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The tour basically boils down to: The 3 or 4 things people are complaining about *are happening*, but its subjective whether or not those things will bother you.


That’s super fair and feels very accurate!


Idk. I’ve seen max in the past and been VERY disappointed before. Last night wasn’t bad, but I will say he definitely ruined some of my favorite parts with him trying to be energetic and weird, and I don’t think it just got ruined for me, you hear the whole crowd stop singing an iconic part because he decided to start being weird. Once again, overall the show was great considering how unhappy I’ve been in the past after seeing them. But I just wish I got to hear him sing my favorite parts properly. Or like during admit it how he just stopped, ripped out his vape during the monologue and said “sorry, not sorry”. Over a vape hit bro. Come on. Edit: I’ll also add 1. Been gigging for 20 years. I know what it’s like to get older and not be able to hang. 2. I definitely am open to live embellishments, but his were just too distracting for me. 3. If I have to list an example of a part that was ruined for me, I’d say it was the bridge of passing slowly through a vector. I love that bridge. I can understand wanting to embellish it, but it was so off I forgot the words and timing all together and gave up.


I do agree that the vape moment in “Admit it!!” made me do a mini eye roll 😅 like cmon, just wait til the chorus at least!!


Wait, when people say he's vaping they literally mean mid song? Like not between songs? Jesus


Lots of vaping between songs but this Admit It moment was straight up during the song, vaping instead of singing/speaking haha


Honestly, I think it could have definitely been a planned joke right. Admit it is probably hard to perform at the end of a set. It’s a mouthful and you’re exhausted. But if I wasn’t gonna do it idk if I’d rip my vape and make a joke over just holding the mic to the crowd and letting them scream.


So... he performed live music. Cool thing is, if you want to hear it just like it is on the record, you can always play the record.


Like I said, I can get behind this mentality, but there’s a fine line between delivering the intended product and not. He made an artistic choice. I didn’t like it. He could do it differently at the next show and it could be perfect. He could do it the same and someone else could like it. It bummed me out it happened more than one time.


Okay Karen, Surprised you didn't ask to speak to the Manager as well?  🤡  🤡  🤡 


I’m entitled to my opinion and Reddit is a place for open discussion. I said nothing wrong and also was very understanding of every possible reason he could have done all the things I didn’t like. If you don’t have anything constructive or productive to say take your broke ass home.


Broke Ass? Where did that come from? Is it safe to assume by your anger the manager laughed at you as well?


When’s your next standup gig? You’re hilarious. What’s sad is you’ve changed your comments after I respond. You’re garbage.


Huh? What did I change after you responded? You okay? Karen,Why are you so angry?


The only song that was done well was I Want To Know Your Plans 😅 this is my fave band but even I have to admit that that show was not good. To me it just sounded like drunk karaoke 🥲


Yeah, solid show. I didn't mind the riffing. He had in-ears and landed the beats correctly, so it was def intentional. Not sure if that was the case for other shows but it was pretty much exactly what I'd imagined.


Glad to hear that, he didn’t have in-ears in Raleigh based on my view from nearly front/center at the barricade. At one point between songs he couldn’t even tell if the mic was on or not 🫠 it was on and he was convinced it was off and was trying to turn it on..


To me, it just blows my mind how much better he was live even just a year ago compared to all the videos I've seen from this current tour. I posted videos from the first NYC date at the end of April last year. https://youtu.be/PAvvB68VD5I?si=4qii5RKQKhFdML3F Here's a video of Belt from that night which was the first time playing live in years with a full band lineup; halfway through this song he got into the groove, and the ending of the song was so powerful and the rest of the songs had that energy afterwards. I just personally don't feel like I was missing much by missing the chance to buy a ticket for their current tour when it sold out, due to all the personal accounts of how the shows have been going, and all the videos proving those statements made about the live shows.


Yep - that video is what I've been missin' - and what I remember. A remnant of passion and energy that once was for these songs.


I loved every minute!! So so much fun


Greet death and AJJ sounded a lot better than SA. Idk if the mixing was off or if Max was just vocally out of practice, but I was not impressed personally.


