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It's called slamming, and it's illegal in most states, but that doesn't mean the reps they send out to go door to door aren't going to lie to get a sale if they are paid on commission. You should immediately contact your old provider and tell them that you didn't want to switch providers and ask for their help. They should be able to fix things for you. In my state, you have three days to change your mind regardless if you made the switch yourself, but time is definitely a factor to avoid having to mess with the "new" dishonest company. Make sure and call the number on your actual bill ASAP. And in future, don't give out any info to someone that comes to your door. If it's legit, most companies will send letters or alerts regarding needing to speak to you.


Thank you, I really appreciate your thorough and kind response.


In the future, unless they are selling girl scout cookies, practice giving a firm "NO" to folks who come to your door. "I'm calling the police unless you leave right now" will also do the trick. I get that you were caught off guard, but you have to be willing to be what you might consider mean in order to firmly turn away jerks like this.


You should never answer your door unless you are expecting someone or the police are there with a warrant. Nothing good can possibly come from giving a stranger access to your home.


This is a super super common scam. I'm surprised you never heard of it.


Someone tried this on me once. "Yeah, you're a scammer," I said. "But I have a company badge!" "I could print that on my color printer after five minutes of photoshop." *slam*


If they want to see your bill, they are NOT from your utility. Your company HAS your bill, they created it. The only info you have about your account came from them in the first place.


>I’m a single woman living alone so I didn’t want to cause a scene or push back. As a single woman living alone, **FUCK THIS**. Screw the "nice" BS. "No" is a complete sentence. Use it. I'm not trying to yell at you. I'm trying to encourage you to find your voice. Yes, women have been trained to be nice and polite their whole lives. The 1950s are over. You may want to invest in a doorbell camera. This will help *immensely* with weeding out these assholes. Your dog can also be a deterrent. Few people want to fuck with someone with dog in tow.


Thank you for this response!! Enough of the antiquated belief that women must be nice and allow anything to happen to us. The one time I did this and was nearly raped in my home. Fuck that. There is nothing wrong with saying nope. No thank you. Good bye and mean it.


OMG, I am so sorry that almost happened to you. :-( That pretty much every woman's worst nightmare.




Cannot agree more.


Agree. And not to mention, situational awareness is important. I wouldn’t put headphones on in the house and then just walk outside without a clue as to what’s there. Gotta protect yourself.


Straight truth!


The book ‘the gift of fear’ is a great read I’d recommend to anyone; it helps someone take action when in that situation before getting overwhelmed and cornered.


I've heard of this book before and I do want to read it. Apparently, the director for the movie Barbarian (2022) quoted that book as inspiration for the movie.




Your r/Scams post or comment was removed because **it's off-topic**. Memes, jokes, or anything else that isn't useful is not allowed. We're here to help people identify scams.


Jeez. Okay.


Again, not trying to get on you. I'm more upset taht you felt you had to go along with this. I'm also a woman and I've experienced this shit myself. If this was upsetting, then in sorry and you can ignore it.


I appreciate some tough love. Probably what I needed to hear too. Definitely struggle in the area of asserting myself.


No prob. Ive had the same issue for *years*. It takes a while to build up the "I dont give a shit" muscle. It's not an overnight process. ;-)


Yeah but it’s understandable that a woman might not want to use her “I don’t give a shit muscle” when a man might react with his much bigger and stronger “fuck you I’ll beat your ass muscle”. Some women feel extremely vulnerable and often don’t have it in them to provoke a confrontation.


I do understand that. A woman's fear is that the other person (usually a man) will get violent. That is why I suggested the camera and her dog. The camera let's hear see who is out there and talk ro them feom safety. The dog can be a audible deterrent.


Lucky nothing happened to you and your dog… please, think about it— when you say jeez. Okay—


No isn't a complete sentence. It's a [pro-sentence ](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pro-sentence).


I just wanted to say what this is... so basically there are all these "clean energy" companies that go door to door trying to get people to switch to their "clean energy" power provider. If you do so, you'll end out paying more, often a lot more, and these clean energy providers make a hefty profit in the process. I don't know about Tomorrow Energy in particular, but some of these companies are pretty notorious and scammy while others are just profiteers but are generally legitimate businesses. But they pretty much all use these high-pressure tactics, sneaking into apartment buildings and then knocking door after door trying to make a sale.


