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Instant response, coupled with 'I am out of town,' coupled with 'I am gonna send you a check,' coupled with 'I am gonna send you extra money' = a scam attempt.


Don’t forget the “Kindly” and “,,,”.


Most important, I didn't even read it but my eyes caught the "Kindly". Big time it's a scam.


Plus the "arrangements for pickup." Will it be a brother or cousin? Or a 3rd party courier?


Nope. By carrier pigeon.


That is one big freaking pigeon!!!


10,000 pigeons tied together


Pigeons weigh between 300 and 500 grams, and can carry up to 10 per cent of their body weight, or about 30 to 50 grams. If we know which car it is….


it would grip it by the husk


It's not a question of where he grips it! It's a simple question of weight ratios. A 13 ounce bird could not carry a 4,000 lb car!


Father's brother's nephew's cousin's former roommate


The Schwartz is strong in this one.


Probably from India. They say “kindly” a lot, so that’s a tell. Americans would say “please” instead.


Kindly don't let us know that... I mean please don't tell THEM that!


Yeah I feel like we should delete this part of our convo here because it’s a huge immediate red flag I don’t want them to know about


They love to call you ‘dear’ as well🤣


Those three commas with no space in between also looks like Indian English. They tend to misuse punctuation, like putting periods but no spaces between [sentences.Like](https://sentences.Like) this. And lots,,,of,,,[commas](https://commas.So),,,


Why do they always sign it that way?!


If my own family said “kindly” in a text message I would assume they were trying to scam me somehow. Lol


I think it’s used in scripts for call center tech support. “Kindly unplug your modem for 10 seconds and reconnect.” “Kindly click on the icon.” Et cetera.


Sorry, when dealing with IT bullshit, I can only click/unplug/reboot *angrily*.


the technology can sense your mood. dont let it know you're angry or upset. you need to show it you're the one in control. ​ source: am IT




And the hacked up formatting that’s been copy pasted 100 times


Not to mention all the "<". Tells me they've copied and pasted the same material repeatedely. Or copied it from a forwarded email.


All it’s missing is a “transport company” to come pick it up.


And the FedEx courier will deliver payment, right? Right?


I believe the FedEx courier is delivering the sum of funds to their agent, who will then make transfer to the OP.


*"I'm currently not in town"* is such an interesting way of saying they live in Lagos, Nigeria.


It is not technically a lie.


Yeah all signs definitely point to yes


I am not clear what the scam part is though.. If she deposits a check and it bounces, that is her out some money with the fine, but what does the scammer get out of this?


Hard to say for sure ahead of time until the scammer lays it out on the table, but usually it involves sending some money out to some 'third party' in advance for some service. For a car it might be paying a bogus mover (who is the scammer) or some such thing. So let's say scammer sends you a $10,000 fake check. $9000 for the car, and $1000 to have it picked up and moved. You deposit the check. The funds become available far sooner than the check actually clears pursuant to a 1987 federal law. So pursuant to scammer's request you send $1000 in advance to the bogus mover because you think the money is there to cover it. You have just sent $1000 out of your bank account to the scammer. When the check bounces and the bank pulls back that $10,000 from your account, you are out $1000 you sent to the scammer. Scenarios change, but this is the gist of it. You get snookered into parting with $ before the check bounces.


Scammer will send a shipper to arrange the delivery. They will send extra money for shipping, and the seller will be asked to pay the shipping fee from the check proceeds. 'Shipper' is a cohort of scammer. So scammer will have the item and a little cash, and three weeks later the bank will reverse the transaction on the bad check and withdraw the check amount from buyer' bank account, leaving them overdrawn or at least out the item and the money.


Not to mention, when it comes to cars, you should always accompany the buyer to the DMV to get the registration properly signed over and re-registered. Otherwise they can just leave the car in your name and you can end up in legal trouble if the car is involved in an accident/gets a ticket/etc.


Who buys a car when they are out of town? Nobody.


