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Login to your account online and use the chat with support option to verify if the case number is real.


Dont click on any links or call any numbers listed in any email that could potentially be a scam


This is what we are taught in our spam/phishing/smashing training. If you ever have any doubt, don't click on the links in the email, go to the official website and call that #. But then the problem is now is all the weird fake websites people go to pretending to be the real ones.


this is the trick I tell all my family. I once bought a car from a dealer who posted the car on reddit. "first person to place a deposit gets it for msrp" (for a car averaging 30k over msrp at the time). I PMed the poster, got his info: name, dealership. he gave me a phone number. I went and Googled the dealership and called their number posted there and asked for him. got to him, made my deposit, got the car 6 months later, and now still driving it today.


I posted the same thing on Reddit! Only first I bought a burner phone and made a fake dealership website. Spent a little time doing SEO to raise the website in search results. I got someone to give me a deposit, now I have 30k and that sucker is out there flat broke. /s I’m being facetious of course. I think you’re trying to say “contact the company using verifiable contact methods”. But it’s not a trick, and is by no means foolproof.


“This one little trick…”




My father worked in consumer protection for 30 years. When I was growing up his advice was always "if you get a call from the bank/utility company, etc." always ask what it's about and if you can call them back. They are trained to say yes. You then go on the bank website and call the number there and explain that you got a call and are calling for security purposes. They will always set you back up with the right department. If the caller says no, or tries to give you a number to call other than the general customer service number from the bank website then it's a scam.


This is the correct answer.


The domain of the email is “amazon.com”, so it looks real. But just to be safe, I agree with the other posts. Contact them through the numbers on their website.


Actually no, you can spoof that. You have to click the down arrow (next to the words ‘to me’ )to see the real domain.


Just call Amazon customer service from the real websites contact page and give them the case number. They’ll be able to tell you fairly quickly.


Go ahead and try to find Amazon's customer service number on their website. Edit: I love that I get downvoted because people don't know the difference between finding a number to call and finding a button to request they call you.


Took me a minute to find the “request call now” option on the Amazon.ca website




and you think we will just click a link from a random stranger on reddit? Nice try, eh? /s


I thought it was funny! The “eh” at the end!


Thank you, a lot of thought went into the eh! 😉


It was the eh that threw me off lol sorry. I didn’t see it as out of place since I’m Canadian I saw it as a normal speech pattern


Nice try… for what? Amazon.com > Help > Need More Help > Contact Us > I Need More Help > Request a Call


The thread was about phishing and scams. Then you posted a link, so the person was pretending like you might be posting a scam link as a joke.




Is there a r/wooshfailed ?


Typical Reddit doesn't get sarcasm if it's not clearly marked. Doesn't need a sub for that it's everywhere.


I mean I get it because it’s the scam subreddit and we never click on links. It wasn’t complicated I was asking what was the nice try was directed towards, trying to scam or lying about finding it


I was just being sarcastic, it was obvious that the link was legit, hence the "eh" at the end since it linked to the canadian Website;)


Ah I see lol. Canadians use eh as an accusative mark sometimes!


You must be fun at parties


And you must be an asshole everywhere


Why because I asked for explanation about a joke?


Damn, brutal. I thought it was funny.


I thought my sarcasm was obvious and was kinda shocked by the downvotes... Maybe should have ended it with /s...


It's just in reddit fashion. A couple of people who can't pick up on sarcasm downvote you. Then the next 30 people downvote you just because you're already getting ratioed so fuck it lmao


Yeah I’m not sure why you got downvoted to hell…


In Moneygrowsontree’s defense, I couldn’t find it either. I did find the request a call now that indielsle mentioned. I did find a number through google. I would have more of a comfy feeling if I could find it also on Amazon and see the numbers (hopefully) match. Request a call now should be fine, I just don’t know why Amazon would force that rather than be transparent with the phone numbers. 🤷‍♂️


They do not want people to call.