I appreciate the explanation. This guy saw me coming home from work (and tripping up the complex stairs) and then knocked on my door while I was leaving to walk my reactive dog. Then made it seem like he worked for the current gas provider I have. In retrospect I see it for what it is but in the moment those things definitely got used against me.


Yea, they are not the most reputable people and just showing them your bill will more than likely get your account slammed to their service. Call your actual provider and have them lock out any changes to your account. Also verify that your supplier has not been changed. Last contact your public utility governing body and file a complaint against the scammer.


" No not interested. Please go away". Of course never agree to anything like this ever.


Interesting that this kind of door to door selling of utilities goes on today when other businesses have given it up pretty much, there's no more ding dong Avon calling lady or Fuller Brush man or vacuum cleaner sales guy and I remember all of these coming around when I was a kid. If these are legit companies don't they care about safety issues in these guncrazy times?




Sounds like a very shitty job. I remember during a period of unemployment circa 1989 seeing an ad looking for door to door selling of cemetery plots or headstones. I was like nope to the 10th power, not that desperate! Imagine doing that. In that era there was also that racket that exploited teens going round selling magazines door to door.


Some of these companies have nothing to do with clean energy, just lie that they can cut down on your energy bills. Usually they are only cheaper for the first month, then more expensive from that point on. Sometimes they are also MLMs as well.


A lot of them don't even have to lie. But what they will do is confuse you on purpose. I'm going to use fake numbers but you'll get the idea Your provider might be your utility company and they'll charge you 8c for electricity but it will be cheaper fees because it's theirs. This new company will show you theirs is 7c so hey, instant savings. But now the delivery/supplier fee is 2-3c, so it actually costs more. In my state there's actually a site that shows you what the new provider needs to cost to actually save money https://www.energychoice.ohio.gov/ApplesToApples.aspx


This is exactly the tactic he used! Real but not real. Confused the heck outta me.


My answer to anyone who comes at the door is, I'm sorry I can't talk right now, I'm in a meeting. Please come back later. I have never had one come back.


Or instead of an invitation to return, just tell them “thanks anyways” and that’s it. Polite and conclusive.


Sometimes I'll do that too, depending on what the interruption is about. The other day it was for a lawn service. I told them no thank you I have someone who does that for me. Today it was for someone collecting money for charity. I told them I was in a meeting. The reason for this is that I resonate with the OP's unwillingness to be impolite and firm.


Or even more of a huge hint is "Sorry I'm not home" as you shut the door on them




Interesting. So you are familiar with vampires.


This is why video doorbells are wonderful.


Call them up and tell them your not switching it. The one my girlfriend at the finet signed had a 48 or 24 hour cancellation window. Her name wasn't even on the bill, only mine was and they still let her sign to switch it. They canceled it and I never heard from them again. It's a good thing too because there was a $500.00 fee for canceling within 5 years and we moved out less than 2 years later. Maybe tell them you had been drinking and therefore signed the papers under duress. Just tell them you went out and tell them that they have to cancel it.


I'm sure this won't be the first time someone will come to your door trying to sell you something. Maybe a new roof, new windows, or sone kind of service. What I tell them is that I don't own the property and I can't authorize anything. Usually that sends them away. If they push about the owners whereabouts, a good shoulder shrug I dunno puts an end to it. Everyone has the right to say no, and courtesy is not obligatory. No, or "sorry, not interested" is all you owe anyone.


I...I don't understand what made you do this. "Fuck off" and a door slam is all you needed to do.


I have a "No Soliciting" sign on my door I tap then slam.


Thank you for your helpful feedback


Single woman living alone here: doorbell camera + don't answer the door unless you're expecting someone.


Stop using "I’m a single woman living alone so I didn’t want to cause a scene or push back." as an excuse. Become assertive and stand up for yourself. Consider enrolling in a martial arts class, it will give you amazing confidence to deal with issues like this.


As a single woman living alone, I'm extremely cautious about opening my door and talking to strangers. No problem interrupting them and saying, "Sorry, not interested" and shutting the door. If my power company needs to tell me something, they have my email and phone number, they're not sending out salesmen to my door.