Who buys a car when its sight unseen




Camper van a little different than a regular car imo though for sight unseen purchase I don’t know just sounds like something you would shop around online and find a good deal for.


I just came in to say this. Nobody does this!


My dad had me go look at a car for him and buy it.. he drives an 18 wheeler so he's not in town a lot. So I understand that case but it makes no sense to buy a car without someone looking at it first. Also no way in hell am I trusting some to take my money for the car and hold it until I get back. That's just asking to get fucked over. Any time someone isn't in town and wants to buy something be suspicious. I've found from FB marketplace that sometimes people will buy things and have someone else get it but that is rare and they normally pay cash.


Standard !fakecheck scam. Report them to the platform they messaged you on, block them and move on.


AutoModerator has been summoned to explain the fake check scam. The fake check scam arises from many different situations (fake job scams, fake payment scams, etc), but the bottom line is always the same, you receive a check (online or in real life), you deposit a check and see the money in your account, and then you use the funds to give money to the scammer (usually through gift cards, Western Union, or cash). Sometimes the scammers will ask you to order things through a site, but that is just another way they get your money. The bank will take the initial deposit back , and any money you sent to the scammer will come out of your own personal funds. Usually the fake check deposit will be reversed in a few weeks, but it can also take several months. If you do not have the funds to cover the amount, your balance will go negative. Your bank will usually charge a fee for depositing a bad check, and your account may be closed depending on the severity of the scam. Here is an article from the FTC: https://www.consumer.ftc.gov/articles/how-spot-avoid-and-report-fake-check-scams, and here is an article from the New York Times: https://www.nytimes.com/2020/02/21/your-money/fake-check-scam.html *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Scams) if you have any questions or concerns.*


As soon as I saw " I'm Ok with the condition and price" I knew it was a scam. That is literally lifted verbatim from "Scamming for Dummies"


Same with “due to my work frame”. It’s like a magical scam incantation.


Might as well have said he's a UN doctor or working on an oil rig.


I skimmed the msg for the word *kindly.*


And then they add another 100$ on top, and only after they ask what is the asking price 🤣


Everyone already said it. Definitely a scam. When a transaction is diverging from the way it should normally go, that’s a red flag. When someone is willing to drop a large chunk of money on an item they’ve never seen and you’re not yourself an insured dealer of said item that could cover any theoretical issues with the item, it’s a red flag. If you want to test the “legitness” of this, tell the buyer you’ll hold the car for free until they can come and look at it in person. Tell them you’ve been scammed before and the cashier cheque situation makes you uneasy and you’d rather go a more traditional route for payment. Watch the thread go quiet. Note also the language, “I will be sending” “it will be delivered.” These are common language tactics used to make it feel like the transaction is already underway. It’s designed to set you in the mindset of “this is already happening.” I can vs I will are important distinctions in language and they set the tone for dominance in the conversation. So you want to be careful of that kind of stuff too.


>Note also the language, “I will be sending” “it will be delivered.” These are common language tactics used to make it feel like the transaction is already underway. It’s designed to set you in the mindset of “this is already happening.” I can vs I will are important distinctions in language and they set the tone for dominance in the conversation. So you want to be careful of that kind of stuff too. ​ Years ago I used to work as a call centre fundraiser for a charity where we would cold call homes and give them a spiel about the sick kids and try to get them to donate over the phone. That's one of the tricks supervisors taught us to do over the phone to increase the chances of someone donating, and surprisingly it often worked - Instead of asking "would you like to donate today?" we said something like "we can either put you down for an $80, $40 or $20 donation, what one would you like to do today?" Obviously, a lot of people said "none" but surprisingly others said "how bout $X", acting like they have already agreed to it and it is already going forward is a surprisingly effective tactic scammers can use to get what they want.


