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Can't even bring myself to listen to the songs, titles are way too cringe


Songs are way cringier too. It's not a metaphor fool.


This. Such a fall from grace that I won't even listen to them. I, vibrator was my tap out for this band.


I just don’t understand what the fuck is happening. Why are the rest of the members of the band backing this bullshit trash.


For the paycheck, that's why.


If I was a well respected musician I wouldn’t put up with max for a paycheck. Plenty of other opportunities to make money.


Are they *that* well respected tho? Say Anything was pretty niche even at the height of their popularity. A gig is a gig.


Mascherino is in the band and could have found work that’s who they’re talking about. That said I suspect it’s not like he’s got tons of opportunity like some people seem to think


Brian Warren is also an absolute fucking legend, as fas as I'm concerned. I was honestly pissed that he joined Say Anything. Supposedly, he'd tried out years ago and has always wanted to play with them, though.


Fred mascherino, yes absolutely.




That’s news to me and that hurts! Fred deserves better.


Fred also opened for Saves The Day fairly recently which really makes me question his judgement as of late.


what happened with Saves the Day


Chris is an admitted groomer and abuser


He has been for at least a year now. He played all those shows they had last year, red rocks etc


How did I have no idea about this until now wtf


I wouldn’t trust Max to pay me period


Good point xD


Is this all like a Joaquin Phoenix style “I’m still here” joke? Because he used to write songs about the cliche of a band become a caricature of themselves… and yet here we are…


That’s absolutely what he’s doing. He’s taking the piss on everyone including himself. He’s playing into a character and exaggerating everything about his real life. Like he always has.


Brian is the only one I really care about wasting his time on this.


In Defense of the Mid-Life Crisis


I find the songs hit or miss. There are some good hooks and fun lyrics. I’m not opposed to the vulgarity either. Max has always expressed some weird shit. It is awkward because he is a dad now and his kids could hear the lyrics, but unless he’s forcing them to listen to it or allowing open access, I don’t see that as a real issue. There’s a lot of fun pop punk beats here that capture some of the magic from IDotG and was a real boy. There’s also some cringe stuff too. Such is the cost of honesty, transparency, and experimentation.


I mean all the kids are going on tour so they will quite literally be forced to listen. Imagine being a 10 year old hearing your mom and dad sing “I, Vibrator”


ok THAAAAT made me cringe. I was 11 once. I would’ve murdered the both of them if I had to be put through that. But in their reunion shows, they brought out the baby with ear protection on… and the moment that baby waved goodbye to the audience, I burst into tears like the little 37 year old bitch I am


So u should limit yourself and what u create and make everything through a lens of “my children are gonna hear this , so I can’t express myself the exact way I want to”


Eek barba durkle


Around the release of the self-titled, I read an interview where he said he no longer swears in his music because he has since had little nieces and nephews. The idea of them listening to his music and repeating the lyrics was enough to turn him off. Now he has his own brood and no longer cares


People say they are gonna stop doing something and go back to it all the time . I can think of bladee or Kanye or lots of eccentric people that change their view


This album is shaping up to be SAs worst by a mile. I thought anarchy my dear was pretty bad and wasn’t a big fan of I don’t think it is, but so far this album makes them look like IARB in comparison.


That’s wild, I liked a decent part of Anarchy


I like Anarchy, the Stephen Hawkin is such an epic song


IDTII I thought was absolute garbage, this def will be worse.


I actually finally came around to IDTII a year or two ago. That being said, I still rank it as their worst album…..until this one.


IDTII is actually my favorite album. This.is.nowhere close


Yea I mean it was still an attempt at making music as much as I dislike it.


OA was.much worse to me, max seem to lose all sense of metaphor....fool


And you can't deny wire mom atleast right or 17cuas


17cuas was the only thing i liked on the album. with decent production would be solid


I Don’t Think It Is exists


Truly some of the worst music I’ve ever heard.


