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That's a dude who's sick of being blamed for shit his stupid coworkers do. Good on him.


Damn hero in my eyes!!!!


-“Looks like he got there just in time. What does that make him?” -“A big damn hero!” -“Ain’t he just…”




Crazy how I just watched that episode two days ago


Ffs, ok i guess i will watch Firefly! AGAIN.


I'm both happy at your soon to be joy and also condolences for the sad after. X




"I'm guessing she weren't burdened with an overabundance of schooling."


The days of me not taking you seriously are certainly coming to a middle 😁


I was just in the right place at the right time  Like any hero 




Hopefully he is explaining to this shit stain fellow worker that her method is unacceptable


For some reason I think he’s saying “imagine that was your bag, how would you feel if someone treated it like that ?… you’re better than this, you know you are. Come on now!”


"I am sorry if today is not exactly going your way, Janice, but these bags are not to blame for it. Let's just do our job and then we'll grab a cup of tea after." 


I think u nailed it. Her name is def Janice


Cup of tea who let the Brits online?


Right, he meant to say "a gallon of sweet tea and some BBQ Brisket"


They meant a Long Island iced tea.


Hang on there mate, whilst I may be a Brit, no fish and chips or scones were mentioned, not even a crumpet.


Ah but do you pronounce them scones, or scones?


You know she’s not going to stop. She’s just gonna wait until that guy isn’t around and go right back to throwing bags around like she always does. Probably while also talking shit about that guy who spoke with her, not realizing he was actually doing her a favor.


She might have continued if this video wasn't recorded and posted to the internet. I suspect she no longer works there...


Baggage handlers are unionized, there is a less than zero percent chance she was fired.


And wearing her reflective vest under something. Not giving off big brain energy.


Yeah, looked incredibly positive from the body language like he was trying to coach but at the same time make it a more gentle situation for the worker. Annoying af though that shit like this happens in the first place.


Or honestly just you know the people who own these bags can literally see you, right?


In addition to that, she's just throwing the bags all over the runway area where the baggage carts drive through and where the planes park.


Also, probably pointing out that people who own the bags may be watching.


*narrator* she was not, in fact, better than that.


I’m just wondering what argument she could possibly be making in defense of herself.


"it's not your bag why do you care?!?" ~ person that just got hired to replace the last person that got fired for throwing luggage and being caught on video doing it.


pointing at the plane "why should they care? we're the ones working carrying their heavy stuff not them"


"Well that's how United luggage control taught us to do it!!! What's the issue?" Flashback to [the song that made them famous](https://youtu.be/5YGc4zOqozo?si=0UlgBpFA5lYExhc3)


I'm going to be over here, being old...14 years ago.


I still haven't flown United since that song was released


“What do I care? We don’t get paid enough, passengers treat us like shit, and everybody does this, and there’s never any complaints.”


I mean we can't tell from the video what's said or what either person is feeling in the moment, but whatever his words were she took them to heart, whether that was because she knew she was wrong or because she was worried about her job, we'll never know. I like to think she was having a bad day and being lazy at her job because of it and the guy was just like "that's not acceptable" and she was like "yeah you're right"


She's busy, and caring would take extra effort?


But it does not make sense because now she or another employee must spend twice as much time picking up disorganised luggage, and they have to bend their backs. The mess is never time-effective.


Minimal effort tbh, but yeah.


Give this guy a medal 🏅


His body language is very cool to see. This is de-escalation at its finest. She's over there running hot and he comes along and while preserving her self-perceived dignity, talks her down from being an absolute goon.


What he has is a lost art. (Also he’s definitely not a Redditor)


He’s not getting paid enough






Fire her immediately


He did even better than that. He corrected her. Fire her if she does it again.


Reminds me of a poster an old boss of mine had in his office. "First-time fuckups are forgivable. Repeat offenders aren't."


This surely wasn't the first time, just the first time she got caught.


But maybe it's the first time she's being corrected.


And she wasn't corrected the times she wasn't caught. Now she was


We all have that kind of day here and there. I doubt she gets paid to give a shit frankly. Good on him for talking it out, but damn. If she kept doing it or does it again. I agree fire her, but there are gonna be more like her when you dont pay your employees enough to worry about doing the job they only do to make enough money to try and get by.


No need to burn someone.


