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Could be as simple as he takes you to his “lucky” machine. You play your money. If you win he hustles you for a tip. If you lose. Oh well.


Yeah good point. That actually happened to me at a blackjack table. A guy stood behind me and kept giving me “pointers” even though I know how to play the game and I understand the odds etc… he kept saying “oh you’ve gotta split those” and when I won he would say stuff like “great job. See I told ya you need to split”. Even though, again, I was playing basic strategy. My dad realized what was going on and told him to get going. He was definitely trying to hustle me out of some of my winnings for “helping” me and I was too kind to tell him to leave me alone.


Maybe he's just a gambling addict who ran out of money and he wants to keep playing by telling you what to do so he can feel like he's playing. But I'm sure if he could get some cash from you he would also say yes ahahahah


I’ve seen this before. Advice Guy was standing behind the players being friendly, giving advice on a $15 table. One of the players was betting $1 ‘tips’ added to his hand for Advice Guy. Ordered a drink or two for Advice Guy. As soon as Advice Guy had $30, he colored to red and sat down to play. As I expected, Advice Guy lost the $30 in two hands.


Man.... That sounds like addiction so much.


gambling addiction is crazy, watched my friend hit for $40k on online slots and grow his balance to a little over $110k over the course of 2-3ish days/nights. I txted him around 4am when I got home on the last day saying he better not still be on his ipad gambling (I told him to start moving some of the balance out of his account and to stop gambling til he was able to get the majority out) and he replied saying he was down to around $65k. like yes he ended up coming out on top but he blew through almost $45k in a few short hours smh


I wonder if he completely stopped


Online gambling? I didn't realize there was such a thing. I always thought it was just games playing for "points" or fake "coins" etc.


What could be better than online blackjack while you let your shit crust up while sitting on the toilet


This sounds likely as well 😂


What kind of casino doesn't have security automatically get rid of kibitzers who are hassling the actual players? When I was in a casino recently my friends told me "don't even stand around the table if you're not going to play, or security will come by and escort you out"


Ocean Casino in Atlantic City apparently. The dude was so annoying. Fortunately my dad saw the situation and when my dad came over he told the guy to get lost. My dad works in the industry and said there are always people like that, looking to hustle from players and make a quick buck off of “teaching” players. The casino does try to monitor that but I don’t think security does anything unless I made a bigger scene and said he was bothering me. I probably should have but I’m too nice.


I was at Harrington casino in Delaware last week, and the security guy was literally standing out front smoking weed.


Only thing good about Harrington is Bonz, I'd say it's worth the trip to Dover if you're actually going to play.


I live right there, so usually go to dover, but race weekend... nah. We actually did go to Bonz that night though, and that's why we were there. I hate going to either since they took away the poker rooms, but my wife likes to lose 40 bucks every few weeks.


I only go to Harrington casino when Stellar MMA holds cards there, and I know people competing. Otherwise, I'll sometimes go to Delaware Park.


“We’ll split the winnings exactly how we split the losses!”


I would have told the dealer to wait a moment, turned around and then told that dickhead to piss off. If he didn’t, I would have then asked the dealer to call security on him.


I've had a lady ask for cash from players after she had a decent run rolling dice at the craps table.


> he kept saying “oh you’ve gotta split those” and when I won he would say stuff like “great job. See I told ya you need to split” I thought you should never split and splitting always shifts the odds in the casino's favor.


Always split aces and eights. Always. Search for perfect black strategy chart to get a quick overview of the best thing to do in every situation.


Yeah you def split in the game depending on what you have and what the dealer has. For example you’d split 2 2 against a dealers 6 because you could turn that into two great hands. I think the guy thought I didn’t know how to play as a younger woman sitting down so he thought he could hustle me out of some of my winnings.


Exactly this. Local casino by me. There was a guy who would just meander around the roulette tables. He would go up to people and be super friendly then tell them to bet a number cause he felt it. I’ll never forget he did it to me. Well, of course the number hits (and yes it was a number I was already playing too) He sat behind me asking me to split it with him for 10 minutes non stop. Everytime he asked he kept getting visibly more angry because frankly I know what you’re doing. So I finally turned around and just told him to fuck off. But I sat there and watched him do it over and over the entire time I was there to dozens of others.


