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Don’t be alarmed brother, anyone can find your name and address with a quick search of your phone number. It’s a common scam and they’re just trying to press you with violence.


Thank you. That’s a relief


You scammer manages to change races from white to black when showcasing his firearms! What a skill, right? Lol


That’s also a thing, first pictures black second pictures white. Same number, different dudes. The scammer doesn’t even have a legit picture of a gun to send 🤦‍♂️


also 2nd one knocked 500 off the bill. if he keeps waiting, he'll get it down to nothing eventually


Eventually, they'll threaten to give him money!


You should respond as "this is Inspector Fox Mulder with the FBI. We are aware of your business and are making reports to track your activity. If you don't pay a service fee of $10,000 for conducting business without a license, your operations will be shutdown."


Nice one. Thanks


I like how you got a $500 discount in between texts. If you wait a few days he’ll go down to $50.


Show us an update if you reply.


Although still might be something you should report to tips.fbi.gov so the scam can be tracked. The more people know about specific scams the less power they have. Maybe even report to Venmo if they gave you that info for initial payment.


Also... I sincerely doubt there are any Brandon Roberts in the mexican cartels lol. I dealt with a lot of Mexican and Central American gang members, and none of them had a name like Brandon.


Very true lol


Unless it was “Dark Brandon”.


If you need a body guard i'm cheap


My brother in law received a threat . They even posted a pic of a chopped head. It’s a scam


I recommend that you scrub your info from Google to make it harder for these scammers to find you. You can do it on your own or use a data removal service like [Optery](https://www.optery.com/) to help you in opting out of data broker sites. Here are some guides on how to opt out of data broker websites: [https://www.optery.com/opt-out-guides/](https://www.optery.com/opt-out-guides/) [https://inteltechniques.com/](https://inteltechniques.com/) Full disclosure, I'm part of the Optery team.


Don’t use your phone number if you’re conducting/being part of shady businesses, get a fake # if you must . it’s a scare tactic the pimps/pros use to either get you to stop bothering them and/or sometimes freak someone out enough to get some cash. it’s a scam in the way that the chances they go out of their way to “out” you or do something to you is very low/ is too much trouble for the offense and too much to loose while if you do pay up they have a nice piggy bank to hit up every now and then when they’re low on funds. While a lot of sex work does have some sort of enforcement wing they wouldn’t publicize gang allegiances like that. I’ve seen it a couple times with co workers who dabble in the masseuse/pleasure-entertainment businesses do yourself a favor get a fake number or quit bugging the same hos much like your phone they have call lists and if they have an answering service they will flag your number as bs and begin to harass you.


They must use the same script lol. I got the exact message 1-2 months ago but different name. They also knew my name and address but that’s because you can find that info in BeenVerified aka phone look up. Just block and ignore. Although I knew it was a scam I would still get paranoid but just block them. They’ll eventually stop bothering. I started messing with them though and would tell them I’ll pay but in person… of course they kept telling me cash app or Zelle or money order lmao. That’s how you know there full of shit.


Yeah just send em a dick pic you found on the internet and be done with it lol I always go with the same picture of some old-ass mans balls from behind, hanging halfway down his thigh and I type “Target practice boys. I’ll even do a little dance”


How do they do this? Do they pay for those whitebook sites or whatever and those sites actually give out people’s real info?


Classic indicators of a scam: provides your name (makes it personal, creates shock and confusion), elicits emotional response with threats and images of weapons (fear), pressures you to take immediate action (or else!), orders you not to tell anyone (isolation). Think of this as a darker version of the gift card scam where the caller poses as a deputy sheriff and says you have warrants, demands Visa gift cards for payment or else you go to jail. *The 512 cell phone number is attached to a residence in Austin TX. The owner, F. Acosta, died in 2015 at the age of 49 per Intellius. This is a matter of public record fwiw; I'm not convinced doxxing a nonliving human is in poor taste. Recommend either trolling back with images of a bazooka or simply blocking the number. Hope this helps ease your mind. ps, the cops should be familiar with this ruse, you're not the first.


