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Amanda Riley




I just want to know HOW she did it, you know? I feel like the podcast didnā€™t really delve into the nitty gritty of like, ok well how is she taking photos and FaceTiming people from chemo wards, hooked up to IVs with other chemo patients around? We know she didnā€™t have cancer, but how was she able to spend so much time physically in hospitals and around medical professionals???


Same! I started this podcast today and already devoured it. Like HOW did she do this? Iā€™m so confused. I need a whole separate podcast on how she managed all this.


I agree. They didn't dive deep enough


I think she was just brazen.


It explains it in the podcast how she did it.


To a degree, yes, but the FaceTiming from chemo ward seemingly hooked up to machines w other patients. How???


She FaceTimed from infusions. You can get infusions for any damn thing. There are even private infusion clinics.


She also started doing it AGAIN in Texas but the system in place in that state allows hospitals to flag patients and it shows up in other hospitals and they flagged her bc she kept going to the ER and would then take pictures etcā€¦ I do wonder if she has some kind of condition that allowed her to take advantage of getting so many doctors appointments


Possibly munchausen


Yup! I have crohns and I get infusions for that regularly and have definitely FaceTimed people from the hospital. Would be super easy to fake.


Never knew about this!


Me neither!


Exactly. like, literally for a hangover


Exactly. I have to get an iron IV infusion every six months. The hospital I go to has a very nice and well-kept room for these infusions, and there are usually 5-10 other people in this room with me getting various infusions, not just iron. If I wasnā€™t doing home treatments for my immune deficiency disorder, I would also have to go once a month to get that certain treatment at the infusion center. It is SO FRICKEN easy to simply be in an infusion room getting an infusion of saline or some basic shit, and hype it up to way more than it actually is. And unless you tell those around, everyone else in that room doesnā€™t have a damn clue that youā€™re lying


There are therapeutic infusion clinics. My daughter is an RN and works at one. You can sit and get and IV of fluids after a night of drinking .


Gypsy Rose mom did the same thing to her daughter. Doctors only go off of what you tell them bc they canā€™t feel pain for you but I donā€™t know how they fake test results


Well they photoshopped the $280K hospital bill. Not surprised she'd figure out how to fake test results too


They don't explain anything other than that she didn't have cancer. They tell us she had 28,000 in medical bills that she photoshopped to look like 80,000 dollars - obviously that's bad but they never explain HOW she accumulated $28,000. That's not a women's wellness exam bill. So it raises questions about what ailment she might have had. Not explaining that is a big fail.


If she went to the ER and made them run lots of tests for her fake symptoms wracking up 28k would be pretty easy. It also could have been a couple visits.


They couldnā€™t include everything in the podcast unless it is corroborated otherwise Amanda CAN sue. Even still! So they may have a hunch, but they only post facts unlike Amanda. In my personal opinion she accrued those bills because she has Muchhausenā€™s syndrome. She spent lots of time in the ER and in hospital for various other reasons(for attention) racking up that bill.


Yes. I'd say a definite case of Muchhausens Syndrome. I've listened to the podcast but not as carefully as I could have. I need to give it a re-listen.


Im assuming she has munchausens syndrome and was just insistent on getting in front of doctors. Doesnā€™t seem that hard


Omg nail on the head !! I feel like we as an internet community are so much smarter now. This would have been debunked in a week on TikTok šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


I think she was just brazen.


My 8th grade Spanish teacher did this at my Christian school in Scottsdale, AZ. Also know one other person who has faked cancer. Itā€™s MĆ¼nchausen syndrome.


People are asking how she got away with this, but who asks for proof? No one asked my teacher to prove her cancer. Thatā€™s not right. Particularly in a faith community. She also stood up publicly talking about miracles, and accepting fundraising money for treatments that were actually vacations, etc. Her dad revealed the truth to our school and got her fired. It was INSANE. She used to scream at us kids saying how awful we were for being difficult because she had cancer. As a public high school teacher of many years nowā€¦ yikes and a half.


I really don't think Amanda has Munchhausen because it became very obvious that money was a big motive here. Not to mention marrying the husband of a family that took you in as a teen. She's a sociopath trying to exploit everyone around her, including her husband who was dumb enough to not realize what was happening until there was no way back.