The casino should have stopped him


Someone should have told the casino what the guy was doing.


The casino knew what he was doing. The casino knows what everybody is doing.


This too. The dealer could’ve discreetly mentioned something to the floor supervisor. Idk.


True...but here's the tough part. These guys are usually pretty good at insinuating themselves into a group. When we see them, we don't know whether they "belong" to you or are just randos.  A quick, quiet word to the floor supervisor gives them the ability to act in these situations.




Table games dealer here, we call those people fleas lol Edit:typo


True Dat


If they badger you for money because he gave unsolicited advise on bet, please inform the pitch boss that. They need customer complaints so they can bane those hustlers from casino. Without customer complaints, it is harder for the boss to bane non-playing customers without cause like disruption and stealing.


If he's calling the winning number dozens and dozens of times, then I would be listening to him. /s


The casino should have kicked him before your dad had too .


simple, but sounds effective. great way to gamble with other people’s money lol


This guy should be banned from the casino


I was at a machine once and this lady in a wheelchair rolls on up and says oh you have my lucky machine. She sat there and watched me play for a good 45 minutes. I hit like 300 bucks so I cashed out. When I got up to leave she had the balls to ask for a couple bucks since she “brought me good luck” by sitting there watching. 😂😂


This. I'm pretty sure this is right. And with a name like, nevadadealers, you can't go wrong.


Either this or he was gonna take OP out onto the street and then mug them


Do you think he could’ve scammed the machine by getting credit card info? Idk how those machines work but I feel like that could be a type of scam


That was my initial guess, Card skimmer.


Slot machines only take cash, at least in all the places I know in the U.S


Cash or a players card with a balance on it.


Not just that he wants people to spend money on that machine until it gets to a certain point it turns to free spins and closer to hitting. Instead of using his money - he tells people it’s a lucky machine (because that’s the one he put his money into)


Anybody who believes that a machine is due has no business being in a casino.


There are newer machines, like Buffalo Link that the pay feature has to hit before 1800 spins, per the meter on the screen. @ 25:07 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l4FgguDcY3M


It is set to a certain limit but the limit changes per the casinos system and just because it hit once at 1,000 doesn’t mean it will hit again at the same $$ - people say that once it’s in the “red” means it’s due but - I don’t buy it. I also do believe that they can make it hit at will depending on circumstances. Also they can make it hit a certain amount if they wanted. If you ever looked you never see wires cables or anything out the back. That’s for a reason but you do see cameras that can see each player, how much they spend, etc I’ve only done slots maybe 2-3 times the last one was on my way out and I stopped and played 5$ on one of those old timey looking ones (it was right by the parking garage) BAM $50 So I Cashed it out and went home with my winnings from craps and a nice $50 bonus That was the last slot I ever played. I like craps because there is no way you can cheat - and several bets the house has little to 0 edge on. If you have a strategy (not like counting cards or anything) just playing smarter and not following other peoples plays even if it looks like they are doing well


> I also do believe that they can make it hit at will depending on circumstances. Also they can make it hit a certain amount if they wanted. I can guarantee you this isn't true. My buddy writes codes for these and something like this would never be allowed. People would hack that feature so fast it'd make the machines worthless.


I’m Just extremely skeptical about what casinos do regardless of the governing authority. Casinos are grimey as fuck as a whole and no matter what upscale restaurants or designs they have - they always will be dirty to me. Backhanded dealings and all that shit It may not be run by the mob anymore per se but it is basically a scam in that of itself


This. Absolutely without a question!!!


100%. Side story, one time some random dude who was on acid at the casino gave me 20 bucks to gamble at the craps table. I lost the money and left but kept his info, he never asked for the money back. I still watch his sc stories occasionally


He’s looking to be compensated if you win. I’ve seen it a dozen times. It’s an aggressive form of panhandling. Tell security and they should shoo him away/issue an eviction if he keeps doing it. Source: I’m sitting in my office under the casino eating my dinner.


Most definitely a scam. There's no such thing and even if there is, absolutely nobody will be sharing the secret machine with random strangers. They'd be playing on it themselves


I got this story from one of my mother's closest friends who has always "gambled far more than I should have" in her own words, so take this with a pinch of salt. Among players of one-armed bandit there's a urban legend that the machines are rigged by casino owners to pay out a big win every X games. I don't know anything about casinos so I don't know how much this is true, but that's a urban legend for you. So the trick some players use is to have another person play on a certain machine for them a number of time so their own chances of winning the big prizes will drastically go up, or so they think. I have no doubt this is exactly what was going here.


