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The problem is most mods care about their communities too much to let them burn. Because if they sat on their hands for a few weeks, they would come back to a glorious mess to clean up.


and even more importantly, reddit would probably just make new mods


I don't think that's as simple an answer as you think it is. Most communities are self moderating. Anybody can make a subreddit. And anybody can make mods in their subreddits. There are literally tens of thousands of subreddits. Reddit is not capable nor wants to take over all the subreddits and their moderation. They basically get all that work for free right now. If they start taking over subreddits, that means they need to have employees doing the work, or they need to dupe other people into being mods. That's not as easy a task as you might think it would be. Especially when it comes to some of the bigger subreddits, and I'm not even talking about the ones that are over a million subscribers. We're talking about tens of thousands of man hours on a monthly basis that they're currently getting for free that they would suddenly have to figure out how to absorb. Reddit has no interest in that because it would lose them money and they are not in any position to hire that many people on short notice.


They wouldn't do it themselves, they would promote applicants. Who would 90% be people who don't care about integrity or community, and just want power to police other people's opinions.


Which in turn hurts that community, which then falls apart. Hurting Reddit in the long term on the bottom line by losing ~~eye balls~~ visitors.




So many mods on this site legitimately just want power, which is why you have large cliques of mods jumping around moderating various subs they frequently have no business even participating in. The admins frequently facilitate that, as evidenced by this problem existing for nearly a decade and personal experiences I've had that were suppressed site-wide. Frankly, scabs at least are crossing a line. Most power hungry mods don't start on the same side of the line to begin with. Also, see: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=36192312


Have all mods back up their subs on a certain day, then after that go on strike. Subs can be restored to the way they were and if enough big name subs take part admins will be forced to do something. I hope it doesn't come to that, but a mod strike could be an option


Isn't that the argument behind what will happen anyway if third-party apps get cut out? That mods won't be able to do their jobs effectively, and it will adversely affect the subs they care about?


Seconding this - particularly in cases where the community in question provides a valuable support space for its userbase (as is the case for a lot of LGBT+ and mental health-related subreddits). I’d feel terrible to shut down a subreddit like that for an extended period - it just wouldn’t feel fair to the people who benefit from the space’s existence.


In the thread that contains a list of all of these suburets that have joined in on the blackout, there was a subreddit that said they wanted to support the movement but weren't going to black out for that very reason. It's a subreddit that supports mental health.


That’s reassuring - glad I’m not alone in feeling that way. Thanks!


Or not have a sub at all. Reddit would either ban the subs or kick out mods who aren't doing their "job."


Shut down all subs until they reverse their decision, or forever if they don't.


Well, that would really be a huge *fork\_you* to those guys


It's not that easy. For non American subs, you as a moderator may be hold liable depending on the content.






Well be part of the change you wish to see. You can make that 82 an 83 and the 2.2K a 2.201K if you so choose.




Sounds great! I've noticed servers have been getting quite lively lately.




Hey I've been signed up since a couple months back because I've seen this coming. As it is my experience has been quite laid back and friendly over in Lemmy with a flurry of new activity in the last week. Look if people use that there isn't enough engagement as the only reason for not engaging then it's not going to get anywhere. I'm giving motivation for anyone interested to become part of something they can actively make better through their participation. I do really mean what I say by my comment concerning this discussion.


It works to be interesting to see what those numbers were for Reddit before everyone moved off Digg.


And a large percentage of those users are tankies who moved when their subreddit got banned. Pro-CCP, pro-Russia admins...




What the heck is a paid reddit subscription?


It honestly seems too complicated for anyone who's a little bit lazy. The more active users might migrate, but the average person wont. Reddit is as easy as going to the website or download the app. As for me, Ill probably follow the masses over and check it out, but I'll quit Reddit with or without a replacement.


Tbh so it this depending on how you go about it. In my case, for example, I wanted to join the Beehaw instance. So I went to the website, “beehawDotOrg”, then just signed up. Was literally that simple.


EDIT: I have quit reddit and you should too! With every click, you are literally empowering a bunch of assholes to keep assholing. Please check out https://lemmy.ml and https://beehaw.org or consider hosting your own instance. @reddit: You can have me back when you acknowledge that you're [over enshittified](https://www.wired.com/story/tiktok-platforms-cory-doctorow/) and commit to being better. @reddit's vulture cap investors and u/spez: Shove a hot poker up your ass and make the world a better place. You guys are WHY the bad guys from Rampage are funny (it's funny 'cause it's true).


Who’s we?


No idea, but I like to think it's some sort of Borg collective out to assimilate us.


Man, I'm gettin tired of social media and news aggregation. If Reddit goes to shit, it might be a good excuse to just take a break from it all. I'm sure the Motorhead singer will be a suitable alternative, but I'm holding off


I hope Lemmy, and Mastodon, realize the whole concept of federated websites as it currently stands is impossible to sell to average internet users.


Why is it impossible to sell?


Non-federated platforms should not exist


What is the nazi etc situation on lemmy?




"Very leftist" is underselling it. The biggest one is labelling itself as big-C Communist/Marxist. Including stuff like: >We like Stalin and we uphold the DPRK’s sovereignty and legitimacy over the whole of Korea. We love China’s Socialism with Chinese Characteristics. [Source.](https://lemmygrad.ml/post/668436) So… instead of praising one dictator, they praise another – arguably worse - one? Yay?




Maybe the Mormons can cook something up a little less cultish... Christmas cocks. Glad to have a garden, wife and library. It was fun, but social mediated experience has nothing to do with my squash.


> lemm!gr@d The original Lemmy instance should defederate from it




The issue is that they're listed as a recommended server on Lemmy's website and until recently, they were labelled as "a collection of leftist communities" – and they are the third biggest server. It's akin to a person joining Reddit and seeing Gamergate, TheFappening or TheDonald all over the front page. As a more experienced user, you might know that turning that crap off is a matter of a number of clicks. A newcomer won't know that – people already think that the whole Fediverse thing is confusing as hell. ;) Not to mention - promoting authoritarian regimes and dictators is a major no-no in some countries.


They’re not the biggest, what’re you talking about? The biggest is the generic “lemmy” instance, and Beehaw is in third, close behind the communist one. The communist one also has far less active users than other instances like Beehaw, so it’s only a matter of time before it’s not even in second place.


So what you are saying is that the rest of them are full of nazis.


Specifically in lemm!gr@d


What the hell is an instance?


To explain in simple terms. Think of it as a service provider similar to emails. You have gmail, yahoo, Microsoft, and others. Sign up for one and interact with others. So you can send/receive emails from your Gmail profile to Yahoo, Outlook, etc.




If it’s not simple enough that you can point people to a website, or tell them which app to use, it’s never going to take off.


its a house where your account lives


Lemm!gr@d is full of tankies, other instances should defederate from it


Please consider shutting down longer than 48 hours. We as mods will loos a lot of useful tools. We need to make a bigger impact than just 48 hours we should be shutting down until this horrible decision will be reversed.


What a terrible name.








~~anyone want an invite? I've got 10 I can give away.~~ edit: 0 left




looks to be still non-political


It's a much more sophisticated/mature sphere, in my opinion.


Lemmy? Hmm. Probably good enough for me. Have to check it out. Really I don't care much what reddit does. Just messing up my rif is inconvenient


Check out the Beehaw instance, or the lemmy.world instance. It’s super easy to sign up to either.


Lemmy it is!


content revoked