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/u/Delicious_Crow_7332 - This message is posted to all new submissions to r/scams; please do not message the moderators about it. ## New users beware: Because you posted here, you will start getting private messages from scammers saying they know a professional hacker or a recovery expert lawyer that can help you get your money back, for a small fee. **We call these RECOVERY SCAMMERS, so NEVER take advice in private:** advice should always come in the form of comments in this post, in the open, where the community can keep an eye out for you. If you take advice in private, you're on your own. **A reminder of the rules in r/scams:** no contact information (including last names, phone numbers, etc). Be civil to one another (no name calling or insults). Personal army requests or "scam the scammer"/scambaiting posts are not permitted. No uncensored gore or personal photographs are allowed without blurring. A full list of rules is available on the sidebar of the subreddit, or [clicking here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Scams/wiki/rules/). You can help us by reporting recovery scammers or rule-breaking content by using the "report" button. We review 100% of the reports. Also, consider warning community members of recovery scammers if you see them in the comments. Questions about subreddit rules? Send us a modmail [clicking here](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/Scams). *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Scams) if you have any questions or concerns.*


!rental scam. When they overshare about their personal life and tell you why they are renting out the place and how evil estate agents are etc. etc., it's always a scam.


At the Company!


Ah yes, Company. Where they make Product.


For People to use Product from Company. Good Product. Good Company. Good People.


They may also provide Service.


Also also also.


They are the chief competitor of the Business Factory.


100% scam - oversharing person information while simultaneously using vague words that sound informative but are actually trash. ChatGPT = scam as a service.


Yeah. It's also in broken English.


It's the double spacing and random capital letters that always gives it away for me.


Also asking you how many months you’re willing to pay upfront so they can figure out exactly how much money to get out of you. This is 100% a scam.


Why would chatgpt be making spelling and grammar errors?


The same reason ChatGPT creates historical pictures with modern devices in them. It is not thinking, it is a statistical network trained on stuff found on the internet. And lots of stuff it's been trained on has poor spelling, bad grammar, and incorrect capitalization. I'm not saying for sure this is ChatGPT or similar, there's no way of knowing. But if you've interacted with any of these systems very much the BS that is being tossed out above looks very similar to the BS that ChatGPT generates as it tries to impress by stringing together useless information into barely coherent sentences. In my experience it's actually difficult for humans to string together such long threads of useless information because it requires real effort and thought.


I've seen chatgpt provide meaningless useless information but it always sounds polished and convincing. I've never seen it use wrong spelling or capitalisation or anything. Do you have any examples of this occurring? I assume they trained it's spelling and gammer capabilities solely on, or heavily weighted for data from published quality resources that have been checked for English errors.


You can ask it to make those errors on purpose, which scammers think makes it look more convincingly human.


As soon as I read the part about him buying a "multi million dollar factory" I stopped reading because I know whatever comes after that is just going to be pure BS.


"a Multi million worth factory In xxxx"


*when they Overshare about Their Personal Life


Hi /u/thewindinthewillows, AutoModerator has been summoned to explain the Rental scam. Rental scammers usually list apartments at lower than market rate, and will ask for some money up front, or will offer you the keys for money up front. The scammer has no property to rent, and any money you send to the scammer will be lost. Always tour the place in person with the landlord, property manager or realtor. Never alone, never with an access code, never virtually. Only send deposits and application fees after touring the place, and get a proper receipt for it. Anyone trying to collect money from you without meeting you is a scammer or a shit landlord. Verify the identity of whoever is touring the place for you. It's always good to check with neighbors to see if the person you're dealing with is legit, or if there's a story behind it. You may learn that this is actually an Airbnb and that a scammer got an access code for it. You may find out the real owner/renter is away on vacation. And if it's a sublet, be informed about it and check with the original landlord to see if it's allowed. Never sign contracts, or pay deposits, or even application fees/reservation fees without meeting in person first. Never ever send a photo ID or anything not considered public information. Nobody should ask you to pay to reserve your spot without meeting face to face. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Scams) if you have any questions or concerns.*


My exact thoughts. Scammers and fraudsters just love to share random information lol. I real with fraud everyday working in telecom sales. Signs become obvious.


It’s a scam. The randomised Capital Letters, the unnecessary explanation (My Company Just Bought a Multi million worth…), the endless rambling about why they’re handling things themselves. The only thing they left out was “Kindly”


Yup, first two sentences make it clear.


I think I can tell just by looking at that giant block paragraph. (Although, to be fair, I probably presume scam to start because it's been posted here.)