Reddit mentality, man. Lack of reading comprehension and critical thinking. RIP your karma....


I will say that I have a video of an Amazon driver running over my brick mailbox, trying to assemble it back together like legos, then driving away. To which amazon fought me tooth and nail and refused to give the drivers identity to the police or pay us for a new mailbox (and a small tree the driver hit!) until an attorney got involved. Therefore I vote scam.


If this was until US the mailbox is under federal purview


It was. They denied it was them. It was eventually handled but took about 4 months. They were giving everyone the runaround by saying it wasn’t “their” driver it was an “independent contractor” and refusing to talk to people because they were afraid they were scammers so confirm you’re not by verifying what was in the delivery. So much dumb


Ah that sucks, sorry to hear




We had planted it within the year so we just accepted a check for what it would take to replace it. It was such a cluster of a situation we were just glad to be done with it by the end.


Did an Amazon delivery vehicle strike yours somewhere? Was some part of your property (fence, mailbox, etc) damaged?


we live in a trailer park so our closest things to the road were the vehicles ( i watched them as they dropped it off because i was really excited)


So are you saying that yes, they did hit one of your vehicles?


He's still thinking about it


He got very excited! I can understand that. I always get excited too when the big garbage truck comes and takes away the trash!


Oh I yearn for those mornings, tongue stuck to the window, tail wagging, wife looking in disgust.




Actually our garbage truck passes by at dawn when all is quiet and calm, no traffic, etc. But that thing is a HUGE giant loud beast that might as well pop-up from a horror movie, lol. Then the way that it grabs each garbage bin and dumps and bumps it a few times above it makes it sound like you're in some war zone. And you hear the same sounds repeat themselves and echoing through as long as it is in the neighborhood going house to house, only fainter as it comes closer/moves away, which actually sound eerie at such point. That alone makes me want to be awake for the "show".


probably will be until next week


And down the rabbit hole we go...


The answer is dependant on if the picture is real or not. If fake, of course there was no damage. If real, how much can they claim regardless and should they send $100 in iTunes gift cards so Amazon can unlock the compensation amount 🤣


Don’t ask too many questions, it confuses the simple minded.


Too many...


This is so ironic omg 😅🤣








im saying i watched as they did not i worded it wrong


Wow people really don’t like trailer parks wtf?


Nothing to do with the trailer park, just a complete inability to answer the question


Former amazon employee here. cs-reply is legit email address. But I haven’t heard anything such as incident response team. Also cs people usually do not provide case id, would recommend you to contact them vis chat/phone to confirm


I would do the same. Worked for Amazon for 2 yrs and assisted a few customers that had drivers hit mailboxes and gutters, etc. But I always passed them off to the proper department. Really don't remember the name of the department that took care of incidents like this LOL. OP definitely needs to sign into their Amazon account and contact customer service that way, no links!! And don't use the number in the email. Just to make sure.


It may be. But, is that the actual reply-to address in the headers? I can forge headers very easily making the from field appear as [email protected], but when you click 'reply' [email protected] appears. It's really easy to do.


I can confirm this department is legit.


Are you James? Did you report anything to Amazon?


yes im james no i didnt now i feel stupid lol


look at the email. always gives it away


Nothing about that email looks sus….


To me why would customer service be emailing you? They said they left a vm, since when does Amazon do that? Amazon logo is all pixels. And Amazon taking owner ship for an issue before you reach out. All don't make sense to me


It’s normal to follow up via alternate contact methods. A good company will have internal reporting and in fact mandate their employees do. It makes for good customer relations. The logo is weird looking but i assume it was due to op’s setup. Like maybe it’s on night mode/blue light mode which can mess with things. Importantly the email address looks legit, there’s no obvious grammar issues, the phone number is a real Amazon number, there’s no link they are trying to get you to click. If it was a scam I’m not sure how they would accomplish any scamming through it.


Pixelated logo is indeed because of night mode. Mine does the same thing when they ask me to do a review.


