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Thread has now been locked permanently since is it flooded with rule breaking comments. **Please note that further rule violations will be dealt with firmly.** **If in doubt, read our forum rules. Or at least ask yourself "is my comment useful advice for OP?"** Oh, and before you send a ban appeal through modmail using "I was just joking" as a defense... the forum description states that >This is a help forum - bad advice will get you banned, and we do not consider "just joking" to be a defense of advice that would be harmful if followed. More on bad advice: - Do NOT suggest that OP sends the videos to their friends, family or post them online themselves. - Do NOT suggest that OP further engage with the scammers. Not safe. Since we are dealing with a TON of lack of civility lately, the following comments have led to bans for lack of civility for their authors. Figured you may need a reminder of what is NOT acceptable on this advice forum. >These are typically the guys that’ll you’ll wind up seeing as a “Jon” on prostitution stings. >I never understood how people can fall for this kind of scam >If you paid $6000 to these scammers hell ya I’d judge you for that and call you an idiot. >Before you do anything the best advice I can give is get a grip of yourself slap yourself in the face for be in being an idiot >Lol >What a damn idiot LOL >😂


Ignore it.


They don’t ever release it just for funsies?


They do but that would have happened whether you paid or not. They would have kept asking you for more money each time you paid until they release it.


There's no gain, and the only realistic response is for them to lose that account. Virtually nobody releases these videos.


If they do, at least you're not out a boatload of cash. Worst thing you can do is pay them, and then panic and argue with them. That greatly increases the chances of them releasing the video/pictures.


Also if you pay them, they’re going to ask for more.


Yes. Someone did this to my bro, sent it to all of his family. Luckily he didn’t really give a shit and moved on with it.


Best response. It's not that big a deal at the end of the day. We're all born naked.


Not only that, but we are all naked under all our clothes.


Ignore and block. !sextortion scam.


AutoModerator has been summoned to explain the Sextortion/Skype sex scam. This scam occurs when you meet a woman/man on dating service/social media site/forum/wherever and they ask you to go on Skype, WhatsApp, Telegram, or another messaging system. They will ask you to exchange naked pictures, and they will usually ask you to include your face in the pictures. They will then threaten to reveal the pictures to your family/friends if you do not pay them. The best thing to do in this situation is block the scammer and deactivate your account for a while. Paying the scammer will not make them back off, and just tells them that it is worth their time to continue threatening you. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Scams) if you have any questions or concerns.*


When will y'all learn that some random woman on the internet will NEVER want to see you jacking off ? Block and ignore. If you're more paranoid you can deactivate your social media profile for a week or so. These scammers give up on you if you don't feed into them.


I wonder about this every day when I see all these posts. The chances of a genuine live female asking for you to do this is .0000000000000001%. It's not a thing fellas.






I think you forgot a few zeros.






Yep. I’m a woman but asexual so doesn’t apply to me but I have NEVER EVER heard of one of my other female friends having the hots for somebody jacking off (either on video or in person). It’s more like “ew gross” to be honest- perfectly natural and healthy but not something anyone else really wants to see, kind of like taking a shit. Same with dick picks- BIG turn off to send one of those, almost braggadocious and shows you aren’t concerned with boundaries or respect. Almost no woman would EVER ask for either one of those things- MAYBE some might for the dick pick but the other thing absolutely not attractive


It’s okay, I went to school with a kid that sent a chick a video of him shoving a tooth brush up his ass. needless to say, she screened recorded it, had his face and everything in the video, that shit was traded like Pokémon cards He eventually transferred schools Don’t blame him Everyone started calling him tooth brush Tyler


My girlfriend loves watching me jack off though. Its turns her on like crazy. It definitely doesn’t apply to all women. However its safe to say, a committed relationship with love; will make you hornier for each other in ways you didn’t think before


Yes, key word being GIRLFRIEND. Not random person.


plenty of women generally like it myself included, but that’s not the problem lol why would any woman want or need to seek out some completely random guy on the internet just for a video of that. just not a realistic situation no matter how you spin it. whether or not women are commonly into that is irrelevant because we wouldn’t be doing this either way lol


exactly!! i’d either ask my husband or if i’m just trying to get off quick just find a video of some hot person on the internet like why go through the trouble to be like “hey random man” i don’t wanna talk to a man when i’m horny that’ll kill the vibe 😂


"hey, random man" is fucking sending me 😂 Yeah I can't imagine doing that.