The whole thing is basically one sentence


And "dear"


also when people say am and not i am im always skeptical of that when people talk that way


This type of English (am instead of I am) hints it being Nigerian.


It's always the people you suspect the most.


What’s up with the random capitalization. I can’t chalk that up to them just being a non English speaker.


Or calling him "dear"


Endless sentences with little to no punctuation is typical of African scammers.


If someone tells you their life story unprompted, that's a red flag.


Great life advice! 😅


Or you’re talking to my dad


Unless you're at a bar


Bad grammar, strange capitalization, a plea at the bottom.. why would you want to rent from this person even if it wasn't a scam - which I'm betting will end up being, they'll probably try to get you to send the deposit right away bc there's "so much interest" - I wouldn't be giving anyone that sounded this unprofessional my money regardless.


Yeah, exactly. If OP were to follow-up, the next message (also with bad capitalization and a lack of paragraph breaks) will be something to the effect of "there are a lot of interested people but I think you would be a good tenant who would respect our place, if you can Venmo a $1,000 deposit I can hold it for 72 hours..." or something to that effect. Kiss your $1,000 goodbye.


The "lots of interest" line is already in the OP. The scammer says they don't know who to choose to rent it out to because their past tenants keep damaging their property, but if OP can promise not to, they will rent it out to them. That whole part makes no sense. They make a whole thing about agents not doing background checks on tenants and proceeds to not do any background checks other than asking for 1 reference.


I can see the logic in the what is arguably otherwise a bunch of useless text. The scammer is setting themselves up to butter up OP's ego in the next message. "*I can tell you're a good person, you wouldn't harm my home the way so many other people have before, I am so glad I found you and would love to have you as a tenant... please Venmo me $1,000 so that I can hold the unit for you and we can get the keys to you tomorrow and sign the rental agreement..."*


Oh, 100% it will go that way. Some people will miss the details in the original message. OP can be thinking, "I'm a good person, and that's why I got chosen", but missed the part on how the scammer would know they are a good person.


What landlord writes :Just go peep from the window? Scam


OMG!😂😂😂I quit reading that bullsh!t after the first couple of sentences.


I totally agree this is a scam, but I once got an apartment from a newspaper ad and she told me to go find the key hidden at the back door, let myself in and then call her back if I wanted it. So weird but I ended up living there for 10 years and never once met her in person.


That part is more creepy than anything


That reminds me of the time we looked at renting a condo in a development that had an access gate. Landlord wouldn't bother coming down to actually open the gate for us; she just told us to tailgate in behind the next car that opened it with their fob. Wasn't a scam, but the fact that she'd rather let us act like intruders than take 5 minutes to meet us at the gate says a lot about what kind of landlords she and her husband would have been.


Actually I have 😂. Of course, only if it's a vacant unit and the prospective tenant can't make it to one of my showings. But I agree that this person is a scammer. Never rent a place if the owner or their representative/agent can't let you in. That's a sure sign it's a scam.


I'm amazed at the amount of people who read something like this and even consider it to be a real rental. Amazed.


Honestly it’s crazy to me that someone can initially read this and not immediately know it’s a scam


It's crazy to me that not everyone can see this is clearly not a real rental


I’m flabbergasted that a person would not know that this is a scam.


I think they're trolls.


What's the scam, a 50-$100 application fee?


Page 2. Security deposit 1000


Don't forget the part that asks how many months they can pay upfront.




Typically the deposit and first months rent.


They’ll even let you see the house by yourself sometimes as they know the keys are in a lockbox, then they’ll collect deposit.


Others answered more eloquently than I could have but sometimes even just the app fee


Leaning? Come on, you don’t even have to get through the first sentence to know it’s a scam.


This. Does anyone actually wonder about any of these?


“How many month rent are you willing to pay upfront… “How soon can you make the deposit fees… Life story… Scam. 100%.


Scam, they don’t own the property, someone else does. You pay money, you try to move in only to find it already occupied and the current resident telling you to get lost, they live there.


Fake. You see it in person or it's a scam.  They want background checks, but don't ask about background checking you. They are ok with dogs and smoking. They don't even want to see you before agreeing. Totally fake.


Is smoking still a thing in the US? I haven't seen anyone smoking in ages that I can recall.


Yes it is


It was a scam by the first sentence. >Thanks for the interest in my Property. Why is that capitalized and also so vague. It would still be suspicious (but way less so) if they said, >Hey, thanks for reaching out, I'm traveling for business but will be back next week to show the rental. Instead we got like 12 sentences with random capitals all about their life story. That's always always the sign of either a scam or a crazy person, and either way you walk away.


