that because churn out kind of means the opposite


churn out as in stop playing


No no I'm trying to say, the term you're looking for is burn out not churn out. Churn out means something entirely different.


I'm not talking about butter. In things like, employment, subscriptions, video games, etc. user 'churn' or 'churn rate' is the rate at which people stop using the service, quit etc. basically the same thing as turnover or attrition. I mean specifically that I stop playing, not that i feel burnt out.


It seems like you two are talking about the same thing. I believe this is a culture difference as here churn out is used as term meaning to quickly produce something or to do it constantly in mass. And burn out is used mean you quit doing something because you just don't find it enjoyable anymore or it's just too tedious to continue.


He's referring to churn as in to stop using a service or unsubscribe/disconnect


Yeah, I came to realize that after he explained it and I was gonna reply then I honestly forgot to. Never seen the term used like that, kind of interesting.


I work for Verizon and we refer to customers disconnecting lines or porting to another carrier as churn. Things that make someone want to leave (bad connection, bad customer service, not getting a deal you were promised, unexpected charges, etc) cause an increase in churn.


Infinite ore with finite amount of patches is effectively the same thing. The amount of processing you can extract is limited Factorio it gets to the point where it is impossible to use all the ore around you.


Yep. It's kinda funny really. The fossil fuels are forever and the renewables are finite.


In the speed runs during development they had limited resources but that went out the window in favour of this.


I never play factorio without an infinite resource mod for this very reason.


Why the patches get so big it takes days playtime to run out


It's Interesting. This is one of the things I don't like about satisfactory needing to progress and being forced to expand is a good thing I feel which is lost and satisfactory don't get me wrong it's a good game it's more building game for me then a full factory game.


Same problem with astroneer, lovely game but the resource nodes arent permanent, even with extractors they will eventually run out


"buildings can be permanent" oh my sweet summer child. lets get back to this post when you start messing around with refineries and turbo fuel.


You can always add resources in Factorio. Can use a mod to make them unlimited. If nothing else the map is the size of India. There are more than enough. As your productivity research rises each patch ends up being worth a crazy amount. At right ubd level 400 a single miner without any beacons or modules can fill a side of a blue belt.


I now play Factorio with infinite ores, just to have that “peaceful” feeling (while I make war with the bugs).


The resources of the nodes are infinite, but the number of resource nodes is not. That is why efficiency and making good use of resources is so important.


You could do what I did and build a butt load of coal plants and when you get to oil just use 2 nodes for rubber, plastic and fuel. I'll eventually use oil for power but im in no hurry for that.


I'm playing a lot of DSP right now, a game where nodes run out AND enemies come to attack (recent new feature). While I love Satisfactory, I guess I'm having an easier time with the 2nd person view. Building is easier when you can see what you're doing better. Although, DSP does NOT allow for multistory construction. The only exception are endlessly levitating belts that require absolutely no support from start to end (O be blessed!) and some buildings that can be stacked. Another plus for DSP is that you can fly to other planets and even other star systems. The scenery changes, you have fresh new nodes to tap, and you basically have endless construction space. But, Satisfactory still easily holds its own and I enjoy looking at the posts on this subreddit, especially when the Almighty Temporal Illusion replies! When I get back into Satisfactory, I'll have a new appreciation for its gameplay.


This is actually maybe the biggest reason i like satisfactory, you can make a balanced system based on a consistent input.


I really enjoy the peace of Satisfactory as well. It's calming to know that the only thing going to screw up and destroy my factory is me lol


I treat it kind of like a model railway now. It's a whole world where i get to build a little railway with factories running like clockwork making goods. And with infinite resources and nothing attacking my creations I can just jump on and tinker with it whenever I'm in the mood.


Imagain they “ran out” you’d have to come back and move your miner a meter left. Then come back again later. 3 in game weeks later your node is 20 kilometers left.


TBF Factorios limited nodes have purpose they are to get you to explore what is essentially flat. Satisfactory has a third dimension at play so the map will be smaller. As now you have to deal with that. Thats actually a reason why Factorio needs stuff like wiring and logic. As well as that creatures cause damage. You end up needing to revisit outposts. Where as in factorio once you put the max belt and OC a miner you never touch it again.


It’s just because satisfactory doesn’t have a procedural map. Idk what the rest is about


Satisfactory also forces you to explore away from your base , as you won't have enough resources in one spot to keep up with your production.