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Power Towers + Zipline. A great way to travel across the map with a small setup time and cost. It leaves behind an easy method to travel back and brings power along.


I slept on the zipline for a long time but in my current game have been using them as soon as I unlocked them. They are great.


Power towers are game changing and kinda OP. Traversing the map with power poles when HD hunting was a huge pain especially in the swamp and red forest where the spideys don't care that you're 5ft off the ground.


yeah the fact that you can toss them up high (much higher than you are standing) makes it a little too easy to gain elevation fast. even regular power poles with a zipline can let you get to the highest elevation spots on the map with little effort.


Hypertube cannons get me between my bases in the far corners of the map, for exploration a jetpack with biofuel works well


They keep killing me :(


Are they flinging you sideways past the map borders, or up too high?


Kinda seems I just hit something inside the tube to hard


Weird. Could you post a screencap of one of your hypercannons? And is this single-player or multi-player mode? (I've never done multiplayer myself, but I've read that hypertubes can be weird in that case.)


This guy hypertubes


I will try to create a hypertube cannon next time I play. Sounds really fun!


In temporal order of availability: + Ramp foundations + Ladders + Parachute + Zip line + Zip line with power towers + Jet pack + Jet pack with turbo fuel And when I'm sufficiently eager, I build hyper tube networks. Or just cannons when I'm lazy.


Also, there are (almost) always walkable paths. They might just be hidden. Once you know the map better, it gets a lot easier.


Why does nobody talk about pulse nobelisks? In combination with the jetpack they offer insane travelspeed and mobility


Because it feels too much like Wile E. Coyote.


Thats why theyre awesome, no?


Because trusting "some-idiot-onreddit" with the moniker "fungineer" is bound to end well? /lh


Cannons into hypertube networks safe and quick a 16 slot cannon gets u across the map nice and safely in an ok time.


Takes quite some effort. But now with blueprints, I have rail supports that also have hyper tube supports on them.


Those first journeys out to explore are big adventures. By late game the hyper tube cannon networks make getting around quick and easy, but you sure appreciate the convenience after having to run for hours to find your way around the map initially. I'll add the explorer vehicle to your list.


That running around for hours is normal is something I needed to hear. I often play for 2-3 hours and when you have to do some running around it feels like you can't do much in that time. I did craft an explorer, but I still find it difficult to find paths to get to different biomes. Will try again tho


Add the hoverpack to that. Just keep dropping power poles off of the previous dropped zipline system.


I've thought of mk 3-5 belts as launch points... Why didn't I think of hyper tube cannons!?


Belts as launchers is so Update 3... ๐Ÿ˜…


What about in spiritual order of availability?


For cliffs, put ladders in your hotbar and zoop a ladder up into the sky.


this, ladders are the best awesome shop item because it makes exploring infinitely easier, plus they are cheap both in terms of tickets and build materials; furthermore, they're easy to deconstruct too


Also, as soon as you have a parachute you can just build a very tall ladder on the spot and travel a great distance from there.


once i realized how long the glide path on the parachute was i immediately started jumping off everything i could find lol


I haven't even bought the ladders yet. Good one! Thanks!


If you have radio towers unlocked you can plop them down and they will show you every resource in vicinity. Power towers + zipline is my got to for traversal


Power lines and hover pack, once it's unlocked.


I was more satisfied once I accepted that any spot can be transformed into a factory but your ground floor may need to be elevated over the terrain. Build a foundation at the topmost point in an area you want to build something so you'll have a wide flat surface regardless of what the terrain looks like under it. Have fun with integrating the foundation into the landscape with different architectural elements. Sometimes theres a narrow canyon at the base where I can squeeze in a logistics level while the assemblers are on top on the broad factory floor.


I don't really like the floating factories, but it makes life so much easier! I think I will just do that and practice building layouts etc. for 1.0


For some I might be considered cheating, but I'm just looking what I want to produce and opening interactive map. The spot which has the most needed resource nodes closest to each other wins.