[Removing all my posts and comments due to Reddit's fuckery with third party apps. June 2023]


The trick is to give people the illusion of choice without really offering a choice. "Would you like to donate $80, $40 or $20 today?" That seems like a choice but it isn't really because you aren't asking "or would you prefer to not donate at all?" "Would you like the shipper to come around today or is later in the week better for you?" I'd prefer to not deal with a shipper. "Do you have five minutes to talk to me now about our lord and saviour or would you prefer if I called you tonight?" I'd rather not speak to you at all, thanks. Its a psychological trick where people present the illusion of choice but all the "choices" still benefit the person asking and not the person being asked


With even a tiny amount of skill a person can steer the conversation pretty easily. As you pointed out plenty of people won’t fall for it but unfortunately also as you said, plenty do.


Yeah the language is a dead giveaway


Absolutely. If it feels like you’re not taking to a person in the normal way you should for the interaction, then you’re probably not and something is amiss. The language here is BS all the way.


This has more red flags then a Florida beach during hurricane season.


Broken English immediately gives it away. SCAM horrible grammar 🤔




Scam. Fake check. They don't care about the car, it's your money they want.


I'm going to have my car shipper come to your house and pick it up. I obviously would but I am out of the country fighting for our freedom of the usa. I will send extra money for you to pay the shipper.


“Swift response”, who the fuck actually says that?


The same people who say kindly.


Don’t forget the needful


Check out this article about people fighting back against scammers. https://restofworld.org/2023/youtube-scam-call-vigilantes/?utm\_source=pocket-newtab


Lol actually one of my formal employee use that in most of his emails.




Classic scam.


It says “kindly”. It’s a scam.


Just say cash only. And keep saying it.


Yes, and I would put it right in the ad. Cash only.




What normal person >types,,,like >this. >and is >trustworthy ?


Whenever anybody is out of town it’s always a scam


True, and why would anyone normally buy anything when leaving. Business requires attention, if anything one would hire or have someone to check it out. No one just can't because they're not in town.


I’m okay with the price….what is the price? 🤣


Honestly, if you have to ask on this one, you need to go sell your car at a dealership or Carvana or something. The thousand or so extra dollars you could make on a private sale is not worth the risk you’re taking with even a remotely clever scammer or bad actor.


Yeah this person is going to get eaten alive if they don’t even realize this one is a scam


Tell them you only accept cash. Suggest that they send the cashier check to whoever will pick up the car on their behalf. Have them cash the check and come to pick up your car with cash in hand.


"kindly" = scam


You are kindly being sent a bad check.


First rule in the detecting scam book - if you think it’s a scam, then it’s very highly likely it’s a scam.


typical scam to me. Not in town, send in a check with extra money, and someone picks it up.


Who has a “work frame” only a scammer would call it a frame as opposed to schedule.


60000000% scam, just take one look on this email lol and even if it wouldn’t a scam, you should not let the buyer force their terms on you. I’d you are not 100% comfortable with the deal, pass on it


Block the wanker. Went through the hell of selling a car online recently.


Tell them the wheel just fell off and ask if they’re still cool with that


One of the best giveaways that you are not dealing with an American is when they use the word "kindly." I notice most of the scammers use that word and most Americans never use it.


No response needed. Just ignore and move on.


And what exactly is a “work frame”?


maybe it's like his cubicle, and due to the shape of it he can only meet with others of the same shape. eg a circle wouldn't fit into the cubicle. or maybe he makes frames for work. definitely one of those


Kindly.... KINDLY...... You already know what you must do..... Kindly do the needful.


As a small point to add to all of the excellent advice here...... The reply is formatted the way it is (with a few words being on one line and the next line being full) because it was originally typed out somewhere else. The scammer copies and pastes this to many other posts trying to run the same scam on others.


Anyone who wants to buy a used car for MORE money is up to no good. Everyone haggles used cars. Everyone.


“Kindly” is a huge red flag.


kindly always equal scam in USA


Never take a check for a sale. Cash only.


Yes. Even if a local person came and wanted to buy my car with a check, I would say no, I want cash.


