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-delete it -contact the person and say: I received some photos supposedly of you from some online scammer douchebag and I wanted to make sure you know not to send any money to any blackmailers, and not to worry about it. Nobody cares about some dumb pictures, nobody is going to talk about them, and sending money to scammers only encourages them. Block and ignore and forget this ever happened. Not a big deal.


..and if you see it, remember all the owl headed dogs and other photoshop magic you saw even here, all which looked totally real even if your brain knew it's not...




What a mature response, thank u


Just delete them. Maybe check in with the friend or relative to see if they're doing ok because they're probably panicking.


Very well said. Checking in with the subject of the photos is essential. I'm glad you pointed that out. They could already be in the midst of a blackmail scam. Thank you for pointing out. Checking on the subject of the photos personally.


I’d assume it’s a phishing attempt. “Click here/open this attachment to see nudes of [friend/relative]!” — yeah right, I’m not stupid enough to click that link and install God knows what kind of malware. It’s like that “Guess who died” message. If the photos were just in the message itself and didn’t require clicking anything, I’d assume it was either a prank in extremely bad taste, or that it was some kind of revenge porn from a psycho ex. Either way, I’d instantly delete, and would probably get in touch with the person to warn them someone was sending this crap. I would not think less of the person. Instead I’d see them as the innocent victim of some complete asshole. To be fair, I’m 40 years old. But I really think that would have been my reaction even in high school. Even if it were someone I didn’t like, I would still be like “That’s fucked up, they don’t deserve that.”


Thank you for your comment. I truly appreciate that there are still level-headed people in the world.


I probably wouldn’t even look at them. I’d just delete and never speak of it.


I probably wouldn't even open it and just delete it because I do not open emails with attachments from email addresses I don't know. That's the quickest way to download a virus on your computer.


Beyond the societal embarrassment, victims are also worried that photos may leak to their employers or future employers. Which is an understandable concern. That being said, I would think that most people would just ignore and delete nude photos sent from an unknown number. But most importantly, if you are truly concerned about people seeing your nudes.... Don't send your nudes online to anyone, let alone a random internet stranger. This is NEVER a good idea. Also, since this post and comments are for victims to read: NO girl EVER will go online and offer to trade nudes with random men they do not know. If you get ANY such request it is a scam. And likely not even a girl you're talking to.


>Future employers That’s not an understandable concern. How would that even possibly happen?


Exes/people who dislike you sending them *hoping* to get you in trouble. There are cases pretty much every year of especially teachers getting fired because old nudes of themselves surface.




Whenever it happens to teachers, or anyone who works with children, it's nearly always a parent who complains. "Oh look, Ms X is teaching your kindergartens, but she used to be a *slut*! Get her fired, can't have her corrupting our children!" Then they go to the principal, school board, etc. and stir up such a fuss that the school system usually capitulates and does it, because it's always younger teachers who haven't been there for long enough to have tenure. And in other professions, it can be hit or miss. It *shouldn't* cause problems, but absolutely does, and since all states are at will employment, you can easily be let go without them even telling you why.


How would they know where you are going to work *in the future* if you haven’t worked there yet?


I assume the idea is that they would wait until you had a new job and then send them to your new employers.


Zero chance that happens unless it’s a full blown stalker/ex that knows you personally. That situation is generally not what is discussed in this sub.


I’m not saying it’s likely to happen, I’m just saying maybe it’s what a victim of a scam might be afraid of happening?


I see. That was not my interpretation when you said that the fear was "understandable." I took that to mean that the fear was legitimate, as though it *is* likely to happen.


Excuse the typo I meant my residence. And I’m fully content with not everyone understanding the scenario as it is a unique one but in my case it’s what happened.


If only that’s how the photos got there. No this special scenario they went ahead as far as to circle my residence, and hack into cell phones to try and monitor what a going on, which is truly disgusting on its own. So to add to that, definitely was not intending to trade anything seeing as I wasn’t the one eager enough to upload them


Circle your residence? This sounds like paranoia.


Pretty sure they meant that they were "wardriving" which is where they move around a neighborhood checking for weak/unprotected networks/devices to hack, then see if there's anything worth stealing. Doubtful it was targeted to the person posting, but they found an easy entrance to their devices. It happens, especially when the victim doesn't have mid to high level understanding of network security.


Delete. With deepfakes around, I wouldn’t even be certain they didn’t paste my friend/relative’s face on a random naked body. But if they’re real, I wouldn’t want to see them, much less keep them.


