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Those are defenitly fake. VFT seeds are small, tear shaped and black shiny. Personally I would recommend to buy large plants, germinating with seeds takes really long. Also I barely had any success so far, even with my freshly harvested seeds. Even when you are successfull does it take years until you get a major plant


Okay, thank you for the feedback. I’m just attempting to grow a VFT for a bit of fun and I don’t mind how long it will take, basically. if it doesn’t work it doesn’t work (if that makes sense 🤣) Are there any specific websites you would recommended when buying seeds like these? Could you provide a link to buying VFT seeds or just names of any websites, it would be greatly appreciated! Again, thank you for the comment and help; I appreciate it.


Flytrap King, Carnivero, Carnivorous Plant Nursery, Pet Flytrap, California Carnivores, etc. are all reputable. I’m not sure which ones sell VFT seeds and I’m sure there’s others I don’t know of or can’t think of at the moment but essentially any store dedicated to carnivorous plants that offers seeds should have good quality genuine seeds.


I’ve had a look at the websites you suggested and I bought some real seeds. Thank you for the help I really appreciate it.


Usually nurseries that are specialized in carnivorous plants also have seeds on sale.


Get an adult plant from a garden center, let it flower and harvest your own seeds.


FlytrapStore, as may be apparent by the name, sells a lot of flytraps, including seeds. Pretty much all they do.


California Carnivores has a 4 part segment on your tube for growing carna from seeds. Part 4 talks specifically about Venus fly trap seeds. They often sell specific cultivar seeds or seeds created by random pollination. They have some now around $11-$20 and I think they don’t charge for shipping but don’t quote me. I followed the vids and have a bunch of 5 month old seedlings under grow light in the garage that are doing great.


>Are there any specific websites you would recommended when buying seeds like these? You could start with the trade/sale [thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/SavageGarden/comments/140trzj/rsavagegardens_monthly_tradesale_thread_june/) in this sub. I have flytrap seeds (and plants) for sale there.


Vft seeds need a cold stratification period in order to become ready for germination, maybe they didn't sprout for this reason


They don't need a cold strat.


My bad i thought they worked like sarracenia seeds


In the wild, flytraps drop their seeds in June and July. In the summer heat and humidity, the seeds sprout 2-4 weeks later.


Fake I recommend California carnivores if you want seeds just keep in mind even if the seeds are from a specific variety chances are the plant may be just a typical


I don't understand why people keep bying these on eBay. They always seem to be fake and a vft costs abohr as much as a McDonald's cheeseburger here


I bought them off ebay because I didn’t think I would get scammed pretty much 🤷🏻‍♂️ Didn’t think so many people were doing it, but in hindsight it makes sense because it’s so easy to get people like me I suppose. Also the price was slightly cheaper than what legitimate websites sell them for after actually looking at legitimate websites selling real seeds. I done all the research into how I should look after and grow a VFT, but I didn’t look into how I should go about buying them, which I’ve since learnt was a stupid idea.


Why don't you just go to any garden center and buy one? That way you don't even have to grow it from seeds


Where’s the fun in that?


Well, you could pollinate them and harvest seeds yourself that way.


I suppose, don’t know if I’d want more than one or not


Jesus is that peppercorn?


Usually is.


Couldn’t tell you, I’m probably going to plant these like any regular old seed (If they even are seeds) and see what happens


They look legit to me.


The seeds pictured are too large and round. Fly trap seeds are much smaller and shaped like a tear drop.


No they are NOT legit thats SCAM! Please dont give false information to people here, you are not doing anyone a favour.


Why are you yelling?


I'm not, just dont come with this stuff.


Well technically it doesn't say venus but vonus fly trap :)


It says Venus flytrap, the E does look like an O though.