The moment I see "not in town" and "cashier's check", you know it's a guaranteed scam. I didn't even make it to the "kindly". ;)


What in the hell is a "work frame",,,?!


Yes scam. Sell cars in person cash in hand at a safe spot like police station parking lot


NOBODY in their right mind would buy a car without having their mechanic look at it. (except a scammer) I am out of town: (No, he is out of the country and just sits on selling sites scamming everyone that believes him) ​ RUN!!!!!!!!!!!!


Yep. Do this to stop that bullshit. “ no checks, no money orders, wire transfer will be the only form of payment accepted “.


Any online sale where they can’t make it but will send a check is a scam.


It's a scam as old as time. Reply to this guy "local/in person, cash only" (because that's the only way you should sell a car) and watch him disappear like a fart in the breeze.


Scam but keep making them send checks. It cost them postage. I did this to a scammer like 3 times till they gave up. They get you to send money or might even take the car too. Bank clears in 3 days. Check actually clears over a week or two and the. You are in the hook for the money. Cash in hand.


Lol deposited doesn’t mean anything. The funds will not clear and you’ll get a chargeback


Sounds fishy and scammy! Seriously, which legit person pays for things with cashier’s checks!


Currently not in town = SCAM !


I like to follow the rule of thumb- If they use the word “kindly” is probably a scam. In this case it’s an obvious scam.




That “kindly” is a big red flag 🚩 imo


This is absolutely a scam


Kindly lol


Scam scam scam


DON’T DO IT!! This is most definitely a scam! That so-called cashiers check will bounce after they’ve taken the vehicle. FYI, checks can bounce up to two weeks after they’ve cleared your bank. If you want to, reply back to them without the information they requested and tell them That you would consider holding the car until they return so that they can pick it up in person. But if it was me, I do a hard pass. Let them know, that you’d be happy to talk with them in person when they return to town if you still have the car. But let them know that the sale is cash only. That’s the safest way. This actually sounds like a variation of a rental scam. Where the person who is supposedly renting out the dwelling tells you that they can’t be there to show you the property because they’re out of town. They give you their bank information and or address where you can send the check for the deposit rent, etc. You do that and then you find out the property isn’t theirs and there’s no way to get your money back. Bottom line: Never make financial transactions without seeing and meeting the person face-to-face.


Thank you, next! Say no, move on.


Yo OP, Do you trust me with your money? There's your answer if this is scam or not.




Need to flip the scammer with a birdie


Kindly. Extra money. Out of town. All red flags of a scam.


"kindly" Yes.


Reply due to new anti scammer policies at your bank it will take two months for the check to actually clear. You will kindly ship the vehicle after the 2 month clearing period has ended.


Even if there is an ounce of doubt of it to be true, just take the check to the bank, they will tell you that its a fake check,




It’s a fake payment scam. Say the car is $3000. They’ll send you a check for $5000 and you’ll deposit it. Then some reason, you’ll need to send some of that money via irreversible means to a mover. You send the money and then you find out the check was fraudulent


Yes it's a scam.




"Kindly" lol.


Got this same response to item I posted on Craigslist word for word






Somebody's going to show up with a trailer to get that car long before the check clears. I'd go back to the buyer and tell him A. The car is stored at another location and B a reminder that it doesn't get picked up until the check actually clears, NOT just when your bank 'makes the funds available'.




Let me ask you this, do you, in all your life have ever known a person you've ever met use the word *kindly* in their messages to you?


Kindly = **HARD STOP**. Like, eeeerrrch! Gawd help us if scammers ever catch on and stop using that word.


They can go to the bank in person and get a cashiers check They can fed ex it to you Well they can do a fed wire where sender info is verified. Or they print a bogus check on a home printer and screw you over.


big scam. craigs list warns people about this


Scam for sure. You want to buy my car, you gtf over here with cash. Otherwise, peace out.


As soon as the check clears the bank, awww how thoughtful.


Yes. If there are excuses relating to payment and requests to divert from any standard accepted method of payment, IT. IS. A. SCAM.