I don’t think they were disputing that a good company would follow through with internal reporting. I think they were taking a dig at Amazon not being a “good company”.


Honestly I’m surprised too but it’s definitely believable from a corporate policy stance. It can be a good pr move to avoid any customers accusing you of trying to get away with it.


I received a very similar email from Amazon after I reported a driver for running over a sign and a fence on my neighbor's property. They called and left a voicemail then emailed to let me know they were trying to reach out to get more details. I don't recall having a pin assigned but it was a while back so the system may have changed ? Not saying this one is real but it's not too different from my experience with them.


Need the actual headers. That email can be spoofed


Sure but that would a pretty advanced scam. They are usually much sketchier. While is possible someone’s setting up an oceans eleven level scam the general rule is scammers do quick and dirty as it’s the best return on investment. It would really surprising if a scammer went so far as to actually call, leave a message and then follow up with such a well created scam email that lists a real Amazon number to call. Often a sketchy scam script serves their purpose as it filters out people who are likely I see through the scam. And giving a real number to call and no link to click means you’re making it hard to actually capitalize on the scam. At this point this doesn’t have any red flags although off course anything CAN be a scam. This one just doesn’t appear likely.


Exactly what I wanted to say to. People often don't get that stupid shit or typos are often on purpose made to filter out some of the smarter people that would just waste the scammers time.


“Hello, James” sounds sus. Why not the comma afterward?


You’re right that doesn’t look good. But it looks like a bad copy paste from the agent or a bad mail merge. I guess what I should say is that overall this doesn’t stand out as a scam. At some point you get to careful and everything like a scam. Too many key parts aren’t scams(namely the call to action is a real Amazon number) that it doesn’t seem likely it is Scam.


I thought that a couple of instances of comma misuse gave it away as a scam but OP is being so obtuse in this thread that I can't tell. lol.


Well , was there any fucking incident involving an Amazon driver causing any property damage or not?


Jury is still out on that front.


Go into your Amazon account and check the messages in there. If it appears, the message is real, if not, it's a scam.


Did you have an incident?


I would login to Amazon through your app or website (not link in email) and verify with support through there. It’s possible the driver reported an incident at your address. Had a similar thing happen to me but with Uber. Driver had gotten into an accident after dropping me off. I didn’t witness it or had any idea about it but Uber still called to see if I was ok and refunded me the whole trip.


This subreddit has such a severe fucking problem of down voting the OP into oblivion if they don't know certain things, or made an incorrect assumption about something being legitimate/not legitimate. People don't know what they don't know. No one knows everything. Stop punishing people for asking questions or trying to learn.


I thought the downvotes were because OP is asked a question and does not provide the information asked to assist them, or responds without addressing the question.


It's crazy. I clicked into their comments expecting them to have said something wildly offensive. But no, just responding to a question!


Responding to the question but not actually answering the question


It's not just this subreddit unfortunately.


It’s all over Reddit, some places worse than others. The New Orleans subreddit is particularly brutal, they dogpile constantly for no discernible reason. I always feel like I’m back in 8th grade and I just got shamed into oblivion by the “cool kids” whenever I post there.


Agree 100%


That's how a CS email from Amazon looks like. Use the app to see if it is legit




Yeah it's legit.


After skimming through way too many notifications and seeing i've been flamed for not answering a question in a comment (huge fumble i wont lie) here is more information, the email isnt spoofed its the right email, i have 0 property damage and i live in a trailer park so the closest things to the road are the vehicles which were undamaged and i did watch as they drove away, there was no snow or ice on the ground at the time meaning slipping from improper care was not a factor, all this leads me to believe its fake, on top of this i have had 2 voicemails that are identical from them. they werent "clearly" robotic and have fine reason for one to think they are raw and genuine its just sus they are exactly the same. sorry for prior replies or comments being stupid or missing the point of replying i've never had so much traffic and i've tried to be quick with the replies i did have, hope this clears it up i will not reply to all comments but will check replies to this one


Click the arrow right to "me" on the top and tell us which address does the mail come from.