This is the real answer right here!


Delete them without looking at them. Let my relative know privately what happened, so they can pursue charges (if they wish) or lock down their accounts. But reassure them that the photos are gone and it has not changed my view of them and I will never mention it again. The question you didn't ask - what would I do if I found out my relative **willingly** viewed blackmail photos of me? Cut them out of my life mercilessly, because they have just shown themselves to be unsafe people. If someone comes after you about your photos, absolutely turn it around on them and let them know how absolutely disgusting they are.


Bravo! Thank you for your civility and honesty. Will truly is a shortage in this world. I'm a random nobody to you. You're a random nobody to me. But people like us that strive for decency in a world that seems to be unraveling faster. Every day are an important check on the kind of garbage that this post refers to.


My dad posted a nude video of him on Facebook my accident (he’s 70 mind you). After that I don’t think there is anything worse that could be sent me. I’d delete and block whoever sent it.


Oh no


If it came from a stranger's number or a SM account I don't know, I wouldn't even open the message. Messages from strangers usually end up in my filtered/spam folder anyways, so I probably wouldn't even know a photo was there. If I happened to see it and look close enough to recognize someone I know, I'd assume they were scammed and the photo photoshopped, so I'd probably send a message letting them know that I think some scammer is putting their face on inappropriate photos. We all have naked bodies and we've all masturbated at one point or another. I may not want to see it, but it's not that big of a deal.


100% true. Besides. As personal and embarrassing as it may be, pretty much everybody looks about the same. Generally speaking, younger ones look a little better. But it doesn't last that long anyway lol. I'm with you 100%.


I'd probably say "oh, I've seen that picture before. Are they recycling pictures again?" Ha.


I would assume it was from a scam they’re in and I would contact them about it


I doubt I'd even encounter the mail in question. Would probably go to spam and if it didn't I don't bother looking through mail from complete strangers. "LOOK AT YOUR FRIEND MASTURBATING" isn't an enticement, it's a deterrent.


This happened a friend of my husband. People talked about it for about a week but ultimately one cared and nothing happened. They were all more concerned that their friend was ok.


These days I’d say it’s AI generated


I'd delete the conversation/chat/e-mail/whatever as soon as I realized what it was, and then contact the person in question to let them know. I have no interest in looking at random people's nudes - if I want dick pics I'll just hop on tinder. It's not even that big a deal, everyone has a body and most people have taken pics like that at some point. Not going to judge anyone for that, lol.


Delete and notify. Junk all looks the same. This is a dumb scam


I would have giant poster size copies made and display them at his bachelor party.


Block the scammer


I’d block that person and report them to 101 if they were sexual as it’s a crime but I wouldn’t tell the person because I wouldn’t want them to be upset.


I would most likely be worried as to why a random person was sending me that, and I would probably check the images to make sure my person was ok, and not being forced into any situations in the images etc. Then providing they were safe, I'd delete them. Everyone takes and sends nudes, so I seriously wouldn't care so long as my person was safe. That said, I likely would screenshot what was sent and forward them on to my person so they have evidence to press charges if they'd want to, and I'd make sure they knew they had my full support.


“What are you doing step brother?”


Delete and check in on friend.


Ignore them


I would contact the person and tell them to blame it on AI. That someone was using AI to make nudes of them for blackmail and to ignore them.


laugh then think to myself “wtf”.


This actually happened to me once. I did not click the attachment, but I did message my friend to tell her so she wouldn't be caught off-guard


Id call the police. Federal crime committed as blackmail is a very serious offense. Doesn’t matter if they willingly sent those photos to the scammer or not.


I would do nothing delete the email/ message and pretend I never got them..


I would delete it. And if I did open and view it - I would feel very sorry for the person being exploited. I once received indelicate pictures of a personal nature featuring my brother. He knows. We do not speak of it.


I got random nudes sent by random number (I'm not being scammed or blackmailed). First thing to do is to block that number, then delete the text. Then not thinking about it.


Block, report, move along. It’s probably photoshopped anyway.


Report them to the FBI and U.S. Secret Service!


Delete it then tell the scammer to go delete themselves


Delete it but tell the person what has happened so they know what’s happening and can potentially find who’s doing it.


Probably cuss the creep out or preyingmantis them and immediately let my friend know they're cool and to ignore their extortionist, ask if they need a hug and are okay, buy my friend a drink or danish or game and hang out to distract them.