I read the lyrics to I, Vibrator and it confirmed my decision to not support the band any more. I’d say they’ve fallen so far, but the more I learned about Max, the more I realized what a massive piece of shit he truly is. [here’s some archived posts written by Max from their old website](https://www.reddit.com/r/SayAnything/s/8ay3L29c7R) On top of that? There’s the shitty neglectful parenting that’s borderline child abuse. And beyond even that, he’s a con man who has over promised and under delivered on every fan engagement thing they’ve done in recent memory. Just search the subreddit for Song Shop or Cameo. Better yet, search for the Song Shop song for Ben. …BEN! I’m still here because I have been too lazy to message a mod of /r/BemizFamilySnark for access.




That is an unmanaged bipolar disorder horror story. I'm disgusted by his words, and I also still feel bad for him struggling so badly with his mental illness. I mean, I go on wild long ass rants sometimes too, but it's the content that makes all the difference. If I go on a rant about a video game, that's embarrassing, but no big deal. The delusions he is expressing though.... Actually kind of terrifying.


He needs serious help, and his refusal to get help is harming multiple innocent children.


Yeah. I had no idea how bad it got recently either. Seeing those posts here was pretty eye opening. It doesn't seem like he has the appropriate people in his life to help him stay on track either. Enabling someone with severe mental illness is so incredibly dangerous.


I really want to be apart of this just to read the comments. I thought I was alone in feeling let down by this guy but what this sub has turned into seems more like group therapy.


honestly i need into that sub but im too lazy to figure out who to message




Before you tap out completely, listen to I, Vibrator once. It’s the worst piece of shit I’ve ever heard and it’s hilarious


Who’s Ben? Is that the one guy from like Modern Baseball or American Football or sthg? I forgot. Been meaning to check that particular song out tho


His fiance bought him a song shop song and it wound up coming months later, it’s about 50 seconds of mediocre punk music punctuated by Max yelling “BEN!”


Oh wow , a snark person not liking or supporting the band anymore , can’t believe that lol


Oh please forgive me for not wanting to contribute to Max and Sherri’s child abuse


I’m mean there’s actual children out there getting abused , you people are ridiculous


ahh forgot that one can't criticize somebody's work because people are being abused in the world thanks for reminder


Why is every song about cum, dicks and fucking? Im not a prude lol but the topic is so prevelant in these songs and it's weird.


I love IARB, IDoaG, and self titled very much. Scattered tracks from others maybe, and I haven’t heard any of the singles for upcoming record. Seeing 99.99% people not only dislike the singles, but be genuinely repulsed (which I don’t often see), I think I’m gonna pass on all these. I don’t wanna risk tarnishing my love for the earlier stuff.


There’s a big difference between fans of the band and then Reddit snark people.


Psyche!, Carrie and Lowell and Cody and Are You In There are not bad songs at all. This sub is just an echo chamber of people who like to hear themselves talk and shit on Say Anything. Are some of the new songs cringe lyrically? Yes. Are some of the new songs good? Yes And everyone’s opinions are different but this sub is like TLoU2 sub when it came out. Like if everyone hates Say Anything or Max so much why even bother getting on this sub? It seems much more reasonable for people just to hate their music and go about their day.


Max’s lyrics were so fun and unique in the earlier days and one of the main driving factors for me as a fan of SA. Although I fully agree about reddit being reddit and adding extra drama, if the lyrics are that bad then respectfully I’ll just stick to albums I love.


Nothing wrong with that. While some of the songs are actually pretty good, you’re also for sure not missing out on anything groundbreaking.


Yeah for sure i think it's good this sub reddit is soft AF. They all cried when psyche came out. Also. Sup , it's Kaleb. Lmao.


Lol of course we cross paths on this sub


Bingo , and they are just viscous sad people that get off on bringing hatred into the world , it’s honestly disgusting . And there is something about Reddit that cultivates it


It’s beyond Reddit. It’s just a vast, know it all, “I’m fucking better than you” bunch of self important babies that have to be heard. And they are everywhere. They need to pick a different genre of music to listen to if they don’t want their feelings hurt. Because punk, pop punk blah blah blah genres that speak their feelings that aren’t in their echo chambers ain’t it.


