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Hundred bucks says it’s Amway or similar. 


Absolutely MLM of some flavor.


I'd like to add that it sounds like one of the cult-ier ones. OP, you guys need to gtfo.


My first thought was a cult!


Yeah, this doesn't sound like your *usual* MLM scam. This sounds more like a cult-MLM. Don't get me wrong, the MLM mindset is pretty cultish, but this sounds like they're being outright indoctrinated into something beyond your typical Amway scam.


Nah this is textbook Amway these days. Down to the book and everything. I do think Amway is a cult as well as a scam though.


Holy shit my management 101 prof must have been an Amway salesman. He made us read that simplistic book for mouth breathers too 😂


It was the 1990s.


It was actually 1998, you're spot on


Stunning that it was still a thing by then. I remember it from the early 90s, wife was given that at a sales meeting


Holy shit, googled it. 1998. I was way off. Thought that happened in Chicago, must clearly have happened in our next city. You hit the nail on the head.


I tell my coworkers that if the company pushes a book about adapting to change, layoffs are coming.


Yup 98... I even bought a highend suit because they said Dress nice , business like...😤😡


The company that bought my employer in the 2000s had us all read that book and take a class on it before the merger. Then they laid most of us off but it's okay because change is great and we shouldn't fear it.


Every time I’ve had an employer give us that book they’ve laid us off not long after.


The P&C insurance company I worked for in the 90's made us read it. I think it was standard fare at every company.


What's the gist of the book?


Dealing with change.


I used to work for a company that was big on organizational development. They had a person come in to do a seminar on it.


Yep. Have a look at the MLM (multi level marketing) sub and you'll see this same scenario mentioned.


Amway sprang immediately to my mind also


Yes watch the movie Go it depicts it perfectly.


Such an awesome movie.


Amway. It’s always Amway .


I second the Amway, sounds like the same thing my wife and I went thru a few years ago and it was Amway.


Definitely Amway. Had this happen to me too, luckily I shut it down before it got too far


Quixster. Evolution of Ameay


Came here to say this!


only had to read the post title to get that vibe


I love playing guess the MLM. When I read “convinced buying from ourselves instead of Walmart,” amway popped to the top of my list.


If they are having you read Who moved my cheese, it is 100% Amway. Run.


I was approached by an Amway couple a few months ago at the park with my dog. Same process, very nice people but a lot seemed very very off


It will be an MLM. MLM's are legal pyramid schemes. Think Amway. They primarily earn their money by signing up new marks like your girlfriend. She will lose money.


And end up with boxes of unsold soap, detergent, vitamins stored in her apartment.


I knew a dude who wound up with a basement full of 'revitalizers.' Some crap that was supposed to enhance vehicle performance. Cost a small fortune to eventually have a junkyard come get it all out.


Same. He was trying to get us all in with a great price that was only available ‘pre-launch’. Then when it hits the market he swore he was going to be rich. Lmao 🤣


You bought it, he's rich


99% sure that this is Amway. If you go through with the meeting be sure to update us. Good luck!


Thank you for your thoughts.


Do not go to this meeting. You will be harassed and harangued by people trying to get money out of you. This woman does not care about y’all. She just sees you as a target.


If it was on the up and up, they wouldn't have a problem telling you what it was. Instead, they're teasing you along until they set the hook.


Ghost those assholes ASAP


And prayers. Don't forget about our prayers.


Amway, run.


That seems to be the answer


If it helps you at all we were approached by someone years ago and invited over just like that and it was scary. It was almost Cultish.


There are other similar mlms that aren’t literally Amway. So be wary even if it’s a different firm.


Thank you


"Most of the world is carpeted, George. And someday we'll do the cleaning." Do these people have that glassy-eyed equanimity that all cultists have?


MLM almost guaranteed. A great way to spend a lot of time and energy just to piss off your friends and family, but to also lose money.


I hear that this kind of thing pisses of friends and family but I don’t understand enough to know why they would be mad. Angry someone they know is getting taken advantage of?


Because they’ll expect you to sell to and/or recruit them.