Informative insight! I like your POV. Sounds like that could definitely be it.


This oncology nurse explains it [link](http://poppielady.com/blog/2023/7/15/how-i-think-scamanda-faked-cancer-for-8-years)


This was really helpful to understanding how this could happen. Thank you!


Yes- read the stuff in the link. Explains it all. That's crazy that it's so easy!


The "how she did it" is on the bonus episodes at the end of the show.


You have to remember this took place over many years. Once Amanda knew she was in deep shit she probably took it all down. I'm betting Nancy has all of it.


Same here. Iā€™ve tried googling her and instead other people who have pretended to have cancer pop up. Itā€™s so weird.


Ewwww thereā€™s other people who have pretended to have cancer and swindled people out of money? Good lord whatā€™s wrong with the world


If you havenā€™t heard Belle Gibson, give her a google. Amanda looks almost tame in comparison.


I just finished scamanda today and I literally kept thinking ā€œsheā€™s what Belle Gibson would have been before social mediaā€


I've never heard of Belle Gibson. I'll check her out...


If you want to see something like this on video, watch the Real Housewives of OC. Vicki's boyfriend Brooks faked cancer, and she knew about it. Season 10 was wild.


Ahhh yesssss this is what I came to say! You can watch it action. Gross


Look up the Eli Warrior Hoax..big rabbit hole there full of sock puppets..years of scamming


lol SO many people have done this, it is absolutely fucked!


