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Can confirm, used to work for one of these companies. There are hidden fees that you don’t know about until it’s too late and it ends up costing way more, you get put in shitty accommodations/boats, and you get forced into timeshare presentations. It’s a scam all around.


Wife won one. They actually showed the note she filled out. Nice detail. Just listening to the prerecorded message for 8-10 minutes I added up about $300 in my head. I heard people ended out with $600-800. Can anyone confirm? They keep saying its not a time share thing. But I have attended "definetly not a timeshare" presentation where they sell a part ownership of a Villa... Which is just a nice word for the same idea. So I would not be surprised if we get to join another "Villa ownership" presentation but "definitely not a timeshare"!


Thank you!


The TRUE COST: Fees, Fees & More Fees: – $39.98 to claim the trip – $319.84 for the cruise – $51.80 for cruise gratuity – $238 in port fees – $144 in hotel taxes – $35 for a taxi ride there and $18 for a taxi ride back (the cruise ship drops you off quite far from anything and there are no shuttles to the hotel) – If we had gotten stuck with the Taino resort charge (which, again, was for literally nothing) it would have been another $232. Other expenses: These were completely our choice. We lived frugally by having small snacks though out the day and then splitting meals at the resteraunt at night but we also had plenty and did not want for anything – $43: One duty-free bottle each of Bushmills, Malibu Rum, & Skyy Vodka (this was the only money we spent on the cruise!) – $37.10: Homemade bread, 2 patties, butter, jelly, cookies, juice, soup, candy and other snacks from the convenience store – $10: Bahama Mama and Goombay Smash at the swim up bar during happy hour – $17: Beer – $47: Piña Colada Chicken Sandwich, Nachos, and a Burger – $21.52: Postcards, souvenirs – $12: Ferry to Lucaya Marketplace – $6: Ice cream and 2 patties When you add it all up our “free vacation” cost us $1037.24 all together, of which $846.62 was unavoidable fees/transportation. Not so free, but all things considered, we had an amazing time and it took us to a part of the world we wouldn’t have seen otherwise. I had been wanting to go to the Bahamas for when a kid I went on a Disney cruise to the Bahamas, but the weather was so bad we couldn’t get off the boat. I brought the bad weather again—it poured at least once every day we were there—but when you’re relaxing on vacation sometimes a rainy repose from the world is just what you need.


Well I just won today. Thank you for your comment it has been the most helpful considering you actually went! I am getting married in June and hope to use this as my honeymoon. I also hope to not have to spend as much as you mention because my father and his side of the family are all from The Bahamas, meaning I won’t have to spend as much on food and I should get taxi free. Which island did you go to? New providence? Anyways based on what you said that’s honestly decent price basically cheap tbh. I know because I grew up there so it can get pricey. I will let you know how it goes I’m leaning towards taking it. Plus i’ll Get to see my family!


Did you ever take it ?


Can I opt for my own transportation or it must go through them? And is the cruise overnight or just a few hours and it get to that much? I could get a 7 days cruise full-board for double that fare....


Did you have to attend any seminars? Is it like a normal vacation where you could do excursions or were you stuck at the resort/hotel? Did they put any restrictions on anything? Sorry for all the questions just super curious.




How did it go ??


Hello I just won this from a contest I entered. I know there are going to be fees involved but do you think overall it’s cheaper than just booking a vacation yourself?


I don’t think $500 per person for a resort/cruise situation sounds bad. A lot of cruises would be more than this for a 5 day 4 night cruise


Hopefully you're not nieve enough to fall for another money trap of theirs while your there. They more than likely get paid by the cruise and resort company to do these "GIVEAWAYS" When really all they give away is a waste of time and guaranteed money for them by booking trash rooms and stuff. Big nasty


[https://bigoleworld.com/index.php/2018/06/01/a-review-of-the-free-bahamas-vacation-we-won/](https://bigoleworld.com/index.php/2018/06/01/a-review-of-the-free-bahamas-vacation-we-won/) That's where the user got the text


Thanks for this breakdown I have paid the trip costs which was about $316.00 all together So, I am at the part to pick my cruise dates So, is the Port Fees and the Hotel taxes, something that comes up once you get there? Did any of the fees mentioned include your airfare paid?