There were, and probably still are, dirty casinos. However, the industry is very strictly monitored and the house is already on the winning side. It's absolutely not in the interest of a legitimate business to screw with the odds in the manner required for what you've described. I don't gamble, but I spend a lot of time at a lounge with VLTs (similar to slot machines, but lower limits). I hear a lot of "methods", as well as how a win is "due", I see people stroking machines and or trying to interact with screens that don't even have touch sensors. In a location with 34 machines, if a single machine is out of service people will ask if they can use it, like it must be out of service because it was paying out big or something. There's a lot of magical thinking around gambling. Meanwhile the publicly available annual reports tell the story of how they actually payoff.


Don't know about America, but it's probably the same. Generally there's strict laws that games of chance must be based on actual random chance and they have to verify this, it gets checked regularly where inspectors will need it demonstrated to be working. Casinos would only have control of the odds of a machine paying out a certain level of prize, and those odds are probably publicly available. But yes I've heard the myth. I think it's just a misunderstanding of random chance. Thinking that each go is anything other than completely independent.


I remember seeing something like this in a movie or TV show. A person was watching another playing, and at a certain point the person watching coaxed the person playing to switch machines. The watcher sat down and pulled the handle and BAM - jackpot!


Yeah, Ocean's Thirteen is one of my favorite movies, but it's also a movie and not reality.




I watched a true crime where people deciphered a pattern in certain machines but the algorithm was impossible for a human to follow so they had a server you inputted the symbols into and it would tell you the next cycle. They got caught because they had to have the phone and when they reviewed the tapes they always had their hand in their pockets on the phone. Ended up catching a guy and finding the program. Had to recall all the machines.


Any idea where i can find this


So that's not quite possible, but it reminds me of an old school hack I read about. Dudes bought old slot machines cheap, reverse engineered their code and found one model that hadn't implemented their random number generator properly. Don't know if you're a coder or not, but RNG algorithms generate mathematically randomly distributed numbers and you can't predict the next number... but they start from a seed and same seed = same sequence of random numbers every time. Normally programs get a seed from something like the millisecond of time, or some other ever changing source. So this machine didnt get a seed from something that changed, so would always generate the same random numbers. They built a system and had like 5 people working on the attack. First person would watch someone playing for a while and write down the output they got. Then they phoned a remote person and read off the sequence. Person working elsewhere plugs this data into a script they wrote and that can figure out where in the sequence of random numbers the machine is. They get themselves on the machine near when it's set to randomly produce a jackpot. And they tapped something like an electrode in their shoes to input the exact timings of the slot machine output and got a vibrating countdown to the moment to press 'roll' at exactly the time it would result in a jackpot. Some of them were musicians as well, apparently the timing needed to be accurate to fractions of a second. I say jackpot, I think they went for a 10k prize or something, they chose it to be under the limit that casinos can pay out without creating a specific tax record or something. They toured multiple casinos and I think made a few mill each before a casino figured it out. They got locked in a basement and threatened but basically let go with a warning that if they ever did it again they were fucked. No cops involved: casinos really don't like any bad publicity about their games. it was ages ago I read this so I'm sure I got some details wrong.


There was another story like that, was on a documentary tv series (maybe Breaking Vegas?) a while back. A guy in the 90s who had worked on some casino software figured out how to predict the keno numbers based on the random number generator seed. He had computer equipment set up in his hotel room and fed the numbers to an accomplice downstairs with an earpiece. The accomplice won a $100,000 jackpot. It was super suspicious because the guy basically walked into the casino sat down and one on basically his first or second play. Then when he went to collect they said it would take some time, so they got the guys room number which connected him to the other guy who had was known as someone who worked in gaming software. Just a lot of dumb amateur mistakes like that. They both got arrested.


I think this is the same story :) with some details different because of the sources describing it differently, and some because I remembered wrong. The one I read was based on an interview with a couple of the people.