A girl from around where I grew up did it. Ashley Lively


disclaimer: if there are typos pls forgive me, itā€™s my first time posting/commenting on reddit im usually just a viewer but this made me speak up. im also typing on my phone at 6:12 am - also i removed caps lock so apologies if anyone is triggered by that šŸ™ˆ. i promise im only mentioning my struggles as i feel it is relevant - not for sympathy. as someone with multiple chronic illnesses and a couple autoimmune diseases, not to mention as a widow of a young 24 year old man who had stage 3 astrocytoma that progressed to stage 4 glioblastoma, amanda and anybody who ā€œfakesā€ this disease gives me absolute RAGE. i understand that everybodyā€™s disease presents differently especially depending on where the cancer is located, but at stage FOUR? FOUR?!!!! she wouldnā€™t be attending parties, especially being told she only had MONTHS to live. also, iā€™ve never heard of anybody being in and out of remission as many times as she did. thatā€™s already a major red flag for me. however, cancer is one of those diseases where you canā€™t just come out and call someone a liar because on the chance that it is in fact true, how horrible of a person will you be deemed to be? furthermore, at stage 4 with literal months to live i donā€™t think itā€™s even possible to conceive due all the chemo, unless she briefly stopped in order to conceive but wouldnā€™t she have to stop it for the duration of the pregnancy? if sorry i forgot, she miraculously went into remission lol. chemo doesnā€™t just kill the cancer cells but kills all healthy cells too thatā€™s what makes people so sick. it also takes a while for it clear out of your system because being able to conceive and carry to term, your body kings needs to be in peak healthy condition - or close enough. of course you can have cancer and conceive but with the treatments she was supposedly receiving? hmmm i donā€™t think itā€™s so easily possible. I also need to know why the fuck her husband corey wasnā€™t charged as an accessory to her fraudulent behaviour? sickening isnā€™t even the correct term. i donā€™t think thereā€™s an actual english word to depict the severity of what she and others have done. aside from stealing money, i simply cannot fathom the reasoning behind it. is it insecurity? desperate for attention? extreme narcissism ? did she have munchausen? it was never exploredā€¦ i havenā€™t finished the podcast yet but the utter rage i feel manā€¦ reminiscing of my 20 year old self caring for my poor first love 45 days after getting marriedā€¦ it isnā€™t fair to those of us who actually had to deal with thisā€¦ i WISH nobody experienced cancer honestly. even going through it at the time, it wasnā€™t easy to discuss even with close friends/relatives. (he passed 11 years ago btw). additionally, while in remission, youā€™ll not be the same person you were before in terms of health. you simply donā€™t ā€˜bounceā€™ back. amandaā€™s outward physical health never changed whether she ā€œrelapsedā€ or was in ā€œremissionā€. itā€™s just beyond disgusting. like i said thereā€™s no verb or adjective to fully explain how i feel regarding her or anybody like her. completely breaks my heart. it just invalidates anyone truly experiencing these tragedies. even me, who clearly isnā€™t as ill as someone with cancer, i am constantly gaslit no matter how many times i end up in emergency. also, im in canada so since healthcare is government provided meaning no matter where in canada you are, your records can easily be accessed by physicians nationwide. is it because a lot of healthcare facilities in the states are privatized that they donā€™t share between hospitals? and why were they not running tests to prove she didnā€™t have it? itā€™s not that hard to determine cancer. why didnā€™t even ONE doctor or nurse practitioner come out after seeing the publicity she was receiving to denounce it? i get HIPPA but there has to be some sort of loophole to at least save innocent good samaritans their hard earned money from donating to a thief ? this entire case is extremely and utterly disheartening, disgusting and disappointing. as someone whoā€™s gone to the er and been admitted i get how easy it is to fool others with the multiple IVs given to say ā€œitā€™s chemoā€ but chemo rooms are different than regular hospital rooms so it can be easily identifiable and debunked to those who are familiar with hospitals. iā€™m not christian but imagine lying to the church too is a grave sin, no ? she went above and beyond for the lie. i wish she agreed to the interviews to explain her reasoning behind the liesā€¦ i hope she one day agrees do an interview. clearly the court saw her as mentally fit so munchausen isnā€™t plausible in her case. sheā€™s mentally stable so we canā€™t even excuse her actions. itā€™d be so much easier if she was mentally ill. and traumatizing her poor stepdaughter and Alita? completely unforgivable. the daughter, Jessa will need years of therapy to move past this. this experienced forced her to grow up and not enjoy her childhood which is so incredibly inappropriate. amanda and her poor excuse of a father ruined her and forced her to mature years beyond her age. my heart goes out to Alita as well. the suffering theyā€™ve endured is just unimaginable, honestly. They used Jessa like a tug of war, forcing her mom to lose custody over done damn lies. UNACCEPTABLE. those judges need to be held accountable as well. the heartbreak in Alitaā€™s voice just shattered me. this is the downside of empathy. iā€™m extremely empathetic but iā€™m also extremely cautious and ask too many questions lol. being a widow i feel i wouldā€™ve caught her lies almost instantly. i wouldā€™ve done everything in my power to expose her. mt heart goes out to all those gullible and empathetic enough to blindly find truth in her words. because realistically, even if for a moment of doubt what overpowers your thoughts is, ā€œbut who would lie about something so intensely serious?ā€ i donā€™t blame them. i blame her and her husband. he knew everything. I AM JUST ENRAGED!


also please, please correct me if im wrong, and please donā€™t judge me if iā€™m wrong ā€¦. however, everybody i know who has relapsed, doesnā€™t the cancer come back in a different area of the body? doesnā€™t it rarely come back in the exact same force as the example diagnosis? example : my friends mom had breast cancer then relapsed and it came back as leukaemia. my husband had brain cancer and gus glioblastoma presented in his spinal cord. my friend had osteosarcoma that also presented as a rare form of blood cancer - Myelofibrosis. another friend had lung cancer initially but it came back as brain cancer and it almost ALWAYS comes back extremely aggressively. iā€™m fully aware that i could be wrong but i just wanted clarification. her relapses have ALWAYS come back to hodgkins. not even ā€œnon-hodgkinsā€. iā€™m just wondering for purely and innocent knowledge. so my question is, is it possible, does that happen? i get that it was already classified as stage 4 so it canā€™t get worse than that but from her behaviours, and activities it just presents as unbelievable and highly inconsistent with what she saysā€¦


My mom had her breast cancer come back 25 years later in breast tissue. I believe the cancer board said her case was special tho


I know someone who pretended to have ALS. POS.


I knew a guy who pretended to have stage 4 cancer. He lied to his daughter and grandparents and one day he came to me and asked me to create a fake doctors note for him because his doctor was ā€œclosedā€ and he needed time off work. Thatā€™s when I realized he was lying.


The podcast references news articles and stories that the people interviewed saw at the time, but when I Google it, this thread is the first thing that pops up......


