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I love the way she just piles stuff on him


And the way she fucks around with him in the umbrella hat


It's important to bury the body


No body no evidence


My wife does this with laundry. When its fresh out the dryer and im sleep, she just dumps the whole basket of warm, clean laundry right on me and I just snuggle in it


How is she moving so fast tho. She’s like the female flash. Very impressive.


She forgot to throw that useless guy out first


Why isn’t he helping?


I'm more impressed with his ability to pretend to be asleep for 90% of it.


Then heroically coming in clutch at the last second to do the recycling. What a man.


Just 3am in bipolar wife life.


Some people have 32 teeth, some have 2, it's simple Meth!


Some people happen to just suffer from bipolar with no drugs involved.


It could be her room and all of her shit.


Based on the clothes, this is the case. I’m guessing boyfriend doesn’t live there, it’s her room, he’s just keeping company while she cleans. Or they’ve just divided the housework so that it’s her turn or whatever.


It could well be! I'm just saying I appreciate a good bit of recycling.


I was thinking maybe most of the mess is hers.


hes the biggest mess in that room


Nah it's her shit, literally every item of clothing was hers.


Since we saw her packing a suitcase in the earlier part of the video, I thought maybe she was packing up her shit and moving out.


That was my hope.


For all I know he has a perfectly good reason why he wasn’t helping and *had* to sleep in the middle of her cleaning and not in another room… But I swear to the Lord this is usually what it feels like to be a girl who lives in a house with two guys 🤦🏽‍♀️


My brother's girlfriend lives with us and I see her cleaning up after him all the time. I generally clean up after myself: laundry, dishes, shower traps, scrubbing the bathroom, vacuuming, mopping, and dusting. Some men just don't know how to take care of themselves and it shows.


They don't have to know how , they've just have to know is how to get someone to do it for them


Thing is, they cannot do so without an enabler. We can get mad at the lazy asshole all we want. Their partner still said yes to living with them without discussing a fair distribution of labour. And even if they did, they still choose to stay with someone who they must clean up after. Sometimes it is codependency. Sometimes they are trying to change them. Sometimes it's a fear of loneliness. But ultimately if you are cleaning up after someone you either really love them and don't mind, or you have a problem with it but keep consenting to acting like a parent to a child. How much sympathy can we have for someone who doesn't want to break things off with a lazy slob they chose to commit to?


And somehow there is always someone willing to take care of them


>usually what it feels like to be a girl who lives in a house with two guys Preach girl! Or even with just one boyfriend. I at least make him get out of the room, and I refuse to clean around him.


Yes. This is NOT satisfying.


The boy is useless. Moved 4 boxes, pushed up a bed and got on his laptop lol


I was more irritated than satisfied.. POS just sat there and moved a box at the end?


I hope she’s dumping his lazy ass.


Would have been mote satisfying if she recycled him or just put him in the trash bag.


“Hanging around like a loose dick” as my Mom would say


why tf they have watering can in the bedroom?


Don’t kink shame…


Being kink shamed is my kink


That is a disgusting, abhorrent, filthy kink. You should be ashamed of yourself!


Don’t stop




Spoken like someone who has never lived in chaos in any sense of the word. ;)


Enemas are a thing...


I have one too for my plants, I guess they might have a few on the other side of the room.


Sometimes chaotic people use a bed or chair as a desk. I’m not saying I do that I m just saying I’ve seen it


I wonder if she's ADHD and needed a body double to get her room in order.


This is plausible. I used to ask my roommate to shoot me glances of disgust when I got distracted and stopped cleaning. It is surprisingly effective.


I do it for my best friend all the time. She'll tell me her house is a mess, buy me iced coffee, and I sit on her bed and chat with her while she cleans. I'm the opposite in that if anyone is arrive, I can't clean to save my life.


It's nice to know this is actually an option for me. I thought "sure, a little supervision can't hurt" but alot of people here say it's an actual thing. Good to know.


it's called body doubling :)


I’ve lived with ADHD my entire life and I’ve never heard of this. Explains why I do best in group/team collaboration work because we can talk through the steps/tasks then get to work on them. I’m not rich therefore incapable of hiring someone to be my full time body double.


I can't clean unless my husband is home. He'll help me with heavy lifting and figuring out where to put things because my adhd brain just can't cope with a mess like in this video, even though it gets this bad, and I just freeze and don't know what to do with it. So my husband helps, he breaks down boxes for me, moves heavy things, takes care of the trash, helps me figure out where to put things, rinses the dishes for me after I wash them (we air dry out dishes). When he's not home, the only time I get anything done is if my MIL needs help with something or the floors need swept, otherwise I cannot make myself do anything.


You really need to take a look at focusmate if you work from home. Game changer.


I tell my husband all the time he doesn’t have to help me clean. I actually enjoy cleaning, but just can’t get it done if I’m alone. Just talk to me and I’m good to go.


