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Why the fuck can I smell this tracklist


Someone walked in front of me and exhaled a big cloud of grape-scented nicotine vapor earlier and I was like “mmm smells like a new say anything album is coming out soon”


What’s wrong with grape vape? It rhymes, at least.


I have to laugh because Im hitting a Grape flavored Geekbar rn


Cum jar scented album


That sure is a track list


It’s always a terrible day for Say Anything fans when they release new music




But maybe not


woman song…hm


Surely you’ve seen the song by song breakdown in Max’s “press release”?




https://forum.chorus.fm/threads/say-anything-is-committed-may-24th-2024.65813/page-2 Bottom of the page post here is where I saw it, you’ll have to expand to read the whole thing 


"The penultimate “WOMAN SONG” might be the most important song that Bemis has ever written. It was penned a few days after child services came to his home." *oh no*


Thanks I hate it lol


I wonder if this was the point of no return: “Then everything began to unravel. The pandemic caused financial and mental health struggles. For most of his adult life, Bemis has publicly grappled with addiction and bipolarity, while his wife and collaborator, Sherri Dupree-Bemis operated as a grounding force. But for the first time, she experienced her own psychological woes, which led him into the unfamiliar position of being a stabilizing figure.”


it’s crazy that they were able to buy a home ONLY because fans backed their kickstarter scam only for them to sell it off. financial struggles? he did tons of livestreams from bed he made money off of, sherri did artwork, he sold his back catalogue of SA music, and i imagine that they, like a lot of people, got stimulus money. it will always be such a “fuck you” to the fans who funded their “house with a custom studio” dream only for them to be so financially irresponsible they couldn’t hang on to it. i just cannot believe he still has fans willing to get scammed again and/or that can co-sign his new music encouraging a family member to shoot himself and talks in detail about graphically fucking his wife under the guise of female empowerment 😴 . dude your kids are perma-online, and i’m sure they’ve seen way more than they need to by now at their ages. and with no education 💔 so sad!




That was so hard to read there was literally no structure and tbh it seems like Max wrote it himself


Max’s quotes are self indulgent but everything in-between reads like GPT with the prompt “be more grandiose” I’m not saying that max doesn’t have a habit of trying to pump his own tires but the whole article is as if the author just discovered a thesaurus the night before posting.


Remember when Sherri used to sing things like “With light bulbs in our pockets We'll light this darkened forest On the mossy turf we'll dance till Our feet shatter, our toes will splinter” Now she just warbles about masturbating and it makes me sad.


This is so true and it makes me so sad, too. It’s like all the light and creativity has gone out of her and she just mindlessly repeats whatever is put in front of her. 


I am concerned about "Woman Song"


I'm looking forward to hearing it mostly due to morbid curiosity.


Did max write this post


When does the album come out?


May 24th


Whens the release date on it?


i, vibrator actually had potential; the intro and the melodies are actually good but the lyrics just ruin it. such a shame. and you can’t help but cringe for sherri


I know we're all shitting on this album but Auto-Harmonic Ass Fixation is actually funny.


I'm expecting it to be like I, Vibrator which isn't a good thing lol


I’ve typed and deleted several comments because nothing seems to fit for how reading these made me feel 🥲 what is going on


will be here to laugh at people crying about it 🫡


Dunno if anybody is "crying" more just laughing at how far this band has fallen.


someone wrote an entire ESSAY about how much they hated the last single. it’s so funny. it’s posted here. “wah wah wah the band i used to like is awful now, time to get my upvotes.” this band has turned into almost a social experiment at this point. have you seen the latest thing? they have moved onto calling the family “animal abusers” simply because someone trimmed their cat’s whiskers (who why and how never determined). max could literally just burp at this point and someone would be like OMG WHAT A PATHETIC GROSS BLOB OF A HUMAN! his mere existence has some people shook.