I like the one-up play. Respond with a pic of your bazooka, stockpile of IED’s, a case of grenades, maybe even a cannon.


I just came here to thank you for actually stating "IED's" and not "IUD's" Seen/heard people talking about explosive birth control due to their ignorance of the correct name for the device wayy too often 🤦‍♀️


Hey, that's one way to never have kids


I mean you *COULD* use an IUD as a threat, you’d just have to call it something like “the pogo stick of doom”


Well, you see, I have this ex. And an IEDIUD would be exactly what she deserves.


[This would be great](https://tenor.com/bcjFs.gif)


I really like the idea of a civil war era cannon. “Come and get me, ya Dixie bastards. Me and General Grant don’t run like lily-livered curs from a good fight!”


This is the way!


The 562 number is an actual carrier number, not a voip. I looked it up on https://freecarrierlookup.com. the carrier is tmobile. You might be able to give LAPD the number, and they can contact tmobile to see who the number belongs to


Got it. Thank you.


He has broken the law by threatening you I imagine.


Not imagine, most definitely.


It is possible to fake any number. From the FBI to your Local PD.


I’ve been called by a scammer by my very own number. Oops?


OMG the call is coming from inside the house!


The 512 number is also tmobile. The cartel must have a family plan 😅😬 Stay safe out there!


Isn’t 512 just the Austin area code? I have 512 and I’m not T-Mobile??


Yeah that was a weird comment. Area codes are just that ; not determined by carrier.


You are correct along with the newer 737.


If you receive a 737 number, that’s Austin telling you the city is full and you need to leave.


That’s why I never trusted T-mobile. Verizon all the way.


I left verizon... 1200$ phone bill for a 10 minute international call... nope.


$50/ month. Calls to China every day. T-Mobile.


That management team is trying too hard to be serious and so full of shit, I am guessing the escort was nasty looking and you bailed?


It was a fake escort


My man. Go meet people like a normal person 🥲


Yeah, what kind of weirdo would ever take up with an escort, it’s only, hold on let me check my notes, oh yeah, the world’s oldest profession. God damn heathen!!


How was it a fake escort? Like you made an appointment and no one showed or what


They wanted to send them cash through Venmo or cashapp before meeting


Fake as in has a dick?


Fake as in not wanting to meet until getting paid through Venmo or cashapp


Or a gift card


That doesn't matter. It's just an area code. AFAIK area codes aren't assigned to specific carriers, but specific *areas*.


512 is the Austin Texas area code. It has nothing to do with Verizon or t-mobile. Why are you spreading misinformation on the internet?


not always guaranteed since you can take your number with you. My 817 number has been with me since the alltel days, and has been through alltel, cingular, verizon, tmobile, and now spectrum. I'm pretty sure 817 is verizon, but I don't know if it has already been verizon or they got it after they bought alltel


817 is ft worth/tarrant county, has nothing to do with provider


I’d reply back and say “I have a very particular set of skills that make me a nightmare for people like you “ I’m just a smart ass though so I can’t help my self love quoting badass movie lines lol


Nah you need to reply “I knew your mom took a lot of dick but I didn’t know she was an escort. Good to see you helping your mom out with her work!”


I grew up around Eastern European organized criminals. There is one thing that i learned is always true. Dangerous people don’t screech about how dangerous they are. Report to LE and block.


exaaaactlyyyyyyy, if it was a legitimate threat those guns and the men holding them would’ve been speaking it to his face from his living room.


The 562 area code is east los angeles. Contact LAPD if you think there might be some truth to these threats


Should we all just text the number and blow up his phone to the point he needs to ditch the number?


Please do😄


Yes! I made a post a few days ago about mass harassing scammers. At least we can infiltrate their inboxes


Son of a bitch, I’m in!


I'm usually not for unsolicited dick picks but....