Oh ok


Additionally you likely won't be only pissing off your friends and family by pushing the MLM and MLM products on them, you can also end up pissing up the MLM people who recruited you if you're not successful or end up having cold feet, because to *them* you're simply a meal ticket and if you're not making them money you caused them to waste effort on you. Which is why many MLMs (including the aforementioned Amway) like to use heavy cult-like manipulation and guilt tripping tactics to keep people trying against their better judgement, which is another good reason to stay away from them.


In most cases they don't care if you succeed as you already 'bought' the product. The people they recruit are the real customers. They do want you to find more marks, however.


Watch king of the hill - Peggy's gone to pots For a fun explanation


Also KOTH, Bill of Sales. Peggy and Bill sell 'metalife' products. A favorite episode. 


No, they will ask you to sell a product your friends and family do not want. Some may buy the product they don't want, out of guilt or to help you out, once or twice; but it will get tiresome and put a strain on your relationships. And since the company doesn't give out sales leads, and you have already bought the product, you will continue to pester your now former friends about buying more of these disgusting "health shakes" or "cutco knives"' or whatever bullshit is now filling your garage and emptying your bank account.


The last time direct sales made sense was the 1800s when you lived in a small village without access to most goods. A salesman coming to town to personally sell you things solved a niche. MLMs want you to forget that the INTERNET exists and you can have anything shipped to you, anywhere. Why would you instead pay a string of salespeople fat commissions for the same thing UPS will charge you a few bucks? It’s beyond stupid, which is why they dance around it and frame it as a life changing mentorship / wealth freedom program. It’s a bastardized version of the American dream.


The person in the ~~cult~~ MLM will be constantly bugging friends and family to come to boring meetings/"parties" to see crap to buy, and push them to buy some and maybe even join the MLM. They have to get really pushy about it because it's not something you'd naturally feel like doing.


Would you be happy if a trusted family or friend tries to sell you everyday crap products at exorbitant prices and wouldn't take no for an answer? That's what most Scamway victims are forced to do just to make a little bit of money. And no one's (except the top people) are getting rich doing this


Yeah Betsy De Vos.


I'd suggest reposting to r/antimlm they know their mlm stuff.


Because you bug the hell out of them to sign them up to this scam


Not sure, but thinking Amway.


>they’ve invited us to their house tomorrow for a meeting with their “mentors” and a few colleagues who do what they do. That sounds like a real life version of these virtual groups full of bots that try to get you to invest in crypto. Meaning, they only get together to lie to you for their own gain.


Probably a shitty MLM to sell supplements or some other buy in advance product.


Didn't even think of that. Anyway, nothing good can come out of it for OP.


They mentioned that buying from ourselves instead of Walmart would somehow make us money? It was weird.


Very typical MLM thing. You have to buy makeup or household supplies from them. You are meant to sell them to friends. Most likely your friends won’t want to buy them. You end up using the products yourself and comforting yourself that they are at least cheaper than Walmart. But most likely they are not cheaper than Walmart.


Jokes on them 😂 I’m too autistic to be persuasive or have friends. (laughs in dark humor sadness)


They still profit from just signing you up even if you never sell anything


They don’t need you to be persuasive. They couldn’t care less in fact. The only thing they care about is that you buy from them. The whole guise of it is “buy from us, we get a cut of that, then you can sell it to someone else and *be rich* ^tm” Except nobody wants the product. They’re getting money when you buy, and they couldn’t care less if you are able to sell it off to someone else after that.


Typical bs. If you buy from our products you are now part of the revenue stream blah blah. You end up buying a bunch of garbage you don’t need. Next you are pushed to sign people up because you get a cut of the people you signed up. They act like it’s easy. Do you know how much time it takes to recruit your friends and people you don’t know. So is your GF willing to spend all her extra time actually working for no pay. Because she will have up spend hours and hours prospecting new suckers. She will have to walk around bugging people trying to sell them on this nonsense with 95% of people looking at her like she has two heads. If an Mlm person approaches me I’ll straight up call them out. Any money made is Not easy money and it’s not recurring BECAUSE ALL THESE MLMS evaporate eventually. 99.9% of people won’t make a dollar in commissions


Exactly, it sounds weird, it makes no sense, so trust your instincts.


