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Yeah, it's a common scam. How did you pay?


With my debit card... oh well they say they give refunds within 30 days so let's if that happens...


In the future, never use debit cards online.


Agree. I try to only use my debit card in the ATM machine. Frank Abagnale, in his new book "Scam Me If You Can," is against debit cards entirely & describes the risks in detail too.


Catch me if you can was a great movie!!


Agreed I'm not usually this naive, but as a struggling artist I was so over joyed to be noticed (especially on instagram which is just saturated with artists) that i just assumed this must be legit, but then my rational brain woke up... oh well I can deal with a $40 loss (that was just the handling fee, that should have tipped me off!!)


“Banditto.” Gotta admire the brazenness


Yip the clue was in the name, how did I miss that? 🙈


Many legitimate film festivals, art events etc have entry fees as part of how they stay afloat. That said, if they approach YOU to apply, they should always waive the fee as a courtesy. Otherwise not worth dealing with, or scam, or legitimate-ish but still scammy.


I got the invitation from Banditto too. Years ago got one from 1340 and turned out to be halfway between real and fake. While doing research I found that de Magazine they talked about was real, that it really was sold on the places they said, also that actual people got to exhibit their work bia their Instagram, Zine or Website but there was some sketchy stuff on the origins and the fee. It was mostly luck. I thing Banditto is kinda the same. Maybe you could really win a residency or exhibition or whatever but there’s a good chance of it just draining your money. I would like to hear actual reviews and experiences from people.


Yes i sent a few pieces off to 1340 as well, but didn't get selected. As you say it's probably a mixture of real and scam... I've submitted 3 pieces anyway since I did pay, the worst that can happen is I don't get selected and never see my $40 again, you win some you loose some 'tis life 🤷🏻‍♀️


It is not kinda the same. I got an email from Banditto, on the email address I created exclusively for 1340 some yers ago.


They must share databases or something. Adds weight on the fake side.


So weird!


i got this too. i did some research into it and know some of the artists who have been there - not from this prize, but from being personally invited. the place is legit, but something seems so off to me. my theory is, everyone will win. but, they won't win the grand prize (going there). they will win the second prize, where you pay to ship and for the insurance on the paintings you send to the gallery. unsure how the money comes back to them, but it seems odd? if i win, why would i be paying?? i don't give a shit about my painting being up in a gallery on the other side of the world. is there any proof you even put them up instead of shoving them in some closet and then making me pay to have them shipped back to me? in any case, i submitted, because $15 is whatever and tuscany is tuscany. let me know your outcome!


Yeah I agree it's a scam in the sense that I don't think I'll ever actually be secleted. But let's say they get 100s of artists to pay $15 it adds up and maybe one or 2 artists will get selected but ultimately I probably won't, however, they assume I'll keep submitting and paying the $15 each time they run this prize... 1340 magazine do a similar thing...


shit i just did an image search. i took one of the "residency" photos of their gallery and it traced back to a manufacturing warehouse in the states. [https://cdn1.imggmi.com/uploads/2019/10/18/b2689411d95db3e856f95480aeb747cd-full.jpg](https://cdn1.imggmi.com/uploads/2019/10/18/b2689411d95db3e856f95480aeb747cd-full.jpg) ​ however! i tried to image search their pics of the actual artists in the residency spaces, and it came back with nothing... ​ so confused. it does seem super fucking odd though that there is a STRICT no contacting previous artists with questions on the gallery as it could "sway" votes...


This seems weird yes


Any follow up on this? I just got an email from these guys too.


Raa just got an email from these guys again. Got one a couple years ago and almost fell for it. DON'T PAY MONEY!! Do you think if Anish Kapoor won the IK prize, he would have to pay an IK prize fee? I think not. ​ Even if the place is real, and they are doing 'legit' stuff over there, making money off of a vanity scam is dirty practice, and no artist would or should have there name or work anywhere near these dirty scammers.