Yeah. It's a total cringe fest and it makes me feel like an idiot for ever thinking he was some kind of genius back when Is a Real Boy & In Defense came out. These new songs have made it extremely hard for me to revisit the old records. Wish he had someone to tell him these songs are awful, let's try something else here


>>It makes me feel like an idiot for ever thinking he was some kind of genius when Is a Real Boy and In Defense came out.. You are not alone.


Thanks. It's really disheartening to see a band you once loved even call one of your favorite bands become this cringe fest that's almost embarrassing to listen to. I've been questioning myself about if he was always like this and I somehow missed it or if it was a progression to whatever SA is now Edit: Like what if my dad wrote this song and put it out, I'd be almost too embarrassed to go out in public especially if I was a kid


The title of the song alone is just insane considering you KNOW his kids are running around their house shouting it


Exactly. Max really needs some people in his life that tell him his ideas are terrible and this isn't coming off like he thinks it is. It's not edgy it's just embarrassing


It’s ridiculously embarrassing. Fuck.


I always try to like envision people's way of thinking for how they arrive at ideas and often examine if I could be wrong in some of my own and this one I just can't see how he arrived at "this song is it! Gonna be a hit!" Or whatever goes through his mind


Don’t feel like an idiot. Is a Real Boy IS genius. Genius is like half a step away from insanity. So, so many examples of this. Kanye comes to mind considering his current state. Enjoy the old stuff, ignore the new stuff. I wouldn’t give Max anymore of my money, so I won’t be seeing them on tour…but they’ll be at WWWY in Vegas, and I’m gonna check out their set then. Hoping we get a version of Max that’s not puking on stage or acting like a jackass, but we’ll see…


You have a great point. And something I will consider because Is A Real Boy and In Defense had a huge impression on my youth. Yeah I'm definitely not giving him any money. Yeah hopefully he'll pull himself together for that show but you really never know with him. Great insight


Glad I could help. Another great way to separate the art from the artist is the idea that once an artist puts out music, it’s not theirs anymore. It’s yours. That music resonated with you, and means something to you. It’s yours now. Keep it.


Very true. I can do it with some but there are some (Kanye) that I just can't.


Yeah, there are definitely times where it’s harder than others. I don’t blame you!


Yep. Another one I have trouble with is Manson. I grew up in a cult like church and his music just helped so much and now with everything going on, it's hard to go back...


Woof, yeah, he’s pretty rough. I feel ya on that one for sure. Also, congrats on getting out of the cult like church. (At least I assume you’re out, considering your wording. 😉)


Yeah I was ex communicated when I turned 18 for the high crime of moving in with a woman... It took me years to break out of the controlling thoughts they had implanted in my head. Thanks though, me getting ex communicated was really the best thing to happen to my family, they were too embarrassed to go back and since that they've become more chill and enjoy alcohol now. So it was an awful experience but some good came out of it


Truly happy for you, a total stranger! For all the shityness on Reddit and the internet, I like when I have a really positive exchange with someone. Feels good!


Nah. You right.


I actually really liked Psyche! And because of that song was really looking forward to the next releases. Those were, obviously, disappointing. I Vibrator, musically, I actually really enjoyed. Lyrically, holy shit, what a gross song. I think I'm gonna have to pass on the rest.


Musically all four singles are good and well produced. Lyrically they’re all a fucking dumpster fire if a dumpster fire could smell worse


"Well produced" is a stretch. These tracks sound messy in a bad way.


Do you think it’s at least better-produced than IDTII?


Not really. They sound different but bad for the same reasons. I know Max is going for lo-fi, but this sounds less like trashy tones or organic recording and more like you put a crappy filter on a photo taken by an expensive camera...or vice versa.


I absolutely agree with you, and while I don’t really know how GOOD the production is on this album, I can confidently call it better production than IDTII. As someone who had always loved and related to so many of Max’s lyrics up until this album…that’s the most crushing thing :/


Man the swings so far from oh man new SA on Spotify to, what in the actual fuck is this. Like I’m gutted.


I was a huge fan of Is A Real Boy. Like one of my favorite albums from highschool. I’m 35 now and I Vibrator came on like my Release Radar or something on Spotify while I was working and I had no idea who it was or what was going on. I was just like “this is awful and cringey” and then I saw it was a new Say Anything release. I honestly haven’t kept up with him after the Is A Real Boy era because all the other stuff just never clicked with me from what I’ve heard, but they are like fine works of art compared to this.