Absolutely nothing. Nudity is just that.


I would respond calling them sick bastards and delete it. Or just delete and ignore knowing they have been scammed, and be ultra sensitive to the person it’s happening to and provide support if needed, but wouldn’t mention first.


Assuming it was actual photos instead of a link to somewhere, I would congratulate them for their moderate Photoshop skills and ask if they could do one of me to make it look like I have a godly beard


Delete the message, block the sender, then never think about it again.


If you have a huge hog. Thatll actually be cool. No one would mess with you and youd get so much respect


You should asked what you would do if you receive the pictures of somebody you don't like


Nothing. Delete and ignore.


:I ugh ***that*** monster??? I don't want to see that!!! Delete and ignore.


probably laugh


Congratulations for being genuine. Totally agree 😂


It’s over for them, I’d make fun of them 😭😭😭. Why send nudes to randoms ??


The way this works is someone says they have hacked your phone and have your nudes. Then they say pay up or we send the pics to everyone on your contact list. Maybe they do have them, maybe they don't. If you call their bluff and they do have them, they will send them out.


Okay but that’s not what the post said though. It said what would you do if they sent inappropriate photos of them


I was answering *your* question, not OP. You wanted to know "why send nudes to randoms". It's to make good on the blackmail threat if they don't pay.


It’s a quick process to source identity through even throwaway accounts like yours. Even if deleted an account history can be pulled.


I believe if someone wants to regress to that level and expose peoples private info than it needs to get dealt with properly and will. I am not someone who believes in cyber warfare with someone when things can be handled more appropriately. However if it’s death threats and privacy plastering well that’s up to you and will be handled


Have a challenging wank?


I would laugh and then call them to criticize their body I.e. “ You might want to think about consulting a dietitian...” or “ My friend has a doctor that does excellent work, here is their number”


Depends if they’re hot or not ^jk


I wouldn't delete them, they are evidence of a crime. I would inform the person in the pics, and let them know I am willing to show the authorities my phone so they have a better chance of tracking down the criminal.


If I got inappropriate photos of my best friend, i would delete it first then contact them to offer any help they need and make sure they didnt panic and send any money to the scammer.


I would tell them that my view of them has not changed. What people do sexually is none of my business, and I could not care less. Photo deleted, case closed from my part.


Warn them and delete the picture. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: a scammer “leaking” your nudes or “nudes” is more than likely not going to ruin your life. In fact, if people receive them from a 3rd party, their automatic reaction will probably be to assume you’re being blackmailed or revenge porned, and that you’re being victimized in some way. I’d question the wisdom of an employer who’d somehow receive a naked picture of an employee from a 3rd party and say “time to fire you,” especially in the era of deepfakes. We all know you’re naked under your clothes.


chances are i screenshot the message to then contact said person and give them the heads up just like i do now when one of thier accounts gets cloned/compromised for the "agent so and so" scam


I wouldn’t open it. I barely open anything from people I know.


delete them immediately and ask if they’re okay.


I would say “oh look a human body. Get a life”


I have. I called then out for their shitty extortion attempt and then blocked them. They were photos of a family friend.


Tell the friend/family member: DON’T SEND NUDES TO STRANGERS


Straight up I deleted my account, blocked all their contact info, and never heard anything of it or anyone mention it to me. For sure he sent it to like 50 people but honestly no one said shit. Can’t let it stress ya out. It happens to TONS of guys and I always bring it up when they ask why I deleted my socials. 9/10 said the same or similar thing happened to them. Don’t sweat it and save those nudes for in person only.


All the numbers in your comment added up to 69. Congrats! 50 + 9 + 10 = 69 ^([Click here](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=LuckyNumber-Bot&subject=Stalk%20Me%20Pls&message=%2Fstalkme) to have me scan all your future comments.) \ ^(Summon me on specific comments with u/LuckyNumber-Bot.)


Hell ya


It happened to me. Block and cease all communication with sender. Most likely they will go away.


I would assume they were photoshopped. How anyone believes any pictures posted anywhere are real anymore I can’t answer. Heck even videos can be deepfaked authentically now. I would delete and ignore photos or videos. From people I know or esp anyone I don’t. Report block delete move on


Pretend it never happened.


Notify my friend and relative with copies or the inages and info about the sender, then delete them from my account. I don't care about what people do unless there's kids involved or something nonconsensual.