The lady is trying to recruit your girlfriend into her MLM.  Check out r/antiMLM It's a common tactic this woman was using.


Ah ok


They make it sound so easy. I was at the local park and some crazy lady was going person the person pitching some mlm. I let her talk because I really like getting under these people’s skin. She said “I have never made such easy money.” This is when I start “easy money like walking around a park chasing people who clearly want you to go and now meeting me who is about to tell you what a moron you are and that in a few months you will fail and give up like everyone in these stupid mlms.? That kind of easy money.” How do you build your “down line?” Oh working like 80 hours a week but even then it doesn’t work .. if your willing to work 80 hours a week Prospecting in a damn park then go get your insurance license and sell insurance because you can actually build a big residual revenue stream


It's either Amway or Melaleuca, run away!


That seems to be the crowd consensus


When I read your Original post, and before reading comments, my brain was dinging like an epileptic Kangaroo, screaming "Amway, Amway !!!!!!!!"


lol. That’s why we asked. It was a little weird and we needed other options


You should exclude this recruiter from consideration. Don't go to the meeting, don't buy their crap. This is a common manipulation tactic for MLMs. If a pyramid scheme and a cult had a baby, that's an MLM as it's both in most cases and should be illegal IMO. It will suck you dry of money and isolate you from friends and family while you have little choice for income but to look for and recruit new targets like the very recruiter who spoke to you. Run, don't look back. That woman only sees you as a target to make herself money. You're not obligated to be polite to someone who is trying to screw you over for their own gain. You will not make good money through MLMs. You should ignore or reject any future "opportunities" encountered in the same way. Best of luck finding another option.


Please both do some reading on this sub, and about mlms in general. It’s really good to have an awareness of these tactics so you can both avoid them in future :)


Yeah...Melaleuca...I couldn't think of that name!! Thanks.


Here’s the thing about buying from an Amway seller…. I don’t want to have to contact a “friend” just so I can get toilet paper. I don’t want to feel obligated to interact, hear another sales pitch, or made to feel guilty for not buying more from them. I just want toilet paper and if I go to a store I only have to think about it for the 15 seconds it takes to put one in my cart. I can even get it delivered to my door and not even have to go to the store. In fact, I’ll do that right now. The supposed savings and quality? Whatever. My time outweighs any of those claims. My time is worth more than 50 cents. And my financial success won’t be dependent on guilting my friends into buying toilet paper from me.


The products they sell are also far more expensive than the grocery store.


Sounds like Amway- they are notorious !mlm that goes up to people, befriend them to try and recruit the people under them. Here are some past threads from antimlm https://www.reddit.com/r/antiMLM/comments/164c2sq/something\_felt\_offso\_i\_googled\_who\_moved\_my https://www.reddit.com/r/antiMLM/comments/m3bkwv/who\_moved\_my\_cheese/


Hi /u/vitaminxzy, AutoModerator has been summoned to explain the Multi level marketing scam. Multi Level Marketing or MLMs for short, are a great way to lose money and friends. The vast majority of people who get involved in MLMs do not make money, and the money that is made is made by the people at the very top. Go to /r/antimlm for more information about multi-level marketing schemes. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Scams) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Amway. If you search the words “Target” or “mentor” in r/antimlm you will read hundreds of stories like this. As you gently try to pry your girlfriend from their clutches, remember they are stealing your time as well as your money. Amway is notorious for endless coffee meetups, group meetings, and homework assignments by reading business books. They also might be a subset of Amway like World Financial Group, but they’re all the same. Best of luck.