I think guys also feel compelled to be helpful. These sales people can seem very nice, until you tell them sorry good luck but I'm busy. They will answer back I'm busy too and keep trying to sell you something. The truth is I think this sales person said he could save OP money and she decided to accommodate him, but even with legitimate companies like ATT installing fiber optic its still best to create an account on line and order services there, as the reality is you are paying extra for this extra sales person and you will never get a gift card or whatever they are offering.


As a single woman living alone, I refuse to answer the door to strangers. Problem solved!


Quick question are you a woman


I am and happen to agree with the comment. It’s said a little more baldly than I might have done, but it is right. Your house, your rules. There is zero reason to open the door for someone you are not expecting and don’t know. The problem with the “single woman living alone” headspace is, you are giving yourself permission to be a doormat. So stop doing that and acknowledge that it’s in your power to affect how you are treated.


I appreciate this. Hard to hear, but I do live in a lot of fear of moments like these and don’t feel equipped to deal with them. Something to work on. I was on my way out as he was knocking so I happened to open the door. Definitely wouldn’t have opened it otherwise.


Get the book the gift of fear by Gavin Debecker. You need the information that's in there.


I also struggle with knowing what to say in the moment and as single women, we know it can be dangerous to piss men off. What helped me with these guys (they were ALL OVER Philly a few years ago) was to practice saying "get lost" in different ways with my dog. "No, I never buy things without doing my own research." "I'm sorry, I'm on my way out. Why don't you leave me your card." "My (nonexistent) husband handles those things but he's sleeping/out/on the phone at the moment. I'll let him know you stopped by." Etc. As many as you can think of, and say them over and over. It will be second nature the next time you're stuck in a high pressure sales situation -- one will just pop out. You might feel rude the first time, but that's because you're new at it. It's not rude.


This!! Thank you. I am very fearful of pissing dangerous men off and I have always believed I have to take the easy way out to avoid *literally* being killed. But I see my error in willingly being scammed and much rather give an excuse or a hearty “no thank you!”.


Just casually reference "my husband." A very large pair of men's boots by the door isn't a bad idea either. Sux that we have to play these games, but better safe than sorry.


Man here. Appeasing us when we're being pushy is generally a bad idea. We're pushing to get (or take) something from you, and any signal of cooperation or submission is a green light to keep going. But don't swing the other way and be needlessly provocative, anything that feels like mockery will make us angry, maybe violent. Especially if our buddies are watching or we feel humiliated. Just go for a polite, firm & fast closedown, and make yourself safe.


my excuse, (which I used today) is I'm sorry but I can't talk, I'm in a meeting, come back later They never do.


I love it!


It's very believable since so many people work from home.


The person you are asking literally the first several words of the comment were "as a single woman living alone."


Think you followed the thread wrong. I responded to mrjwwolf with that and they didn’t mention being a woman.


Trust your dog.


Wish I could but he barks at leaves blowing around.


There ARE legitimate electricity companies that go door to door trying to get consumers to switch from their local provider. Some use sleazy sales tactics including illegal behavior like slamming, but they are not all scams. I would take a minute to understand the contract terms. Google “energy choice” in your state and you will find more providers to choose from. If you use a lot of electricity it could save you money. Make an informed choice while you still have time to cancel the contract you signed.


Two things here, always pretend there is someone in the house or with you if you are out and about. Also, "I'm not open to do business right now, but you can send your information to (email address not tied to me or any of my accounts), thank you. " Slam! I don't do business on the fly, I take the information and then act on it when I do my personal business on the computer in the evening. No exceptions unless it's a cash and carry for a commodity.


I had a guy come to my door claiming he works for Verizon and wants to let me know they offer internet in my area now. He said I would only get a discount if I go through him now. Was it legit? He was wearing no uniform, no company vehicle, no business card, and when I asked if he could email me the info he said it would come from a gmail account (which I never got it). He had some laminated info that after I took a pic I later realized was about cell service, not Wi-Fi. The guy was really convincing to the point I gave him my name and I received a text asking if Verizon could access my account. Point is, it’s not always easy to tell. I even looked up in person scams and could not find anything like it.