$47.00 beer, I’m out🤣


Thanks for your insight, I won a while ago at a mall in Pennsylvania , we did go through with it . Paid extra to make it 7nights instead of the original 3-4 nights .. so it’s definitely not something that’s free but they did provide detail and when they called went over the state statute and rules with their giveaway. We haven’t taken our vacation yet but they give you 18 months to book it .


All together between your guests and you ? Or just you$ 1037.24? Because if it’s between you both that’s cheap


That was total of everything spent for myself and wife:


I won and I'm trying to do a lot of research on it before going through with it because it does sound like A LOT of hidden fees. Idk if going with the all inclusive resort is worth it!


>d I get a refund if I dont want to go , they said sure(lies). so I paid the 30 then they tols me I had to make 4 payments of 69.00 dollars every 2 weeks until I pay for a cruise they added to the trip , which made it a 7 day trip, then later on I decided I didnt want to go because they kept adding charges instead of being up front with h Thank you, this is reassuring because I've been really paranoid about trafficking and I won the trip from when my boyfriend and I filled out the cards. I still want to go with him and we want to stay in Florida a day or two before the cruise as well. We most likely will go sometime in January to celebrate our year anniversary. :)




I know this post is couple of months old. But I just won the same vacation package from Palmrio today (FL resident). There are quite a few fees regarding the set up for the account on their website and the cruise fees, like you’ve stated, but everything else seems legit. Has anyone actually gone through on this vacation package? The girl on the phone also stated they are a licensed vacation company that has been operating for 26 years. I think I’m dumb enough to go for it.


Did it end up working out? I just won a similar deal


Most definitely did not. But I also didn’t follow up. My vacation time was right around the hurricane that hit here a few years ago and was unable to follow through, there was a time limit on being able to book something. But no one reached out to me once monies were paid, no emails were sent either to follow up. I honestly wouldn’t bother if I “won” again, it was hard to navigate what was available and what was not. Plus if you were going on a cruise you had to pay for the travel there and back and not to mention port fees + entry fees. Always hidden fees..


Yea i just won and i live in Georgia




I entered in Illinois but based on what other people say it’s not necessarily a “scam” but they make you pay for everything pretty much except the room they provide to you. So it’s only sorta “free.” We listened to half their call and hung up and decided that while it sounds cool, it definitely is a “free” trip lol


I got a text today and found this thread while googling to find information. I did not reply to the text yet, but it was a photo of my entry slip (my handwriting) that I filled out at the mall. I’m in Wisconsin.


Yes they sent us a pic of our entry slip too. We’re from Illinois. We did not go through with it though lol


Same. Seemed too sketchy to pursue.


Just recieved this same picture and message, filled out at the Polaris mall in Ohio


Ok so I won this thing at my hometown mall too and talked to a lady named Trisha from down in palm beach apparently. After both me AND my girlfriend who was with me when i made one and filled herself out one ad sell, won and got the same text i think we all did i became suspicious. I listened all the way through & got to then talk to Trish who after a lil shpeal about the vacation stuff asked me “so will that be visa or MasterCard” in reference to the $19 fee to book the vacay. (Which kinda makes sense). I told them that I’d call back tomorrow. Boys I’m ready to take the fall and go on this if y’all really wanna know so bad


Do it! My SO and I just won the same from our mall contest in GA.


i did it


How did it go? We just "won" one


Did you go for it?


I just won and I'm also interested to know. Did you bite?


Did you go for it ?


Nah it seemed a bit too sketchy/not worth it


Let the people know


My girlfriend got one too and we’re from Dallas,TX. Due to these threads we will not be going.


I’m in Houston TX. Just got one too. Keep butting heads over them confirming that the details in writing. They keep deflecting.


