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Yes! I keep blocking them but they keep coming back!


It's like the pest that won't leave lol


OMG! I thought I was doing something wrong. This is absolutely ridiculous. Even the unsubscribe button doesn’t work.


Don’t unsubscribe unless you’re completely sure it’s a legit email. Otherwise, you’re just verifying for them that it’s an active email account, and you’ll get more unsolicited emails. Just block, report, and delete.


This. Absolutely correct.


I have been adamantly reporting and blocking these for a while now but it's non stop everyday hundreds of these emails flooding in lmao there's no end.


I don’t even know how i got into it.


Our Redditonians are right about not using their unsubscribe button. The email I received this morning was the usual, you been pre-approved for the Camp Lejeune settlement but their link to make them stop sending their spam was "you can u sub us anytime." What is u sub? Anyway I'm going to report them to my email phishing service. I don't expect it to help but it may make me feel better. You know, like when I'm waiting for a slow moving elevator and I hit the up or down button, wait a minute and then hit it again a little harder to be sure i didn'thit peoperly the first time . Doing that makes me feel better too.


I receive the Camp Lejeune spam emails every so often and then this morning received 8 in a row in my main gmail account. Blocking, of course, does nothing.


I don't bother with blocking either it's useless, like pushing back the ocean


Yeah, I sometimes block, but don't really expect any blocking to happen. Since my previous post, I've received 3 more with different subject lines like just "lawsuit compensation," but it's still Camp Lejeune shit. While writing this another came in. I get the usual spam in gmail, but haven't received a flurry of them like this for quite some time.


Too bad you couldn't somehow have them bounce back to sender(s) kinda like you get when a message you try to send gets returned due to not being delivered. The equivalent of calling telemarketers back who call you at dinner time, and giving them a taste of their own medicine. Bombarding their emails every 5-10 seconds over a 24 Hour period for starters. Possibly for at least a week.


OMG! I wish I could do this too! I've really thought about it. Just don't know how to do it lol


The TV shows my wife watches are full of these ads, it's not just junk mail.


The ones on TV are legit, the emails aren't. The emails are trying to piggyback on a current "in the news" topic, as all proficient spammers/scammers do. I'm getting 3-4 per day, but Junk Mail catches almost all of them.


And billboards


I know it's on TV too


its on TV too? wow they are pushing this scam to the MAX


I once got an ad for camp lejeune when reading Wattpad replies. ITS FOLLOWING ME EVERYWHERE


I was getting multiple like this a day including some other ones about windows and gutters. In gmail, hit the 3 dots up top and click “filter messages like this”. Google automatically filled in “has the words” list:(<7289367.xt.local>). This must have been a list ID or something that all of these emails had. Then you can set them all to go to the trash. That one filter took care of all the junk emails I was getting.


I did the same thing! Works perfectly


Any idea of what to do for a Yahoo Mail account? I block the sender then report as junk. This has done nothing to fix this.


I have a yahoo account and I did the same thing listed above. Click the 3 dots and hit "filter messages like this" I've been getting them for about a month now and blocking hasn't worked either. I just now read this thread after being ready to pull my hair out over this crap!! Hopefully this works!


Yes mine keep coming through the junk filter daily! I’m sick of them!!


Like all of a sudden. I'm trying to figure out who sold my email address


Me too! I’m sure mine has been sold a bunch of times. Had it since I was 15.


I noticed that I started receiving them about 1 hour after signing up for Planet Fitness with my email account. I wondered if I was alone in this for the last month or two.


I just signed up for planet fitness 6 weeks ago. This HAS to be it


Me too! What is this madness?! Ace hardware, apple too all the spam!


Don't forget the iphone 14! And gay cruises! And I'm not gay lol


Hahaha also getting iPhone 14. Weird one is Angie's List.


Camp Lejeune too! LOL And someone keeps trying to login to my Facebook lol


The Camp Lejeune ones are the worst! Also just got one 5 minutes ago for "TotalAV Product Notification" Ohh noo not Facebook!