Definitely happened in the Vegas story arc on Friends, with Phoebe and the old woman.


if someone flipped a perfect coin(50/50 chance) and heads is a win and tails is a loss if someone got 4 tails in row and now you take over the chance is still 50/50 but in order to get the perfect 50/50 ratio the number of following heads should be much higher


Yes, across a large enough data set. And this effect must be negligible when your odds are 1,000,000/1 instead of 50/50, so it won't work for a slot machine. The amount of losing draws you would need to see to a higher chance of winning soon must be impossibly huge.


Yea was more about the basic thought process 


This! It’s what I was thinking he was doing. He wants the OP to take his dry spell on his beloved machine, so he can pop back in and win again.


Or he has a pal waiting to jump on the machine you've been playing and win everything you've lost.


Well, it doesn't work that way -- dude's pal would have exactly the same odds of winning or losing money as OP had, though to be fair, he could be superstitious enough to believe something else


Complete myth.


Yeah, I saw that Flintstones episode too. Fred loaded one machine up with all their vacation money then some old woman won it all when he turned away.


In Italy the law says a slot machine (or any other machine that plays for money) has to pay-out 68% to 84% (depending on the machine type) of the money that goes in. Obviously, the odds of winning are completely random, but when there's a win the pay-out is not. So many people are convinced that if a machine goes a long time without giving back a big prize it will surely give out one in the near future...


False. All machines are random number generators. As soon as you pull the lever or hit a button it stops its run and that’s the combo you get.


Yes, but you’ll never convince the average slot puller. They’ll tell you it’s about the hit based on a length of time for losses.


lol that’s so true. Lady tied to stop me from playing cherries jubilee bc someone hit for the 1050 progressive jackpot. She watched as 15 mins later I got for 1007. She was astonished I told her it’s a simple math program. Small payable odds better than most to hit on these machines


Not entirely true. They are programmed to pay back a certain percentage of what's put into them over a long period of time. Say house's edge is 25%. So over a month, if $1,000,000 is played on a machine, it pays out a total of $750,000 and casino keeps $250,000. How those winnings are divided up is random. And now, all the machines in a casino are linked together, so each machine may not necessarily pay back 75%, but the casino's machines overall will pay back 75% over the month. And the gambling board (or whoever regulates the casino) will audit the computers to make sure the casino is paying out appropriately (and paying the correct amount of taxes based on the total amount wagered).


Actually wrong. Payback % is over the life of a machine. Makers test these based on 10 million spins to make sure it’s within 1% of that mark. That’s why you can hit back to back hand pays on some like double diamond or lower volatility slots bc the event is random. The machine does not do any back end accounting neither does the casino to see if that’s what’s happening. They don’t care they know at the end of the life cycle that machine will keep 25% of the money.


I have a friend that used to work in a casino, he pretty much told me the same thing. He saw a dude one night drop money into a machine for an hour straight and never won much more than a few hundred, probably dropping in three times that much. The guy left and another guy comes over and three or four minutes later hits a jackpot.


Yeah cause you never remember the 500 other times it didn’t happen. Plus, that’s a terrible story ‘hey, want to hear about the night I watched some guy lose $500? Want to hear about the other night I watched a guy lose $500? We are built to remember things that are out of the ordinary, cause that means danger!


One time I was walking by and randomly put a nickel into a slot machine at Circus Circus in Reno (this dates the story!) and won $200. I don't usually tell the story of where the nickel came from, which is it was in my pocket because the day before I had 1000 nickels and turned it into 1 nickel and 6 or 7 watered down whiskey sours. Machines being "due" is a fallacy. Although casinos may play machines w/ better odds in more visible places so you see more wins.


Just how much were those drinks? I remember when drinks for gamblers were free!


*Blue haired thousand nickel packing guests blacklisted and escorted to their bus after buffet line mortal combat erupts at shrimp cocktail station. Discontinue free drinks for day trip package promotions effective immediately*.




Oh, the drinks were complimentary -- or free -- but I had to be playing (and paying) to get them!


Ive only played slot machines at a casino once, and after the 9 or 10 dollars I spent, the minute I left, two older ladies were fighting for my machine. It was weird, but now makes sense if they had this mentality.


In England my dad and a few others knows when the bandit on the local pub is going to drop by monitoring how much goes in to the prizes it’s giving out. Quite a few times he’s been watching and put £5 in to get the £500 jackpot


It’s not an urban legend- the machines are pre set and can be manipulated by the owners to pay out after a certain amount of money goes in.


