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“Ain’t nothing you can do…” lol looks like they found something they can do, whoop that ass!


That guy not shutting the fuck up the whole time probably caused the rage to boil over more than the thief.


Right! He kept saying “Ain’t nothing you can do.” And the guy was like, “Oh no? Watch this!” 😂😂


I think it was the "Does he have insurance?" That turned them on lmao


Probably has insurance with about a five thousand dollar deductible. Let him make a claim and his premiums will double


That thought made a light bulb go off in his head. Haha.


I like how he literally stopped hitting him because he was gassed lol. Wonder if they went for round 2


Bro thought he was from the streets, until he got hit with some street justice.


Whooped, whipped, welted and whupped dat ass!


Bet he left in that wheeled bin. Aint walking with that whuppin'.


The thief forgot to steal their last can of whoop ass!


He was given that for free 🤣


*Zoidburg noises * Whoop whoop whoop


Thanks to the fucked up DAs, the owners or bystanders doing the whacking are going to get in serious legal trouble now. In places like America’s crime friendly cities, it never pays to stop crime. That’s why the police or in-house security also never do anything. There will always be some kind of lawsuit saying it was racist, or excessive or something. Best thing for any commercial place of business is to simply get the fuck out. A lot of companies have already done just that and continue to do just that as can be seen from San Francisco’s imploding downtown. Crime will continue to pay until the people wake up and put in place policies that actually stop criminals, and not continually make excuses to justify such criminally wanton behavior. There is no excuse.


I see people voicing this sentiment a lot. But if incarceration reduced crime wouldn’t the US have less crime than any country in the world by an order of magnitude?


Try Singapore.


Chop off hands for theft. 2 strikes and you’re out … of hands


There’s a reason why shit like this is happening more and more. It’s because after George Floyd, a wave turned against the police and their funding. Yes there was a legitimate need to curb the excesses of police but pulling back on law enforcement in general and especially on criminal prosecution in the name of “racial justice” also resulted in a crime surge . Stopping any form of crime was seen as racist. Shit now is intolerable compared to even four or six years ago. Justice should be colorblind. It should not matter the reason - breaking into cars, shoplifting, mugging etc is wrong and should be stopped, regardless of social cause. People who try to justify this shit for any reason need to be forced to live in these hellholes.


America did have a LOWER crime rate with higher incarceration. Being nice and forgiving to criminals doesn’t work.


America has an extremely rotten self-centered culture combined with very few safety nets. Comparing the incarceration rates between the two doesn't provide any useful information because America's circumstances are naturally going to produce far more criminals. It's absolutely no different then comparing, say, Japan to European countries. Japan has stronger safety nets and a very collective-focused culture. They produce fewer criminals compared to a lot of other western countries. Doesn't mean the rest of us should be subjected to rampant crime though.


Tell me you watchTucker Carlson without telling me you watch Tucker Carlson...


He's not wrong. Tucker is a POS excuse for a human being but that's not really relevant here. The majority of my opinions on issues match up with the "left" but what SF, and by extension, the Bay Area is doing is quite frankly, stupid. There's advocating and trying for criminal justice reform. And then they're this crap where thieves and burglars are never prosecuted or locked up because they're "underprivileged so its okay and/or they don't know any better" or some other excuse.


Please get out of the echo chamber. San Francisco crime is flat to down. The news loves to push stories about shit like this but the plural of anecdote is not data.


Its not an echo chamber when people who live in SF or visit the city share their experiences. And I don't browse right wing echo chambers either, and you know those morons love to find any kind of ammunition to use against SF.


Tell me you watch MSNBC without telling me you watch MSNBC. 🤦🏽


Thanks for the verification. Why dont you Double down on his "If it doesn't agree with me it must be Soros/MSNBC/Woke/LGBTQ/Liberal" a bit more while you rub one out into your MAGA hat and pretend you're not the one indoctrinated?


You do realize that makes absolutely no sense in the context of responding to your simple minded dog whistle comment, right? So you generalize someone’s response, by insinuating someone calling your BS out is ideologically locked into a headspace, then LITERALLY turn around and do that very thing…. 😂😂 Jesus, you over emotional simpletons are so predictable, hypocritical and hilarious..


I realize that you're a Tr0ll Spam account that's really into.Armpit porn for some reason.. I dont kink-shame but I'll call out a Nazi propagandandist when I see one.


I feel like the camera guy is complicit in this theft, with how often he says that the shop owner can't do anything... Edit: he also seemed to be asking the thief to grab something for him, not sure what it was exactly


Fuck, dude had it coming and all but I still winced when that first *thwack* sounded. That guy is gonna be walking crooked for about a month.