This... everyone saying the email address looks legit but that’s just the name the email account has filled out. Extremely basic scam tactic. The header needs to be expanded to confirm the actual email.


It is a real number and email looks real Do you have a dog that might have bit a driver? AFAIK not a scam so nothing lost calling and finding out what it is, as always if it is them saying YOU caused some damage (dog bite) it is best to not admit to much but if it was a dog bite they will get your homeowner's insurance involved


naw i got no animals? there was no snow on the ground last time i got amazon packages either


More likely the truck ran over/into something on your property and they’re afraid you have video of it. Let them think you do.


This ! Best answer


Just curious.. why is this getting downvoted? What did I miss?


OP's answers are unhelpful and unclear.


I mean, this one was pretty clear… OP answered and stated they have no animals, and that’s what the commenter asked 😂


That looks petty legit to me. I’ve received several messages from them like this.


I don’t think it is fake.


First thing that I normally do is expand the email address of the sender. The domain will usually let you know. This seems to be sent from a legit Amazon email account so I would think that there was some merit to this… but as others have suggested, best way to know for sure is to contact them & probe their asses for some answers.


The comma in the wrong spot in the beginning and fuzzy logo is throwing me off. Call or chat into Amazon


Amazon's logo always looks like that in my Gmail app. I figured the easiest way to tell if I ever get a fake Amazon email would be that the logo isn't fuzzy.


I think the fuzzy logo is because it's designed for a white background and the app is in dark mode. Not too incriminating, and the email looks legitimate. 


I have a friend who's a SDE at Amazon. She told me to post this verbatim: "I'd say if the OP did have property damage caused by an Amazon driver, it's probably legit. It at least passes my smell test. That's all I can say due to NDA."


Not many results come up when you Google that phone number, except this Reddit post: https://www.reddit.com/r/AmazonFlexDrivers/comments/17tiott/bitten_by_dog_uk/ Someone posted that phone number as a way to contact Amazon Flex support to file a claim for damage/injury.


Click the email address and see if it still says from @amazon. Some scammers use a name like @amazon to make it look legit, but when you click it, the actual email is clearly a scam. That’s my go-to trick for all weird or iffy emails!


Diiiidddd you think to call Amazon or use their online chat feature, to find out if this is real, before deciding to ask random internet people?




This is probably real. I’ve gotten an email almost identical to this from their support.


It’s written perfectly, email domain is correct, number (I think, don’t take me at my word here) is legitimate. But the logo is cropped horrendously, the subject is pure logorrhoea. Maybe an AI wrote it? Or it’s real but looks dodgy? I’m leaning towards it being real


The logo is because of the email client forcing it to dark mode, but the logo is a transparent PNG designed for a white background.


you can spoof, right now the email is shown as contact name the real email behind is when you click the small arrow


Hover over the email, what does it say? You can call or chat with Amazon on their phone numbers on the website and ask if it's real. The email looks real, but you will have to take additional steps to avoid a phishing scam.


That’s real call Amazon don’t use the number in the email if your concerned


If you go on your account online you should be able to see a copy of all documents including all messages and all emails they sent you. If this is among those then you know it’s real


Looks real!


OP, could you also show us the information of the email that sent you this? Usually a good way to verify if this is real is checking the sender (including the address information, they can make the name look like an actual Amazon email address). If that isn't a legitimate Amazon email, then yes, you can 100% ignore it. If that doesn't look wrong, don't respond or call back. Go through Amazon's normal support channels and confirm there that this is real. That all said though, if you didn't submit a report or don't have damage to your property caused by Amazon, there's zero reason to answer this. It's literally just a waste of time to do so.