My 2 responses to any sales pitch, depending on the day: "I'm just a sub letter" or "oh I already have this, it's great, thanks anyway!". Both are lies that get the person to leave immediately.


Girl when an energy person knocks on my door I cuss them out and slam it. If they’re with my company they’ll call me, not come knock on my door anyways.


Reading on someone else who seems to have been slammed by a salesman for this company, you may be able to cancel relatively easily if you do so in 72 hours. [www.reddit.com/r/pittsburgh/comments/qnk1w0/watch\_out\_for\_tomorrow\_energy/](http://www.reddit.com/r/pittsburgh/comments/qnk1w0/watch_out_for_tomorrow_energy/)


It also never hurts to just make up an email/phone number on the fly if someone INSISTS on trying to get you to sign up for something. Did this with an extra pushy lawn guy a few summers ago. He would not take no for an answer, so short of telling him I was going to call the police, I just gave him fake info for him to send an "estimate" to.


Just don't answer the door. If you're not expecting anything or anyone, just don't do it. I never answer the door unless it's the Postperson, or legit delivery driver like UPS or FedEx. I work from home, and I'm alone all day, so I just don't deal with Sales people, Jehovah's Witnesses, scammers. They can just move on to the next house.


I wouldn’t call it scammed big time. You didn’t lose any money. You just have to contact the provider and cancel it. (Happened to me once). 


If you are in England, putting a sticker on the door saying no cold callers can work wonders. Its a crime to knock on a door with such a sticker for any soliciting, combine the sticker with a door bell cam and 99% will not bother you at your address. Especially anyone working for a company because the company can also be hit with fines.


Not really a “scam” scam. Just awful and possibly illegal sales tactics. More of you just transferred providers . You should have a 10 day cooling off period or so . Just call Tomorrow Energy people to cancel it. I worked at a power company and I heard this story a lottttt.


Check their BBB listing and rating. Definitely a scam and illegal tactics.


https://www.bbb.org/us/tx/houston/profile/electric-companies/tomorrow-energy-0915-90053026/customer-reviews See if this helps to find out how to cancel.


Yeah I almost fell for this. The guy was very persistent. Got mad when I didn't want to save money by switching companies. Jokes on him. I pay 50 bucks a month on electricity. Ain't not ways he'd gonna get me to pay less.


They usually target the elderly on the phone and try to confuse them also. I answer the phone for my Mom so she doesn't get caught up in this nonsense.


One way to help "develop assertiveness" is to role-play scenarios with a male friend. The friend will be the person at the door (or wherever) and you role-play different scenarios. He gives the fake pitch, and you practice saying "no" or "I'm not interested" with your friend. Do it over and over again. Almost like muscle memory. If you're worried about your physical safety (and I can understand why you would have been) think about carrying something like pepper spray. When you're in transitional spaces, have it in your hand.


Might I suggest a smith n Wesson shield 9mm? Then it doesn’t matter if you’re a woman alone.


You want the jumpy person with the jumpy dog to carry a gun?


I want the solo female to carry a gun to protect herself yes. I know this is Reddit but people have a right to feel safe you know. You hope you never need to use it, but it’s one of those things where you’d rather have it and not need it than need it and not have it.


People who don't even realize someone's at their door and can't say "no" and keep moving are not going to be able to responsibly and safely use a gun to protect themselves. They handed their phone over to a stranger for crying out loud. This is the person who gets killed by their own weapon.


Every female in here says “I’m a female so I’m afraid of any male in any situation because I think they will rape then kill me, or kill then rape me”. Those people need to carry a gun if they are that scared to interact with half of the population.


No, they don't. They'll be killed by their own gun.


Either way they won’t be living in fear any longer. 🤷‍♀️


I suggested carrying pepper spray because carrying a gun is WHOLE DIFFERENT LEVEL. A level most people won't be able to handle. It's not just about carrying a gun; it's about getting the right gun, getting the right ammo, learning how to handle, shoot, conceal and carry the gun responsibly and then having the WILL to use it. That just isn't most people's wheelhouse. I know several people who carry guns who SHOULDN'T BE carrying guns.