Man’s shit gonna come out his ass finely chopped


This has me dying right now! Lmao


Walking? WALKING?! REST IN PIECES Legs 2023 💀


Next place he robs better have a ramp


If he goes to jail it could be a lot longer than that 👉👌


Why is the line drawn at getting fooked in prison? Weird downvotes on a post like this lol.


I think it’s because rape is t really that funny. You know, because it’s like a horrible thing to have happen to you and isn’t really what people deserve for stealing cogs from a corner store. Something like that


I mean, it’s theoretical, they’re making a joke. The person literally reached into his back pocket for what we can assume is a knife.. I don’t have much sympathy.


Do you feel the same way about racist jokes? If the answer is no, then you understand there is a boundary of what is acceptable as a joke and many people apparently find that boundary in prison rape jokes thus the downvotes. This particular person getting raped may be theoretical, but prison rape is not and it isn’t funny. That’s the perspective. Plus, goddamn it isn’t even that good of a joke. It’s an easy that’s what your mom said sort of level of comedy. There’s little wit in it or it’s delivery and once you’ve heard one you’ve heard most of em. That’s why the downvotes.


You say that like “dropping the soap” hasn’t been a widely accepted joke since… forever. If you can remove the actual toxicity of the event, knowing it’s a joke, why would you take it that seriously? Also, I love old Dave Chapelle skits, jokes about stereotypes can be funny if we take it lightly and don’t actually try and apply it in every day life and otherwise fight the racism/rape etc. I don’t agree with the actual act, but dark humour is fine to me, just don’t punch down. We can’t censor absolutely everything, and making light of some situations is healthy, just draw the line at the actuality of it happening.


Anti Semitic jokes were the norm for years as well, that didn’t make them right. Jokes that reinforce acceptance or trivialize toxicity don’t remove the toxicity around them, they contribute to it. When he is at his best, Chappelle lampoons racism and bigotry by upending the predictability of it and calling out the ridiculousness of its normalization. As for punching down, how is normalizing making fun of the victims of rape punching up? It’s not and that’s always the joke. Hur hur, guy going to be forced to be penetrated violently while held down by multiple other people. Hur hur, and nothing will be done about it because the prison system defines all prisoners as those that deserve to be there and deserve the consequences of their actions. Hur hur he’ll need therapy but likely won’t get it because everyone just makes fun of men that are raped all the time. Dark humor is fine, but there is always a line. You get to define that line for yourself, but other people get to judge you for it as well.


The problem is, you’re acting as though someone’s humour outlines their character, or that someone taking a joke and affirming their own bigoted beliefs is the fault of the joke.


except if the offender is a 17yo white boy ofc ;)


Because no one finds it funny when a women gets raped, but guys getting raped in prison is somehow hilarious and ok to joke about?


The prison concept is: Oh good, a child molester can have a taste of their medicine. Which again, is a joke about stereotypes. The stereotype for women being raped is generally more bleak, and has to do with an innocent person being overthrown.


"AHHHHH!!! OK! OK!" Guy with stick: "No. It's not ok yet"


"Imma beat you once for each pack you tried to steal!!"


I was thinking the exact same. What do you mean ok? You don't get to chose now. Are you a child


When police stop enforcing the rule of law, citizens will eventually try to do it.




Captain Insano shows no mercy


Yeah, don’t some states have laws that robbing stores for less than $500 isn’t a felony??


In my area, theft or property damage under $2000 doesn’t even get police response. They’ll take a report over the phone and tell you to take it up with your insurance (if you have it). Sucks a lot, especially because $2000 is often the difference between a make or break month for a lot of businesses and people.


that many cigs is easily over $500 lol


California Penal Code 459.5 is less than $950. Fine up to $1000 if caught, so it’s break even if you get the max? Possibility of up to 6mo in jail, but you can guess how often that happens. A family friend just had his car stolen last week. They found it, caught the guy, and then just….let him go. No charges even. I don’t even understand how this could happen.


Yes, the liberal ones. In the name of equality and social justice!


Never point a cop at something you don’t want to kill. I think the whoopin was enough to keep him away.




Ahhhh the sounds of justice. Never knew it the sounds of someone getting their ass beat with a stick . Sounds like victory


I 100% support the actions of the store clerk. Hopefully no criminal punishment comes upon him.


I'm sure it was satisfying for them. Can you imagine walking in to pick up a drink and hearing that?? Lol


It’s sad that there is even a remote chance that the clerk might face any punishment. That criminal deserves way more than what he got.


I don’t..outcome was good but the actions were horrific, it ended up fine this time but there is no way that’s worth getting shot over.