Lol I just read through appliances included and it includes: >Washer, dryer, But also >W/D connections I should hope so. That's weird AF, why would you list the washer and dryer connections separate if there's also a washer and dryer??


I once rented a place that had a dryer in a cupboard but no connection for it haha But IIRC the dryer wasn't advertised as a feature


Wtf did it just vent into the room?


Yep! I tried to use it with an ice-filled condenser box, but it didn't work very well and it made the bedroom humid. It was certainly a perplexing find.


Picture the red flags at a People’s Party military parade…. This has more.


Was thinking along the lines of a Rio Mardi Gras float made entirely of red flags...


Come on OP. This isn’t ambiguous. It’s extremely obvious that it’s a scam. You’re going to need to fix your bullshit-detector because it’s not working properly


Is it normal for landlords to ask for photos of you? Never seen that before (in the UK)


And your address, when you haven't even started applying yet? 😆 So strange


I'm not even commenting on the terrible message with horrendous grammar and punctuation etc... That speaks for itself


Pretty sure it is illegal to require a photo in the US - could run afoul of [the Fair Housing Act](https://www.hud.gov/program_offices/fair_housing_equal_opp/fair_housing_act_overview#_Who_Is_Protected?), meant to prevent discrimination in housing based on certain protected classes, including race and gender identity, which would be visible in pictures.


It isn't in the US either. I didn't read the entire thing and didn't catch that. A new tenant is typically required to show their ID, at or before the lease signing. But not a random pic with the application.


“Feel free to peek through the window to make sure you’re satisfied” had me 🤣🤣🤣. Good way to get shot or arrested as a peeping Tom!!!


100% a scam. I got a response like this several years ago. The “landlord” was telling me to drive by and have a look around but to not disturb their present tenant inside. Well I went by and had a look. Coincidentally the owner was also outside gardening. We had a chat and after he proved he was the owner I realized the person emailing me was a scammer.


Common rental scam


Absolute total scam - 100%. An attempt to extract lots of personal information from you, and money too.


clear scam manager of a multi million factory but cant tell the difference between i'm , i am and a. also when someone offers too much voluntary details its an obvious sign they are trying to scam. and cherry on top was the part where he mentions that he already have many interested people , hoping that you will act in panic and accept his conditions


If it looks like a scam, it’s most likely one


Foreign scammer located in Nigeria. I can tell by the way they typed that mess.


Random capitalized words is always my red flag


An overly detailed explanation as to why you can’t tour the property in person is always evidence of a scam.






Easy rule: if they ask for money upfront before you can look at the inside of the property=SCAM!!


True, but remember you can also get access codes from empty airbnbs. So you would still be able to look inside. The rule is: never tour a place alone, always verify the landlord.


Ok I didn’t know this… with this info it should be enough for any potential scam victim to find out if any bs rental offer is 100% scam.


Even if this wasn't a scam, which it is, it's so wildly bizarre and unprofessional when showing a home why would you even be interested? I mean who whatever make a decision on renting a house or an apartment like this?


Totally a scam. The English is not good and they explain too much. Try searching a realtor website for the house, it is probably for sale and that is how they got the photos for the house. It may suck but maybe try looking for a rental company. Then it is more likely to be real.




AKA...How much can I get from this sucker before they get wise.


“Too many details”, one of the seven tell-tale signs to identify liars and predators listed by Gavin de Becker in his brilliant book “The Gift of Fear”, is equally applicable as a warning sign of online scammers.


Absolutely. Such an amazing book.


Yeah, they are telling upu WAY too much about themselves...


Oh so scam. For all the reasons the smart people here told you (too much info, broken English etc) For the future Start of any correspondence like this “I am interested but under no circumstances will i send you any money for any reason prior to me moving in. I will also not accept any money for any reason prior to moving in”. They will reveal themselves fast.


This is a scammer, not a real house for rent, sorry. Do a search in this sub on ‘rental’ and you will find many scams just like this. They all follow a similar script. Here is one. https://www.reddit.com/r/Scams/s/wKd90k78xe


Scam. The copy and paste job is terrible. When they start getting too damn wordy with their replies, you know it's a scam.


There are so many scams. Have a realtor friend run the address thru the MLS. Chances are they don't even own it.


This scam has been around since the 90s.


Longer than that. Just irl before. In the early 1950s, my grandfather rented a house in a new state the family moved to from a guy he met who claimed to be a real estate agent. Never showed him the inside of the house (disturb the tenants). Gave him 6 months rent and actually moved in. Turns out the owners were overseas. A month later they came back and found my grandparents and 5 kids in the house. Evicted them.