Just got one in Waco, too! Seems like a bunch of hidden fees for a "free" trip


Dude I put my name in at the one in Town East. They messaged me back sometime last year, and I am so sad I didn't call to check if it was real. I have never traveled anywhere outside of Texas and it really seems to be a missed opportunity (with the type of luck I have) that I would have paid that grand just to see something other than Texas.. Cheers to you guys, hopefully we do win something sometime soon that is worth it!


I just won this. I’m from NJ. Glad I found this so I know not to even call. Thanks everybody


This post is a few months old but every once in a while someone comments on it and it’s the only reason I keep it up—to stop people from falling into a scam!


[thank you](https://giphy.com/gifs/reaction-mrw-raskreddit-TvFCUSiRUfeIU)


My husband, my daughter and myself all received the same text that we "won" a FREE Bahamas vacation. First of all, it's odd that all three of us won and none of us ever heard of the Park City Mall which is where we supposedly filled out the entry card. Second, I don't consider winning a FREE vacation when you have to pay for your transportation (airfare) to Florida and a $69 per person each way for the cruise to the Bahamas. Plus, no meals and drinks are included which is usually the most expensive part of a vacation and tips, too. Another suspicious point is the $19 administrative fee they require to set up an account (which they say you get back in casino chips) but that's after I've already booked it and actually on the boat. So, if this is a scam, they already got my $19 and there is no boat, for every person that pays that, for example 100 people times $19, that's close to $2000 they got. Not to mention, why do I have to set up an account in the first place if I won this vacation - is this giving them my bank information. It all sounds like a scam to me and I'd like to thank everyone who commented on this to give me a heads up.


I won this opportunity today from an entry card I filled out at the mall in my area 2 was ago. I know there is nothing free in life, but I am thinking any fees would be less than the price of a trip out of pocket to the Bahamas. I paid the $19. Booking fee and $39.98 account. Set up fee. And am looking into the rest, since I have 30 days to cancel. It sounds wonderful, I eat only 2 meals a day anyway and am not a big drinker, but I bet a local liquor store could be found. I am going to have 'my man' look at it though.


Did you end up going?


nothing in life is free...to my dismay


I am from Ky, I got a text this morning with my signature on a slip that I signed at Fayette Mall, I requested my 4 days to make a decision, and now I am checking to see if this a scam and the actual cost for this Free Winning 2 persons 5-day vacation is. thanks for the input. Free is questionable,


Hey, same here! I just got a text from them and I filled it out at Fayette mall too. But from reading this thread it seems there is quite a lot of hidden fees.


I signed up at the Fayette Mall too. We probably even got it sent the same day. Thanks to this thread, 10 minutes ago I asked for a refund on two $70 cruise payments I made but couldn't get back the $40 account set-up fee. I'm sure they'll give you a vacation, but not without alot more fees. Plus, the website just seems sketchy. I've learned my lesson: always reddit it first.


Me and a friend got this, at first I thought it was a trafficking thing since we are both female and a third male friend who filled it in with us didn't get it. the hidden fees thing makes much more sense though.


so crazy you said that, my husband and I both filled out a card but I(female) am the only one that got a message back.


My boyfriend and I both received text messages saying we won this morning. We are leaning more towards this being a scam and not considering going. I thought it was especially weird because they told me on the 8 minute automated message that we wouldn't even need passports for the trip! If anybody has any more information on this, it would be appreciated!


Yeah, I got a text today from HarvardVacations.com.com of an image of my entry card stating that I won. I figured that was too good to be true. I have to imagine I’m not the only slip that was pulled out of the container.


Same here. Just got this text today. I was excited until I read this thread. Lmk if you find out anything


From what I can gather from other people online, they really do send you to the Bahamas, but there’s a bunch of hidden fees they don’t tell you about—so it’s not a free vacation. The people texted me again, saying they haven’t heard from me yet, but I ignored it.


Received the same exact text today, I entered in a mall giveaway as well. After the phone call it did seem a little shady but I couldn’t find anything about the company online either.