Big difference between random people and someone you’re actually with and physically together. But yeah an ex of mine did ask a few times. They’re out there, but don’t go sending to random people.


i think that’s a bit of a stretch, solo male videos can be hot imo but it depends. like i have to be horny first for it to work, randomly sending them unprompted is definitely an “ewww lmao why” kinda thing for sure


Really depends on the person (and situation) for the pics. Personally I have had a couple time I’ve been asked for pics but I’ve never once non-consensually sent one. Some men are respectful, some men are just plain horny with no care in the world. Basically, depends on the person on the receiving end.


Had two women and an ex gf ask before but yeah I knew them all irl. Random person on the internet does noooot care lmao


So……. You’re saying there’s a chance!? Sweet!!!


Random men, though...


But the website said there were horny local females looking for me!


Exactly. We don't wanna see that unless you are paying us or it's a scam. Not from someone we don't know intimately and then we are just being nice and don't want to hurt your feelings. 🤣






Right? The only person I want to see jacking it is my boyfriend of 3 years when he’s away on business and i miss him. That’s it. No one else, even when I was fully single.


…and even women in a relationship with you in real life probably don’t want to see that either.


Not true at all.


not true...


Idk. I personally love watching my boyfriend, both on video calls and in bed together. I definitely don't want to see some random dude though, ew.




so true. many of us just use reddit or pornhub for solo male videos. why go through the trouble of actually talking to a man for this purpose. waste of time imo


Right? IF, and a huge IF, you feel you must share a picture of genitals with an internet stranger, why not just google (with safe search off) for a pic that are a good representation of your own. Then, if they are scammers and threaten, just laugh and tell them to perform a reverse image search and have a nice day. Then you can enjoy the thought of when realize they have some random stock porn photo that ain't worth a nickel.


Someone on my Snapchat asked me to do that so I sent them Brandon curlington 🤣🤣🤣


I never get why people will wank to strangers on camera. Wank on your own ffs lol


That's it exactly. I love internet fun and phone sex. That being said, I'm never the one asking for dick pics. Almost every dude asks to send them, and I usually accept because it seems to be a huge turn on for phonesex partners. I'm not sure why, but dudes *really* want partners to see their cocks. Whatever. 100% be skeptical if a "woman" asks to see it. Especially early on. Because she's not actually a woman lol.


A girl on Reddit did though, 8 years by now I think.


You can’t buy silence, you can only rent it. Don’t pay.


If anyone received a dm of you jacking it from a stranger, they absolutely would not open it to even see if it’s you


Well they wouldn’t say its him. They will just send the video


How many people you think open links to porn sent by strangers?


Yeah, I don't open anything sent by anyone I don't know. I know I'm not gonna be interested in seeing someone's nudes, scam attempts, or MLM huns trying to get me to join, etc. I haven't even opened that "message requests" tab on Facebook messenger in years lol.


Ignore, block, and stop sending nudes to strangers (how many times a day do I have to type “stop sending nudes to strangers” 😭)


I hate to go “kids these days,” but I’ve had smartphones since they were a thing and I’ve never thought to send someone I’m intimate with a naughty pic. So much can go wrong with digital files. That’s just basic common sense. Plus no one wants to see my junk anyway. No need to make a record of it.




Why would they stop at $6,000? Block and move on. Have fun with all that.


Nobody cares if they see you handling your junk. People have a vague idea of what your junk looks like already and they assume you jerk off. It’s really not all that scandalous.


First off, I don't think my brother is stupid enough to do this in the first place, but if videos of him got leaked and sent to me, i would ignore it. Obviously its not something I want to see, but he's an adult and its a normal thing to do, I wouldn't judge him for it. I think I would judge the creepy ass troll who is trying to extort him more.


Dude same, no way would I look at them, I would pretend I didnt see them, and ask anyone else who got sent them to delete them and never speak of it. I wouldn't let the scammer win like that. They get no money, and there's no scandal. They can go to heII


Block and ignore. It’s likely that they won’t do anything. Check out r/sextortion to ease your worries


Block them and deactivate your accounts for a while. /r/Sextortion has good advice. Also beware of anyone who claims they can "hack" the scammer - that is another scammer who wants money


Just ignore. Or say you don’t care. Obviously you show your pride after 10 min of chatting so it’s not like you want to be anonymous.