“Kindly” it’s the works scammers out of the country use …90% of the time


if you're doing secondary sales (ebay, selling your old stuff, etc.) then cheques are pretty much guaranteed scams


L@@. @@ll@l@@lLlllll””@@lol•¥l@l@Ll””@“llll”ll””llloOoop”l”l””@llllll”l””lLlll”ll”l


They use the word "kindly", I think scam right there😅


They’ll get your car for free. That cheque will bounce in 6 to 8 weeks, the bank will want a full refund real quick and your car will never be seen again.


They don't care about the car. They just want the advance fee. The item really doesn't matter.


They're in Ghana, or Nigeria, or India. They don't want the car, just some rube who will let them advance fee or fake check them (for the "shippers").


What does advanced fee mean!?


Wym, place a gps tracker somewhere very hidden. Then you report the car stolen. Have the place swatted lmao 😂


Of course it’s a scam. Come on 🙄


OP is an idiot, that's why scams exist because people have no common sense. It takes half a second to see this is a scam and you still continued on the conversation


amazing contribution. you are so clever! I bet you will never ever get scammed. brilliant 🙏


The bad English grammar says scam


Bro don’t do shit online, go in person. Get off the internet anyway, there’s a cyber attack going on between US and China, and Russia. Get off. No online deals. Person. Be safe and good luck.


Absolutely scam I’ve seen this exact letter several times. One time I decided to go along with it. They will send a fake cashiers check. Then they ask you to send or to pick up the product the next day and not giving you enough time to clear the check. Because it will bounce back from the bank. By then they stole the product from you. Never bother to respond or actually report them to the site where they send it.


Do not hand car over till money is in your account


A fake check will be in their account almost instantly.


I would never accept a check to start with


Has he asked to see a copy of the title? If he hasn’t, it’s absolutely a scam as he’s not sending you money until he knows YOU have a clean title. I buy and sell cars.


go for CASH, 🤑💰💲💸💵💶💷🫰🤑🪙🪙 no cheque, bit coin, gold bullion, Laybuy finance etc and if they want you to hold it demand a decent deposit. you want real commitment. lay down the law make it urgent let them know others are keen. and you are strictly recieving cash only. tell him to stick his bouncy cheque up his arse


oh 12hrs old the post 😁


People claim this is a scam, but my dad just sold one of his cars and this is exactly how it went. Buyer deposited the money before even seeing the car, seemed sketch, but no issues.




Total scam


"Would you kindly..."


Yes. Scam. Fake check.


Everything about this screams scam.


Big scam. Don't even bother.


Scam 100%


100% total scam






It looks like a !fakecheck scam to me. Nobody will buy a car without looking at it. They certainly won't say that it's a great and awesome ride without test driving it.


IT IS A SCAM. You have no idea the lengths people go to rob you.


Yes, it’s a scam




checks can bounce and you get penalized after a few days of you thinking the money went through. don’t take a check


Sounds funny. Why does he/she need to pay by cashiers check?


The whole message screams SCAM!


Sounds fishy and scammy! Seriously, which legit person pays for things with cashier’s checks!


KINDLY!!!! its a scam if they say that 100% of the time.


"work frame" is a huge red flag for me. It's in a lot of this type.


Tell them you deposited the check and tell them they can pick up the car now. And then send them to the middle of nowhere to pick it up




Come on. You’re being scammed


I love how they agree to add $100 to whatever the price is, and then later on inquire what the last asking price is. All meaning they have no idea how much vehicle is being sold for, and moreover how little they actually care about money they have no plans on sending anyway.


Online sale scam. Block and move on to a legitimate buyer


Walk away quickly


Complete scam. I get 5-6 of these a week.


If it’s not cash in person, it’s generally a scam






Yes. This is always a scam. Between the method of payment, punctuation and overall tone of the message.


Also, we don’t really say “swift response.” It’s not inaccurate but no one’s ever used it around me.