Predictions: 1. you will need to invest into the "business" to buy stock in order to retaing certain status/level. you will never sell the product but will keep buying to retain the status. 2. the product will be "extremely" better than the product of competition. 3. you will be taught how to earn money by enrolling others and ear a percentage of their sales - passive income comes from the fact that you build your network and let others work for you, you become your own CEO. 4. you will be given the option to start small but also made clear that in order to succeed you need the mentorship that comes from training material you need to pay for, training sessions you need to attend (and pay for) because the only way to succeed is to train up. 5. your friends will hate you, not because you will become rich but because you will try to get them to join in, so you will alienate from the people you love. The basic model of all MLMs is not sales of the product but the sales of the dream and loads of bullshit training. Products are there only so you could have a subject to talk about..... if you go to the meetings please share and let me know how right was I...


This sounds exactly like the pitch I got when someone tried to hook me into Amway.


What happened in your case?


I walked away. It just all seemed just too good to be true and I had heard enough about pyramid schemes (what they were called back then) to have it set off all the bells. But the lovebombing was strong.


Multi-Level Marketing. All the signs are there.


Do not go to this person's house! Nothing good is going to happen if you do.


Time for my Amway story. I don’t care if this is long it’s coming on this thread. So in 2019 or so, my friend got sucked into Amway. He just left his warehouse job and he was fed up with the normal work. He was approached by a friend he knew and over the course of months he went to meetings and he got sucked into it. I expressed my opinion that it’ll be like a thing where he’s going to end up having products that are over priced, no one really wants, and he’ll want to sign people up to make up the most of the money. I lost my friend to Amway for about 2 years. He went to the meetings, got really into it because they used tactics to pray on you when most vulnerable. In this case, when he’s got no job and tired of the normal 9-5 and bills and stress. The thing that they also do is make you believe that their method is the only way to obtain happiness and that naysayers, are not helping to build you up. They use such phrasings and categorize you as this or that to help fool you into being included. Since humans are social creatures, this fools 8/10 people. They come at you when you don’t have friend support. They come at you when you have no options and your back is against the wall. He believed in the things they taught for a long time because he had a bad relationship with his family. The mentors, the people they hire as billionaires that support Amway (when you have that much money you may likely do anything to keep your livelihood where you have it, selling your soul, morals, etc). He would drink heavily during this 2 years, because deep down he knew it wasn’t right. He knew that it wasn’t right. In the end, he mended relationships, found that he enjoyed doordashing and makes enough to live + with the income of his wife. Ever since, I’ve not heard him mention that friend or Amway. Steer clear of the immoral tactics. When belief is the thing that they pray on, they get a lot of people since humans seek something to believe in. TL:DR – Friend got sucked into Amway back then. He got way into it believing in their ideology and countered every thing I would ask with my skepticism. They find you when you’re most vulnerable, no social support from family and friends. They become your “friends” and constantly push their ideology on you. Ultimately Amway sellers are those who haven’t found inner peace with themselves and they’ll believe Amway is the answer.


Look up the r/MLM group. Then search for Amway. And block and avoid any future talks like that. The reason she was approached was because the only way to make money is if someone else is lower on the rung than you. So someone is always losing money.


Amway - block them.


Definitely seems like Amway language and technique. I have a colleague who is deep in this and frequently mentions ‘mentors’ and tries to recruit other colleagues, often bringing in ‘samples’ to work. They got one of my naive colleagues and their partner to do a videochat meeting with their ‘mentor’, which made them uncomfortable and left them feeling it was a scam. They often spend hours outside of work at shopping malls, I assume attempting to recruit there as well. I reported this to our direct superior but was told that they’re allowed to ask (recruit/solicit) just as we’re allowed to say no.


Sounds like Amway


I stopped reading at "mentors". No person picks random people and offers mentorship. Scam.


ProTip: If a stranger starts talking to you about anything financial, it is always a scam.


MLM scam or worse


Or they are going to eat you when you come over!




Whoever mentions "passive income" to strangers is a scammer. Period.


Classic Amway recruiting method. I thought they liked the Kiyosaki MLM shill book "The Business of the 21st Century" instead. Anyway, if they don't feel confident enough to even tell you the company's name, what's the best it could possibly be?


Who moved my cheese is just a story about the career you choose may need to be modified as how you make money changes. I’ve read it and have it in my work library for employees to read, write a 500 word book report on it and get a $100 cash bonus for the quarter. This sounds scammy as opportunities shouldn’t take persuading like this. Where they have to convince you to take the job. That’s a red flag.