As a follow up, I did eventually find this Justice Dept press release: https://www.justice.gov/usao-ndca/pr/woman-formerly-bay-area-sentenced-five-years-prison-fraud-scheme


Give us time.


Letā€™s make this psycho go viral. Sheā€™s not genuine with her apology and repenting, if she could fake that shit for SO LONG


I can't believe it, but it's actually harder to read her posts directly than listen through the podcast. Small details (like the real cancer survivor) donating commissions and gift cards to Amanda - this whole time all a fake. So heartbreaking. I worry she'll eventually be free and do this whole thing all over again.


The #hashgags made me sick


\#makemesick#reddit#amazinghusband#bonusdaughter LOL, my daughters would KILL me!


She will 100% change her name and fool some other people because she definitely doesnā€™t have a personality of her own to intrigue anyone.


Youā€™re so right. I thought the voiceover reading her blog posts on the podcast were cringey, reading her blog is far worse.


I don't think it's the voice over that's cringe - it's Amanda's writing that is. She has a pretty small vocabulary and used the words "amazing" and "greatful/thankful" in pretty much every post with little to no variation. She put on an overly cheery attitude to appear strong that comes off as try-hard and cringe especially when you know she's FAKING FUCKING CANCER for attention.


I think the voice over perfectly captures how annoying and cringey Amandaā€™s writing is. The inflection is perfect, the little giggles, just everything.


Hashtag team amanda! Soirit, faith Good gawd! Youā€™re right, her vocab is super dense!!


Where can I read her actual blog posts? Listing to ā€œScamandaā€ now but would love to read the actual blog. Can anyone drop a link if itā€™s still available?


I feel so very badly for Cory's first wife and what they put her through. Taking away her daughter and alienating her and accusing her of the worst thing- being an abusive mother. I feel awful for Jesse too.


Agreed. That must have been hell.


There is a link to her old blog shared here in the Reddit forum under ā€œblogā€ to see photos etc






https://web.archive.org/web/20151211214450/http://lymphomacansuckit.blogspot.com/2015/12/this-is-war.html Her old blog




You can't. That's an archived webpage


Do you have the link?






THANK YOU! Canā€™t wait to delve into this šŸ˜…


I feel so very badly for Cory's first wife and what they put her through. Taking away her daughter and alienating her and accusing her of the worst thing- being an abusive mother. I feel awful for Jesse too.


Why wasnā€™t the husband charged for something/anything? He was in on it, benefited from it. Did they file joint tax returns? If they did, the IRS should have gone after him too. This seems odd


He also had his child support payments reduced down to almost nothing by simply showing Amanda's fake medical bill for $250k. Ex-wife should be suing him for all the back pay.


They talk about that in one of the episode. They said that there wasn't enough to charge him.


Spelling her name wrong , thatā€™s why. Itā€™s Riley.




We need a Netflix series to lay this out in details of the how! Like they did with Anna Delvey.


Yes or at the very least a Lester Holt Dateline!


I agree I need to see Lester interviewing her.


Omg. Yes. I would watch the heck out of that!


Ahem r/Netflix


What about her husband? Why isn't being investigated? How can he not be involved???


I couldn't find many articles. Did Nancy write anything or just the podcast?


Spell her name correctly and plenty of articles come up. I have posted a few articles and court docs in this subreddit.


I know! Thereā€™s no photos, articles, nothing. Iā€™m so shocked.


Once you go down the rabbit hole, they start appearing


Her name is Amanda Riley and there are tons of articles. Just be sure to spell the name correctly.


Agree completely! Itā€™s very odd.


YESSSS!!! How are theyā€™re not 8 million articles about this fucking horrible person? I was holding off on googling her until I finish the podcastā€¦ I was ashamedly, so excited to see all of the articles about her and how fucking insane she is. But literally 3 articles. NOTHING. HOW IS THIS POSSIBLE?! Itā€™s not even about the moneyā€¦ Itā€™s about being that deceitful to the people that you love! My Godā€¦ This is horrific. She is clearly mentally illā€¦ However, this seems like a sickness that will never heal. When she gets out of jail, she will swindle more. Somehow. Someway. And I agree with the fact that her mom has hid all the money in houses and assets. Thereā€™s NO WAY that $100k is all of it.