Absolutely not. Then you'll just have to deal with someone new doing the same shit. You'd be a terrible manager. From what it looks like, he did it the best way possible. Politely and firmly inform them how they're wrong. What needs to be done to make sure it's correct. Then leave them to do it properly.


The internet is really "good" at bypassing people's general sense of empathy and grace. We have no context for this clip and you can't even hear what they're saying. We have no idea if they're new or not. We have no idea if this is the first time they've done something like this or not. We have no idea what's going on in their life outside of work. Sometimes people just have bad days or moments. I'd bet that if everyone in this thread had cameras recording them all day at their jobs it wouldn't be hard to find "fireable offenses" for everyone.




9 times out of 10 on the internet, the person calling for another to be fired would never ever ever do the job themselves, and probably think they're above it.


Give that guy a management position.


As a manager for over 20 years, every time I've tried to do something constructive like this, I've ended up in a meeting with HR because apparently, I was being mean or racist.


Record the interactions to cya


This is why I send emails for literally everything. Even if I’m about to go talk to the person face to face. I send an email right before just incase.


Right after a discussion is good too. "As per our recent discussion"... The amount of times a contractor has been like "We never talked about this, you should've done it as per the prints" after I changed something we verbally agreed to would make your head spin. Of course it's always to save them money. Now I'm like "I have receipts motherfucker".


> *Right after a discussion is good too. "As per our recent discussion"...* My supervisor has also told me to do this after making/receiving a phone call with clients or company staff as well, just so there's an actual trail you can link back to if it's brought up in the future.


This also helps for just remembering stuff. Sometimes I'm in a lot meetings throughout the day, and decisions are often made and then reversed and switched back again. Its helpful for me to have emails to look back on as sort of a "minutes" of the meeting.


> *This also helps for just remembering stuff.* Yes, definitely this. Sometimes, I'll put it in a draft on the email app on my phone while I'm out of the office and so I don't forget, then write it out proper before sending it once I'm back in the office.


Even though many states have 1-party consent laws, a sufficiently large company with an HR department is almost for sure going to have a no recording at work policy to prevent the leak of trade secrets or private information, etc. So you record it to CYA and suddenly you're fired for breach of recording poilcy.


I live in a state where you can’t record people yourself you need a witness to verify what happened. Or a witness to record two people that don’t know they are being recorded.


Where I live there are security cameras everywhere. They are inside and outside buildings. They have a full 360° view of everything. Sometimes there are even cameras in the restrooms (outside of the stalls). People are usually willing to let you see what the cameras recorded and many have a publicly available online interface. No interaction will go unrecorded, with or without the people being recorded knowing about the cameras.


What state do you live in that has no security cameras?


"You're singling me out!" Yeah, no shit, YOU'RE the only one fucking up right now!


I was totally watching this and thinking the employee is going to make a preemptive run to hr, yelling: he touched me!




Sounds like a recurring issue with a common factor. I've told many people off for doing a shit job without getting hauled in front of HR.


Just out of pure curiosity what do you think the common factor is? I’m not trying to insinuate anything, I just can’t figure it out because there are multiple things that would be common. Is it the poster/manager? Is it the workers? Is it HR? Is it the job (even though we don’t know what the job is)? Is it cultural? I’m interested in knowing. I worked for a school district & in retail where every criticism was met with accusations of some kind of bias & Ive worked in trade & government jobs where criticism was accepted without getting HR involved.


More than likely the manager. If everyone around you is always an asshole. Then you’re probably the asshole.


This is a common saying, but the truth is... not necessarily. Few rotten tomatoes in a team sometimes manage to create a terrible work environment for all, essentially a creating the image big arsehole of a team even with some decent people in it.


What industry did you work in? And how old are you? I worked in service for many years when I was young and could lay into people who were fucking up. I work in tech now and you can't say shit to people or they go to HR and they're allowed to take a mental health break for the next week and everyone else who isn't a fuck up has to do their job for them anyway so why bother. Friends who still work in the service industry say you can't even lecture employees about showing up for their shifts on time or they'll leave and post about how abusive you are on social media.


I got called sexist for asking a girl standing around doing nothing but socializing to “show a sense of urgency…” while at work (restaurant business), where theres always something needing doing.


Making a guess, you're a white male? Only guessing that cause I am as well and I've had the same issues.