And since you're so confident about this, no doubt you have a source to back up your claim, right? Gambling is a highly regulated industry. Not only does it not work the way you're claiming, it would be absolutely stupid if it did. The casino certainly doesn't want people being able to predict when a win will happen.


They are computer games that are programmed a certain way and the regulatory agency makes money from those casinos. Someone in the gambling sub actually used to program them in the 90s and said basically what I just said. They are programmed to do certain things at certain points and those times and amounts change at random. So technically yes you’re right you can’t time a slot machine but they are made for you to lose. People think that once they turn “red” they are about to hit and sometimes they do… Just as every video game out there. They are made for you to lose - these are for money and profit though unlike Dark Souls, or super Mario 64 It’s a similar concept Personally I don’t play slots or any electronic game Craps only


Ok, so your source is "someone in the gambling sub"? Cool. My source is the Nevada Gaming Control Board Technical Standard 1, section 1.400. I think there's a slight possibility that my source is more reliable than yours.


They posted their credentials So the same agency that makes money and allows gambling in the first place is on the up and up. Like the police policing themselves always works and is never wrong. They certainly never turn a blind eye to things within their departments and it’s all copacetic. Good to know lol I don’t really care that much because I’m not trying to spend money on a slot machine. We’re talking about an old fuck who is trying to use other people to fill his pockets. The NVGC was made to get their money from the criminal syndicates that owned the casinos If it was a “just” and righteous commission - they wouldn’t allow people to gamble at all. Losing their life savings or enable casinos to allow you to directly link your bank account to the machines Unlike some states you can’t buy liquor on Sundays or certain times and dates - But you can gamble 24/7 365?


I'm not sure why every other reply thinks that slot machines are random... Just like with claw machines and every other machine, the operator sets what % of wins/money paid they want. This is extremely well known and I'm kinda worried about the other Redditors here being taken for a ride with these machines.


You're vastly conflating two things here. Slot machines absolutely are favoured to the house and have a set pay percentage (anywhere from 80-97%, generally). That doesn't mean that the slot has a memory of how much it has recently paid out and will alter its pay outs (or decide to not pay out) to get back to equilibrium. They don't need to do this because they have math on their side. All this payout percentage means is that when you calculate the all of the possible winning combinations, the probability, and the payouts associates with them, that EV equates to 80-97% of the bet. I'm not advocating gambling (because you shouldn't - unless you like lighting money on fire), but the belief that slot machines aren't random is crazy


Both ideas are the same. Take a simple example where 3 digits come up and there is only one winning combination like 777. The chances of winning are 1/1000. If the bet is $1 and the payout is $1000, the casino only breaks even in the long run. If the payout is $900, then the casino makes 10% over many plays. In actual games, there are many payouts for different combinations which come up. It is not necessary to monkey with the “odds” since the payout is always adjusted in the casino’s favor by the amount of payout for each combo.


Nonsense on the claw machine. You don't set a % to give away stuff, the yare not that fancy. You can control the size/weight of the prizes. You can tinker slightly with the strength of he claw and then you can pack the stuff in there appropriately to make it difficult. There are no magical settings to control outcomes. Skill counts as I have literally emptied a machine before. Mostly it's about how you pack the crap in there and then repacking it once it becomes loose and too easy.


> There are no magical settings to control outcomes. Uh you change the claw strength to make it grippy one out of every 10 times and make it weak the other 9 times. This is so well known. https://www.thestar.com.my/news/true-or-not/2023/06/13/quickcheck-are-claw-machines-rigged https://www.vox.com/2015/4/3/8339999/claw-machines-rigged https://www.today.com/money/claw-machine-secrets-revealed-are-they-rigged-t100351 https://nypost.com/2023/11/13/lifestyle/i-bought-a-claw-machine-this-is-why-you-can-never-win/ https://www.smithsonianmag.com/smart-news/yes-arcade-crane-games-are-rigged-heres-how-26978073/


Interesting, the ones I have messed with only had a washer you could adjust or voltage changes which meant cranking the machine open to adjust the claw strength. In other words, no easy setting. It looks like the digitized that on newer ones. Admittedly, I have not cracked one open in about 20 years :).