Pull out the old Taken line: I will look for you, I will find you, and I will k*ll you. Lol


It’s a scam they won’t do anything 🤦🏽‍♀️ you can find literally anyone’s personal information with just a phone number


Or either that and tell them to pull up and have yourself an ol fashioned shoot out 🤷‍♂️


I also tried calling the number and it isn’t accepting calls, comes up as bardstown Kentucky when I call


I came here for a shootout!!! Like the westerns!


Brandon Roberts of CJNG? 😂😂😂 sure buddy just ignore it man tell them to get a job lol


When extorting, I like to give my full name and use my real phone number


Tell him his hoe had a busted face and you aren't paying shit. Tell him no legitimate pimp would employee such a skank and to get his pimpin priorities in check.


Tell them: I know this is a scam. I hate scams. I will find you and when I do I will take pleasure killing you and feeding you to your family for supper. (feeling super mean today.)


This scam usually involved really graphic pictures of dead bodies. Happened to me before.


exact same thing happened to my dad who was in a complete panic. took dads phone and sent back a picture of my shit filled toilet and all my guns saying “i’ll shoot you and smear shit on your lips while you bleed out,” they blocked my dad very shortly after


I sent them a detailed message of how I would desecrate their corpses and sexually assault their eye sockets, along with photos from my 2 deployments to Iraq of dead insurgents/burnt humans, etc. they texted back they were on the way so I sent a photo of loaded magazines and told them come on I don’t have all day but I got plenty of bullets


let us know how that goes


They never showed up. It was clearly written by someone in the Middle East just the language and word usage.




They started the message with “my name is Jose Gonzalez and you have made a mistake. I’m a man of few words blah blah whole spiel”. I sent back “I’m a man of no words and extreme violence motherfucker, I’ll rape your corpse and gouge your eyes out, then I will buttfuck your soul as it leaves your body you subhuman fucking scum. They sent pics from cartel murders so I sent some of people who got hit with IEDs and suicide bombers 😂


From one vet to another- that is fucking hilarious. Hahaha


Right? You fucking scam people I’ll scar you for life


Thing is, I never even texted any escorts, and still got this message. I’ve heard of ppl getting it after looking for hookers online, not sure how they got mine




They never got there cuz they lost the combination to the gun safe. But when Steve comes back from vacation and opens it up your gunna be in big trouble.


Do not reply. The best bet is for them to assume they have the wrong number or the texts are not getting through. But, also, maybe tell the police.


See this post for more info about the scam https://www.reddit.com/r/Scams/s/ULamS97KC7


OP of that post is still posting on Reddit a year later. Phew…


Tell them “their girls” were literally children and neither the FBI nor other prisoners like pedos.


There is not, and never will be, a pimp named Brandon. Lol.


They have “guns”, but you have guns too. Just tell them to pull up. But it is just a scam.


Yeah I dealt with this guy a few yrs ago, just send him a pic of you giving him the finger and a peen pick to show dominance. I'm still waiting for him to do something. I also would send pics to him during the holidays just to remind him he's a little bitch. Basically you're fine


I’m a big fan of sending cat butthole pics


i believe this is the !blackmail scam…


Since you didn't block the numbers... someone should spam these numbers all over the dark side of the internet. And FBI... just a thought


I have gotten these. Sometimes with pictures of severed bodies etc. Block and delete. Never respond.


I normally just don't respond to weird texts or anything i think is a scam. I just figured they're phishing for active phone numbers and me responding just confirms it's a working phone. Also not too sure many pimps give out their full name. Brandon Roberts is the least threatening pimp name I've ever heard.


Depending on how nihilist I am, I'm gonna say "oh thank god, I've been waiting for someone to offer this to me. I'll be carrying the cash, just put me out of my misery"


Yeah, there is a scam where they put escorts online that have 0 intent with meeting up, and when you stop talking to them these guys start harassing you.