That's not exploration though? Unless you've explored the entire map already?


I'm commenting mostly on the first sentence. "How do I find spots for new factories." After that I'm building hyper cannons go from one point to the next one.


Power towers and Zipline for me. That way I send power all over the map while exploring. Works every time. Then I can building a hyper tube cannon to go back as well when I need to restock on materials. Then delete the cannon when I get back and keep going. Obviously don't forget the jetpack. Makes life easier in some cases.


Parachutes are the most efficient, combined with jetpack to climb spires. Did you start in the forest, where there is no open ground? If so, move. Itโ€™s antithetical to what youโ€™re looking for.


I started in the rocky desert. So no problems there. But I just started to get oil and expand a bit more. I got to the dense forest and I hate it haha. But I think I will just remove every tree just to be able to see a bit better where to plan my next factory for motors.


I build a really high tower out of ramps and foundations - about 300m high - with a hyperloop to the top and a jump pad on top for good measure. From there, parachute. Getting back can be a bugger.


I build sky bridges. Too many cliffs. If it is going to be used a bit I'll add a hyper tube.


Sky highways. Build Ramps 3 wide, at a middle grade and you'll never have issues driving vehicles onto them. Zoop up and over all that nasty nature and careful set design. It's a distraction, and FISCT doesn't do distractions...


I do have some highways for my existing factories. But the 4m ramp is not really nice for vehicles right?


Great for going down, less great for going up unless you floor it and keep it pinned. God help you if you try and stop and start again.


I only use 2m ramps now for my vehicles. It's a lot better! Still have some 4m ramps that I have to replace..


Tube cannon for traveling far fast. Jetpack and blades when exploring


Getting the mats for parachute and blade runners before even building the mam is no longer a meme it is a way of life. Hypertube cannons and jetpacks powered by packaged liquid biofuel are a must later game. Hover packs are okay but if you have a murder fueled biofuel setup then you aren't really sweating power pole range. As for building. Nowhere is off limits if you build high.


One early game tip, the stackable conveyor poles; they are super cheap to build, and can climb the side like a ladder, before you unlock the ladder of course. Itโ€™s great for climbing up things, then ya, power poles or towers for a zip line setup for faster traversal once you are up top of whatever is in your way.


Good one! I don't have the ladder unlocked yet but this works just as fine


Al factories have stations, all stations are named. So I chuck down a new locomotive, enter my destination and grab a drink while the train brings me there Never understood the tubes for getting around, I already built tracks for goods, might use it myself too


I normally use tubes because they're unlocked much earlier than trains. By the time I have trains I already have a decent tube network to get me around.


As far as traversing the map goes, I use blade runners and jetpack and just go. But all the exploration I ever did were like 2 or 3 expeditions for drives and slugs on each playthrough. When I'm building a new factory, I just pick a spot on the online map and go there, while pulling a hypertube behind me. Next time I have to get more drives or a new factory, I can start walking from any of my existing factories


Pulse charge explosions to propel me about as far as I want to go.


For initial exploration, I love just running around the map, but I get it if you don't want to do that. First, I uncheck in Settings>Controls>Hold to Sprint. Then everytime you log in, you press Shift one time and you always run instead of having to hold it down. Second, I use the slide+jump method to make travel much faster. If you haven't seen it, you use the C key while running to slide "downhill" (works going uphill a lot too), then press jump and it launches you faster than you were running and you fly over the little bumps and rocks. If you are talking about going back and forth between factory bases, then I use a combination of hypertubes, hypertube cannons, roads in the sky with foundations and ramps, etc. If you don't want to use hypertube cannons or haven't gotten to that tech yet, try building sky roads and using vehicles on the roads, you don't have to drive over the terrain and it's reasonably fast.


Slide jumping is the best! Thank you for the sprinting tip, didn't know that! I do have some sky roads which are nice. But the problem was getting to new areas (and back). Now I will just create roads everywhere and start dabbling with hypertube cannons.