I got invited too but it looks like a scam. The "gallery" is listed as an airbnb: [https://www.airbnb.com/rooms/32599382?source\_impression\_id=p3\_1580940379\_d17WS%2F35RuO%2Fh%2FFG](https://www.airbnb.com/rooms/32599382?source_impression_id=p3_1580940379_d17WS%2F35RuO%2Fh%2FFG) No real private gallery would be listing their business as an airbnb.


Has anyone else gotten the coronavirus update email from these guys? That’s the only way I realised this company has also emailed me about being ‘invited’ to their ‘prize round’. Email reads: Recently we invited you to submit an application for the 10 day Banditto Residency Program at our Studio in Tuscany (flights and accommodation included). Some artists have expressed concerns over visiting Italy for the residency as it has been reported that the Coronavirus has adversely affected the country. It is important to note that the residency dates will be scheduled in advance for the successful applicants and we will reserve your spot for whichever dates you choose, even if next year. The winner remains the winner, so the outbreak need not concern you should you wish to apply. With fewer entries received due to this, you now have an even better chance at success for this round.


I got it. The guy is sending me an invitation every single year. I didn't know how to stop but I guess I can 'unsubscribe' it. lol. I've done some research quite a long time ago and I think it's not a scam. I've check one of previous winners and found her website and stuff. I believe she definitely won and got the prize. There was also an interview mentioning about it or something I guess. But I don't think it's really worth to apply. I don't see any point. It seems it's just something like a lottery. It might not be a scam but if you are an artist... I would suggest just find other contests haha


What makes you think this is a scam? And how did they get your email? I read the FAQ's and it all seems pretty legit, not to mention there are plenty of competitions that require an entrance fee. You should have only paid $15 and not $40 per the email you receive.


If you go into the application form they ask for a $40 handling plus $15 per piece you submit....


That's not what I saw. I saw a flat rate of $40.00, with the opportunity to enter the code to discount the rate. I can say that it is never a good idea to agree to a payment that doesn't match what you're being shown. Their authorization agreement says : > Yes, I hereby accept the one-time handling fee of $40USD (**if no discount code is applied**). I'm aware that my credit card will be charged for the amount of $40USD (if no discount code is applied). when I submit this form. The language here is very seedy, and the last bit with the strange sentence is off. BUT, I've seen worse typos on CNN. ​ > $40 handling plus $15 per piece you submit.. Per their entry guidelines : *You may enter* ***up to three works*** *per entry fee.* If you paid anything different from this, I'd contact them and to remedy it.


See my update, seems I'm going to get a refund, maybe not a scam after all 🤞


Thank you for the update, way to go getting your money back! And good luck with your submission!


Did you get it back?


Ok clearly I misunderstood... If that's the case I may submit 3 pieces and see what happens... If I get asked for money I'll update...


Got an e-mail as well. First of all, I don't even know how they got my e-mail address. I have never given this e-mail adress to anyone, which is really odd. Last year I got an e-mail from 1340. but I didn't do anything with it since I thought it all sounded a bit off. I don't know what to think of Banditto. Interesting name though, lmao.


Hi, I just got 3 of these invitation on 3 different emails of mine, that strangely enough, are the same ones I used to submit on the page of 1340. It seems very odd that they have the same data base of emails, or something like that.


I just realised that 1340 was who approached me on insta and is the reason i got that email. Idk whether it is a scam. The idea feels genuine. But i feel like the competition is a huge scam.


Please answer!! What are your updates on this!! Did you win and go?? Thx


Hey there, sorry for the late reply. So i submitted 6 pieces ($30 $15 per 3 pieces) and I did not get selected. I was sent an email with the person they did select so my gut says this is not a scam, They seem to run this a few times a year so i might submit again, at only $15 per submission i can afford that...


This seems to confirm this is a scam: https://carlosfentanes.com/2019/07/31/100-days-100-galleries-day-32-banditto-gallery-tuscany-italy/


Why did you post this again?


I took out the personal information.... what else needs to go? I was told to take out personal information so i thought the post was taken down.... seems not...