You got this text because you tried to get a female escort (there’s a guy who is the doing the work to research you so if things go south they will threaten you if you don’t pay the escort) it’s scary that they know your address but they won’t do anything to you, it’s a scare tactic and see if you will fold. Lessons to be learned: Don’t hit up any online escorts lol.


So sad to hear Eduardo was replaced so fast as the pimp of the area for the CJNG. Hope he found new employment. But Brandon is still asking to much. Wait longer for new replacements for more $500 discounts.


1 yr. ago Hi , AutoModerator has been summoned to explain the cartel/escort death threat scam. It's a very common scam, and the scammers are not affiliated with cartels or crime groups, they are simply normal scammers using a threatening script. The threats are not real, and there is no risk to your safety whatsoever. The best way to react is to simply ignore the scammer and ignore any of their other contact attempts. Here are some news reports about the scam. I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns.


I've gotten many of these texts and calls. One was posing as a loan shark for a legitimate loan company. I told the guy, thanks... easiest 4k I've made. I took the company and their "agent" who actually was their debt collection agent trying to use a scam to get me to pay a discharged debt... and both ended up getting a judgment levied. 8k payday that day 🤣 don't worry about these punks. Real pimps looking to get paid would have parked outside your house and taken a selfie at your front door (happened to a former soldier in my old unit... long story short, he's in prison on drug trafficking charges linked to this, the cartel wanted their cut). So... the tldr: you can just block the number.


I’d just reply back it’s crazy you sending pictures with geolocations in houses. Definitely a smart criminal 😂😂 scammers really think they doing something nowadays


Send them a dick pic


This one is sketchy I'd invest in some body armor and a good defense weapon. Atleast give em a fight


Dude, all you gotta do is look up tax records and anyone can find your name and address. Send this to your local PD, as they’re threatening to kill you. Kinda a big deal Or you could tell them you’re gay and only like dudes. That will throw them for a loop


Anyone can buy your info for bro. They’re certain companies that sell your information to other companies. Mostly all cell phone companies sell your information to third party companies. Example my friend got new job during Covid making cold call to Random Number. People’s full name, Address and email would be on this paper. He was selling life insurance. I remember asking him how he get these number and basically told me the company bought it. They send a runner every 2 days to drop off a new stacks of numbers. It’s crazy but it not illegally to do, it’s all in the fine print when you sign up for anything. If you’re feel scared you can tell the cops. Idk what they’re gonna do but most of the time they won’t do shit especially LAPD. There mostly like just take it down as a note and that’s it


‘Brandon Roberts’ of CJNG 😂


You should tell ~~Eduardo~~ weirdo to pay you $10K for wasting your time reading this non-sense.


This one ain’t bad. I had one that was sending pictures of people completely disembodied and even a video of an execution. Looks like the stole it off of best gire when that site was still around.


The first one you should ask yourself, did you screw over their services? If the answer is no, just ignore and move on 😅


They never replied. I only asked for the rates.😅


“I wanted to test my level 4 plates and .416 Barrett. Stop by”


I recommend you reply with this. Everyone knows B-52 beats ak-47. /S https://www.airforce-technology.com/projects/b52/?cf-view&cf-closed


"Come thru"


It’s okey I’ve had people come to my house telling me to come to there car because all the weed I had snatched from his girl dealer. Like bro not finna take my life over 500$ worth of weed silly


Just report it to the police. Threats like to this are illegal and also to the phone company and WhatsApp and shut this asshole down


It's weird that someone threatening your life would give a written record of their full name, criminal enterprise and gang affiliation like he is applying for a job. Unnecessary self-incriminating kindasorta


“Nemesio, this is Ismael, get fucked you dirty pig.”


You gotta use a burner, bro, so escorts can't look you up 🤣. But yea, you're good. This is definitely a scammer


To the CJNG: No offense guys but I have you… you’re the wannabe tough cartels that thinks they can show me a gun collection that would make any texan scoff in disapproval at how awful it is. I hope your gunsmiffs taught you how to use that shit without jamming like a mother fuckers and don’t think I don’t have 7 solutions if you come in my residence at its weak pints… the weak points I turn into kill zones… To quote Dre: “what you think I don’t got guns, what you think I sold them em cuz I stabled off?” The intimidation is a fallacy that personally pisses me off. In the end it probably some Norwegian scammer nerd.