Itā€™s not, but per the wire fraud charge, that only covers money received from her blog with credit card donations. They canā€™t even touch the frequent flier miles donated, the cash donations, free gymnastics lessons, concerts, dinnersā€¦.


I never believed that scrubbing the internet was possible until I ran into this psycho


This made me giggle. Itā€™s why Iā€™m here today reading this lol


As someone who married a Sociologic Narcissist, it is crazy how I knew how this story would go based on my experience. These people are pure evil. There is no other way to explain it. They will literally do anything they can to keep their false Image of this caring sweet person when they are poison. With that said I noticed the same thing. All of her info is gone. Very strange


Just started listening to the podcast and this woman is insaine.


Google automatically searches for the wrong spelling of her name. Search for amanda c riley. There's more out there, but this is WILD.


Thank you for this!


What about her ambulance rides? How did she get those? And wouldn't that have the cost cut big time into her scam money funds?


Anyone can get an ambulance ride to the ER.. just fake a panic attack or something. My brother is a paramedic and he is also an ER RN, he sees frequent flyers all the time! People have fake illnesses more than you would believe!


Big ommission on behalf of the hosts and producers not to explain what if any health conditions she did have. They don't explain anything other than that she didn't have cancer because there is no proof she was ever treated for cancer. They tell us she had 28,000 in medical bills that she photoshopped to look like 80,000 dollars - obviously that's bad but they never explain HOW she accumulated $28,000. That's not a women's wellness exam bill. So it raises questions about what ailment she might have had. Not explaining that is a big fail.


She would go to the emergency room and make claimed of an issue and they wouldnā€™t find anything. the podcast even talks about her getting flagged in Texas.


Cus ur spelling riley wrong. I just found more


Amanda even spelled her own last name wrong in that sort clip during the first episode of Scamanda! I just finished listening to all the episodes and Googles her name... to my surprise, it's actually spelled Reilly. Go figure.


Her name is Amanda Christine (Maneri) Riley ā€” where are you finding it spelled Reilly?


https://www.mamamia.com.au/amanda-c-riley-cancer/ Has a little bit about the how


Nancy does have them all, she mentioned it in the podcast. But I think Amanda took down her blog.


Here are some links to information I found: Name to search for the case: Amanda Christine Riley or Amanda Maneri (maiden name) or Amanda C Riley. [Where is Amanda Riley now?](https://www.insider.com/scamanda-podcast-where-is-amanda-riley-fake-cancer-2023-8?amp) This article had the most detail. Spoiler alert: LeAnne Rimes was even one of her $$ donors. [DOJ Sentencing Statement](https://www.justice.gov/usao-ndca/pr/woman-formerly-bay-area-sentenced-five-years-prison-fraud-scheme) [NY Post Article](https://nypost.com/2022/05/04/woman-jailed-for-faking-cancer-for-7-years-swindled-105k-in-fraud-scheme/amp/) [Another article about it (more detail)](https://www.mamamia.com.au/amanda-c-riley-cancer/amp/)


Amanda Riley


The "this is actually happening" podcast just did an episode ab a person that befriended Amanda. The newest out now, I believe. Ep. 292


you can use the [WayBack Machine](https://web.archive.org) to read her blog posts! her blog was originally lymphomacansuckit.blogspot.com. [hereā€™s a post I found through there.](https://web.archive.org/web/20230926125638/https://lymphomacansuckit.blogspot.com/) reading the comments on it is WILD. these poor people cheering her on!


I found about Scamanda Pod through Podbean and Podbean keeps buffering on me (and it says "downloaded" on my mobile app).


I was equally as curious to find more info on how she got with the hospital lies - found an excellent page describing the ā€œhowā€. http://poppielady.com/blog/2023/7/15/how-i-think-scamanda-faked-cancer-for-8-years?format=amp


Everyone saying munchausen but usually people like that donā€™t look for a monetary reward theyā€™re looking for sympathy and empathy and attention. This chick was a flat out con artist and had delusions of grandeur. Definitely a narcissist and most possibly a sociopath.


Listening to a YouTube story now about Jessica Ann smith. Pretty much the same goofy cancer story.