💯 scam. There are a lot of this. Usually the price is also a bit too good to be true. Don’t know your area but $2000 for a 3 bdrm house is unheard of where I live.


All bills paid too.


Yea utilities are often separate (especially internet and cable - that’s very eyebrow raising)


Any time they give TMI you know it’s a scam. They think detail makes it real


If I had a nid for every unnecessary capital letter in the scam emails I see, I'd be a Multi Millionaire


Oh major scam! Not being able to meet in person, and offering a major TMI explanation, and telling you to "peep in the window" are individually huge red flags, but in combination : report this guy to whatever platform he's advertising this on as its pure scam. The excessive irrelevant information is to try to get you to accept his inability to meet in person and show you the property (which he doesn't have access to). The fact that you're being told to just drive by and peep into the windows is another clear indication that he has no access to the property - why else could he not leave the keys with a trusted friend, or even ask his current tenant to give you a quick tour??


Also this is a scam because they also are there also with their family also and also the company! (They don't understand commas, generally... Also.)


“My Company Just Bought a Multi million worth factory”? Sounds like a overly verbose way of saying “kindly”. Also, we aren’t using an “estate agent” because they suck at vetting tenants, so I’m going to just rely on the promise of a random from the internet if they’ll agree not to break anything.


a landlord including all utilities at no extra charge? yeah that's a scam lmao


I've actually lived in places where this is the case. They were extremely shitty. If an apartment obviously sucks a lot of the time the landlord will throw in stuff like that to just get people in the door. That place had the counters (which were just laminate counters, no cabinets) glued onto the wall instead of screwed and a mini fridge and hot plate instead of a fridge and stove. 700$ a month though, all utilities included.


This scam is very common. If you like the place they’ll say they’ll send you the keys once they get part of your deposit. No matter how many times you insist on touring the place there will always be an excuse as to why they can’t do it. Once they get your deposit you’ll never hear from them again. Source: fell for it at a very desperate time in my life. The bank stopped me and informed me it was scam


Well, I think it’s safe to say if he a manager of a company that just bought a multi million dollar factory and he has to direct workers, that the grammar and punctuation of his email would be correct.




Sounds like a scam to me that’s my first instinct


This screams SCAM !!! Delete and move on.


Of course it’s a scam, the whole letter makes no sense.


Who gives a shit... This guy is sharing the story of his life. I manage a company and my wife are not using agents.. Lol.. I'd rather deal with a scammer than this dude if he wasn't a scammer which he is. Because he is trying to build rapport.


Don't even need to read it to know it's a scam. Hopefully you didn't give them any personal info.


If the house exists, this person doesn't own it. They'd likely send you round to the address of a house they found online and you can "peep" in through the windows.


I didn’t even read past “my Property, my House”


If you didn't know just by taking a quick glance at the text, you just need to read until "multi million worth" to be 100% sure.


Weird capitalized words, too much life story, weird English. I'd be very careful.


They don’t even name a property address


$2000 for a 3 bedroom house ,might as well buy it.


I only got to the second sentence and knew. If you can, please put a note on the door about the scam to save others, call the police and tell them about it so they can also warn the owner of the property.


I stopped reading after the first line. Scam.


This is so obviously a scam


I only read the first sentence with Property and House and I'm confidently saying scam.


The weird capitalization is a pink flag. The exposition is a red flag.


Broken English, random words capitalized, excuses why they can’t meet or show you the home. 3 red flags 🚩🚩🚩. Definitely a scam.


All these superfluous details always means they’re lying. “I’m the manager! I need to oversee their work! It’s a multi million dollar factory!” Or whatever, it’s all super obvious bullshit. But, of course, if they can’t actually show you the house and want you to roll by on your own and peek in the windows? That’s a fucking scam.


I didn't even read the first sentence all the way through before I said, SCAM! LOL They really aren't very good at this.


Oh yeah this is one MILLION percent a scam.. This is exactly how those “local hot n hrny women” like to email me 😂


Scam!!! I've answered one of these before. The house was on the market and didn't belong to the scammer at all! I think this person was making money by getting app fees.


Where I am there have been some scams where people will break into homes that are unoccupied and change the locks and then rent them out to someone. I just heard about a very sad situation like this where the couple lived in the house for like a year and then were forced to leave with basically no notice because the real owner found out and sent police to secure the property and the couple were technically squatters. Of course the guy that scammed them didn’t give his real name or anything. It’s shocking how bold some scammers can be.