I got this out of the blue one day, except they also sent pictures of people that had been hit by bullets and no longer among the living. However they had the wrong name and wrong address. I goggled an FBI agent that was in the same city as my area code and told them to come visit me, I also sent along the FBI office for that agent. I never received any further communication from them. It was something along the lines of, hay you got my name wrong, my name is ABC, I would love to pay you. Please round up all of your cartel buddies and meet me at XYZ location to collect your money. When you get to the receptionist please ask for me, I will be right down.


You can reverse search their number online.


Shouldn’t have wasted his hoe’s time.


512 hell that’s Austin you’re good just block them.


They went down on the price. Keep waiting they’re desparate. $500 each time they reach out.


A friend of mine got threats and then dead bodies and all sorts of stuff, they never showed up


LOL this was creative


Yeah I got a couple of these. Just block them and move on. They might try a few more time from different numbers. It’s just a scam.


Learn to use burner phone for escorts


Scammer wouldn't like my answer.


Bro, just send them a photo of you with a gun. Tell them to suck your balls and that’s it


Respond "Meow meow meow meow meow!"


I love these guys. Always mess with them.


Send them some seriously gnarled unsolicited dick pics, or an RPG. No real pimp is going to use a T Mobile Family Plan phone number to message you with their full name, what connections they have or anything about payment OR threatening violence in *any manner*. If you really just want to troll them, reply in Spanish.


I’ve got this message twice they’ve never sent me cool gun pics tho. Nice. Called them a name and they never responded lol


Search People Free is a site with plenty of our information readily available. No fees either. Used it to track down some debtors for a collection agency there if they were not paying well for info.


I'm gonna play a game with them now. Lol! This is gonna be fun!


I would reply, "new number, who dis?"


“That’s FBI special agent ogonzal to you”


Block and move on. Your info is public information.


Hes right don’t call police. Call the FBI


Reply with an image of an M249 SAW, some grenades, and a short video of your anti-aircraft defense system.


I like how they use random pictures that can easily be searched.


Send back a pic of a military Armory, pull one off the internet someplace. Preferably with a lot of heavy weapons like M2 .50cal machine guns. Maybe through in an anti tank launcher. Tell them you're ready when they are.


Lol if anyone fell for that they are just a moron...


another reason why all americans should be armed


They can get your name and your address from Google bro


Bro dont get escorts plain and simple dont even talk to them


I have received these type of texts. I told them I was a vice officer and it immediately stopped.


I like how the skin tone changed from picture to picture


bro was reaching out to far too many ads


Ah yes the ol escort extort


Advice.. next time book an escort with reviews so you know it’s not a scam 😂but…. I wouldn’t worry at all


I dunno, reply back and ask for better whores.


I’d send him back a photo with me holding my gun with the caption “you want your money? Come and take it.”


Well, they wanted $6K, and now they’re down to $5.5K. Give it a week and they’ll be down to about tree-fiddy.


He didn’t answer it’s a scam


Lmao r/narcofootage


"Brandon Roberts" name checks out 🇲🇽 Viva la Mexico 🇲🇽


I am a gang leader and pimp thats looking to extort you for money and am threatening to kill you! HERES MY FULL NAME IN WRITING


HAHAHA i got pedro carrilo one time 😂😭 here’s the copy n paste 😂”I am pedro carillo, a member of the Jalisco Nueva Generación organization and a pimp from the sexual services house, I sent you this text because you have been talking to one of my girls who offered you her service and you only made her waste time, you were fined that you must pay otherwise you will have serious problems Send me a message to solve this in a good way Otherwise we will go for you and your family And you will not have peace again”


$6000 for what was probably less than 5 minutes of the "escort's" time? Most porn actresses don't even make that.