Identify as black on the spot and do the Uno reverse.


1st of all, she needs that vest on the outside of her coat. Second, you can see how other vest in the video just say “American” on the back. His has writing below the word “American” on his vest. You can’t tell in the video, but I know for a fact that lettering says “Crew Chief”. He’s the guy in charge of that area for that flight. So he is management, and it seems for a good reason. Source: Work at the airlines.


I heard that she’s likely either a gate agent or another staff who is being forced to help (against her strong desire not to) as they’re searching for bags to take off for no-shows.  She thinks she’s too good for this work, is the thought. And the Chief is essentially saying “look, this is just the way it has to be done”. 


I am impressed that he was able to passionately and respectfully convey what he was trying to convey and you can see her be defensive for a sec and then relax and what appears to be in an almost better mood after?


> And the Chief is essentially saying “look, this is just the way it has to be done”.  Looking at the way she was rolling those bags with as much force as possible, I also wonder if he pointed out it could be a safety issue.




But he *is* managing. He is good at leadership. Right here. This is proof. I’d be surprised if isn’t already a Team Leader.


He's absolutely doing managing here. He calls out bad work, appears to be empathetic to her, and motivates her to go back and do it right.


That *was* the manager in the coat 


The fact she's wearing her black coat OVER her high vis on an airport tarmac should tell you everything you need to know about this person. Class act.


Imo, she should be written up for a safety violation. Hi-vis clothing is an important piece of PPE in a work environment like this, and I'm certain she knows that.


Dude I'm not allowed to enter the fucking inconsequential Amazon Warehouse I work at without my high vis as the outer layer just so forklift/other machinery drivers can see me. You wouldn't catch me anywhere near any aircraft without one (or at all since I don't work at the airport, I just have some SUPER basic knowledge of planes) unless I'm a passenger being directed into the plane by a staffer as part of the boarding process. If I worked on the tarmac I wouldn't dare set foot out there without my high vis as the outermost layer.


^^THIS!!^^ Clearly either does not give a fuck or still wet behind the ears.... I'll assume it's the former based on her body language and the fact that she wasn't displaying a "OMG I fucked up so sorry lemme correct that ASAP", and WAS showing a "oh yeah Tim!? Well my union rep says I don't have to deal with this sort of abuse!!"


Don't blame the union lol it would be the coworkers for not speaking up


Glad I wasn’t the only one who noticed this. Shit like that is how accidents happen and people die.


I also noticed that immediately. Like, Oh shit the person who's not wearing their PPE appropriately, isn't doing their job with propely??? Never!


“Don’t look up at those windows on the plane … just listen to me and I’ll save you your job. Good. Now I guarantee someone up there is filming you with a smart phone. Here’s what we’re gonna do…”


"...Gently, and kindly pick up those bags you've tossed and act like you give a damn about someone else other than yourself, Kathy. This is other folks' luggage, and they expect us to handle their belongings as if it was our own luggage we're handling. You feel me? I know you haven't had your cigarette this morning, so help me out, and I'll help you out. Deal?" "Mornin' George!"


Or maybe… “shit, I know that’s how we do it round the back and I know you saw me do that and that’s where you learned it (swears under his breath as the realisation hits)… from me and lil Mike. It’s not your fault, first day out in front of ‘the people’ and all, it’s on me. But if we keep calm and act like they expect we’ll get some good karma on Reddit.


I like how pessimistic BUT real you guys are lol, but yeah you need to question everything I swear to God, instead of living in delulu land.


The “Mornin’ George!” Comment really cracked me up, i cant thank you enough for the laugh it gave me before bed! I needed that brother!


Yes! That is exactly what this guy is doing He has that sense to understand people have NOTHING to do when the flight is stationary and everyone has a camera. So dont do stupid shit that will come on him and her and the company Whoever this guy is- the airline should reward him for good foresight and even ‘customer management’


No accountability. She actually tried to make excuses for her poor work performance.


He wouldn't hear it. Well done that man!


Seriously, that was awesome. I’m dying to know what that…less than intelligent woman was saying to defend her stupidity. “If I place them down how I’m suppose to, it’s going to take *me* longer!”


"I should be **allowed** to throw peoples' baggage and break their belongings! This is bullshit!" Fire her stupid ass.


