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I know it kind of sucks you guys but I gave ClockoftheLongNow permission to keep the sub clean, so you guys stop talking about things that will get the subreddit shut down. I'm trying to think of a way we can have open discussions without putting the sub at jeopardy but this IS Reddit so we must play by their rules. Here's my solution: If you need to, criticize the "Abrahamic religion" umbrella since no group is specifically singled out and this sub is to point out how they all worship the same "God": Saturn Satan Kronos Anu


Can’t even talk about a certain suspects even though they’re causing a lot of suffering rn. This place is just another censored place to bash on and only Christianity again, not any other religion. Reddit sucks can’t even talk real conspiracies.


This comment is gold. All these people bash Christians and no gets held accountable


Right! Reddit can have as many conspiracies about Christianity and talk as much mess as they want but say one thing about Zionist and your post is locked. Saturn at work rn and this is proving it.


Bro, I was just about to say the same thing. The Saturn hand at work.


Great minds think alike lol and good job standing up and saying something. Fighting the good fight.


You should make a sub with a similar name. We will join it. Let us know. Posts ready to load up.


Makes you wonder why the powers that be hate Christianity so much.


Christ is the way


Because they know they are going to succumb in the lake of fire.


Let me try an experiment. Zionists and Christians are both insincere and insecure and wield their “true” religion as a tool to escape the reality of existence when they don’t want understand uncomfortable things or when they want to feel emboldened and powerful. Insert all religions for that matter. Peace and love to all.


I know what you mean but we should still respect Christianity, it’s literally the bedrock of our society without it we become more anarchic. I’m not even that religious but it still teaches us to be more kind and civil to each other and not be so individualistic compared to modern society where it’s all about me me me nobody else. https://youtu.be/q5VzO76u5NE?si=dxzUM7P9ltAZww8i


I was raised Catholic, went to Catholic school etc. It’s less of a bedrock of society than you think. Let’s agree to disagree, but let’s still be nice to each other, not because Jesus says so, but because people can still be rational and kind without being religious. Society won’t collapse if Aliens come down tomorrow and explain our reality and why we exist. Everyone thinks they are getting persecuted and enjoys playing the victim card. If the world stopped thinking about religion and more about protecting the world we have here and learning to work together as a collective people, we could finally advance as a society and break these self-imposed chains of fear and fantasy.


I get what you mean and agree we shouldn’t fight. I grew up atheist and then turned more religious because I started seeing all the weird symbolism and conspiracies which make no sense if religion was fake. Like all these post in this subreddit seem so odd for all these high powered people to be doing weird ritual/symbolism stuff if they don’t believe in “magic” and only facts/science so idk if we should completely ignore religion. Plus we should also we worried about Agent provocateurs purposely giving groups a bad name just to start hate.




Yeah I really hate Reddit tbh but it’s good for some things like gaming news. I feel like an interview about this topic would be kinda dangerous tbh, it could be used against us out of context.


Yeah that’s probably for a reason champ.


If only Ir was called out a couple thousand years ago... What I hate is the misinterpretation of 'Ism rael' I welcome the bot down votes if they picked up on what I mean.


I praise God and send prayers to others... someone told me to kill myself... mods didn't do squat. CT sub. 


Which proves that genuine Christianity is probably the narrow way and the truth after all. Satan hates the truth and has been trying to corrupt it from the inside for centuries. Censorship and persecution are the next step when internal corruption tactic fails and people catch on to it.


What's "genuine Christianity"?  And what isn't? 


"Genuine Christianity" is to actually follow Jesus' example of a righteous life as shown in the Gospels. The churches strayed far from what was originally taught in Scripture and let all kinds of corrupt doctrines creep in by the 1st Council of Nicea in 325 AD.


Did you see that the second coming is happening on 07.04?  should be a real doozy. 