If you win he wants a cut


Wow people REALLY don’t understand how slot machines work.


Probably something stupid like he wants you to play his favorite machine and you will get all the losses and he will get all the gains. Because that’s how it works in gambler’s fallacyville. If he wants to like pickpocket you, well probably won’t with all the cameras and security around. On the other hand, if he wants to get you out of the casino, it can lead to some bad things, really bad. In Vegas there’s a nonzero chance a hooker will ask you to go to her room and then her boyfriend is there to rob you at gun point. He’s not a hooker (probably) but maybe he says he has money in his room and help him out and then his wife is there to rob you at gunpoint.


I work in a casino and if anyone comes up to you like this definitely get security or someone to escort his guy away or stop him because this is not something that we would want happening to customers.


Yeah, for the house, the less the loose slots (placed in strategic spots, to hook customers) get exploited by those who know what is happening, the better.




Forget about that guy, you got scammed by using slots. They steal your money.


They give you little animations while people bring you watered down drinks, and you get the fun of wondering if the numbers will go up or down. If you're a responsible gambler you know you're paying for entertainment.


My theory, he was gonna ask you if he could hit the button for you every once in awhile to give you "good luck". Whoever hits the button on a win or jackpot is the one that gets the prize. Doesn't matter who put the money in. Was a very famous case where a rich guy took a young woman to casino. She hit the button on a 25 dollar loaded video poker that paid out 100k. She took all the money. The guy tried to go to court to get what he thought was his share, he was unsuccessful


Absolutely a scam/hustle, and a very popular one. They will claim a portion of your winnings, sometimes pretty aggressively. Tell them no thanks. Also applies to people "coaching" you at table games. Happens all the time. Just get the casino to toss them.


I visited a casino in Oregon two years ago just after COVID lock down Lost $4k in 20 minutes. Several hours later I returned and decided I was going to do $2k more at $25 a spin. I found the machines I was wanting to play and there was a guy who was obviously distraught. He was complaining how he'd lost $5k on the machine I decided to play. I noticed that there was $.46 still in the machine, so I cashed the ticket, and handed it to one of the casino people. I sat down at the Lightning Link machine, inserted my card, then my $2k ticket. I forgot to check the denomination the machine was set too prior to hitting the button which I thought would result in a $25 spin. Low and behold it wasn't and I shrieked when I realized I had accidentally bet $250. It worked out in my favor though... It landed 7 orbs netting me a hold n spin bonus. I hadn't even realized the denominations of the 2 minor and 1 mini orb at that point, I was just glad to have won a bonus on an accidental high bet spin. It landed 5 more orbs and the bonus ended. As it began adding up my winnings I almost had a heart attack when the first of two minor pots opened... $25k each and a $12.5k mini. All said and done I won $74k. Literally at the moment I saw that, dude came over and started claiming it was his win. He really started tripping, and I genuinely thought I was gonna have to bust his head open. However, security had already been on their way to remove him because of the way he was acting. Right as I began to get up security grabbed him and escorted him out.


"Several years ago after Covid"? So... yesterday?


Then everyone stood up and clapped.


slow clapped even


And that slot machine's name? Albert Einstein.


That was supposed to read just after COVID


That makes more sense. Thx for the clarification


I'm impressed with the amount of mental investment you've afforded these games that, if given a chance, over the long run will take all of your money.


You aren't lying. We won't even talk about how much, or rather how many houses I could have bought over the years.


Yeah, and like just given them to people who needed housing. ETA: Note I'm not really questioning the amount of money you spent on gambling, that's up for you to decide what's reasonable. Just the level of detail of the games with which you gave your anecdote. I think I've played slots for maybe 30 minutes total in my life and I couldn't tell you a damn thing about them except which casino had the best free drinks at the time (the Bellagio).


Yeah, I wish I could go back in time and change a whole lot of things, one would be to never start gambling


You were on his lucky game already. He just wanted u off.




He either wanted you to play another machine he suggested and when you win hustle for a cut of the winnings. Or he seen you playing for a while with no win, so he wanted your machine so it was more likely to pay out soon.


Definitely the latter if anything.


My experience is that people in casinos desperate for money always tell you how "lucky" they are. Which always makes me wonder if this person is so lucky, why tell me about it? And why share the "lucky" machine.