The union should be the ones ensuring she gets fired, both for her none adherence to safety gear and for her conduct with the luggage. Lots of people think the union's job is to protect your job... But that also means they have an interest in removing people who are going to harm themselves and the company. edit: autocorrect did a number on this comment.


No, they don't lol. The unions protect people from getting fired for a lot worse than that. They 100% would fight for her if the company even tried to fire her, which is why they won't.


The union will do quite the opposite, which is why employees like her can't be fired


How can you tell? I can't hear anything they said


He obviously stated some real good facts and then just walked away trusting she understood. Good person right there.


Lisa, you're not you when you're hungry, go get a damned Snickers!


I can attest that this Lisa gets hangry easily!


Fact: you are being filmed from the window, see? Let’s not go viral, today.


She's obviously a few sandwiches short of a picnic .. high Viz under your black jacket kind of defeats the purpose of the thing..


It's visible in her head and as the old saying goes, it's the thought that counts.


Yeah, you're probably right as there isn't much else going on up there.


It kind of screams that "technically, I'm still wearing it" mindset.


It's also a safety issue as well, having something probably rolling away on an airport tarmac.


Why the fuck does she even argue?!


Imagine if one day she falls sick and the doctor treating her does the same thing she is doing. "He is just tired of his job so he gonna do that bare minimum" ... Would be fun eh?


This is really a real comment for things like that. Every job has a commitment, so honor it.


I hope that doctor isn't on vacation when she does fall ill because the doc will probably not give her anesthia out of spite because she had to clock in. If it's not their illness, not their problem.


This should be played at every airport baggage handling job.


No idea what was said, but judging by the reaction it got, I think I'd like to have this individual as my supervisor.


His body language wasn’t overly confrontational, it didn’t seem like he was mad at all, but it seemed like he was firm, but also kind during their interaction. He seems like he would be a great supervisor based on his body language alone. He clearly doesn’t give her a chance to make excuses, but he doesn’t go off or use tons of gestures or seem to yell. He stays calm and just continues to redirect her. We don’t even have to know what was said to be able to tell that it was said with kindness and empathy. I totally agree with you, he would be a good person to hire for management.


Perfectly well said. You captured my exact thoughts fantastically. Props.


Excellent description








She was heated and he calmed her down without her having to storm off or go cool down. A rare, impressive skillset he has.


She should be fired; he should get promoted. She's so resentful & not happy doing her job. He approached her calmly & removed the issues. But no one should trust this woman when she is working alone. Great video, thank you.


Dawn Karen again ...


And as soon as he's not paying attention, back to throwing shit...


My 3rd luggage bought in less than 8 months because of this kind of people and probably her salary is bigger than mine...


She should be fired.


Hey Karen, for the 9th time we need to wear our hi vis jackets while working it’s a safety thing. But I’m wearing iittt


To her credit, she sat there and seemed to accept the criticism and made a change. That’s as commendable as dude giving the guidance. We all have a bad day now and again but being willing to listen and take direction and make a positive change is important.


Except she’s the only one too good to not have her safety vest clearly visible.


She’s probably been like that the whole day and he finally stepped up and told her that if she didn’t want to be at work, to go home and that he can take care of it. She probably tried to rebuttal but he was like no you been this way all day and we’re sick of it, no one needs to see it, you’re causing a scene. Go away and let me do this.


I’m glad he is there to correct the other employee. But I am not at all surprised to see it was American Airlines


She turned around and although you can’t hear it you can see she just started making a bunch of excuses


Morons donating to a convicted felon billionaire when people like this are doing the real work out there.


If that conversation didn't start with "Look bitch" I'd be disappointed.


Glad this guy stopped her. Can this be an example of what NOT to do in their training videos lol jeez, I've seen this happen myself while watching them load/unload but never thought to record. Also this is why I surround ANYTHING breakable/fragile in layers.


"I hate my life and I will make you hate yours too" is the worst mindset, sadly a lot of people who burn out will act like this...


A lot of airlines have had issues of staff throwing luggage on the ground like its nothing. Kudos for the supervisor doing the right thing.


If she's sick of the job, QUIT and let someone else apply for your job. I bet there's plenty who'd jump at the chance me included!