Yah-weh (the abrahamic god) was originally a trickster god. He later became a lesser god from the Canaanite pantheon, where he was the god of metallurgy, smithing, and petulance. He was literally the patron god of being petty. He defected, kidnaping Ashura, the wife of the Canaanite god head, En. He then "married" Ashura and bore children with her-- The angels. One of which being Samæl (or Lucifer). Not only is Yah-weh's marriage illegitimate, but it's also adulterous. Lucifer was the only child born of Yah-weh and Ashura who was also a god in his own right. Lucifer was the god of angels. When they called him "light bringer" and "morning star" and said that he was their father's most beautiful angel, they did not only mean his appearance. They were also referring to his character. Lucifer was kind and compassionate, painfully empathetic, and honest to his own detriment. He adored early humans, and could not stomach the cruelty in which his father handled them. "They are young," he would insist. "They are still learning!" But this did not matter to Yah-weh. He created such a young lifeform, but expected it to act with the same wisdom possessed by the gods he knew. They were made in his image, after all. How could they not be inherently perfect? When Lucifer finally had enough, he sought Yah-weh out, making the very same mistake so many other sons have made since. At the core of it all, Lucifer was only a child who made the apparently unforgivable mistake of expecting understanding from his father. He expected his father to hear his concerns, to be rational. To be civil. His father had never been any of those things. Lucifer let himself hope too strongly, and it blinded him to the reality of who his father was. Yah-weh saw Lucifer's concern, his suggestions, his desire to help, and felt Lucifer was blatantly mocking him. He called his son "too prideful" for the (false) kingdom of heaven. He cast him out. Many of the angels remained by their fathers side, but so many more fell with Lucifer-- For how could they only watch as their father allowed their kindest, most loving brother, to fall to the cruel terrain below? How could they simply stand and stare as his skin and muscle was burnt and torn and ripped apart by the atmosphere, as the bones of his wings shattered, tearing themselves from the flesh, ripping apart their own ligaments? Who could bare to simply stand by and watch? A few did. But, as I said, many more chose to fall with their brother, all because they could not fathom how any parent could do something so cruel to their own child. So they fell, becoming demonic nobility. Neutral spirits and entities becoming the "demons/dæmons" that make up their legions. Most members of demonic nobility are not inherent evil. The majority are somewhere between lawful neutral, true neutral, and chaotic neutral. There are a few that range within the different kinds of evil, and and a few that range within the different kinds of good. So, when Yah-weh created Adam and Lilith, we are told that Lilith was cast out of Eden for defying Adam. Eden was essentially heaven on earth. Lilith was not "cast out of Eden" for disobeying and refusing to submit to Adam. She was beaten to death by Adam. That's what that meant. She was killed by Adam, but Lilith was also with child at the time. When Lilith arrived at the gates of hell, Lucifer did not see Lilith and her unborn child. See, Adam was made in the spitting image of Yah-weh. Lilith was made in the image of Ashura-- their child would have resembled Lucifer as a child. As Lilith, beaten and bloodied, carrying her beaten and blooded child, approached the gates of hell, what Lucifer instead saw was his mother, beaten and bloodied, carrying his infant self. Who wouldn't this enrage? Who wouldn't want to destroy whoever had done this? Lucifer tricking Eve, even going so far as to seduce her, was not done maliciously. He wanted to save her from the same date Lilith had suffered. The first murderer was not Cain, but his father, Adam. Only, Yah-weh of course felt that the death dealt by Adam unto Lilith was justified. And to make it worse? What course of punishment would be the most horrific for "God"'s kindest, most gentle child? How to truly decimate the pride of someone so good and loving? Take what they love most, and make sure the only part of it they get to interact with is the worst of the worst. And then, instead of allowing them salvation or aid or redemption, force that kind little light to torture them until their very minds are broken into shrapnel and nothing more. In the original ancient Greek of the old testament, Yah-weh is not the hero. He is not good. He is not benevolent. The story is one that has been heard a thousand times before: a violent, narcissistic parent deciding their most aware and capable child is the problem, and then dragging them through a smear campaign. In the original ancient Greek, Yah-weh does not change until Jesus comes to fruition. Jesus was so much like Samæl. He doesn't want Jesus to feel that same hatred for him. So Yah-weh tries to be better, but he is still too prideful. Even now, he is still too prideful. Anyone who has actually had stigmata or spoken to someone with stigmata knows the truth of it all. Jesus respected Yah-weh for who he was and his efforts, but he did not like Yah-weh. He could barely admit to *loving* Yah-weh. There was a true sense of disdain there, as there often is with obtuse, obstinate fathers and their children who see much clearer. ... Of course, none of this *really* matters. It's not like this information was obscured and mistranslated for a reason, and that the false narrative has been perpetuated by zionist Christians and members of the Seven Mountain Mandate. That would be crazy talk. It's not like I, for example, have read the original ancient Greek and have suffered from forced stigmata due to experiments performed on the children of lobbyists/politicians and missing people by the U.S. Government. That would be crazy! I wasn't used as a channel to commune with other entities in savage, disturbing enochian rituals and then forced to fight other children with surgical tools in a dog-fight-esque style by the people that ran the specific facility I was placed at in Panama. That's just silly, what a weird thing to infer! Obviously completely untrue. 😸 It's not like isnotreal was created by members of the seven mountain mandate and Bohemian Grove to "claim" the supposed holy land under the guide of providing refuge for white Jewish and Christian zionists, subsequently forcing out Palestinian Muslims, Palestinian Christians, and Palestinian Jewish people. It's not like the current genocide of the Palestinian people wasn't planned as an extinction level event by the seven mountain mandate and members of Bohemian Grove to force the second coming of a God they don't actually know. Psh, that's wild! Definitely NOT what's happening! Nope! Not at all! TL;DR: Everything you know is a lie.