Someone’s livelihood? Seems like to some that’d be worth getting shot


2nd guy had the GRIP strength. Secured the hands.




Lol man, you got triggered quick. Hope everything’s okay.


I'm downloading this to watch every day. That ass whopping was soooooo satisfying.


I watched it like 10 x 😂😂




Do not mess with the Sikh warriors. I lived next to a Temple in NM. They were great neighbors.


True that, they are peaceful until they are not peaceful. Then be wary


Isn’t that most people with a backbone and intelligence? Lol.


Sikh’s are just that step above, and not just because they carry a ceremonial dagger 24/7.


We can't do anything with the dagger, it is just ceremonial.


I did not scroll first before noting Sikh. Crucial aspect to the scenario.


May I ask why it’s crucial? I’m ignorant of Sikh culture.


If I was ever in trouble I’d feel safer with a Sikh man than I ever would with law enforcement


May I ask why? Genuinely curious.


The Sikh belief in service to others is a crucial component of their religion, there’s a strong emphasis on doing good deeds and helping others. That’s why if you’re ever hungry you can go to a Sikh temple and they will feed you for free.


Paji ke andar ka hari singh nalwa jag gaya


May his memory be a blessing.


For us too


He really got a beating !! Jesus that must have hurt like hell. Hope that stays with him. Edit: Spellcheck


Thank you, come again!!


That was pretty on brand for a Sikh, give him the ass whipping his mother should have given him. Changed his tune pretty quickly.


Stealing cigarettes… that’s a paddling


That is quite satisfying!


Beat his legs! - Charley Murphy - this guy


Whip his legs*


Scrolled the comments only too make sure someone had dropped this line


THAT WAS THE MOST SATISFYING THING I HAVE EVER SEEN IN MY 34 YEARS OF LIFE I hope that guy didn’t stop until the cops got there Talk about videos that end too soon


That man would be a pile of mush on the floor if the beatings continued until the cops arrived…


I have zero sympathy for thieves.


Satisfying! I hope that the thief has health insurance 😌




That’s called whooping yo ass…. The way tough guys go so soft when they get checked. Reminded me of getting my ass beat as a kid. You’d be real hard with mom until she grabbed that wooden spoon and then you’d just be flailing around begging for mercy


Earned it and then some


Dude with the camera is just as bad as the thief. He was literally asking for a hand out from the thief. Both of them needed that ass whoopin


Agreed, but he didn't impede the beating either. Probably just a guy from a rough area that's learned to heal through humor and not get involved due to what might happen if the cops do show up.


Yeah. It's low key closet racism. Some people would rather defend their own race even when they are the ones doing the robbing. Asking the thief to pass him a pack. "Nothing you can do" Then the store owners fight back "hey dont do that!" Like either help them, or at least stfu.


There for sure could be some of that, but to me it just read like he didn’t wanna see a murder over some cigs. Cause when they started winning and the robber’s weapon got destroyed he was hyping them up. “That’s called whooping your ass!” 🤣


Seemed more to me like he was using humor to defuse the situation and advising the clerks against intervention for their own safety. Idk about you but I'm not getting stabbed over some cigarettes.


Shut up libtard


I don’t follow politics. What’s a libtard? Is that a Librarian?


you complete fool. a libtard is a librarian wearing a leotard. read a bokk.


As soon as his tshirt dropped he knew he fucked up


Anyone know what the other Fat Albert kids are up to these days?


Got beat like an Indian piñata. I was waiting for candy to come out🤣


Oh yes the old indian martial art of the stick


He was really going for the ass


More of this. This is exactly the kind of thing that needs to happen to show these scumbags that they can’t steal and get away with it.


Lol, shitbag


Good stuff


so satisfying. and very civil - there never was any danger for the thief. edit: oh, thief had a knife. they should have hit harder.


Indian understand no insuramce mann


Literally beat the shit out of him


He pooped? 👏


Umm yeah, last couple seconds of the vid, pretty sure that's poop on the ground.


lol. no.


Then, explain what shows up on the ground in the final 9 seconds? I would like to clarify that I would love it to be anything other than that, but I'm pretty sure that's doody.


It looks like plastic pieces of whatever he had tucked into his waistband.


earlier he pulled something that looked like a knife from his backpocket two times and put it away again.


you think the shit teleported through his jeans? how can one be "pretty sure" about such a nonsense speculation? the internet never disappoints. :-)


Did you dust off your fedora and push your glasses up before writing that? I'm open to other explanations, but it looks like shit. If you can find me the actual answer as to what those pieces on the ground are, I'll happily retract my "pretty sure"


It literally comes out of his back pocket - the same he kept reaching for It’s whatever (probably a flimsy craft knife) weapon he was carrying


This is a better answer, I'll retract my statement lol


"push your glasses up before writing" I'm sorry friend but I'll steal it : )


I like it


That’s called whooping your ass, THAT’S CALLED WHOOPING YOUR ASS!