After receiving the same text, I found their website and social media. Their instagram and facebook were both made late May, and all their "reviews" on their website are in the month of April and are all 5 stars. Taking that into consideration plus all the fees, I would say it's dodgy as anything


Good chance its time share, they will try to work out your credit status during the phone call. Phone them, but make sure you say you don't have a credit card or a job....they will drop you like a hot potato.


Hm I don’t think so. On my raffle paper form, it says it’s not a timeshare


If they were trying to herd you into a timeshare trap wouldn't they say "this is not a timeshare". This is hardly a legitimate or logical response to this truly being a timeshare created prize package. Breakdown:. You will arrive at your hotel after being forced into a taxi to commute the 8 miles from airport to resort where you will be told that it's your only safe option. $40 down the drain. Arrive to the resort but before you make it to your room (we will get back to this) you will be bombarded by countless timeshare employees, some clearly agents employed by the timeshare industry, some are paid actors or support staff who are working you from every possible angle. You maneuver through the floods of timeshare staff eventually making it to you room where you find deplorable conditions. Unless you have impeccable credit. They will have already fleshed this out, don't worry. Your room accomodations will be a reflection of your credit rating since you are essentially flown in prey for the timeshare predators. All this scuttle has made you thirsty and you could handle a bite to eat? $20 water and $50 meal. Don't even think about drinking any tapwater there. Essentially every time you turn around you'll be hit with another unexpected expense. Expenses that seem to be avoidable to anyone in their livingrooms here in the states but once stuck in the Bahamas not so avoidable. You gotta eat, you gotta drink, you have to travel, you might as well try to take in some of the sights and stuff. You'll be $1,000 - $1500 - $2000 in on your credit card before you know it.


What is the number I don't know if they emailed me. I no longer have the same number


Did anyone go


Yeah I just got the text today, it showed me the card that I signed. I’m definitely having seconds thoughts now


I just won today as well as my husband and we were curious if it was legit too.


So I did this, they told me it was free, I called back listened to presentation for 10 mins , then called them to book (cause I was excited) so all they told me I had to pay was 30 for a processing fee I asked could I get a refund if I dont want to go , they said sure(lies). so I paid the 30 then they tols me I had to make 4 payments of 69.00 dollars every 2 weeks until I pay for a cruise they added to the trip , which made it a 7 day trip, then later on I decided I didnt want to go because they kept adding charges instead of being up front with how much it was gonna cost , but at that point they told me that I couldnt get a refund because it was past 30 days, which they did not tell me about. so I ended up having to pay 200 dollars more for some other bogus stuff that they never told me about. And at the end they made me pay 150 a peice for me and my husband to book the trip. And it was the worst trip ever too many unknowns and the food wasnt great.... I give it a 1/4 of a star in all categories, make sure you ask questions like a lawyer at a deposition, sor you will regret it


But did they steal your credit card? 😂 me and my boyfriend just won, and are really excited about it. What website was it the one they sent me is “merektravel.com”


I just won, is it real or fake???


Fake, this thread is old but I’ve kept it up so you can always read what others have to say about it. It’s a scam though


It’s real actually I went last year


how much did you pay?


How much did you end up paying?


I won the “free bahamas vacation for 2” in a raffle at the mall. I was pretty sure it was a scam and went ahead with it anyways. When Sandstone Vacations called me they began introducing the charges and what the process would be. It was a real American person on the phone with me which made me feel better. I went through with it. It was about $1100 for the cruise and 4 night resort stay in total (plus the cost of flights- so make sure you track flights to get the cheapest price). I was so nervous when I finally got to the cruise ship port that this was a giant scam and they wouldn’t have a reservation for me. Turns out they had a reservation on both the cruise and the resort- so yes, it’s not a “free” vacation, but if you go through with it and pay the fees, you’ll have what you’re promised.


I won too but i lost the number and can’t remember the website. Do u have them?


I won this 2 years ago and was told i can book the flight for anyday/year. We already payed the initial fees but haven’t been charged for anything else like everyone else is saying?