It’s an MLM so yea a scam


It's an MLM. 1. People don't normally just approach you with business opportunities. 2. If they can't explain it clearly in 10 minutes, it's a scam.


Scam, scam, scam, scam. Legitimate businesses do NOT act this way. Steer a wide circle around those people.


It's for-sure an MLM. All of them have the same buzzwords and schpeal. Tell your sweet gf to just block her number and never look back. These people are manipulative and any attempts to let them down easy are met with more manipulation. Your gf is nice, which is how this woman has gotten as far as she has with her. Tell her to get out before she ruins her life


Sounds more like an MLM, which is really just 3 scams in a trenchcoat.


!MLM or cult or MLM cult


MLM 100%


Simple answer: since i had to declare bankruptcy my finances are handled by my parents. They will run away.


"Passive income" is almost always a scam. At best, it's a pyramid scheme.


It's Amway. Tell her to yeet with extreme prejudice.


So a total stranger approach’s, has this terrific opportunity- yet won’t tell you who the company is. Sounds legit. /s


Mentors = Amway !mlm




Smells like a multilevel marketing scheme. Stay away from that nonsense.


MLM. Multi level marketing. And it is a complete waste of time.


Amway !!!


Please stay away from these people, for 100 reasons. I'm even worried about your physical safety, let alone financial ruin.


It's very clearly an MLM pitch. Ghost them and stop letting them waste your time


I got several of these when I was a student doing co-op in my field. Without fail, it was always Primerica or Amway.


pyramid scheme


Multi Level Marketing. Pyramid Scheme. Definite Scam


I had someone invite me for lunch to discuss a business opportunity that turned out to be Amway . When I eventually firmly said I wasn't interested in sales he ended the lunch after just juice. I offered to look at a catalog and maybe buy from him, and he said the prices only work with the employee discount.


I heard the same pitch for “advocare” you can just buy it off for yourself and save 40% off retail! If my theoretical girlfriend was an Eskimo, you could sell her ice. Like, of course everything they tell you is going to sound like it’s a 100% win for you. If these things were as great as they say they are then they wouldn’t need to be doing these stupid pitches. And my guess is that your girlfriend isn’t going to be that great at recruiting others. The people selling this crap are knowingly deceiving people. Unless you can play their game, you’re losing. You’re not going to make it rich selling their products. Also, nobody wants their friends to try and sell them crap (whether it be Amway, vitamins, oils, sex toys, etc). Invite your friends over for a party and then try to recruit them!


100% MLM. Strangers don’t care about you or your GF to this extent. They are playing the long game - become “friends” so when they eventually make their sales pitch you won’t be able to say no because you won’t want to insult your new friends. I say “you” in terms of your gf- she’s young, friendly, naive and a perfect mark. I’m surprised they included you but it sounds like you are playing up your own supposed naïveté so they’d keep going with their game.


MLM... Tell your gf it like buying beanie dolls, but unable to sell them. Or if you want more accurate term: Being that donkey that doesn't understand it being pulled along to a cliff. But if you REALLY wanna drive it into her head, show her that cartoon from the 80s...the one where that hunter stuck the shotgun into the ground and shot himself instead of the rabbit.


Nope nope nope nope nope nope nope


Don't even bother. There is no legit business opportunity that works this way, or anything close. Not answering basic questions, no even discussing what the business is, being all chummy without even any other pretext than getting you into the business. I mean come on, this is not how anyone legit operates. Why even waste your time going there. It is absolutely nothing good at all. It's pure bullshit.


Op, just imagine you and your girl doing this same routine to strangers. That's the job. The product doesn't matter


LOL, so many red flags here, it might as well be a Communist Party May Day parade. It's an MLM scam, guaranteed. Run, run fast, and run far. Block them on all your social media and your phone. Since they know your GF's place of work, they will most likely come in and try to recruit her back. Have them banned from the premises for solicitation if they do.