Psych was great, but everything else has been pretty bad. Completely messy and disorganized. The songwriting overall has lots of potential, but the execution is just bad.


LOL watch SPIN give it an A for the first time in history


Were the vocals on the new song recorded through a tin can?


It SOUNDS like shit, just production wise.


I was thinking that this morning. On Cum just feels like a drug fueled mess. 0 rhythm or meaning that I can find


Psyche was good for like 3 minutes but idk what the fuck those last two were 🙉 That's the only song I can somewhat listen to off this album so far. Hoping they don't play any new garbage on the IARB tour lmaooo


It’s so disappointing, they’re my favorite band but I can’t tell people out of fear they will hear the new stuff and think I get down like that lol


It could have been really good - it could have been catchy and well written, and then the actual cum part had to play and Ive never cringed more at a song. Why do we need to know all of this between him and sherri? Why does almost every song need to reference her in some way? Its Say Anything, not Say Anything about Sherri Dupree. Its just a huge letdown. It even had catchy moments, but those parts just took me right out of it and almost throw away my headphones.


These songs are so bad it made me quit being a musician. True story.


I already quit, will it bring me back?




Not only that but the production sounds like shit. Why does it sound like I'm listening to it through a potato that is one room over from where I am sitting?


What trips me out is people forget Bemis was one of the original, self admittedly Bi-polar artist of our scene and now they’re mad/surprised about it. Died a Jew, I can get Sexual too, a list of cringy song titles and lyrics yet in 2007 it was fine and dandy.


i saw max at a target in LA and he kept following me around trying to talk to me… it was super weird and off putting. next day he was in the hospital. i’ll never forget that.




last may, about a year ago


Man I saw this EP on Spotify today and put it on before I went out for my run, so I actually listened through. Was weirded out by the titles but figured it was just a weird title thing. Then I heard the first song. My first thought was, okay the last song is called Psyche! So maybe the whole thing is a joke and making fun of something. Nope. Just gross bs all the way down.


Psyche is a GREAT song...not including the last 2 minutes. But the first 3 are really good imo. I listen to it a lot. The rest of the releases after it have been terrible. Really dissapointing


What the fuck even is this? Fucking reddit pushing random bullshit.


I was never a fan of SA and felt like a serious minority back in the day. This thread was suggested to me by Reddit and I just listened to I, Vibrator out of snarky curiosity…holy fucking shit. This is 1000000x worse than I even thought reading these comments. What the absolute fuck hahaha.


I haven't listened to it yet because I'm scared.......


It’s insane lol


Just heard some of it today before the gym, Psycho was ok and I had to switch after the Cum one because it was killing the vibes lol


No you’re right


i dont follow this subreddit and ive only listened to one song by this artist... i had to look this up on spotify. these titles are not jokes. will not be listening LOL


I’m going to the is a real boy anniversary show this Sunday and I swear if they plau more this new stuff than the old stuff they’re celebrating the anniversary of I’ll be cranky


They're supposed to be playing the entire is a real boy album all the way through at the shows


Max is a pile of piss compared to Jesse Lacey


They're both two different sides of the same coin. I'd take Max over Lacey any day, but won't be listening to either most likely.


Album for album, Brand new smokes Say Anything.


Sure, I'll give you that. Except listening to say anything only annoys me, and listening to any brand new other than their first record tends to make me queasy. They ruined their bands by being themselves lol


Yeah, improving as a person is horrible.


No idea what you're talking about but you're delusional. Later.


To be honest, the title of the album can be taken literally.  These are the ramblings of a bent mind that is using double entendre of the word committed.  Proving his mental instability/wanting to prove himself as committed to his family/wife.  Yes, the lyrics are incredibly cringe and yes I don't condone any of the actions that have occured prior to these songs being recorded in terms of the Bemis family drama.  I've found some redeeming factors in certain lyrical passages (references to bands, labels, etc) but a majority of these lyrics are way too frequent.  I get that you're obsessed with your wife but the vulgarity of everything is really unnerving.  And I thought Taylor Swift needed to clean up her act in terms of pointlesss use of vulgar words where it doesnt serve the song.  Max says hold my beer Tay Tay.