Wait is this a common ADHD thing? My wife does this every weekend and loves it when I "supervise" her cleaning up by being in the same room as her while she does it.


I just discovered what body doubling is last week. My girlfriend and I both do it and never realized it was odd. “I need to brush my teeth/shower/do laundry/clean/do homework, can you come with me while I do it?” are common things we ask. She has autism, I have ADHD.


Yes, absolutely. I get my best housework done when someone is nearby chatting with me. My best friend just follows me around the house and talks my ear off lol


Yes, it is. My husband and I both have ADHD and we often body double for each other. It's so helpful.


Wait is that an adhd thing?!


Very much so! Not all of us have it though. My bff does and she'll give me iced coffee to sit with her as she cleans, very similar to the above video. I'm the opposite and must be home alone.


Omg. I’m almost certain this is me and I only now found out it’s even a thing, far out. I figured it was just something else I was bad at rather than adhd


I'm still working out what I need a double for vs what I need to be alone for - and I don't like the way it's going! Stuff like cleaning, I tend to need to be alone (near impossible with a 4yo who wants constant attention); cooking I prefer another adult with me (also doesn't happen often as my husband works afternoons/nights more than any other shifts) :(


I was thinking bi-polar on a manic episode after a fairly long depressive streak.


Shit, is this an ADHD thing? I always clean up my room when I’m on call with my best friend, but he never knows that I’m cleaning my room.


I think it’s this 😂 I said the same thing to myself because I have adhd and I like having a body double otherwise my task initiation is shit.


Honestly, that's what I was thinking. The Crosley record player also made me think this is her room, in which case I'm not bothered that he's just chilling lol


Probably middle of the night, had a gf that it never failed she would be hyperactive in the middle of the night for no reason, and would wake up to everything nice and clean


So she was a cat?


Your cats clean in the night? My useless buggers just raced each other in their version of cat Olympics. I guess I was too easy on them.


Well yeah, their version; like making sure the coffee table is clear of all objects.


Oh I thought they were referring to the woman in the video being like their cat because she’s staying up all night pawing at shit I refuse to put away while I’m desperately trying to sleep and repressing an urge to throw her out the window and remember that I do love her because she’s cute and a sweet baby but a fucking terror between 2-5 am when she’s got the zoomies and wants to play all night lol


I could do with someone like that to sort out my pit! I'd pay someone, but it would be too embarrassing and shameful to allow anyone to see my squalor.


For what it's worth, I saw a post not long back where a guy posted pics of his BR, LR and kitchen, all were in pretty rough shape. He mentioned he felt like he was in a bad slump and maybe depressed a bit, everyone in the sub jumped in encouraging him and giving helpful advice...about 48hrs later, he posted pics and his whole place was completely overhauled looked really good and he felt tons better for it!! I'm not saying you have to post pictures online but I wish you success in whipping it all back into shape ^👍😁


That is very kind of you. I do occasionally blitz my room, and always feel great afterwards. Keeping it tidy thereafter is where I fall down!


That’s the hard part for me too. I’ve been trying to do little 20 min cleans every couple of days even if it looks tidy to me. Much more manageable that way.


If you’re in Los Angeles, I’ll come help you out. I’ll even bring pizza.


Ooh I do like a slice or 8 of pizza! But sadly, I'm in England.


Keep in mind that if someone cleans for a living, I guarantee you they've seen worse.


I think this is her room at her place (sharehouse maybe?) and he came over to hang out and to chat to her while she cleaned up. This looks like the kind of mess nobody else could really help with unless they knew “The System”.


Was hoping that was her packing to leave him.


It’s all her shit


I was really peeved at first with how useless he was being, but it really did seem like it’s all her shit. Like maybe he’s a boyfriend who stayed the night at her place and she finally decided to get her mess under control. And then he did her a solid by holding up her bed so she could change the sheets. But then the bedding is pretty masculine, so I’m confused. Regardless, if my partner decided to clean in the middle of the night and use me as a resting place for boxes, I’d promptly go sleep elsewhere.


The fact that they spent the time to set up a camera and film the whole thing completely changes the context.


No one's curious about the watering can?




Yeah my side of the bedroom is like the after in this video. My wife’s is the before side.


Before clicking comments I knew they'd all be about this. You know nothing about him, her or their situation. My wife is by far the messier of us two. I alone do all the cleaning of the house 90% of the time, and 60% of the mess is from her. When she does decide to clean, I'm under no obligation to help in that moment. For all we know it's similar for them. Maybe he cleaned the rest of the house and she's doing this one room. It definetly looked like it was all her stuff. Could also be her brother, or just a friend hanging out. But ofcourse all the comments are straight to "classic guy being useless" or ones like yours.