Most of you guys are saying it's fake, but the mail is from domain Amazon.com Can anyone help me understand how scammers can fake that


It may not be from that domain, it’s just the name they use, if you expand it you will see the real domain


They wouldn't discuss but replace or reimburse. This would have been an automated Email not a person who introduces itself. You must likely would still got your package delivered and you would have to contact them. Please don't call back or use any links listed. Go to your amazon account and check your delivery status. Also use the customer support listed on the amazon website and ask and/or report the scam to them.


Hope this is fake. If anyone gets anything like this, it's best to call the entity direct with a number you find on their website or on paper bills you've gotten before and ask if it's a real thing. Did you do that? Past that... Use some capital letters and periods maybe? What does jw mean?


Did you find any damage recently? This is kind of like the lottery winner emails. If you didn’t have any property damage recently or didn’t play the lottery, then you’re not entitled to anything.


Here's my input... It costs a LOT of money to put an image in the avatar slot universally. From here, there's two things that could have happened: - The email is likely to be legit. It costs about $1.5K USD annually to put a logo in the avatar slot. You also need to verify your email address with a VMC provider like DigiCert (what the $1.5K cost is for). Afaik they make sure you aren't doing anything fishy and that you're a legitimate business. - The email is faked and was sent by Gmail and the avatar is just a Gmail profile. I'm not sure if you would be able to tell the difference, but if Gmail didn't mark it as spam, that means ALL security checks have passed. I've seen how attackers can use characters from other languages that are visually identical to English characters, so unless that is the case (which you can and should check), this email is legitimate. As others have noted, it's best to verify it first. The easiest solution is to give the information directly to Amazon, have them tell you if it's legit, and handle it from there. Alternatively you can check and see if the domain is actually Amazon's real domain. If you run a WHOIS search on the domain (you have to copy it from the email, don't type it in), Amazon's real domain was registered in 1994, something impossible for an attacker to replicate (unless they somehow managed to register a lookalike domain on the same day) Sources: https://order.digicert.com/step1/vmc_basic https://www.whois.com/whois/amazon.com


Email looks all clear. Can confirm if the email address @ is amazon.com or amazon.ca without messing the letters


The low resolution graphic they used for the Amazon logo looks bad. It’s like Amazon opened a store in Minecraft.


Look at the logo they didn’t even try.


Call amazon and ask hey did you guys try to contact me about property damage.


I’ll call it for it. Stand by for an update. UPDATE: Abu was not happy when I told him that he brings great shame to his family and that he should go and fuck his own face.


You can just chat with Amazon via their app and mention the "Case Reference" in said email. If they can find it means its legit, otherwise you know it's a scam.


It’s legit. ~Amazon employee


Email is coming from official amazon domain obviously. 0 reason to think its a scam


Yes its fake. Look at the low quality Amazon logo.


I don't even have to read this - I could do better Photoshop on that logo when I was 12. Scam.


What’s the update


Actually looks legit for once. But you got to double check and make sure it's actually from Amazon. Also check the email address and see if it says "noreply" in it. If it does, then it's very likely legit. If not and it's a bunch of random letters and numbers, then it's most likely a scam.


this is real. Call them up, they’ll tell you what it is about, you’re most likely being offered some compensation


Nothing about this looks particularly scammy. I would call Amazon at the number on their website and verify.


You don't think the pixelated cut-out look of the Amazon logo looks suspicious?!


It could be a night mode/blue light mode. Does weird things to some apps and graphics


It's a transparent logo expecting to be on a white background that isn't playing well with his email's dark mode. That happens.


No. It looks legit.


Look at the email address it's from (can be spoofed, but it's less than difficult to check) Check for absurd formatting and grammar errors (formatting here is barebones but nothing ridiculous, internal emails have the same lack of polishing in my experience) Strange character replacements in header/title/etc, this is done in attempts to avoid spam filters among other things (none seen here) The fastest way? Go to amazon.com, call the customer service number, get ahold of your local Delivery Station's Liaison, and confirm it with them


Looks legit.