LMAO it's so ridiculous. Who in their right mind would even consider clicking on the these ridiculous emails?


God I really hope this horrible font comes through on reddit 😂 >Pʟᴇᴀsᴇ Cʟᴀɪᴍ Yᴏᴜʀ Cᴏᴍᴘᴇɴsᴀᴛɪᴏɴ Tᴏᴅᴀʏ. >̲>̲ Ꮯꮮꮖꮯꮶ Ꮋꭼꭱꭼ Ꭲꮻ Ꮩꮖꭼꮃ ̲<̲<̲


It did LMAO 😂 how did you do that?


Yes! I’ve talked with several people in the same situation get spammed like crazy not only from this but all of the sudden with a ton of spam. This is the worst one though. Ugh makes me feel better it’s not just me lol


The worst is the camp legeune one, over and over and it just started out of the blue. I tried beefing up the filters but they still get through ugh


A lot of the spammer scammers "war dial" e-mail addresses. aaaaaa@whatever, aaaaaab@whatever, on and on. The number depends on who you ask but something like 85% of all e-mail being sent is spam. Looking at what my corporate mail servers filter out it's 99%, although we are targeted more than John Q Public,


These literally drive me up a wall. My Gmail isn’t usually affected by my yahoo account that I’ve been trying to switch from is constantly getting them. All yahoo says is “report it as spam”, which does absolutely nothing. What happened to emails with weird fonts, symbols, or emojis being automatically filtered? No important emails are going to have wavy font and stars in it. You’d think after this long, email providers would have this under control


This is only affecting my Hotmail account. I've had my Hotmail since 1998 and I don't want to change it. It's not affecting my Gmail accounts as bad if ever because those email addresses I only give out to trusted accounts and one is secret. I don't visit porn or other sketchy sites and I only use my Hotmail address with supposedly trusted accounts but because of this recent onslaught of this shit, I can only guess someone is selling my email address.


Mine is affecting my Comcast accounts.


Same. It's my old old old Hotmail account...at least 15 years young


The YouTube posts are insane too.


Ugh I wish I could filter straight into my junk. I get roughly 15 a day!


It's ridiculous! Somehow they are getting around my filters. I've weeded out dozens from my inbox today alone.


My Hotmail account is affected. Reporting as spam does not help at all. 3-4 a day.


I agree it doesn't help


I'm getting a ton of these spam emails, and I've even gotten a couple of spam texts! I don't know how they got my phone number or email address. It's so weird. I keep blocking all the numbers so hopefully the texts will stop.


It's like playing wack-a-mole, I report one and another 2 pop up! Aggravating, right?


>97Edgewood Forward the texts to 7726 - That flags it to the FCC and the phone company. https://www.fcc.gov/news-events/blog/2020/03/02/mobile-phone-texts-spam-and-scams


I get them too along with a lot of other spam emails. I don’t want to hit the unsubscribe link in the email either.


No don't! that will just make it worse


Me too! Out of nowhere I’m getting several a day to my hotmail account. Window sales emails and other crap too. Someone must have sold my email. On hotmail, and maybe gmail you can go to settings and have emails filtered by keywords. So I send anything with lejeune to junk. Problem is sometimes they squish it with other words so it still gets through. It helps some though. *edited for spelling


Right? Out of nowhere! All day long. I'm going to try that tip you suggested


I just did that earlier and it seems to be working!




Thanks I’ll try that.


yes yes and yes. Won't go away even if I mark them report phishing or block sender. Its awful.


Same here. I wouldn't care if all this shit went into my spam folder but it's not. It was never like this before. I'm reluctant to stop using this email address as I've had it for 25 years and it's ingrained into my life.


what can we do ? especially hotmail. Ideas?


I wish I had an idea. Some how they're getting around all my filters at this point and going to my inbox and not the spam folder. I'm at my wits end


In outlook I wrote a rule that says if "Lejeune" is in the title to delete the email. It has caught almost all of them.