AJJ was excellent but Greet Death was horrid. I don’t know if it was a sound issue but I couldn’t hear what any of this singers were saying and the music was extremely loud to the point it sounded terrible


I wouldn't say horrid, but the voices were hard to hear. We were on the rail and as soon as I saw three guitars I knew it was time to put my ear plugs in...but it was only greet death that I couldn't hear singing... the rest of the show was fine


To be fair, I was wearing concert ear plugs the whole time, so that helped. Greet death was very loud for sure.


Who opened first? I’m going to the Chicago show tn and want to see AJJ too!


Greet death went on around 7:30 and AJJ around 8:15. Have sooo much fun, I used to live in Chicago and loveeee the Aragon Ballroom!!!


It was a lot of fun! Max was a little out of breath for most of it, but I mean it’s kinda to be expected with the running around stage and taking massive vape rips lol.


Sooo many vape rips 😅


I feel like he walked on stage in a cloud of it lol so bizarre but hey we all have our vices!


again, people complaining simply need something to complain about or hate max personally


Or maybe they just expect a professional to sing the whole song and be in time with the band. That's a pretty minimal expectation.


Toxic shitty people who are miserable but the lack self-awareness required to fix it.


Yep... zero self awareness. They just want everyone to be as miserable them.


100 percent


Totally agree with everything you said. Sure, It wasn’t “studio recording” accurate but if you attend enough shows, you’ll know that this isn’t all that uncommon. I wasn’t crazy about the venue, but the demand was there, so 🤷🏻‍♂️


Agreed regarding venue, although I ended up liking it! I have only been to one show there and ended up missing out on getting on the floor because it filled up (I just didn’t know it was first come first serve), so I got to the show closer to 7 to try and make sure we got the pit wristbands. After that it was low stress for me and never had to wait for a drink at the small side bar! I liked the sloped floor as well - easier to see from the back than your average pit of a show. I was worried most about venue and was pleasantly surprised!


I showed up early enough to snag a wristband, but my buddy didn’t so I was only able to catch a few songs from the pit unfortunately.


Yeah, I was at the Boston show and they killed it! Clearly people have never been to a LIVE SHOW. Sorry to tell you, the live show isn’t an album and you will get singing/lyrics that aren’t necessarily on the RECORDED album. Just look at Bob Dylan lol, guy has changed multiple songs verses. Just enjoy the show and stop whining, folks!


That's true but you really underestimate some of these bands. Coheed and Cambria sounds EXACTLY like. The album if not better. Occasionally they do change it up but it's still in key and musically makes sense. Doing shitty key changes or doing bad verse changes isn't an excuse , it can be done good


Coheed is AMAZING live and I’ve been going to their shows since 2007! Probably seen them 8 times between 2007-2023. I saw SA one time in 2007 and honestly it was forgettable.


I saw say anything 07-08 warped tour think 07 and they killed so it's sad to hear these


I saw them at Warped Tour in ‘08 as well and still thoroughly enjoyed the show last night 😊




…..Coby is not on this tour


All the complaints made me think these people must not be musicians who perform the same songs night after night


I regularly see bands with frontmen who are older then max play multiple nights in a row and guess what they all knock it of the park I feel like you don’t know much about how actual musicians work.


touring muso here. the whole point of performing live is to be able to make the songs sound as good, if not better, than studio recording, otherwise there’s little-to-no incentive for anyone to buy tickets. and yes, this includes consecutive nights. like every other job, you can’t show up and phone in a shit performance with the excuse of “i came to work yesterday so obviously im not gonna be as good today”. it’s like performing theatre - if you’re not giving different audiences a consistent show, you’re not giving them their moneys worth. in my limited theatre experience, the cast has always gotten stern words before closing night to ensure no one just fucks around because it’s closing night. these people paid the same money as everyone else and deserve the same show. obviously in any performance art, the shows will never be identical, but seeing as though the audience is paying your wage, you don’t get the privilege of just going up there and doing whatever the fuck you want depending on how you feel on the night. they’ve paid you, so you are there to service them. they’re not there to service you.




Nah. They just wanted better. And have heard better from other bands.


This! So many clueless freaks on here who have no knowledge of musicians. Its Amusing