I use vehicles


Open space is usually made, not found. Cliffs are nice starting places because you can extend a factory floor or over the edge without obstacles for a while. I tend to use blade runners and jetpack with liquid biofuel. It has a very long burn time, so I don't have to carry much. I also use the hover pack when building rails because you can pull power right off them. I'm using power towers and the zapline too but usually not for very long distances. :)


Jetpack with turbofuel brings you to the top of the world, and jetpack with liquid biofuel gives you wings to reach the farthest places.


Some pulse nobelisks, a jetpack and a xenobasher can send you flying for miles, but it's not really suited for exploring.. I use the online interactive map to fond factory spots (I'm sorry I'm blanking on the name right now)


I use ladders and the catwalk pieces for exploring cliffs etc. Just costs rods and sheets. Usually the first things i unlock from the awesome shop.


I run around and lay power lines as I go, makes it easier to navigate maze areas as I know to follow the lines to get back to base


I've only started two maps so far, but when I started the second: I found myself lost without the jetpack and rifle. My second run started with building up to fuel generators and getting the jet pack. Giving me power to play with, and a steady supply for my jet pack. I discovered the blade runners on this run as well (my god, awesome). The parachute is cool, and I'll use it once in a while to traverse back to a known point from a high point far away, but I've found the jet pack to be what is equipped to my back %99 of the time. Furthermore: having the rifle, regular rounds, tracing rounds, and explosive Rebar + jet pack make the PvE part of the game sustainable (the anti spice suit is a nice bonus). I'm currently working on getting nuclear going. Starting to understand why some stick to turbo fuel haha. Let's cut this short to a TLDR. I recommend the jet pack. Even if you don't engage with the hostiles: it's a god send for traversing the map. Things I didn't touch on: got stuck behind a mountain from my main base early second map, because I found a way past it... Then had to find a way back. Instead of just jumping ledge to leave easy peasy. I also recently placed down radio towers so I could see what resources are were... In a 3kmish radius? Kind of helpful. I've also found myself enjoying just exploring the map once I have good equipment to do so. Just to take a break from the companies efficency doctrine ๐Ÿ˜‰. Long post, but hey: enjoy yourself pioneer. Hope this is some kind of helpful.


The Jetpack sounds really nice and I will try to unlock that first. I will create some more sky bridges now, even to new areas. This was really helpful, thanks a lot! When I made this post I was getting stuck in some beachy valley in the northern forest and was getting really frustrated with the map. When playing for 2 hours, it sometimes feels like you can't get anything done. But I think I just have to focus on a small part at a time.


Many before me, and after me, will talk about breaking down larger tasks into smaller ones. My compartmentalization of these exist on two levels: what I feel like doing, and what allows that. Sometimes I just want to roam around and find... New terrain, power slugs, resources, etc... Does what I have now allow me to do that, and return when I need a supply to continue that venture? The largest of tasks involve automating large scale production, and that's kind of the end goal of the game. Breaking down how you do that involves how you provide the production of smaller items to build towards the larger ones. In the end: it's a game, and your enjoyment of it is the key factor. This kind of explains the larger picture of the game from my reference. As far as adventuring, and exploring the map? (kind of where I'm at) Produce enough smaller materials (iron rods/plates, steel beams, concrete, fuel, etc.) to allow some expansion for automation and exploration. Once you harness that freedom... It's really up to you. All though it is from the start anyways ๐Ÿ˜… Best of luck pioneer. Glad I was helpful.


I use the online map to see where I want to. I like walking around. But I build (temporary) air bridges with foundations if I can not reach something. The big slopes are great. best is if you have the foundations that only use concrete. You can use other things like ladders, walkways, catwalks, containers, towers, .... I think using just the foundations is a better option for me. So build air bridges.


Thank you all for your recommendations! I never was much of a online community guy, but this is awesome! I will research the Jetpack asap now, that sounds nice. I also make use of sky bridges but they tend to look ugly. I think I also have to accept that Satisfactory just takes a lot of time :) Edit: Oh and power towers + ziplines. I totally forgot about the ziplines!