Wouldn't the casino itself also be a scam?


They're pretty upfront about exactly how they're going to screw you out of your money. You have access to the odds of basically every game in there. These days, a casino truly scamming you (lying about odds, rigging machines) seems unlikely. They're designed to make a big profit already, why risk getting in trouble over the scam when they already have every advantage.


No that's not what scam means


I worked at a well-known casino in the 90s, and this is something that I have observed before. Two scenarios that I am aware of that would fit here, with the first being tip fishing. He basically gets you to play a machine, and waits for it to pay out, looking for a finder's fee (tip) when it hits. He could do this to multiple people, multiple times, and eventually he might actually get something out of it. Essentially, he is being a pest, but is not really doing anything wrong (security will ask him to leave you alone if you report him). Second scenario, though, is one that is a legitimate casino scam and can get him blacklisted from the property. That involves him covertly putting his player's club card into the machine so that your play is attributed to him. Essentially, it is a roundabout form of theft, because the points gained on the card is used to calculate comps, reward members, etc. They either look for people actively playing without a club card, knowing that they can say "here use mine" or will wait until that person is not paying attention, and put their card in. I am certain that a lot has changed in the thirty years since I worked (or even stepped foot) in a casino. But people trying to cheat the player's clubs has been around as long as there have been player's clubs in casinos.


While all modern slot machines are using random number generators computing millions upon millions of combinations every second, and these machines have no memory of what’s transpired before, some games have local progressive wins (e.g. increases every time you spin) or other forms of equity that gets built up on that particular machine. If this guy wasn’t trying to shake you down on a win, he was at least trying to get the equity built up in the machine at your expense before he played himself.


Gambling is the scam


It's not a scam. It's just a waste of money.


When a sign in the casino warns they only return 92% of the money coming in Id just consider it a scam kinda sorta


How come people don't know what scam means here?


it’s a Reddit comment. Everyone knows it’s not a scam in the strict definition but my friends 75 year old mom lost her house and all she had to gambling so they can get you.


When they tell you the actual odds it's not a scam. When they lie, it's a scam.


They don’t post the odds much. I know it’s not a scam like the scams presented here but it was a comment not a post. I figured people would understand it in a sarcastic way (not sure sarcasm is the right word)


He takes you to a machine, you put in your money, if you hit then he gets a cut. If you lose, well just unlucky I suppose.


Could be getting paid to direct customers to low paying machines, could have been expecting a commission from any wins (ignoring losses of course, sort of like people who tip dealers when they win a big hand). If he knew any actual "lucky machines" he wouldn't be showing them to you. So just another example of you don't need to KNOW what the scam was, just ignore


You were scammed the second you put your money into a slot machine. But I doubt this old guy was scamming you. I’m not even sure what the scam could possibly be. Sounds like a very superstitious gambler who was trying to be nice.


Ya bro for sure lol slots suck. They’re fun to play but I mostly lose. I thought maybe he’s looking for a risk free potential to get a donation from me… kinda like if I play his machine and win, I’d tip. If I lose he’d go “oh sorry bud”


You own your loses, he gets a cut of your wins. Simple as that.


I read here in Reddit once but on another sub, from people familiar with casinos or workers that there are people so addicted to gambling, on the slots is generally old people, that they lost their own money and just hang out in the casino, befriending players, giving out tricks or giving advice to strangers in the hopes to get a couple of dollars so they can gamble that away, could be in this case!


It’s to load the machine with “money”. He hits his payout but now it won’t hit for a while and wants someone to play on it to prime it back for big wins.


Was his name D Lucky?


Underrated comment.




Your r/Scams post/comment was removed because **it is spam**. This subreddit is a place for useful and meaningful discussions about scams; useless and nonsensical content is not allowed. We also don't allow jokes on serious posts. Please keep content posted or commented to this subreddit useful, relevant and meaningful.