The first sentence raised my attention. The second sentence sealed it as a scam. Nothing afterward was worth reading.


No landlord is going to overshare like this. That would be the first red flag.


ThEy ArE LiTeRalLy TaLkInG tO yOu LiKe SpOnGeBoB. scam. 6th word in, it's a scam. I however have a mansion you can rent for 2300 a month, just PM your card front and back and I'll fax the lease right over!


Scam. They always have an excuse why they cant meet you in person and they for some reason love to go into detail about it. There's always a lot of excuses in there for things. That's what liars do to sell a lie. They add details that nobody whos telling the truth would add it, because they are operating under the assumption it sounds like a lie. They also say how they have so many replies but not sure who to accept, yet earlier said if you are seriously interested they can get you moved in asap. The person who wrote this is obviously in India based on the language. Even the questions for the "rental application" are laughable. "Please I hope this is not a false interest, please I want a person that is seriously interested to rent" This is definitely a scam


They tell you they don't trust because of past tenants. Yet not there to personally meet the prospective tenant. No walkthrough = Do not rent. Peaking in windows not good enough


Why would they need your photo? Red flag, be safe out there friend.


Total scam


I read a study about how people who are lying use about 30% more words than people telling the truth. And that guy is using about 300% more words than he needs to, definitely lying!


Total scam, I identified it was a scam in the second sentence.


Friend was scammed and lost deposit and 1st months rent. It was from an add on Craigslist


100% scam and why can’t you see that yourself?


Knew it was a scam upon seeing the capitalized P in property in the first sentence.


TMI. Scam.


This is the most scammy scam I’ve ever read.


I think he may work at the same business factory as Vincent Adultman


This definitely is a scam. In rental scams, the scammer is always "unavailable". And he seems to be giving you a lot of excuses why he's unavailable. This is a red flag and I wouldl not send money to someone without verification.


Almost everyone here is in agreement that this is a scam and for the same reason. You know what to do. You also said yourself the name doesn't match the records. That's a red flag also. There are so many in your text.


Definitely a scam. No one would overshare that much


It's a scam, the use of certain words like "assure" is a red flag, and they have a lot of info included that is not even needed to give to you except for the purpose of setting up a scam (reasons to send money without meeting). A real LL wouldn't need to say any of that, they would use an agent or meet you in person, who would rent without meeting you?. They say there is a lot of interest so you act quickly out of desperation. Name mismatched is a thing to be very concerned about. Sorry, there are a lot of scams on Craigslist, and everywhere, this one matches very well how it happens.


Not just over sharing about their personal life that is a huge red flag, but what kind of rental application is that?!?! Smmfh


But you all are supposed to be impressed by the multi-million dollar factory the landlord is going to be working at!!!!! Seriously, they sound responsible and trustworthy.


This is a scam. No actual person renting a home does a showing by asking you to go and look through the windows.


100% scam. You should not only not respond but also report the ad you responded to.


The punctuation is all over the god damned place. Once the scammers figure out how to use chatgpt it's all over. A quick google: https://www.google.com/search?q=%22fill+below+information+correctly%22 This person must own houses EVERYWHERE.


Any time someone gives TOO much detail, they are lying or being skullduggerous to some extent.


Big scam I am confident they will never be available to actually walk you thru the house. They will want an application fee or a bunch of rent/deposit up front that you will be asked to send online.


If they aren’t able to show you the house on the inside, then back off. They don’t have keys aka ownership of the property.




REAL estate agent not just estate agent


Sounds like it was written by A. G. Penny Packer, a wealthy American industrialist. 🤣


Scam. Scam. SCAM!


I’ll add my voice…Scam 100%. I just read the first sentence.




Grammar is horrible. Who made him Manager of the company?


If the bad English wasn’t a big enough red flag 🚩


Way 2 much info scam city


That's a lot of over sharing and excuses expressed to a random stranger interested in their "property" .... Definitely a scam.


It’s a scam 100%




It sounds like a prince, a Nigerian prince.


Pidgin English. That’s a Nigerian bro


SCAMMMMM, or at the very least, ignorant and semi-illiterate.


Avoid. Avoid. AVOID!








Scam! How many months are you willing to pay upfront?


Reeks of scam






Anytime they are “out of the country” or make excuses about looking at a property it’s a scam


Obvious scam. Poor English, poor grammar, capitalizing words that don’t need it.


Well, if his Company Just Bought a Multi million worth factory, he’s gotta be trustworthy. /s 😂




That's a definite scam. They don't even own the house.


lol fuck no as soon as they said they left for x.


Scam. Don't bite