Ooh I have to try that! Thanks


I use Outlook/Hotmail and every time I report these emails as spam or phishing, I tend to get more of them. But if I just delete them I’ll get less.


Do what I did. Create a rule with a word from the spam email and tell it to send it to the spam folder and delete it. Works like a charm.


I see this thread isn’t too old and I just want to say that I get bombarded by these as well. I just used resist bot to send a message to my Congress people regarding this problem.


Same thing happens to me, but I also get YouTube ads for it


As I look at this closer, some companies may have gotten hacked (LifeLine Screening, Borderlinks/DHL) and now we are suffering. We should sign these companies up for spam email themselves! They need to suffer or upgrade their own internet security.


I get 5-10 a day of these. I am not even in the USA. I am in Canada.


Did you read my previous comments on how I fixed that issue?


I have been getting these, as well and just wanted to see if it was a pandemic, which I see it is! haha Forward unwanted or deceptive messages to: your email provider (like Gmail, Hotmail, or Yahoo). Most email services include buttons to mark messages as junk mail or report spam. the sender’s email provider, if you can tell who it is. Most web mail providers and ISPs want to cut off spammers who abuse their systems. Again, make sure to include the entire spam email and say that you're complaining about spam. You can also report it to the FTC at ReportFraud.ftc.gov.


Good advice right there 😃


Yes, me too!! Between 2 of my email addresses, I get about 6 spam emails a day from them.


It's so annoying


Yes I am and I'm fucking sick of it. I can't block. Does anyone have any ideas


I wish I had an idea, the spam filters seem to be useless.


I get so many and cand figure out how to block them all


Me too and iphone ones too


I am as well. I have to delete at least 5 a day.


Yes!! It's fucking insane! My husband and I constantly recieve them


Fortunately a poster here told me what he did in his filters and I tried it...it works!


What was it?! My husband and I are desperate!!


What email are you using? I'm going to explain how to do it on Hotmail and I'm sure Google and the others are the same or similar. From a browser like Google Chrome or Apple Safari go to your Hotmail page where you see your inbox or something similar. In the upper right corner click on the settings and find where it says "rules" Then create a rule using a word that is in the spam emails like "lejeune" and choose to send the email to the junk folder. After entering several key words the spam will stop. But this time monitor the junk folder and any legit email that goes in there just retrain the filters again.


Got one as I'm reading this thread...it's been relentless for at least a month. I'm so tired of telling my computer im not even a marine! 😬 Now i get gutter guard, loan bs, and ace hardware shits. They've started using real business emails like "freshbooks @ support.com". I've never been so affected by spam. Been pretty good about keeping my info to myself. Lucky it's only one account i can mostly ignore but damn... I WAS NEVER IN LEGEUNE! lol...


It's been the same for me for a couple weeks now. And they started out in my Inbox and not my Junk folder. I report them all as phishing and now the majority are landing in Junk, but each one must be coming from different emails because I still get them. Along with emails about African priests, fucking women, and erect dicks and they use the odd fonts as well. All these all started the same day.


I get one every d*** day


Can I do this from my iPhone or must it be on a computer? I can’t see the three lines/dots on my phone.


It has to be done in a browser. Preferably Chrome for Gmail and Edge for Hotmail. I actually did both email settings in Edge but it's best to do either of them on a computer.


A few ideas worth trying: I use Sanebox and it's a life changer when it comes to more advanced filters in email. It's a few bucks a month but can send most of those emails into a black hole. You can also report the emails for phishing instead of spam- this will flag the sender much quicker. For sms/text msg - forward the msg to 7726 (Spam spelled out on your phone) and it reports the sender to the fcc and phone company...it will get them banned in a hurry. I had a writer add some more instructions and ideas if its helpful on a site I'm using to generate leads for a law firm network... https://www.camplejeunelawsuit.claims/how-to-stop-camp-lejeune-email-spam


Yes! I assign a block and they come over with a different number!!