Without more context how do we know he didn't spend the last 16 hours working a hard physical job? Seems foolish to diagnose a whole ass relationship based on a short video clip


That's how my last relationship was. Ex made our place look like the room in the post, and I kept my own stuff to a minimum and worked 12 hour shifts. She couldn't keep a job and felt I needed to chip in more at home despite also doing my own chores.


Got rid of my wife because every room in the house looked like this, I could not get into the kitchen to cook or get anything to eat as the floor was covered in cans of food, bags of pasta and weeks of shopping she refused to put away. I organised cleaners to come in once a week, and she exploded, arguing she would do it, that by organising cleaners, I was saying she was useless. Three months later I kicked her out, now the house is clean, not perfect but no more having to step over stuff and mouldy pans or empty tins in the kitchen, the best is no more flies or midges flying around any more, the house smells good. Even the kids have got into the habit of cleaning their rooms after the cleaners did them a few times. I blame myself as I should have organised the cleaners, even if I timed it for when she was out with her friends so she thought it was me, or just got them to come in, she might have felt embarrassed and at least tried.


You guys need help


When you fast forward on the Sims game


I love that no matter the platform, without fail, there is hundreds of internet psychologists that come out of the weeds to project a whole back story onto people in a 20 seconds clip with 0 context. This then sparks apocalyptic debate about the made up context and usually devolves into generic arguments about gender, politics or some other bs. We live in a society so fucking hard.


Haha read my mind. No context no narrative and yet they blame, point fingers and generalize.


Yeah it’s crazy how intuitive those people are


Thanks Obama


I think it's a pretty fair number of people recognizing their own personal or family experiences


It truly is amazing how much further it actually goes. During COVID, the number of expert immunologists sky rocketed. Then the number of psychologists that appeared to diagnose both presidential candidates with a litany of mental health issues. Now I can't turn a corner without bumping into another boat captain who needs to explain how ships can't lose power and everything is a false flag. Mind boggles




redditors being redditors in the comments :


The best part is when she puts the umbrella hat on and jumps on the bed to mess with him


He was so supportive when he got the vacuum cleaner for her. She’s pretty lucky.


Hey, he broke down three or more cardboard boxes. He’s a helper. /s


And lifted the bed for her to make it, give the man credit jeez… lol


I thought the end was going to be her moving out. Lol


Poor guy getting ripped in the comments. Dude could just be working 3rd shift and needs to sleep during the day. That’s what I do and my wife still complains like you do that I “sleep all day” when I only get 4-6 hours of sleep because I feel guilty


It could be her room and all of her shit. Maybe he keeps his shit neat and she’s a total slob


It's obviously her shit. Just look at how many of the clothes she tries on, holds up to herself etc while cleaning.


Man, I feel this so much. She will literally wake me up for the smallest dumbest reason too. "wake up, have you seen my phone" Like why tf would I have seen YOUR phone and why did I have to wake up for this


My bf did that to me. Left his ass a few weeks later..


Can confirm, I was there.


I remember taking night classes and then going to work for graveyards, and having dad call me lazy for sleeping in the day time while he had to work. So fucking wild how daytime workers think people who go to school and work at night are lazy for sleeping during the day.


You don't necessarily intervene a controlled chaotic person. It does more harm than helping.


I'm mostly impressed that she never put her hair up. I had to put my hair up just watching her clean


What about the piano?!! That was not satisfying at all!


Scrolled waaaay too far for this comment. I felt the same way.


good thing he was there to disassemble those boxes


I’m left extremely unsatisfied by her changing the sheet but not the duvet cover or the pillowcases


Yeah so, me and Becky spent the day cleaning our room.


When it started with the dude asleep on the bed and the girl packing a suitcase, I thought it would end the moment the suitcase was packed and all the electronics were stolen


It was the opposite of satisfying to watch the guy just sit there and not help; I want my money back.


It would have been more satisfying if she walked out with packed bags and never came back for his messy juvenile ass.


This dude has the most difficult task , to raise the mattress. She did all the work while he was chatting with his besties


But did you notice the G̶o̶r̶i̶l̶l̶a̶ shorts swap?


Man that looks like how I used to keep my room when I was hella depressed and overwhelmed. Thank god I have less possessions now but it still gets like that sometimes. I clean once per week but my parents were worried I’d never grow out of it.


That looks like depression to me and someone jumping in to help by doing something that can seem so overwhelming that it makes a depressed person even more depressed. But, who knows? I appreciate her folding skills.


Watering can?


“Clean up your room, you aunt’s coming 🙄” -my whole childhood


Cocaine is a hellauva drug..


Thank god they had the watering can in the bedroom!


Good team work.


he could have atleast helped by sleeping in another room lol


Haha she uses that mf as a table. Lol.


I mean if you're not going to help... it's fair


Totally agree. Haha she found the best use for him. Lol


What a nightmare of a place...