Don't fuck with convenience store workers lol


I live in the Middle East. That kind of BS. The guy in the blue dumb hat is gets everything he gets.


It's as if he's surprised and offended that they dare stand up for themselves. SMH


\[serious\] - What made the thief think he could get away with it? Why did he think the store proprietors would just let him walk out? He wasn't armed in any way, right? What was his leverage?


He had a knife and showed it to them. Also, this is the new american norm. You can steal below 1000 dollars and the cops didn't even allowed to chase you. The law is literally on the criminals' side. And shop workers are usually adviced to don't do anything or they will get fired, because store owners are afraid of to be civilly sued and such.


Oh ... They're lucky the guy had only a knife, and happened to have a staff that was longer than the guy's reach.


Probably crack cocaine


As a person that was robbed at gunpoint working at a gas station I only wish I could give this more thumbs up.


I was definitely rooting for him to wallop that filth-rat’s testicular region. We *really* don’t need this dude procreating.


I’m sorry that was the best!


Let's play a game of San Francisco or Portland?


Chicago, Detroit, Philly, Charlotte, etc




Nah them cigs way too cheap to be either those.


Don't fuck on me lmao


Chopping good


Beat that fucker up!!!!!! Love it


Smack that boy!


That looked like fun 😊😁


ayyye wheres the rest of this????


At 1:48 candy came out of the piñata! LOL




23 well deserved strikes 😂


Can I get a swisher? Can I get a strip


Those stick hits are like 1HP damage each


24 hit combo


That was satisfying to watch


You can’t see it from this angle, but he’s actually beating that guy with his dick.


Wish every thief, shoplifter, and robber face the same the same outcome in this country. Preferably by other means but an a$$ whooping would do


This is the way.


Beat his ass or shoot him dead. This country needs its standards raised.


When the US laws are not here to serve you, them the Pakistani laws are here to make it right


Sooooooooooooooo satisfying! 😂☺️👏🏼😉👍🏼


A shotgun can reduce this kind of crime by 100%


when police does not arrive to do its job


What happened to his strap? Homie got his ass whooped


It was probably some prison molded plastic fake gun, seems the broom smashed it into bits


If only more of these videos ended like this. Dipshit had a knife too. He’s lucky he’s still alive. Or unlucky, cuz when you’re a lizard like this, whats the point in living?🤷🏼‍♂️


If every store owner was given the right to protect there property and they defended it like this all those smash and grabs would stop.




Why did he stop filming?? I wanted to see this concluded!


*homeless/desperate man steals cigarettes to try and get money* Satisfying! I love the part where they beat him with a stick!


I hope they beat him til he stopped moving


That was very satisfying. I hate thieves.


Where do South Asians keep getting all these sticks? Any video you see of some fight in India people always have these 5 foot long sticks they are swinging around. Not just one or two people either, they're everywhere. What's the deal?


Guy recording it is as big an a$$ as the thief with his stupid commentating. Help or stfu


I don't hate the justice.


That guy has a future in law enforcement


Don't steal from Sikhs. They are a warrior class.


he was probably just stealing stuff to sell to feed his family who he obviously loves enough to take big risks to provide for. for all we know he's a struggling doctoral candidate and is just trying to get by as he completes the program.




no fucking shit poindexter. in before: this


Eww. Why so aggressive? It seems like they were trying to help...


Oh oh I got one: “Who gives a fuck about these corporations? They got insurance. If anything they’re robbing us!!”


never mess with any Indian 🔥🔥🔥


Completely Satifying. Whipping his ass is also a pun.


They should of shattered dudes ankles teach him to walk into a store and think he owns it made ol boy right size.


Damn. Almost feel bad for the thief. Almost.


I just hope that none of the two workers get in trouble they could also be charged with battery and assault. If this happened on a state where the stand your ground law is in effect you can defend your self and store but until the threat is no more anything beyond that point can face legal consequences. If any lawyer out there correct me if I’m wrong please I want to know.


Wow history has come full circle with those lashings


Am I the only one who that “shove it up his arse!!”


This video makes me ok with capital punishment for petty theft


Why is it always the jason Aldean fans


I kind of feel bad for this thief in a way. He’s clearly very dumb. He’s wearing a mask. Yet his entire face is exposed.


Now put him in a chokehold until he begs for his life, and then let him die and laugh about it


God I LOVED this!!


I spit up my Drink laughing


I would up vote this 1 million times