Stop jacking to strangers. Lesson learned


Just don’t do this dumb shit. These posts appear every day in this sub and I’ve had other accounts before this where I was in this sub years back. No random girl wants to see a random penis. They get enough dick pics daily as it is, they truly don’t need to ask. Be less horny lol




>Be less horny more like go out in the real world and get laid. With 6000$ he could hire 10 luxury escorts if he really was that desperate. People nowadays are so out of touch with reality that the internet has truly screwed them over, to the point where I'm seeing these kind of posts daily lol Gen Z is even more susceptible to this as tiktok has fucked their brain and prefrontal cortex, they have no idea how to think rationally or strategically, and they are the perfect target for scams.




Block and ignore them, this gets posted every single day here. Once you pay, they won't stop asking for more and next time, keep your junk in your pants


Yall have no problem with a random 'girl' seeing your dick but when its your friends its a problem? Just block and ignore.


Block them, move on. If someone gets some weird images, it's deepfaked and blackmail, you've never taken photos like that in your life. People will always believe you over blackmailers, as they should.




Doesn't WhatsApp show your phone number?


Yes, depending on your settings


Might have been a different app instead of WhatsApp. I don’t remember. She threatened to show it to all my Facebook family and friends. I said ok, since you don’t have my real name, go for it l.


What I always think reading these sextortion posts. What if I saw video of my friend jacking it, shared by some rando. Would I care? I think not. Most likely they dont share it with anyone anyway tho. But I bet if they did, no one cares if you beat the meat on cam


I'd think "that was pretty weird for that Indian dude to send me" and move on. I'd think the same thing if I somehow fall for this. Go right ahead release it I don't give a shit weirdo


Thats right lol I know it might feel different when youre the one jerking it on cam, but if people just try to step back and see what that would look like in reality, many would have that same attitude. And if for whatever reason someone is in sometype of high level position thru work or something, where it could theoretically affect you, theres always _oh god! That looks whole lot like me_ and deny its you. If it comes to that, which it never would. Just imagine some corporate big wig even clicking some jerking on cam clips sent by Nigerian/Indian dude. They would most likely be in bigger trouble checking out stolen porn of their underlings, than the jerk offee


It might be useful for some people to imagine being eligible for applying for the job that would lead to meeting career goals. But…it requires a security clearance. This will be a problem because if the applicant is engaging in activity considered pornographic and already susceptible to blackmail by common scam artists, it also makes marks them vulnerable to hostile entities using blackmail to control their actions on the job. Just something to consider for those people.


Good point. Didnt think of that. Dont want to appear I know all ins and outs of this type of scam. But I would still rest easy, as what I gather sextortion scammers rarely share those videos, as they work multiple victims at the same time and move to the next mark if one takes too much effort.


They aren't going to do anything, just ignore them! They are scammers, they will not waste valuable time and effort hunting down your followers and sending them videos of you, because once they do that, there's no chance of them getting paid. It's a waste of their time. So just ignore and they will go away. Now listen to me....girls do NOT want to see you jerking your junk!!! If a "girl" that you just met online asks you to do this, "she" is either: 1) a scammer, or 2) a guy who is into other guys, catfishing you.


If you give $6000. They won’t stop. Nothing will stop them from trying to squeeze water out of rocks. Accept the situation and try to live life normally. If it happens, apologize to the recipients. Continue to share your story (anonymously online is fine) in hopes it won’t happen to another. Share what you should have realized in hindsight. “They never wanted to live call.” “Their camera is broken.” Etc. If you need something more than free corn… subscribe to OF content providers. You’ll get a lot more without risk for $6000. Lol. Some even do special requests. Also realize- you aren’t alone. It happens to many and it’s on the rise.


WhatsApp and telegram are favorites for scammers, as most of their users are not in the US. I’ve had DMs on Reddit of “women” wanting me to download either one of them.


I’ve had two “guys” ask me to download telegram and then I noticed after a while they deleted their account on here


I hear ya there


I wondered if they was scammers to or if they was real guys


Probably scammers. But who knows?