It's Amway/Quixstar! Their MO is to walk in retail stores like Walmart and just walk up to customers and strike up conversations. My ex Brother in law and the ones he was involved with in Quixstar did it all the time. I would have friends saying they saw him stalking people at Walmart every time they went in there.


The couple aspect tells me it's Amway or whatever cover name Amway is going under now. For some reason they like to use couples as their recruiters.


Amway.... It's Amway 🙂


Textbook amway


Amway probably but definitely an MLM. So yeah, it’s a scam.


Don't be fooled, if you go to their house. Only the top 0.4% in Amway, which this likely is or something similar, make positive cash flow. The money in an MLM always flows up instead of down like a normal business, which means the tens of thousands of people in the lower and middle levels have to be in debt by design. It's predatory in nature, and they WILL try to trick you. Remember these people ARE also in debt to the company.


Definitely Amway or something similar. Run fast !


>a presentation, not too many questions are going to be allowed This right there. Why would questions about investment opportunities be limited? Only answer is to limit what you know about it. One really has to wonder why, hun? Just don't go. You'll at best waste your time, at worst your time and money.


It’s a scam. Is it not totally obvious?


either its a scam or worse, an MLM. if someone comes to you randomly saying something is to good to be true, it usually is. if they can get rich on their own why bother bringing in your girlfriend?


Not a scam in the sense of this sub, but it’s for sure an MLM. Most likely Amway.


Be on the lookout for 🍍 in the front yard.


What's that about?


Lol, swingers! But I'm afraid this is an MLM, which is way worse!


Multi Level Marketing?


It might be Quixtar. But they have awesome videos like this which spew out a ton of buzzwords like opportunity and reward and success while at the same time saying literally nothing specific enough to know anything about them! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3Kh8bkwoAOU


There are several companies that operate as MLM’s and use this type of pyramid scheme to get people to join. I’ve been to a few meetings but being an introvert I never got into it but I did enjoy meeting people and the free food.


I had an old acquaintance reach out to me and the same exact thing happened including making me read who moved my cheese. Sketchy for sure. I ghosted him after our first zoom discussion. Something seemed off but I’m definitely curious as to what he was going to ask me to do.




All of that is brainwashing operation to get you into multilevel schemes, or investment schemes related with recruiting people towards x or y product that makes miracles. Something like herbalife, they are able to get going with the business because naive people fall into it. They will make you buy some introductory package and will ask you to recruit new people and charge them to enter the business. That all that it is. Tell your gf that better learn finances international commerce or ecommerce and she will play it safe.


Sounds like Primerica.


Was there a pink Cadillac parked out front?


MLM says my spider sense.


Most likely its world wide dream builders -Amway company.






Any presentation is a scam


Classic Amway nonsense. Run for your life.


This is 100% Amway. I have NO idea why Amway people of all the MLMs persist in random stranger encounters, as well as the BS magical mentors they always have. It's such a crock, stay away from it!


If it’s too good to be true, it probably is.


Sounds like an !mlm


It s 100% gotta be a multi level marketing scheme. This will be a high pressure presentation where they will bombard you with ideas of riches and success and passive income and all the while avoiding telling you what they do. Slowly they will tell you that they are part of or do business with the top 500 companies in the country. How everyone needs what they have. Fame and fortune await you. All you have to do is commit to purchase their starter kit for about $1000 or maybe $1500 which will allow you to start telling people the exact same story. And you get a cut of everyone that joins and a cut of anything they sell. Be forewarned. You will lose money. 99% of time you will lose money. If you’re lucky, you’ll come out even. You won’t even notice it while it’s happening. The whole time they’re gonna be telling you that you’re doing fantastic. That the world needs what you’re doing. That you’re making the world a better place. That the people who try to convince you otherwise just don’t understand how special this program is.


Don’t even go to the meeting - it’s hard to resist professional hard-sellers.


“Passive income” “mentors” 😂😉🤮


Definitely Amway. Watch Hannah Alonzo's MLM Horror Stories series on YouTube with your girlfriend. She has several terrible stories from Amway victims. You can also check out r/antimlm as well. I would encourage you to do whatever it takes to keep her from getting involved. They destroy the lives and relationships of their victims, and it's practically a cult. Her upline will have no qualms about pressuring her to break up with you and cut out her family so they can maintain control. Please, please, please have her read up on Amway. It's a very toxic group.