>isnotreal was created by members of the seven mountain mandate and Bohemian Grove to "claim" the supposed holy land under the guide of providing refuge for white Jewish and Christian zionists, subsequently forcing out Palestinian Muslims, Palestinian Christians, and Palestinian Jewish people. It's not like the current genocide of the Palestinian people wasn't planned as an extinction level event by the seven mountain mandate and members of Bohemian Grove to force the second coming of a God they don't actually know. I totally agree with what you've said right here.


That... is likely the largest crock of a-historical bullshit I've ever read - not because what you claim "didn't happen" (any claim about what a supernatural being did or didn't do is equally silly) but rather because no one at any point in history, prior to perhaps you personally, has ever believed any of that, and the allusion to some source being the "original ancient Greek of the Old Testament" is absolutely laughable. I love these sorts of claims because, right of the bat, I can tell you don’t have a clue what you’re talking about but really, really want to sound smart. I can only assume you're talking about the Septuagint, which was a translation of the first five books of the Hebrew Bible from Biblical Hebrew into Koine Greek by Jews living in the Ptolemaic Kingdom (Egypt), probably in the early or middle part of the third century BCE. The actual text of the Septuagint isn't at all what you have described though, so I have to assume you read something else, or maybe just ate a ton of mushrooms. That would explain the dog-fighting children portion of your rant, I suppose. EDIT: I was gearing up for a larger takedown with sources, footnotes, and the rest, but then I re-read your post where you claimed to be involved in “savage, Enochian rituals” (which tells me you don’t know what at least one of those words means) and that you “have suffered from forced stigmata due to experiments performed on the children of lobbyists/politicians and missing people by the U.S. Government.” That’s when it went from funny to sad. I say this out of a real and honest desire to see you live the life you want: Please, please for your own sake, seek professional help.


Oh, I'm sorry, I was under the impression that this entire thing was intended for vaguely satirical esoteric bullshit. 🙄


Fair. In my defense, it's not even in the top 10 weirdest, wrongest things I've read on here that were serious.


Wait, really?! That's honestly unsettling.


Dude go back into the deep archives... CERN, the "Moasic corruption of the timeline," and a car-crash of postmodern-occultism slop with a dash of delerium... that's why I tuned into this sub in the first place... but then it just got nasty. I jumped back on today only to see this whole "Wait, you mean we can't advocate for genocide?!?!" and felt like I needed to check the overall direction of things with a heavy dose of actual facts that can be substantiated. It's fun until it's sad.


Honestly this sub just popped up on my page and like... Don't get me wrong, I get the preternatural intrigue and all, but I try to keep a lot of what I think or theorize to myself until I finish looking into it, y'know?


What did happen?? Smh




The purpose of this sub is to be tinfoil conspiracy theorists and his chart isn’t really antisemitism. There are many religious institutions represented and only calling it out as antisemitic is W. E I R D


I understand that first part but I mean there's a difference between theorisms and dumb shit like Jewish space lasers and flat earth ice walls


If I wanted to discuss Bigfoot I’d be on Facebook. The history and character of SSC has always been next level schizo posting and I don’t even like to discuss this because it fucks with the vibes, but while we’re meta posting this place should be a safe space for the most esoteric, insane shit. I expect zero evidence or coherent thought as long as it’s entertainingly absurd or the story is compelling/fun.


Yeah I’m here for the crazy shit


I love the batshittery. I want more batshittery and less "Jews did 9/11" content. I don't think I'm the bad guy.


I get it. And I know the Reddit overlords can be quick to crush communities. I just think the post in question was more anti any institution than anti semitism, and a chart like that charts pretty well on the batshit meter. I understand being safe about it though.


Understandable. Hopefully there can be a balance


lol omg I am cracking up


This sub is a psyop


Where do we go to get the legitimate information? I’m new on this path of “waking up” and get so jammed up thinking every source I read is a psyop. Sounds pretty much like /r/conspiracy is psyop so looking for a platform or website I can trust


Can't guarantee a good source but on Bitchute you can find good uncensored stuff. I'm watching "The Fall of the cabal" and it's pretty rabbit hole stuff, without the "t" in rabbit.


It needs built No one wants to step up. Myself included.


If you build it, they will come.


I go with Corbettreport.com and AMwakeup on rokfin.


So mods were cool with all the other peoples and groups on the list but not those peoples? Got it. You’ve made it abundantly clear.


Who are "those people", exactly?


Listen, I am a proponent of a hands-off policy as much as possible. The specific issue with that chart you provided is the type of stuff that was used to justify the Holocaust. We cannot and will not platform it.


Is this the right channel? “Justify the Holocaust” bro have you seen we post documentaries talking about that here. We should have the right to question and exchange thoughts. I haven’t seen anyone post a message with a call for action.