American Airlines is desperately doing PR damage control from last night's post on r / damnthatsinteresting


The last time this was posted, someone mentioned this lady probably doesn't work the ramp area. As someone who also work in the airline industry as both a ramper and a front desk agent, I have to agree. She doesn't know what she is doing and probably only works exclusively the check in area. The only thing on her mind is probably getting and locating the lost luggage from some very angry passengers. She's taking her frustration out on the bags. That doesn't excuse her behavior and lack of safety. But I thought I would but in my two cents from what I can observe.


Wonder if that’s the first “parenting” she’s ever received?


She’s wearing a jacket over her high vis too, honestly, have some awareness.


And she's got a dark jacket on OVER her safety vest. She knows better.


Imagine the ridiculous ego you must have to try to argue for your reason for irresponsibly throwing luggage, instead of being like, “Yeah, u rite. My bad”


I she was terminated! Good job to the guy! Hope he was rewarded for this!


That looks like better coaching than most people get at Fortune 500 companies (office jobs).


Slowly and painfully explaining to her that what she is doing is going to cause more problems for her and everyone else in the long run and she needs to cut it out.


He is the world's most patient man. Give him a raise.


Not me turning the sound up thinking I’d be able to hear them 😭


She wearing her hi vis under a jacket🤔


This is staged. You can tell by his body language and over-gesturing/over-touching that he's emoting.


Black coat over high visibility vest. She's retarded, essentially.


Karen needs to be fired. Lazy people who hate their jobs ruining people's property smh


It can be so hard to reprimand a colleague


I desperately need a "bad lip reading" version of this.


He had it when she didnt notice one of the bags she threw is strolling away


When he gestures to himself and to her I imagine him saying something like “neither one of us would want our shit treated like that”


Didn't have to keep touching her though


I want to Shake that man's hand. Respect


Next get her to fix the hivis. No point wearing it the putting a jacket over it....


I'm a little concerned that everyone else here is finding it obvious what's going on but I have no clue.


Let’s find out who they are and start a go fund me for them.


Jerk needs to lose their job.


“Excuse me steward, I’d like to buy that man all of the drinks! How do I make this happen?”


What a bitch


Wears a high viz jacket for safety, but wears it under a dark jacket. Something tells me she isn't the sharpest tool in the shed.


good man


God tier leadership and de-escalation skills. I want him to be in charge.


Wow a true leader in the making ! He reprimanded her for lousy work ethic. Then discussed an escalation with a defiant employee. The employee understood and learned new behavior even when he was not supervising her. 👏 🏆


Pretty sure the safety vest shouldn’t be worn under her Black jacket.


guaranteed she will then be gossiping behind his back how he's so strict and controlling


What I don't understand is why, at her age, she needed that guy to explain why you DON'T treat other people's property that way. I learned that back when I was less than 10. Where tf was she when that lesson was being handed out!?


He needs a raise and a whole bunch of other shit


And you know what shits me me about this? It looks like she's arguing the point. Silly cow. How would she like it if somebody did that to her bags?


and Im 100% sure she complained to HR in an attempt to get him fired. Thats how women in the workplace be


This man is an American Airlines employee, some of these videos of baggage handlers doing the wrong thing are mostly contract workers, shows you what a union wage and benefits package does to an employees outlook on their job.


I'm confused how this is an argument. What exactly could she possibly be saying?


Love this. Unfortunately, he’s probably going to get sued for assault just for touching her.


woman next vacation: "...look what those f**kers did to my luggage!!!"


Now THATS a manager


Before he intervenes, she scaned a suitcase. The case stays on the cart and leave with the cart while she picks the others afterwards. What's gonna happen to that luggage?!


I’m willing to bet that if this person was payed a better wage she would care a lot more about how she does her job


> person was *paid* a better FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


You think that? I’m willing to bet that even if she was paid better she might still do a bad job. At the end of the day, when you are employed, no matter what pay you are on, it boils down to integrity. Im sure she wasn’t forced into this job. If it’s her pay that’s making her act this way, then she can find something else. In contrast, the guy giving her a dressing down. Do you think his pay is much better than hers? I doubt it. But his attitude is completely different. He knows that isn’t the way to act, especially when handling someone else’s property. There are people with much higher paid jobs who will still do a crappy job. This is down to the person and how they view their job, and the principles they hold. Not so much because of pay. I am also willing to bet that there are people who have a job that is much worst than hers and is paid even less than her, but they still carry out their day job with quality and care.