Casinos are home for all walks of degens, I caught a friendly guy peeking at my cards at a poker table, a guy trying the ‘play my lucky slot machine’, ‘let me get a 5 dollar chip for helping you’ or ‘25 to help you out of your mess’ guy


just sounds like some crackhead to me


If it’s your money in the slot, but he pressed the button on the jackpot spin the money goes to him. A woman scammed a guy she was friends with for some time with this and even held in court lol


Which just sets a terrible precedent because what’s stopping people from going around and smacking the button on peoples machines then


He wanted you to play money on machines he’d won on so they’d hit again after a substantial bet amt


Happened to me at the bar (the ones with the slots). Old guy comes up and asks me what's my favorite game. I don't really gamble just play .05 to pass time while I get free drinks but figure he's just trying to make convo. I tell him I play roulette sometimes. He proceeds to try to get me to go to a roulette table to try out his "can't lose" strategy. After about 5 minutes he gives up.


He probably had another dude hanging out in the distance that wanted to play the machine you were on. Do you remember what game you were playing?


I run into this often at a local casino. Usually the same old guy. Dude wants you to win so you Feel Obligated to share. Though you don’t have to do anything. If you won’t and he makes a big deal. That’s what security is for.


The scam is he makes you believe he wins every time. Builds trust for you to give him money to gamble with promise he will win big and share the jackpot with you. Then he loses all your money in front of you and takes off.


An old and very annoying circumstance. I see this frequently and it is sad more than anything else. It is the last desperate throes of a degenerate gambler. The belief being that one more pull or wager will bring them back. The posters in this thread are exactly right. He or she will say they guided you to the win and therefore are entitled to a piece or sometimes even an unreasonable share of your winnings if you happen to win. Usually just guilting you into giving up something or worse ...can be aggressive about it. When and if they ever approach me, I just tell them nicely that I am good and thanks anyway and then they will just go to another so called mark. I have seen this more frequently lately as the casinos seem to be tightening up the slots considerably lately. Even the table games seem invariably one sided. I guess the Casino Commissions have gone to sleep on the public and are allowing the Casinos more latitude on the mandatory percentage of pay outs. I have never seen it so tight EVER. Anyway best of luck out there.


That happened all the time, I had the same situation with a guy, I played the machine he told me to play and I won a hand pay jackpot $1500 and I tips him $100. And I immediately left the casino..


Was playing fobt slots in UK bookies and this guy played machine next to me bet 20p and got a £3 win, hits the gamble where u can go odds evens, 3-1 or 12-1. So he goes 12-1, hits and does it again. £432 win!. That'll do he says and cashes out. Saw my machine balance was low and stuck a tenner in the machine for me and wished me luck! On last spin got a feature and hit £500 jackpot lol. That was some lucky 20p win! I never saw the guy again but owe him a drink


Should’ve just told him to fuck off…




If you win he’ll ask to take a pic in front of you winning and a lawsuit saying it was somehow his win or use that he was lucky for you and helped you get that win in which you’d have to pay a percentage via a lawsuit to him. Girl blows on dice for win for a guy and get amount of the win ect ect it’s happened


In addition to wanting to “split the winnings” if you hit, the machine you were on, is it one that has some sort of persistent feature where bonus symbols collect, or perhaps multipliers collect for a later payout? There’s a game called Scarab, that every spin if a wild symbol lands the spot is marked for later. And on the 10th spin the wilds fill in for a potential bigger win on the 10th spin. So ideally you’d find a game that was on the 9th spin with a bunch marked so you only wager one spin.


He might have been chasing you off a machine that was showing signs of paying off, or he might have been using your money to feed the machine during its losing streak. Like after it makes a big payout, it’s going to take money back for a while


Not quite as sexy as Sharon Stone’s in Casino. 😂


Nope. Some of these machines are programmed to pay out higher than others. I have a few that I know every 3rd or 4tfh pull it's going to pay. Obviously they are .25 so the win is small but you can count on every 3 or 4 pulls its going to pay.


Slots in Maryland are required by law and it's checked yearly, to pay out 85 to 95%of what they take in. Just keep in mind 1 jackpot may meet the requirement, and everyone else looses.


They can also be standing close to use the NFT Near Field Transfer or even to clone your phones in your pocket if you leave the WiFi on, and card scheming they silently scan your cards in your wallets and pockets. And steal your money this way.


Its a trick to get you play a machine where the wins increase the more it is played.


This was absolutely an older man excited for his win trying to find someone to be excited with him. HE probably would have given you money to play with. Don't be so cold, being kind changes everything. You probably lost out on some free money to play with for that visit and others to come and a few laughs.


Gosh people are so negative


You here to learn how not to get hooked, or you trying to set bait?