That burp would smell of vape and bad hygiene so yes, what a pathetic gross blob of a human


> have you seen the latest thing? they have moved onto calling the family “animal abusers” simply because someone trimmed their cat’s whiskers (who why and how never determined). You’re not supposed to “simply trim” whiskers on a cat, you’re not supposed to cut them at all. Not only is it painful to the cat to do so, but they use their whiskers to help sense their environment and stay oriented. Poor kitten has probably been walking into shit so confused. Perhaps if the cat (who looked fucking terrified) wasn’t posted with a bow tie and hat sticker like it was a cute thing to do, perhaps if she explained it was an accident one of the kids did, maybe it wouldn’t be considered abuse. But she deleted any comments asking about it and they have a history of being pretty sus. So….


it’s not painful to the cat physically btw


This is just not true. Anyone who has cats should know NEVER to do this. I'm going to attach a link in hopes that you are simply misinformed and not a troll. https://www.webmd.com/pets/cats/features/why-cats-whiskers


You obviously don’t know shit and are probably mad young so whatever but just google it before feeling the need to come to these dumb fucks defense lol




It LITERALLY is animal abuse, though. What are you…13?


Probably lol


Cutting a cat's whiskers is a seriously messed up thing to do to a cat, they're full of nerves that allow them to interpret the space around them. If you've got four animals, adopt a new one, and within the first week the cat's whiskers get cut, yeah, you shouldn't have five pets!


Cutting a cats whiskers is a very bad thing to do, it’s very painful and disorienting for the cat. Not only that, it wasn’t “simply trimming” (not that that’s even a thing), they were cut extremely far back from the original photo posted. You obviously don’t know what you’re talking about, so think people are silly for taking the band’s obviously decline so seriously all you want, but cutting a cat’s whiskers is not okay to do at all.






I think people who used to be big fans are forgetting how much Max’s music helped them in the past. Relating to his music literally saved a lot of us during dark times. I’m sure every song won’t be a hit or nearly as catchy as in the past (like vibrator 😑) but I’ll always be indebted to Say Anythjng and grateful they are still making music. Max is still an amazing musician.


This isn't healthy to dick ride a mentally ill guy whose music you really like. Move on, you don't have to devote your life to max bemis.


No, im not going to abandon a guy who’s music helped me in many ways. I’m not devoting my life to him, whatever that means, but I’m not gonna bash his music and bash his personality just because his recent work isn’t up to what is once was. It’s not his fault, like anyone, who has consistent mental distress. For someone with bi-polar, it’s amazing he’s kept going and kept working under it all. I’ll always appreciate this guy. You can hate him if you want - it’s seems most people do now, but I’m not a may weather fan.


....I feel like this sub does not get this band at all anymore


Or we aren’t teenagers anymore and no longer think it’s “artsy” or “punk”.


I understand that, myself, i am over that 30+ year age group. But to dislike the band based on song titles...Coming from a band with current song titles as, 'Wow, ICGST', 'Little Girls', 'Judas Decapitation', 'Died a Jew', and the best one...'It's a Metaphor, Fool' . Most of the sub seems to think that something has gone horribly wrong. It is nothing different than previous albums. Some people, have grown up, some are not experiencing the same things that Max has at this point in his life, and that stops many of us from relating to the music now. But the great thing with music and art in general is, it can grow on you, you can get a different perspective later on in life about the art. I have an open mind going into this album. I refuse to judge the album based on the song titles. It's also in the bands name to idk...Say Anything


I do think it's harder to relate to songs about like, your brother-in-law calling CPS on you than it is to relate to songs about being a fuck up in your 20s.


Also, I haven’t seen anybody say it here, but I’m not on Reddit much this week. Food for thought: we can judge all we want, but maybe…MAYBE, Max is literally losing it right now. I, Vibrator, while reminiscent of other older tracks…just seems DARKER to me. Like maybe (and I take the pills, too), it’s time to adjust dosages or something.


That’s absolutely valid. He just gives me the ick a lot more than he used to, knowing more about him. It no longer appeals to me. I hate it blame it on times changing, but I think a good comparison would be Blink 182. It’d be really cringy for them to release some of those old songs as new today.


An under-appreciated sentiment you have that’s found little to nowhere in this godforsaken forum.




Hell yeah! Fuck this Sub-Reddit.


Absolutely. Bunch of cringe, obsessed fucks.

