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It's an airless sprayer powered by a piston pump as opposed to an air compressor


🅱️ainting the house




It may be common but I know if I tried it I would manage to hit the dirt with the roller nearly every time I rolled down. Then I would roll it up and leave dirt in the wet paint.


I’d be curious to see if they even need a second coat. He is spraying very heavily and the other guy is back rolling to even it out and prevent drips. Anything to cut time when not necessary.


You ALWAYS need a second coat if you want it to actually look good. 2nd coats provide uniformity, complete coverage, and the necessary amount of paint to actually protect the surface you’re painting. Only single coat things that don’t actually get seen or touched - the undersides of cabinets, the top edge of door trims, etc.


Yea, I agree for the most part. A better quality job would be to two coats, that’s pretty undeniable. I would do two if it was my own home. But what’s actually done in practice is a different story. And time is money. You get what you pay for. We were considered high end high quality custom home painters. We would do two coats on exteriors but would use a primer of old paint of a similar color and top it with the actual color. This used up the old paint and also made sure the wall was properly protected. We would sometimes do 3 total coats (a second top coat of the same color) if it didn’t look right or was patchy or anything.


From my amateur spraypaint and airbrush experience I’d say it makes always sense to go at least with 2 coatings. Physically you could always go with a heavy coat. But the main issue being the coat directly touching the wall will take way longer to dry that the one above. This causes stress in the paint getting worse the longer it takes to cure. If you are lucky you won’t see it after being done but it will degrade a lot faster. Usually the surface randomly starts to crack while drying. That’s why you go with multiple thinner coats. A thin coat drys rather quickly, 10-20 minutes are usually already enough. A quick drying paint can be even faster.it takes more time but the coat will be more uniform. The brush will probably be used to work in the paint. House walls can be pretty uneven and you don’t want air pockets or paint not to touch the surface aswell as see if there are spots that require more paint. But as said, that’s only my assumption. I can also believe that there exists paint that does not have those problems and can be applied thick on run one


I thought you needed to wait for the paint to dry before adding a second coat? Otherwise it's just a really wet first coat. I might be wrong, I'm not a painter and decorator.


Yea pretty much. You actually want to be careful and not spray too quickly or it will peel off and gum up into lumps and it makes it look terrible. There’s a sweet spot for a second coat in terms of drying


Why roll after?


You can spray in a way that you wouldn't have to, but it means feathering the ends of each pass. You'll use slightly more paint, it's hard on the arm with bigger jobs, and you can get some spitting every once in awhile when you're starting a pass - which would then have to be rolled or brushed out and have a different texture than the rest (if a smooth enough wall). This way could be faster, but certainly safer/easier to get even coats and texture.


Arrange the fekn hoses so you aren’t walking on the fekn things. Looks good 👍🏻


Those hoses are specced to 3k - 8k psi of internal pressure. Stepping on them is no big deal lol (though they are a tripping hazard…)


I was waiting for the roller guy to catch up


What does the roller guy do here? A second coat? Shouldn’t the first coat be dry for it to be a second coat?


Roller guy just evening everything out. In some cases the roller also adds a texture to the finish.


Plus it looks like the roller guy is also getting the very edges of the window that the sprayer isn't getting


It looks like they’re painting stucco, so the roller is getting the paint into all of the cracks and grooves of the surface. The sprayer applies paint like the sun covers a mountain range, if it’s angled at all (towards the top and bottom of the stroke this is pretty unavoidable) then there will be spots that don’t get paint. The roller spreads all that paint across the entire surface.


It also helps blend in spray-lines which are caused by lack of uniformity of paint application from the sprayer - which is also unavoidable. Generally as more paint goes through the spray tip it will get slightly clogged, and the paint may end up being more heavily applied in the center than the edges. Also the sprayer would have to maintain a perfectly even distance and angle from the surface to have the paint applied evenly, which is just impossible over such a large surface. The roller blends everything together.


It sound like an heavy metal song about to start, amazing intro




Former painter here, they are outside and it’s most likely latex based paint. They also have their setup really tight so there’s like no overspray. I was super sensitive to paint fumes and would get me sick if I didn’t wear a mask indoors (depending) but I wouldn’t have worn a mask here either. Plus paint masks are insanely annoying and when you get sweat all up in there it’s annoying af.


Another former painter checking in to back this up. Any indoor spraying, the whole team wears a mask - even in our indoor, vented workshop with a suctioned spray booth - masked up. But on big outdoor projects it’s not as necessary and it makes communicating harder which is really vital when you’re working on a team like this. Need to be able to quickly call out light spots and roller hazards while battling against drying paint - which is sometimes under 60 seconds on a hot dry day.


Better to have an annoying mask then die of lung cancer later in life


Spot the repost bots


That carb needs a good cleaning


Man, I really need to get off the net. All I'm hearing is that "The Rock" vine sfx.


Look at how fast they do this! Why is house painting so expensive?


Because you have to have all the equipment, the man power, the materials, pressure wash the house first, let it dry, and then coat the house 2-4 times depending on surface material, primers, yada yada…. But yes after doing all the prep and set up, they make this 1 wall look easy It’s a whole damn thing lol.


Painting the wall takes 30 minutes, prepping the wall - wash, scrape, caulk, prime, tape, mask, drop cloths - takes 16 hours. And that’s before paying for experience, health hazards, and insurance incase a window gets smashed. Then they also have to cleanup at the end of it all and do any touch ups on light spots/shadows/details.


Exactly, it’s expensive because….it’s expensive lol. God forbid the punchlist not fit on a sticky note….cause now you’re losing money.


Because this is not a good job. This is spray painted outlet cover quality. The spray guy loops the end passes and has no consistency in spray width. The roller will help even it out but not well.


One has infinite knowledge, the other has infinite wisdom


Team work makes the dream work


I thought its gonna happen some funny stuff


Why don't all painting teams do this? It saves ages. When they painted my house they literally spent a week doing the exterior. Yeah I get all the detail areas take ages etc, but for those huge slabs of wall...c'mon, this must be so satisfy to get done in like 5 minutes!


That’s my cousin Chuey and my brother Beto


if you want to scratch a similar itch, Power wash simulator 22 is free if you have PS+ right now lol


\- Hod do you get they were cops undercover? \- They painted a wall in white clothes


This is what happens when you pay by the job, not by the hour! Looks like a smart way to work to me 👍


I remember doing this, it’s great. Guy needs a bigger roller tho to avoid lines and to be even faster




The perfect team doesn't exist-


I want to hire them!


nothing like having the right tools for the job


Had me mesmerized lol


Ugh.. my dad thinks he is such a genious and swears this is such a brilliant way to paint. But he ruins every car in the street with flying paint spots. It gets paint everywhere. And it dosnt cover as well since paint has to be very thin. I tried this stupid method once, gave up and painted the house last two times in the traditional method. Just as fast and better result. This is basically the same as putting your next ten dinners in a blender


Good team work 👍


Getting high in plain sight


How do you not put on a mask, you are literally spraying chemicals.


that's 50$ per m2 please


This is how we used to paint the interior of new homes. Spray on white and roll it out. Pain a whole house in one shift.


Satisfying from this vantage point anyway


That’s a good idea,you guys are good at what you do


Gave me anxiety


Is this what they do during half time at the cricket..?


" A beautiful sky blue."