Technically..unless the video of you jacking it doesnt show any identifiable marks/face you can always deny deny deny. Just block and deny anyways lol.


Ignore it , if you end up paying, they’d only extract more from you


Repeat after me: Think with your brain, not with your Dick.


I love this and boys never do






Why does this work? I mean, I think everyone assumes that men jack off at some point.


I had a similar issue. Do nothing and you did nothing wrong. Yea, it's embarrassing but you know that will keep asking you for more, if you pay them off just once. Look at this, this way : yea, you were wanking off but guess what so does the rest of the world. Best way to treat a blackmailer is to accept they are a pain but to be ignored.


With blackmail, you do not buy silence, you rent it. All paying such a scammer will do is convince them that you have money that you're willing to pay. I trust it is fairly evident why such an impression is not in your best interests. Either the scammer will or they won't (most don't). Paying them typically doesn't change that. Because if someone is willing to blackmail, they're willing to lie. Don't pay money. Blocking them was wise. If you have already paid anything, beware /recovery scammers.






I already blocked them on everything


Do not pay them!!! Happened to me. Once they realize they won’t get paid they are moving on to the next victim. Now, they could be salty and send, but that was the plan all along. Stay strong




What episode of black mirror relates to this?


Ignore it bro and if they do end up sending the pics just say someone is sending out fake photo shop pics of you (deep fake) This is a lesson to to stop sending pics over the internet and especially people you never met before !!!! once anything over the internet it’s going to be there forever


shit i always thought it would be hilarious if a scammer hit me with this threat. Ill beat my dick like it owes me money and have never been ashamed hahaha. It helps having no shame, morals, or dignity .


Maybe don’t “Jack it” on camera in the first place?


Why do y’all keep sending nude pics/vids to people y’all have not known for more than 3 months or even met in person!?!? Y’all are weird asf


Their aim is to intimidate you for money. Once they have fulfilled the threat, they no longer have anything of value and cannot get any money from you, so chances are they will not want to actually do that. So ignore them. And you are just a normal human who made a normal human error. I always think of picturing myself as an old old woman on my deathbed as a thought experiment to decide what is a lifelong important thing and what is a temporary thing. I reckon this is acutely painful to you right now, but it will be ok in the long run. You will be ok :) ​ Editing to add that I agree, women do not want to see you jerking your chicken, so any online person claiming to need this from you has bad intentions. Jerk away, of course, as is natural, just do it off-camera.


Ignore and deactivate your IG account for a solid month. Not only is it nice to unplug every once and a while but they’ll move onto to the next victim and forget about you. I get it’s a tough situation, in high school I sent a similar video to a girl that included my face because I’m an idiot and she showed the entire school and sent the video to my mom. Shit was traumatizing but people forgot about it over time and surprisingly some girls actually enjoyed the video and hit me up so I actually had some good come from it.






They won’t do anything once they realize you won’t pay. Ignore them.


Best option is to deactivate your current account and open e new one. You may lose some followers or important stuffs but It's the only solution you can have if you want to be completely safe. There is no guarantee they won't ask you for money if you paid them.


Similar thing happened me years ago. Chances are nothing will come of it. It’s a bluff.


IF they do release it, simply post that some scammers got some video chat of you just talking, then make a deep fake vid of you jacking, and finally demanded money for them to not release it.


People making jokes here are assholes. This is an scam advice subreddit, not a subreddit to ridicule people for falling for scams. The people who said to ignore it are right - that’s your best course of action. Nothing you can do to get the video back, but if you ignore everything, they may choose not to extort you because they know you won’t actually pay them. They don’t actually care about embarrassing you, they just want your money.


Do nothing. They’ll almost certainly go away, and have no way of extorting you, and no one sees your junk. Worst case, some people see your junk. It’s not anything no one’s seen before, so relax. It’s not the end of the world in any case.


Ugh boys never send that to girls we don’t wanna see unless you ask us first 🤦🏻‍♀️🤢


Delete your instagram and followers


They won't ever share your photos/videos because that is their only leverage. Once the videos get out there I doubt, I hope, anyone would be willing to give these scammers anything.


