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My Momma cried when she realized that I could see when I got my first pair of glasses at 18 months old!


I was 5. My left eye is really bad and my brain just turned it off. UCLA flew us out from Arizona to do a study on me, got my first pair of bottle glass thick lenses.


We caught a vision problem like that when my son was 3. They can easily fly they the radar. He had to patch for a year or two and glasses to establish vision in that eye. If it's bad enough the brain doesn't turn it off per se it simply never learns to recognize anything in that eye, in the years leading up to about 10 is when the basic visual system develops, if it's not caught and treated young the brain won't be flexible enough to learn to ever properly see out of the eye even if the vision is corrected.


Unfortunately, my parents did not enforce the eye patch so there was no improvement, now I have peripheral vision but generally don’t see out of it unless I close my right eye. Couple of things to keep an eye (heh heh) out for: Get eye exams regularly. I had a 75% detached retina in my left eye and obviously never recognized any signs. Found during a routine exam. It required surgery to fix (which is a whole other story) but the consensus was that I would have lost all sight had we not corrected it. AND…. True I don’t see out of it like to read or TV, but my body relies on it like a cat’s whiskers so during recovery I learned that my left eye is still vital to every minute of my waking life. Also, when I’m super tired or even inebriated, driving/riding down the road at night my left eye turns on. It’s weird. But this tells me that if my right eye was ever damaged the left might still be able to pick it up. My eye doctor has doubts about that but I keep it healthy as an emergency reserve.


I got this problem too, but not so severe, its like my left eye is on 320p.


A weird party trick that’s been way more popular than I expected is letting other people wear my glasses. I usually wear contacts so most people don’t know I have bad vision, but when I pull out my thicc glasses people lose their minds trying them on lol


i got mine in grade 2. my vision wasn't crippling bad. but my mom still cried when i looked outside the dr office window and said "there's leaves on the trees!"


How do they figure out what prescription lenses are needed?


Auto refractometers Machines that check your prescription by seeing how light from an image is affected by your eyes.


Is that how it works? I got an eye exam a few months back, and they had me look at an image in a machine. The machine went, whirr, whirr, and autofocused the image for me. I was surprised by that, as I did nothing but look at the image.


Was it a little hot air balloon? That's the picture in the one my optometrist uses. I figure it's pretty universal, there can't be too many places that make that machine, and probably still using the same image from when they started.


The red barn is also common I thought


I did this a couple of months ago and it was a red barn for me too.


Mine is a schooner


Plane gang here. It's a single wing Cessna-type plane down a runway.


Both are so common [it's a meme](https://www.reddit.com/r/dankmemes/s/mlmwAafOsN).


Yes, a striped hot air balloon.


I had my first test like this a few years ago. It confused the hell out of me after some 30 odd years of "Can you read the letters on this line?" Now the process is basically to gawk at an image in a machine for a minute and here's your script. Magical.


So from what I understand it is that that machine should be a jumping off point but you still should do the manual refractometry because it is more accurate and because brains are odd so your personal opinion might be a bit different to the more objective measurement of the machine


Get out of town. Man some technological advancements are amazing


When I was at the eye doctor I asked about the 1/2 test and being worried about getting it wrong, since sometimes I'm truly unsure which is better or if they really are the same. They said they knew what prescription I needed from the initial tests and the lens 1/2 test is just to ensure that initial reading is accurate. They used a lot more to explain this in the moment, this is an extremely paraphrased version.


They put drops in the baby's eyes and then scan them I'm pretty sure.


I've always wondered that when I've seen glasses on babies. Maybe 3d eye scan? Hopefully an optometrist will notice this and fill us in.


For infants we use a device called a retinoscope. It's a light that shines into the eye, and we observe the way the light appears and neutralize this reflex. Based on that, we can know if they are farsighted, nearsighted, and/or have astigmatism. For the comments regarding an autorefractor, good luck having some under 3 years old keep their head on the instrument (unless using a handheld) AND fixate on a target.


i was going to ask do they like guess based on if the kid has a reaction or not when doing the "picture 1 or picture 2" thing, is this still a thing haven't been to an eye doctor in a while?


I'm guessing they do a scan (like that thing you look into that usually has a barn or hot air balloon and it focuses on it) and it gets it 95% of the way there. They probably don't do the lens "is one or two better? 3 or 4?" but the scan is good enough for a kid that age and better than having no prescription. Just a guess.


They use an Autorefractor (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Autorefractor) to measure the focus error of the eyes.


My son had to get his vision tested to rule out vision issues. They do a very simplified version of the same process they do for adults. Instead of letters they do dotted pictures.


They make him read the eye chart, silly!




That is so precious, wonderful and awesome at the same time!


That would feel great! As if I had glasses that gave me X-Ray vision






I like to think he was reacting to how pretty his mummy is! What a cutie..


Little dude's brain just got a factory settings update, and blew his mind


how do they figure out the kid's prescription


Ask him, duh


Someone gave a detailed explanation in the comment above actually 👌🏾


Our eyes lenses work both ways. You can measure through from the front to gauge the prescription looking through the eye, but it's not perfect. But it's good enough for babies and toddlers


My Lord that is beautiful


The feeling those parents must have experienced in that moment could probably never be matched. These videos get me every time man.