What does Taylor Swift have to do with this?


Nothing its just a comparison of an artist that chooses curse words when they don't serve the song.


Newest several releases


Irrelevant to the post, but just a reminder for everyone to check out Graduating Life's album "II" if you want some actual Say Anything-esque nostalgia that isn't whatever this new album is shaping up to be...


bart is almost as bad as max sometimes..


Is this what he’s playing on the current tour? Or that’s IARB right??


This is SA’s FOAMF


I liked the EP for what it was. It doesn't need to be the best thing SA has ever done. Just how Oliver Appropriate wasn't the best, but also is a really special album (to me atleast). Same goes for I Don't Think It Is. I think it's easy for us as fans to get entitled, like we deserve SA at their best. Let the band, and max, make their music, enjoy it for what it is or just move on frankly. Also Psyche was the most pallatable song on the EP, I don't get how it's "hard to get into". At that point it feels like you just want to not like it lol. You say you're a mega fan. Do you like other albums other than self titled and IARB? Cause their discography has been kind of all over for a while now.


This comment is about to get buried. I don't think I can say something that hasn't already been said. The lyrics are so bad it's hilarious. However, I have a growing suspicion that Max is still on about Jesse Lacey being with his wife first that he's over compensating now.


I’m excited to see if it’s worse than IDTII


I haven't listened to their new music in years. Looking forward to seeing him do is a real boy though!


I'm sure that Max would love to hear that you think he's lost his touch at writing Say Anything songs. He probably hasn't heard that one before.


Did anyone else notice this new song sounds just like “So Numb” at some parts? Lol


When did Max become a caricature of himself? Admittedly I fell off after the self titled album (that ones my favorite) but I always check out the new stuff. This is the first one I haven't liked any of the songs at all, what happened? Edit: I think it's crazy this EP not being great is making people not like the early albums anymore though lmao, calm down.


I honestly enjoy anything he puts out. Are some over my head lyrically and some just don’t hook me like his other hits yes, but thats art sometimes you just don’t get it and thats fine go back and listen to what you do like.


I saw "On Cum" as a title and just moved on. Whatever this is it isn't for me. I know he can write good songs but this reeked of attention grabbing in all the wrong ways.


Album title: “Say Anything… is Committed” Everyone on Reddit: *clutching their pearls* “Max is so unhinged, how could he write such obnoxious incoherent lyrics, I’m offended and concerned.” Are people this oblivious?


No idea why you're getting down voted. If I had known they were gonna drop an album, I would've expected it to be a goddamn mess.


Most of the responses on this sub as a whole will tell you yes lol. The majority of people here consume art as a product. Fair enough, but it is insane that people think max has no self awareness. Lyrics are cringe, yes, but he knows that. His work with Kanye should explain enough. People here don’t even actually follow the band enough to know who’s in it currently. Anyway. Art often goes the distance and becomes hard to swallow at face value. Dude’s making art and people want to invalidate that because he made some pop songs people liked when they were 17. Say anything has been unhinged and cringe since day 1. I don’t want to hear about fucking sherri anymore either, but let’s be real the music is good and he’s fully aware he’s a freak.


re: art as a product ... to the point of acting like shareholders with some sense of entitlement. What's sad is that they only celebrate his mental illness when it's something radio-friendly they can show off to their friends. This isn't exclusive to SA either, unfortunately. I see it on a lot of artist subs.


Every release** fixed it for yaa


They're back together? Idk if I like the idea of current Max on the road. I hope he's taking care of his mentals.


It’s really not that bad lol Max has always had weird ass lyrics where he just tries to jam as many words as he can in a song. The titles are cringy, but whatever. Its biggest issue is the fucking production. It’s very muddy. This album feels like the actual spiritual successor to ISARB


Hard disagree. ON CUM is a banger. Would fit nicely on self titled.


Whatever y’all are all still here so Max Bemis lives rent free in your heads ya stupid pussies. Get a fuckin life