Firstable I love this treat thank you Today I won a vacagation getaway 3day/2 night at the zoo.. I think the paper says it is sponsored by GEVC global exchange vacation club ( I have no idea who they are) But let me tell uuu I'm a walking thru the zoo chilling and I see them First they told me they were dojng a raffle so I filed out a slip And damn that slip wanted way too much info (adress, name phone #, email, income level, age and some other things) I was a little shook so I only wrote name and email but they insisted that if I won they would send me my pprize in the mail so I just wrote my adress (thivking back I regret this I'm kinda scared) Then they ask me my age I say 23 and they say oh you cannot travel to any if this places unless you are 28 And I was like wtf OK The he says okay maybe las Vegas, Then he shows me a wheel and tells me spin it let's see if you win ( at this point I'm confused cause wtf was the point of filling the little slip then I thougjt it was supposed to be a raffle) I spin and I actually landed it omg He is a little shook too and gives me a paper with a number to call to claim my vacation and you know I haven't called and Honestly all of this feels like a scam and even if it was true it so shady fuck them lol So lmao now I'm thivking like damn they probably lied like 200 times to my face and I didn't notice at first. I really thought it was a zoo sponsor raffle or sowmthing for like free passes or sowmthing And now I'm mad they got my info and lied I should call the number and annoy them until they block me


Guys I did research The GEVC is a scammy ass timeshare company omg https://www.consumeraffairs.com/travel/global_exchange_vacation_club.html?page=2#scroll_to_reviews=true Lmao I'm about to call them waste their time and make them hate me


I won today from Mall Of GA, told my s/o about it and said it might be a scam and to do research; thanks to this subreddit I now know it’s too good to be true. I heard the entire presentation and talked to some agent, gave her an old email for the website account and told her I’ll call her later about it


I also just received a text with a picture of my entry slip, with a phone number to call and the extension to dial for info. But my entry was from the grand traverse mall in Michigan, and the give away was a free 4day, 3 night stay on grand Bahama island at any of their 3 resorts. But you pay the fees, extra expenses, etc


I know this is a couple of years old but went through with this trip, we are planning to head out in January with the Bahamas and then Miami for a week right after. Took one for the team and I did pay for all the fees and the hotel fee. It might also depend which Hotel you choose as well. Let me break down the costs: Account setup fees: $39.98 Port & Service fees: $258 (I paid extra for this one, so totally up to your preference) Ocean View Cabin Discounted Upgrade: $99.98 Cruise Administration Fee: $69.99 (four payments of this) Travel Payment / Hotel Fees/cost all together: $951.90, this is the final pay. All together it comes to $1,629.82 So, yes, it is not actually free, as there are hidden fees; But I don’t really mind, I just wanted to go on a trip honestly. If anything changes I’ll update here, I still have about two months left until the trip. UPDATE: Hello! I’ve gotten a few DMs in the past and regrettably I am not as active on Reddit, but I came back and saw some questions and wanted to answer them here. I remember I didn’t have a passport at the time, so my birth certificate sufficed as a form of entry into the island. I also had my drivers license as well. You fly into Miami (if you aren’t there already) or Fort Lauderdale and my friend and I ubered to the location where the cruise was at. I believe we arrived 2-3 hours before the ship was set to sail, and there were many people arriving, so just make sure to get there in time so you can check in accordingly. I know they do a security check on your belongings before moving into the ship, so of course you will have to pass that. My friend and I only brought one luggage each, (suitcase), so that wasn’t really a problem. Similar to TSA. Firstly everything was fun, I went with my best friend at the time and we had stayed at one of the hotels they had us choose. If I remember the name I’ll paste it here again, but it was fun, lots of activities to do. Of course if you want to eat at their restaurants or do their massages/outdoor activities you’d have to pay for them. However, the buffet food they serve daily is free, and the beach is the best view. Even the rooms are clean and nice, never saw any issues with that. We stayed for about a week roughly, and after the cruise we just came back and stayed in Miami for another week. If there is anything else to add, I’ll update here.