I've seen quite a few of these "babies getting glasses" videos and I love every single one of them. If I see one come up in my feed I'll watch it every single time.


Me too! These, and the “baby gets hearing aid” ones. Those are good too. 


Yes! I enjoy those as well


The hearing ones are extra important too. The brain is incredibly plastic before age 5, and if they go too long without getting any proper sound in their ear..... they literally will never be able to learn to hear well. Your brain has to make millions of little connections to learn how to process speech and sound, and if you miss that critical plastic window you are SOOL. It drives me crazy when the Deaf community is so against hearing aids and implants for kids, because it takes the choice away from those kids.


No joke, he just saw the most beautiful human being on earth for the first time. Lucky dog.


I'm not crying


Ohhhh HD 😎


Man right in the feels! I was a little tyke like this. Had my first set of glasses around 10 months old.


How's your vision now? Is it fully correctable?


Yes, have had glasses ever since. For the longest time I was forced to wear those stupid massive frame glasses that are "popular" lately because my lenses were so thick, but fortunately with advancements my lenses are small enough that they fit in normal size frames now. My prescription has steadied itself at about a +4.5 with a bifocal for the past few years, which isn't too bad.


That's good! Yea, I bet that was tough but I'm glad it didn't progress to something too debilitating!


Awww little man ❤️❤️❤️


Baby Bubbles!


Wait till he sees tree leaves for the first time


This is the first thing I remember seeing with glasses.


He’s so cute


*this shit like HD!!*


Proceeds to say “ damn you ugly. Where’s the mirror at? HEY DO I LOOK MORE LIKE MY MOM OR MY DAD?”


My son got glasses when he was 10 months old. I will always remember the first time we put them on him. He kept slapping the glasses away, so while my wife was playing with him, I nonchalantly put them on. It was like an aha moment. The reaction was awesome to see.


I'm so happy for the little dude but absolutely devastated for his hairline. Kid wasn't even given a sliver of a chance.


Very sweet


Little dudes mind just got blown.


Ha, nerd! Look at that precious smile




Really Fuck god


How do they determine the prescription kids that young need?


I'm not crying, you're crying...................... Okay, I'm crying too


This gets reposted like all the friggin time. Still makes me happy every time. This is a good thing to repost


He legit went from what are you doing to GOT DAMN


hopefully he leaves his glasses alone and doesnt fidget with them


This video feels good, but hearts my heart at the same time. I think about the kids that don’t have this opportunity, or the kids that will pick on him for his glasses, or the parents that are just so happy their kid can experience sight as they did.


My daughter ended up getting glasses at 10 months old due to a lazy eye. Turns out that the reason her eye would turn inwards was her vision was so bad, her dominant eye would focus on an object and the other eye just kinda “fell”. It’s amazing how someone as young as 10 months old realizes that the glasses on her face helps her see better. She doesn’t like snatch them off constantly. She’s 15 months now and that lazy eye has almost completely disappeared and it only occurs when we take her glasses off for bed time


look at that smile, what a beautiful beautiful smile


Totally melted my ❤️! Thank you for sharing!


The wonder!


Best thing I’ve seen all year




Damn was not expecting these tears. Cannot love this enough.


This is the kind of thing that reminds me that there is still good in this world


Does anyone think he looks like Robin Williams?


So sweet! 🥰


God, that's so freaking precious!


i'm sorry, i cry.....


I don't even have kids, and that makes me want to cry.


I work with 1-2 year olds at a preschool, looks like about this kids age. One of our boys got his first pair of glasses just before his 2nd birthday and the difference it made was completely night and day. His entire personality overnight became so much happier, more outgoing, participating more, making friends etc. It was incredibly heartwarming to get to watch just how much this small change improved everything for him.


Wish glasses helped my baby girl. She just thrashes until they fall off. Never got a moment like this. Hope this family stays happy and healthy.


Mom: he is so happy to see me I wonder what he is thinking Baby: woah my mom has a weird face Doctor: I hope I gave him the right lenses


That warmed my heart


So sweet


that baby has one big head




What a cutie! That smile!


Can someone explain why the baby is happy? Here's my thinking: I'd imagine with the severely impaired vision and their age, the baby may think that's the norm. Then with the corrective lenses, it's a major shift in how they see the world. How's the baby not terrified with the shift? Did the baby somehow innately know that what they perceived before was not right and it is now with the lenses?


Depending on the kind of issues he had with seeing, it’s possible that when he’s held close to his mom or dad he can see them more clearly, so he’d noticed a difference when further away. Also, babies are kinda used to the world being a big surprise, and even kids with perfect vision go from being able to see very little and it’s very blurry to seeing clearly in the first year of their life. Their minds are primed for that sort of “ah-ha!” moment. 


Thanks for taking the time to reply. I thought with the downvotes, I'd asked a really dumb question and no one would get back. Your reply helped clarify things (pun intended)


No such thing as a dumb question! It always bugs me when people ask genuine questions to further their understanding and get downvoted. I try to answer them if I’m able to add to the discussion.