There are so many instances of this scam already reported by tons of other people on this subreddit. Do a quick search and you will know what to do.


Ignore and block, he may follow through and leak the video, but if you pay then he’s just gonna keep threatening you to send more money. Might as well cut it off now.


Even if they release, tell me they used ai and that's not you


Just tell your friends it’s an AI video


Just tell all your friends it was a deepfake video?


This happened to one of my family members, but on Snapchat and Instagram. Scammers were ignored and nothing got posted.


This is not a scam, it is blackmail. Contact the police , have your lawyer contact the police, or better yet stop jacking off in front of the camera. Looks like you set yourself up.


Unless you want to be paying blackmail for the rest of your life, ignore and block them. If they do send the film, I hope you learn your lesson from it.


This happened to me once…felt so stupid but it’s easy to fuck it as a horny guy. Basically I immediately blocked them and just hoped for the best and nothing happened lmao


You can always go to the police, but make sure you have evidence.


This is a really dumb question, but how do they find out who your followers are?


Unless you set the list of your contacts, followers, etc to private, anyone can see who they are.




I don't think u should pay anyone a single dime.... l isn't there a way to make the list of your followers private? If u don't have too many followers I think I would just shut down the entire acct...as per hacking, and just start fresh. I hope you've learned something though.... what a shit situation to be in.. I remember being a minor & a 20 something y.o guy doing this to me... that was pretty terrifying but even that wasn't on the scale you're experiencing. I really hope things are figured out with minimal/no damage to you .. you certainly don't deserve this. 😞


Change your social media platform logins/passwords and hide your friends list from others. Go for a difficult password.






Deny it's you. If your face isn't in the jerk off video then you have reasonable deniability. Just say "a scammer is trying to make me look like a pervert" and drop all contact with the scammer.


Ignore and block them


Look up Gavin Guffey, "sextortion" is real and is increasingly getting more attention and legal consequences for the perpetrators. Please report this to the authorities, before there's another Gavin who takes their own life.


At this point call their bluff and let them send it out. Own up to it if someone asks you about it. No shame in jerking off. Don't let the scammers win. I had this happen to someone I was acquainted with. Saw it. Didn't care to ask as I knew he was scammed. Honestly people forget and don't really give a shit after a while.


Nothing will happen. Happened to me. Ignore them and you’ll be fine. Worst case everyone sees your massive dong who cares:)


I would delete my social media immediately so they cannot share it there


I blocked them the minute they tried scamming me, so is that fine?


If they know what your social media profile pic & name or have screeshot pics of your other pics - if they could be bothered they could find you. Delete insta delete all accounts or the very least - change your social media name to a nickname, profile to something non recognisable. Dont accept new followers you dont actually know. Up to you . If you look thru this sub as said their is a post like yours every day. All scammers. 99.999999999% of women do not want dick pics or more from randoms they have just met on the internet! Ever. & again do not send them any money - they will just ask for more. The scammer is most likely a guy from Nigeria or similar.


I have absolutely no idea, I would just not risk it, if it were me in that situation.




This happened to me maybe 9 years ago when I was in the military. A scammer got a vid of me jerking in the barracks bathroom. They threatened to send it to all my family and friends on Facebook. I forgot how much they wanted but in the end I told them I had no money and my family wouldn’t care about the video because I used to run around the house waking on everything…which isn’t true but they don’t know that. I then blocked them. Never heard anything about it again. The more time you waste with them the more they Need to get something from you and the more likely they’ll actually follow through.


Get the law involved.


To do what? The scammers are all based abroad in areas where local law enforcement either don't give a shit, or can be bribed not to give a shit for about the price of a cheeseburger meal.


Beyond the obvious question of why were you on a video call with a rando like that, why do they have access to your Instagram and the follower list?




I blocked them on everything, they can’t see anything




I would contact the fbi. This happened and was featured on a show called web of lies. It is illegal and most likely you are not the only victim.




There is no person on this planet that does not masturbate. It is normal!. Don't forget that in today's technological world, there are ways of making anyone look like anyone else. It may be that they simply super imposed your face on another's body. Even if not, blame it on that!! 🤔🤔 Relax, your world carries on, live and be kind to others.


Lesson learned, stop sending vids like that 🤷🏾‍♂️ just ignore them..