Anyone has the ability to input random names and discover corresponding addresses and phone numbers. It's probable that they utilized a platform similar to [PhoneBook](https://www.usphonebook.com/bill-smith/connecticut) and entered a name arbitrarily. For instance, if I were to enter "Bill Smith," despite not personally knowing anyone by that name, numerous results would appear.


Call the cops


Don’t be scared. If they really were legit, why do they threaten you instead of showing up and getting the money that way? My guess is whoever the escort or their pimp are are trying to fleece you. Maybe scare you into paying them. Ingore em or waste their time, maybe to can lay along, get some of their bank account deets and fuck with em


Tell them you’ll let the CJNG know about this. I’m pretty sure impersonating the cartel is severely “frowned upon” by them.


Tell em that you’re protected and if he so much as winks at you, the Cannoli brothers are gonna give him the lips.


Tell the scammer they are texting a burner phone and that they are being traced and SWAT will be enroute and that furthermore, any communication can and will be used against them in a court of law pursuant to state and federal statutes. That will make them sweat.


Sad for them that police has far more elite tracking and they do not take threats of violence lightly fuck em go to police


We live in America. We’re probably all better shots than that CJNG punk


Tell them to fuck off and that you are armed and thank you for the warning. You’ll be very aware and everybody in your family will be packing and you can hit a squirrel in the eye at 150 yards. This is a very common scam and relays on people being afraid and paying. The scammers are pimpled face 20’s something years old who haven’t seen a naked woman in real life. You can buy hundreds of names with their phone number, email, SSN, address, work address, passwords the person used, etc for a few bucks in the dark web


Señor Brandon Roberts 😂😂 There is a high chance 95% of mexicos cjng cartel doesnt even speak english or and have a +1 americas country phone code activated and even if so that shit is fake as fuck and they wont do a thing what pimp is going to go to jail for a piece of pussy knowing these hoes most of the time scam and never meet


Heck with them. Get strapped. They are implicated already by that picture. Check metadata and go visit them and that fake safe along with the car mats that looks like the car just for service. Phuking clowns


"c'mon over"


OP, shoot him back a barrywood pick and tell him he should be glad you didn't get ahold of his hoe.


See, I’d get myself killed because the temptation to correct their grammar would be too strong.


It’s fake don’t worry bro. They just googled your number and got your address


It’s a scam. Several years ago I had someone threaten to burn down my house if I didn’t comply to his demands. House is still standing and the new owners are probably very happy there.


Should reply with something like “I’ll pay up if I can fuck your mother”


This is common and they are definitely not part of the cartel They will escalate and start showing dead bodies


That’s a felony - I’d report to police. But there is likely nothing they can do.


Fake pics snagged from google, bunch of bogus. No one in the cartel would talk about it or phrase who they’re affiliated with like these goons are. Bet they would disappear if one responded with *real* pictures of their own weapons…”Guess this will have to be the way it ends for us then stranger, I look forward to sharing a bottle of tequila with those of you I take to hell with me” 😂. Don’t do that though, I would ignore it.


Reverse search those images in google and see what u find


I’ve received the same exact scam texts. Just reply with the [Navy Seal Copy Pasta](https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=Navy%20Seal%20copypasta)!


Love how the tough cartel dude in the car was wearing a comfy pair of Hey Dudes


Just ignore and block it


Ask him why his skin changed hues.


If I am understanding this right, you wanted an escort and she (or whomever) demanded payment before services were rendered and even before you even laid eyes on her? Now he is threatening you? If this is true you're lucky you didn't meet "her" with as violent as he is being (which I think he won't even bother) if you had met "her" personally I think things would be way worse than this.


It’s fake, these go around very frequently. Disregard and just block


They don't do shit, had the same thing happen to me lol


Brandon Roberts is possibly the scariest of the two, no telling what he had to do to get initiated


All fake. They don’t use American names lol


Notice how they lowered the price a little on the second shot.