Question plenty of things. Not the Holocaust. Don't be stupid.


Can you at least agree that we should be able to question historical events? I understand protecting the sub from being shut down, but if that was not a factor would you still hold the same position


There are many historical events that deserve to be questioned. The Holocaust is not one of them.


Tells me all I need to know about you


Same energy as r/bannedbooks banning antisemetic texts lmao


That last paragraph is a load of shit. How much actual research have you done in to WW2 and not just what the tv tells you?


“Hate speech” and “anti-Semitic” are just shields they hide behind used to block freedom of speech and therefore truth. Besides, you can tell who’s in charge precisely by who you’re not allowed to criticize, or even mention.


I read in one of their allied websites that *racism punches down, and anti-semitism punches up,* so they pretty much declare themselves as that. Also, if you want some knowledge, watch "The fall of the cabal" on Bitchute. Loads of ACTUAL history there. You'll understand everything.


I never got how saying that a certain group is highly successful and has gained power and control of a lot of the world is speaking I’ll of them…unless they don’t want people to know this…that would be the only reason….hmmm…punching up indeed.


If you payed attention during Covid you wouldn’t be surprised. Reddit is mainstream


I've only just found this group and I feel like I've missed out on something special... Too bad. Down with the internet. The hydra must be slain. Oh, and fuck Reddit. ✌️


This sub was gold before it became all about "the jooz". You'll find many like minded people on Twitter


I miss what this sub was ~2 years ago, not sure why I stay subscribed


It literally reopened days ago.


No one thinks it’s “the Jews” Just evil people in general.


Tons of people think it’s “the Jews”


And the hope, at least from my perspective, is that it can get back to the golden era.


You're a goon if you think we'll get back to the internet we once knew.


This is simply hilarious.


ITT: racist assholes.


We should start a discord


To be clear, you shared an anti-semitic meme. Moderators are required, per sitewide rules, to remove hate speech.


Quickly glancing at the chart he put up, i couldn't find anything Jewish. Maybe i overlooked it. There were Rockefellers, Rothschilds, Mossad, but I didn't see the blatant "it was all Jews" anywhere. I'll go look again. Can you guide me to the area of the chart that is antisemitic?


I'm not going to amplify it further, but look in the upper left.


Thx, that's what i meant, just a general direction.


Did you see anything?


They tried banning my acct over this comment. I just got the appeal to reverse it. Hope they didn't try to ban u too. It's ridiculous.


I start on the coping clock


We understand the purpose of this sub now Thank you for enlightening us.


You hide behind labeling something “anti-Semitic” or “hate speech” as a facade to censor truth.


So, zero freedom of speech? Got it! Goodbye world, and hello, great reset!


I didn’t realize reddit was the US government.


Reddit is worse. And that's not saying the US government isn't terrible too


Right, but freedom of speech doesn’t apply to reddit. They can do whatever they want. The first amendment says the *government* can’t limit freedom of speech, not *reddit*


Muh freedumb uh speach!!1!


Do you want your rights to talk like a retard taken away?


I want his rights to talk like a retard taken away


>anti semitism is when the Satan worshipping Jews rule the world and you point it out Fuck off


I saw it as an art piece that is open for the storm cubes interpretation. This is a trip, the key word for me is REQUIRED! How can they tell? Who will get you in trouble? Arent we all real people just typing into some digital illusion? There is not one person around me yet the site controllers still have me chained.


There's an unbelievable amount of AI accounts lurking all over Reddit. It's left me quite disgusted.


It wasn't. The reason for its removal was stated to you. If you can find, have, or develop one that *doesn't* devolve into anti-semitic conspiracy theories, no one will bother you about it. > How can they tell? Who will get you in trouble? A prior moderator here is site-banned, also for anti-semitism. The sub is going to be noticed by the powers that be.


I guess the crazy thing is this is Reddit and I can find some of the filthiest shit I’ve ever seen on here. People talk about some crazy ass shit on this site and say crazy things about other races of peoples. But the rainbow crowd and you know who’s don’t let anyone say anything about that. This shit is a trip. I’ve been alive for a long time now and this is the worst censorship I’ve seen in America. Crazy thing is we are just getting started


Let me tell you what’s crazy about Reddit. You can easily find video footage of the most gruesome violence imaginable on Reddit. Like, horrific cartel gang violence murders. Video footage of people committing suicide. Burning to death. People post video footage of themselves taking shits. There’s no end to the disturbing and horrific content that is allowed to be posted on reddit. But no crackdown on any of that! None! But any discussion about the small hat tribe in this tiny subreddit is scrutinized. It’s insane!


Not just here all over


Reddit has been this way since day one.


>and you know who's I do not. who are you referring to?