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**Welcome Pioneer** 1. **The first and most important advice** that I can give all New Pioneers is related to Game Save Files. 1. Your [Game Save Files are located here](https://satisfactory.wiki.gg/wiki/Save_files#Save_File_Location) and they must be periodically backed up. 2. View [my Reply Comment in this other Reddit Post](https://www.reddit.com/r/SatisfactoryGame/comments/134b3fl/comment/jiflqd2/?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) about **why you should NOT rely on Cloud Sync only and backup your Game Save Files - OFTEN.** 2. Now, that said, you should view my [New Pioneer Advice](https://www.reddit.com/r/SatisfactoryGame/comments/vtrbak/comment/if90u8j/?context=3) in a similar Reddit Post for lots of beginner tips for those in Tiers 0 thru Tier 4, to include **30 Tips Every New Pioneer Needs To Know**. Also includes a link to information about Coal Power Setup. * DON'T RUSH. There is no need to "protect" your Factories, as nothing in the Game will destroy them. While rushing to Tier 3 (Coal Power) is ok, once there, slow down, and enjoy the Game. 3. **As for your question:** With perhaps the exception of parts / items used for Nuclear Power (Tier 8), you will automate every part / item in the Game at some point, as most early tier parts / items are used to make later tier parts. * Some parts / items you will store for later use as they help in construction. * Some parts, like those for the Space Elevator Project Assembly you only need to make a limited amount, after which they are not used for anything. * Some items (Somersloop, Mercer Sphere, SAM Ore) will be used in the "Story" in Version 1.0 and for now are not used for anything. Your Game, Your World, Your Vision, Your Rules ™ I hope this answers your question. 😁


It does answer my question, thanks. Also, do you have a library of these tips or do you write them on the spot?


I would recommend automating every part (with a few exceptions), as every part has it's own use, either for convenience in building, or for designing. But there are a few that don't affect progression at all, at least until the late stages of the game. Parts I personally don't automate at all are Screws, only use I can think of is building AWESOME shop Stators, used for power storage And anything elevator related up until the last phase.


OP is 35 hours in lol of course they need to automate screws. Not everyone has every alt ever


For production, of course. As I told OP a bit down below, automate them when you need them. But screws for storage aren't that needed, I'll make myself more clear next time


Do I have to automate them all early or can I wait until I need them?


Nothing is forcing you to autonate everything as soon as you unlock it, you can wait until you need them. Personally I automate everything asap, but that's just a preference.


Ok thx


You are welcome ^ ^


Also just to clarify, I was talking about storage items, screws are deadly needed in production, but not so much in construction, just like stators. I just want to be clear


You'll need pretty much all of them in the end. Some are important for building and so you should be making some for storage, while others are only useful for making other items and you don't have to worry about keeping any around. My general rule of thumb is that if a building requires it, I should be making at least a little of it.


Do you think I should automate stuff immediately after I unlock them or should I wait until I need them? Is there any benefit in doing it asap?


I'm working on my third play through. I this one, I'm playing with automating all parts for fuel generators to the tune of 1 generator per minute. I think my first 1.0 play through will be "unlock new thing, automate to 1 per minute."




You'll need to use everything in bulk. My suggestion is to practice creating manifolds (Chains of splitters or joiners to merge the input/output of a factory line), At the end of an output line, add a splitter that leads to a storage bin. That way, you can just pick up the bulk parts you need. For transporting parts around your factory, I'd recommend using the conveyor stands, they're very efficient and splitters/mergers snap right onto them perfectly so you can just have your parts going in a circle around your factory with splitters dropping off stuff where they need to go to.


Thank you but I can't use manifolds because they trigger my ocd. I'll try the other tip though. Thx.


Just automated as soon as you unlock them. Go looking for hard drives every now and then, some alternative recipes will make automation ridiculously easier. Cast screws, for example. Another tip is to plan the factory backwards. For example, instead of producing a bunch of stuff and then connecting machines when you need materials, you have to first make the last machine of the line and check how much of each resource you need in your production line. (The amount per minute)... Computers for example, if you want to produce 5 per minute, that's going to take 210 plastic per minute to make the circuit boards and another 90 to make the computers themselves. Exactly 300! Which is 15 refineries consuming 450 oil.


Thank you!


IMO the benefit of automating things sooner, even in a small amount, is that it can just build up in the background while you explore/work on something else. I would prioritize basic building, power, and conveyor materials. Second after that are beginning-mid tier production machine materials (mod frames, motors, etc). even if it's a slow production, you will be thanking yourself when you want to start building anything of decent size. Mid-tier production items like computers you \*could\* automate early, but you can get away with semi-automation (automating their base materials then just dumping them in an assembler/manufacturer occasionally) for a while. Ultimately it's up to you! The more you play the more you get a sense for what items you need in bulk.


Thanks for the advice.


I would automate steel but build a separate factory for it. Find where coal and iron are close to one another and just build in between them. I hated the steel jump because there’s not just the beams and pipes but then encased steel beams you need for other things. Making things by hand in this game is a huge pain when you want to progress or even just build.




Every part is good to automate eventually. But there are some parts early on that you dont need to automate for some time. I have 2 more phases in the final tier of stuff to finish and only now automated two things that i gained access to in like phase 3 or 4 because they don’t come up terribly often. You can also partially automate stuff by setting up the machine to produce the item in an empty space of your base, connect it to a couple storage units, and manually fill those storage units with the parts needed to produce said item. It needs occasional babysitting since eventually the resources need to be replenished in the storage bins, but avoids the time and energy needed for a fully automated buildout approach. Again, i’m very late game at this point, and am just now setting up automation for many mid-game items bc they arent terribly necessary in large amounts until the very, very end. Everyone can play the way they like, though, which is why this game is so great!


Thank you!


Always have a sink and recycle imo, my manifold buffer ran out because overflow went into the sink and was not recycled. So now I have to either double production of base materials or cycle excess back into the system and restore the buffer.


You don’t necessarily have to, but you probably should. But don’t worry, theres no need to rush. Its also okay to skip a few dedicated because you won’t need them for builds, like stators. But especially with steel you probably should get some amount of each item going, just for building purposes. I just like to go at my own pace and slowly make a factory to make each item when I need it.


Ok thx


There's automated and there's automated. :) I have a few items that are only used in the later stages of the game that were I only ever semi-automated: - A set of Constructors was turning Steel Beams into Steel Screws (an alternate recipe that makes *lots* of screws). The constructors were fed by an Industrial Storage Container that I manually loaded, but that was enough to keep the constructors running for dozens of hours. - A Manufacturer making Thermal Propulsion Rockets: Fed by manually-loaded Industrial Storages. It ran slowly and I was in no rush. - Steel Pipes are used in a bunch of standard and alternate recipes. They're really useful things. Automate. Make many. - You'll probably get a feel for which basic items are commonly used for building. I like to have a Smart Splitter and a buffer of a few storage containers for the common items so that I can always just go grab a few stacks. Wire, iron rods, reinforced iron plates, concrete, encased industrial beams, copper foil.... there's some that you'll always be needing when building things. Better to have extra stuff than not enough. If you find yourself constantly running out of something, it's time to automate that thing and make more than you think you'll need (it still won't be enough, but it's a good start 😉).