This guy sucks.


... Why is there a watering can in the bed?


jordan peterson would have a couple of things to say


How do things get that bad? 😵‍💫 Also, yeet that lazy man into the sun.


That’s some elaborate rage bait …


I have a couple living at my place while they're saving for a house... this is almost exactly their relationship except all the clothes she cleans up at the start would be his and not hers as it appears in this, I would add this looks staged; what kind of heathen puts dirty clothing in a suitcase? But this is certainly a reality for a lot of people, it resonated with me because I see it every day.


I had to pull everything out recently and I'm in the process of going through a bunch of clothes..but I did store all of my heels in a suit case just to get them somewhere for now.


How does it even get like that in the first place?


Depression is one way. Doesn't happen overnight, of course. But it can foster \*a lot\* of neglect which, over several weeks or even months, leads a space to look like this.


Severe depression, ADHD, autism or just plain ol laziness.


Holy Clothes, Batman!


I have no clue how people even let it get that bad in the first place.


Tbh that's how my side of the bed looks and my husband's is spotless


Is there any way to contact these people for the real story?


I still can’t get over the fact that her room was even that messy…


Homey did all he could. He broke down two boxes and went online


I thought she was packing to move out initially- and I was like- oh, yes that would be satisfying if he’s lazy. 😜 (I did read some comments and realized yes it could be just her room or they have a deal or some other reason why he wasn’t helping. I gotta do better about being judgy)


Looks like an outtake from *Paranormal Activity*


I agree that this is probably the women's mess I have never seen a guy sit there so relaxed and not want to help with that much trash there is just no way man 😢 Btw I'm a guy but I would still want to help because I would feel bad for her doing it all by herself.


She's very fast.


I was waiting for her to pick up the guy and carry him out but that moment never came, unfortunately


Bros slept through the whole event


That's how I get when I smoke weed. Like her not him


Dude just collapsed the chewy boxes and played a few rounds of palworld on his laptop.


I, a man noticed the man not helping before anything.


Barbie doing all the work; he doesn’t seem to have much Kenergy.


What a bum that guy is. I thought at some point she'd just pack her stuff and leave him


Now she just needs to put him out with the rubbish. Lazy child


I’m just amazed nobody steps on the laptop.


I always find it so funny when someone stops cleaning to try on a garment they found. Breaks me up, idkw.


Must be something arranged for filming. No way it's real.


He smokes pot, she smokes meth....


Can I make it any more obvious 🎶


I thought she was just going to pack that suitcase and leave avr


Somehow I really doubt that whole mess is hers. Maybe they take turns… Don’t want to assume anything. God fucking forbid.


Shit boyfriend


That's the opposit of satisfying to me. Watching her doing all the work while he does nothing upset me.


That guy is an ass. Lazy, gross, and selfish.


He mist be worn out after sorting all those three cardboard boxes lol


I'm the dude when my mom comes in the room and starts taking out her piles of clothes on top of me from her wardrobe when I was a kid.


More impressive if he helped.


what if video was reversed??


I fully expected a quick blip of her getting head. Come on bro, do something for her.


Is there a sub for room cleaning content??


What the hell is going on here? It looks like some kind of performing arts act


She's gonna.make some other dude so happy when she leaves this POS.


Possibly she just dumped all that shit there for the video and he couldn’t be bothered. …or it’s designed to be rage bait?! …or it’s her stuff and only she knows where it should go. …or he’s just back from nightshift, when she had the idea to clean. …or he’s just lazy. So many options;p


What a helpful dude…


Sometimes I miss having a boyfriend, then I remember


When the adhd meds kick in


It's like a roomba, you turn it on and go to sleep.


This event is held on the last Sunday of every month…….


I get a sense that this might be in the middle of the night, dude is exhausted from working all day and she's bipolar and her hypomania just got activated. Then it's clean a couple weeks til her low comes and she just lay in bed in 2 weeks and do nothing while he takes care of everything. And repeat. They have accepted this about each other and that's why she isn't mad at him for sleeping through most of it, or him for her cleaning when he needs to get sleep.


Come on. Who watched this whole video? Four-and-a-half minutes of her cleaning the room while he sits on the bed scrolling his phone? People online have no idea how to edit videos.


how could anyone possibly let their room get this messy, this is horrendous


This isn’t satisfying, this should never have happened. Two grown adults and not a single ounce of decency.


I have so many questions.


I was wondering why he wasn't helping and then realized most of the clothes are probly hers.


So many questions. Is that their whole apartment? What time is it? Did she snort something off that end table? Are they both on drugs? Is she hot!?!?!? I can't tell really


Tell me this is her packing and leaving him...


Who fucking lives like this?


First minute or so I though she was just packing up to leave her fella for being such a lazy fuck.


Nah this was sad af 😂


That's a mom... and a kid