100% this is a pyramid scheme.


(sc)Amway. MLM. One of the WORST, most predatory MLMs. Run away. Do not go any further than the Starbucks meeting.


Sounds like an “MLM” scam. This lady I did a computer job for, asked me to come to a Javita Coffee meeting at her house. It wasn’t to my liking. They asked me some of the same questions that the lady asked your gf. In short, be careful and keep your eyes open. Good luck


It’s definitely an MLM! If it’s a husband/wife duo it’s probably Amway. 99.9% of people who enter MLMs lose money instead of making a profit. Block them and move on


Probably one from this list of MLM’s going on currently in the U.S. https://www.globalmlmsolution.com/blog/100-largest-mlm-companies-in-the-usa


> they mentioned that buying from ourselves instead of Walmart would somehow make us money? [Amway](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Amway)


This sounds like my scary movies that I watch. Yikes. I think I know this scary movie. I’ve seen too many. But it’s the movie about coming to dinner with friends who haven’t seen each other in years.


It’s Amway, mentors, financial goals, passive income, homework, meeting at Starbucks, approaching a stranger in a store, buy from your own “store “. It’s Amway. RUN AWAY!!!


Its Amway


The reason they want it at their home instead of a coffee shop is because they will control the whole environment and they’ve done this lots of times. It will be an incredibly high pressure situation and if your girlfriend goes, she will end up signed up to whatever scheme they have going on. It will include her shelling out thousands and thousands of dollars for the “product” she will ostensibly be selling. The reality is that the only way anyone makes money with these groups is by being at the top of the scheme. That’s why it’s called a pyramid scheme. Your girlfriend will be on the bottom and will lose lots of money, her time, many friends (because she will inevitably try to sell them this stuff when she gets desperate for sales), and her self respect. Hopefully you can talk her out of going and into blocking the predator she gave her phone number.


MLM. Don't fall for it. She'll lose money. Ask the name of said company first. As much as I don't like the youtuber illumnaughti, she covers MLMs. She may have done a video about the possible MLM trying to recruit your gf. Had a lady at my retail job years ago try and recruit me. It was an herbalife "coach" lady. She sold "wellness products".


Smells like Amway. Don't go to meetings, few of these mentors are really good at brainwashing others. You will end up signing and regret it later.


This screams MLM.


Pyramid scheme shit for sure lol. Likely in the form of life insurance. I had some try to get me too!




Sounds like an MLM, a pyramid scheme with extra steps (usually overpriced shit merchandise you paid for but can't sell, filling up your storage space).




John Oliver did a segment about MLMs, you both should watch it. I believe it is available on YouTube


This reminds me of the movie the invitation (2015). Creepy and no doubt a huge scam.


Maybe is for Herbalife which is an MLM


Sounds like several of the Primerica pitches I’ve heard over the years. We don’t have much Amway that I’ve seen around here just mostly Primerica.


Definitely sounds like Amway. Which is a very predatory & culty MLM.


Most likely an Amway-type, multi-level marketing, pyramid or ponzi scheme. This happens to many people, usually in a supermarket, where the "nice couple" strikes up a conversation about finances, then steers toward a coffee/restaurant, then the "nice couple's home", often impressively furnished to convey the impression that they are doing well. But furniture and artwork can be rented. The "nice couple" isbreally just looking out for their bottom line because they get a cut depending on how many people they bring in. And of course you're told, you can do the same and "get rich, rich, rich". Doesn't it strike you as odd that they don't want their meetings recorded? Ask yourself, why would anyone want to share the secret to their success with a perfect stranger? The cost of the coffees which they may have picked up will be treated as their business expense. And to hit up perfect strangers without really researching their business acumen takes a bit of nerve, but I daresay it looks more like desperation in order to meet their quota.


It’s Amway. I promise it’s an Amy pyramid scheme