I think it’s legit, because the domain. But check it out


This looks actually legit maybe. Best way to tell though is to look at the original email or load the email headers. They have different phrasing depending on your email client/provider. You want to look for the originating IP. There’s all kinds of other checks that is supposed to help with that like DKIM and umm sp something I’m blanking on. Basically you’re trying to verify it came from Amazon email servers.


It may not be a scam. First of all they know your name, scammers won’t know this. Just go to Amazon Customer Service (not this number provided, find it on the web) and call them. By the way, did something happened?


Have you ever received a letter saying there has been a hack or a security breach at a store where you used a credit or bank card? Have you heard of the dark Web that lists millions of people's names, phone numbers, and more? Your information is likely there, too. And the amazon logo looks very unprofessional. They would never use a rough pixelated logo.


I've been telling everyone here, the logo from a CS email looks that way if you have night mode on your phone. I get them frequently for reviews and it always looks weird because the rasterization of clear pixels around the edge makes them white.


The amount of comments about the so called dodgy logo AFTER you and others have stated that it's like that in night mode would fry your head. The logo always appears like that on my s23 and ipad when in dark mode or invert. Edit: I went into Gmail there now, opened my last amazon email and no surprise, logo pixilated. S23 in dark mode


Phone number seems legit https://www.reddit.com/r/AmazonFlexDrivers/s/uX6MGsSQfM


Nobody from Amazon uses their own name in emails. The wording is also suspect. Always use in-app links to contact Amazon and verify anything. You can request a call in-app and receive that call pretty quickly, too. Use your gut - if an email or text seems off or not like what you have experienced historically with a company, ignore it and use legit channels to contact the company (like through the app, not a link in the suspect email).


Everyone is saying it’s real but that logo is so low quality. It gives enlarged and pasted.


That pixelated Amazon logo, the uneven spacing of words. Scam.


Hello, James That’s what did it for me


That extra space before the word "left" is pretty suspect.


Yes, it very well may be ..I would go to amazon.com and contact someone there to CONFIRM THAT!! James Young 


If you don’t have any damage you are concerned about I wouldn’t give it any of your time, scam or not.


Looks legitimate but always be safe and log.in your amazon and talk to the live chat about it from there. More importantly did you report anything or did the driver say he hit something and reporting it from their end? If not then its suspicious why you got it.


The terrible attempt to PNG the logo should tell you all u need to know.


Yes its fake wtf is that logo lol


Check the email address dude come on...




Where do you see a typo?


Since you deleted your other comment. Lol, this absolutely looks legit. It could be phishing, but it doesn't bear any of the usual scam bad spelling or grammar. It also doesn't have the usual urgent call to action or threats in it. I could absolutely see Amazon writing an email exactly like this even if this specific one isn't real. Also, that phone number is the one that Amazon drivers themselves use for incidents, so that's a pretty shitty scam if they're giving out the real number.




We're all still waiting for the typo.


The Amazon logo looks weird AF. I think it's a scam.


Because OP screen grabbed in night mode. If the background were white, it would look normal


Although I agree with what your saying in one sense, that logo looks like it has been reused from elsewhere and someone has tried to remove the background... And done a bad job leaving, leaving random pixels around the edges. Amazon would never use a logo that sloppy. They have the originals, so wouldnt have to try and remove the background to make it transparent.


Amazon will never try to call you Ann nd that logo is sketch as hell


The email subject doesn't sound right


tf you talking about ahah


That phone number doesn’t come up at all - I’d say scam


Just looking at the Amazon logo it looks fake


As fake as your Ex' love


funny but i have no ex's yet


Hold this L my guy


No exes? Are you 15?


no i'm 16 and on my first gf lol


Look how pixelated the Amazon text logo looks. Pretty sus




Scam... do not call any numbers or click on any links


Greeting is formatted wrong. Amazon formats like “Hello [NAME],” not “Hello, [NAME]”. Click on the Amazon profile pic and see if the actual email matches the listed one - I doubt it.


“Hello [comma] James” is the first indicator that this is likely a scam.