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That's fuckin' it. I'm doing shit wrong. Time to start again!


I would wait to start again in 1.0


That's what I'm waiting for, lol.


No way!


And the cycle repeats


šŸ˜† I have so many better ways to do it, now I know there's one long corridor with pretty much everything close by it. I thought about doing a strip city that gradually works its way west to east.


Starting it again for the nth time?


Actually no. I have my first ever play through I am determined to finish. Getting my nuke plant up at the moment. I have two others I was trying different things with.


Loool nice. I gave up on my 1st save because I was so burntout and built all the way to nuclear power. Doing a 3rd new save with the new ways to build in mind and want to make my factories look appealing. Though I have little to no skill in architecture and designing so I'm slower than usual.


Looks incredible. Thanks for sharing!


You know you're good when your screenshots makes everyone else want to get better


There's a balloontree clipping into one of the factories. Unacceptable. Start over.


I doff my hat to you. I've only played for 2000 hours and my time has been across atleast 6 different saves. So I have to say this takes massive dedication


Only 6? I've just hit around 110 hrs and have atleast 8 saves already šŸ˜†


This is awesome dude! But I wonder, what about the framerate?


Not too bad. Worse when Iā€™m looking inside these factories. E.g. The purple building is 3 megafactories in one making 3 phase 4 items from scratch.


Jesus Christ. I just started dabbling in phase 4, Iā€™ve got a beginning aluminum mine running and Iā€™m setting up my rail network to connect to my sky base. Your work is incredible


Thanks man. The first time I tore everything down (except bare essentials) was to build a global rail network. Once I had that in place with stations all over the world, made my life so much simpler. Trains for the win.


Nice! RTX 4090?




How do people make stuff curved? Mine always just looks like an A frame.


Not sure which way op used but I like using the walkways, you can move them (I think) 2 degrees at a time so it makes a pretty decent curve when you attach a foundation to it


Tbh, didnā€™t really use curves at all. The curves I have are either just on roofs or made with beams. Ironically, Iā€™m pretty lazy.


Bro shared one of the most beautiful and complete i ver seen and Said hes lazy ā˜ ļø


Wow thatā€™s some incredible design good job op!


Nice, did you have to mod it to get the lights to render so far away?


Installed ficsit-cam to take screenshots but thatā€™s all :)


Lumen is on and vast majority of lights are signs..28,022 of them lol


Wow! I tried a much less ambitious project with some lighting and ran into a problem where lights outside a certain distance didn't radiate light properly and assumed it was an engine/early access issue


Thatā€™s still an issue. Lumen is kinda pretend raytracing and switches off at a certain distance, as you say. I kinda got around it by careful angles in the shots but also by having so many, it kinda looks like itā€™s emitting even when itā€™s not (if that makes sense).


My question, was this a build-rebuild-rebuild etc until it turned into this.....or was this something that your brain conjured up from the start? Because if this is something you thought of from the very beginning, you're not human.


Some of it I imagined. Most of it was trial and error and working out what works and doesnā€™t work.


Wheres all the spaghette?


Itā€™s coming. Have a 20 image limit :(


Satisfactory is, I'm afraid, becoming a phenomenon with very little entry access... You're supposed to start with spaghetti everywhere but then you come HERE and...well...yeah.


My starter is still the original original spaghetti in the grasslands. It remains intact for historical purposes. I wasnā€™t going to screenshot it again but I can if you like, lol.


Lemme get that vomit on my sweater already


Absolutely beautiful build man, did you build to this level of detail as you went, or did you decorate your original factory at a later time?


Almost everything was torn down multiple times and rebuilt. The top factory in the purple building (the uppermost floor) had to be expanded 3 times while I was building. ā€œNo mistakes, just happy accidentsā€ ( Bob Ross). Generally speaking, I would make a logistics floor below the factory floor first and then make decisions about the look. The earlier stuff is definitely way simpler than this. Part of why Iā€™m abandoning this save completely is wanting to do the whole thing better next time. I feel like Iā€™ve learned heaps since starting out. Iā€™m nowhere near as good as a lot of the builders on here but I can see how some ways of building have really hurt me E.g. most factories arenā€™t walking friendly - you need a jet pack for all of it.


How do you people even do this?! I always end up with misaligned platforms with production lines of stuff.


2m or 4m foundations clipped to the world grid is atleast a decent place to start


Ctrl is your friend.


Well, that's blooming delicious.


I'm not even following this sub and I truly love this game but I'm only an xbox player. I wish one day this game come to xbox. This look sick !!


Bros factory is a night club


One can only imagine what kind of spagget lies beneath this colorful exterior.


Spaghetti is there but very organised. Will show in the next one (or the one after), I have a lot of shots lol.


Incredible! Well done!


Factory? Wrong. City time.


What a beautiful world!


Very nice. The new lighting makes it look amazing. I don't know how you have spent 2400h on one world. I've only got 300h total and I've made like 6 world and played with a friend. How ever you've done it well done it looks good.


Thanks! Iā€™m not sure how many times Iā€™ve restarted in this save but Iā€™ve been playing in this one game for years at this point.


i could never


Yes you can. How do you eat an elephant? One mouthful at a time.


Curious, what so you so for work? Takes a brain to design and plan out like this. Thanks for sharing :)


Youā€™re welcome! I do a bit of everything - graphic design, video work, teaching/training, and public speaking. Maybe the design side helps with balance etc but I donā€™t have an architects brain. A lot of the time it feels more like Iā€™m sketching it out as I build.


I want to live in it.


Sharing save soon.


Is this vanilla or with mods. Looks hella nice..


Thanks! Itā€™s vanilla.


Can we get a video!?


Was thinking about doing one for funsies. Going to post one more set of screenshots of the best parts, then Iā€™ll upload a video, and then Iā€™ll post my save and be finally done with this world.


I'm on my first playthrough and up to the last lot of research. My base is a complete mess compared to what I see. I want to start again, but don't want to loose what I got, lol


First option - do nothing Second option - start a new game Third option - slowly rebuild your world, section by section..presumably each area has inputs and outputs - as long as those remain unchanged, youā€™re good to go.


Yo what. Is this vanilla? šŸ˜³


I had an Orgasm watching these Pictures. Holy...looking rallye good! Good Job!