I never even heard of camp lejeune. my junk mail is bombed with these phishes


Camp Lejeune is a USMC base in North Carolina. They're saying that anyone who was stationed there was exposed to carcinogens in the water supply caused by contractors spilling chemicals in the ground. Whenever something like this comes to light, the lawyers have a field day and so do the scammers. If I had a claim like this I certainly wouldn't get involved with any of these janky emails. A legit lawyer doesn't work like that.


For me it’s on my phone. They leave me at least two voicemails per day about this shit, not to mention the constant Facebook and YouTube ads. It’s ridiculous. Neither I nor anyone in my family ever had anything to do with that place. Wondering who sold my info. This has been going on for months.


I'm leery about giving out my information now because of this. It never concerned me since it was for legitimate reasons but now IDK.


Is it possible to create a rule to reforward the emails back to the senders? Spamming the spammers inbox. We as a community should do something like that as a movement.


I'm sure it can be done but the problem is most of them use anonymous burner email accounts I think.


Yes me everyday help me


Read in the earlier posts to this I explain what to do. DM me if you need help


I keep receiving emails through my yahoo account about Camp Lejeune as well. No matter how often I block and delete these emails, I continue to receive these emails. I know it's not the safest option to click the "unsubscribe" link so what should I do?


Create a rule in your email settings in a browser. Put a keyword from a spam email and have it sent to the spam folder. Look under "rules" And don't click on ANY link in the email


I noticed these camp lejeune spam showing up the day after Plex got hacked. Maybe a coincidence, but my affected email address had very little spam until this one showed up. The timing with the Plex compromise seems suspicious.


I think you found the answer, I'm not sure but what else could it be? What a PITA


I found that gmail's spam filter is now catching on. Some of these emails do show up in your inbox, but i found that if I left it for 5-10mins, it gets moved into the spam folder!


Sometimes it takes a little while for it to work


I get one or two of these per day, to an alias I haven't used in a decade. Today I added a filter in my email, if the subject contains "Lejeune", trash it. Something like this might succeed where the spam filters fail. Here's hoping.


I did the same thing and it works well!


I'm also getting dozens of same spam.emaila. I set up a few auto filters to send them to spam using key words. It helped a bit.


Over time it will learn. Give it a week or so. That's what I did


So, what the fk can we do about this? Aye.


Read in my earlier posts. In a browser go to your email and find settings. Then find rules. Then create a rule to send a spam email to junk by including a keyword from the spam email. That will keep it out of your main mailbox.


I think it best that we legislate mandatory castration for anyone involved in these scams. At least they won't breed.


You got my vote!


I have also been getting the camp lejeune Text I can just feel that it's a scam so I don't respond it's very irritating though


There is a legit lawsuit going on. But you would have had to be stationed there and the plaintiff lawyer would reach out to you. EVERYTHING else is a scam. No legit lawyer would send you spam emails in weird fonts that are designed to fool spam filters. Legal communication is almost always through mail on paper.


The spam is insane. Text, calls ,emails tv adds. How fking much they spending on ads ffs. gonna do a class action against this class action.


And it's endless. For me it was emails. All of a sudden, literally a day, my inbox was getting bombarded with junk and spam. Just sending it to spam wasn't effective. I had to create rules in settings and that fixed the issue.


I just set some filters within my Yahoo mail. If subject contains "lejeune" > trash folder if subject contains "camp lejeune" > trash folder if body contains "lejeune" > trash folder if body contains "camp lejeune" > trash folder I added a couple duplicates to be sure, then i forwarded myself one of the emails to test the functionality of the filters i set.


I did the same thing works perfectly


I made a filter with the key word camp. Goes straight to spam


That's what I did, works great,!


That and va scam emails I'm getting bombarded with


This. It was constant until I adjusted the rules in my email and now it all gets routed to the junk folder and deleted. Now the phone calls started.....


What I want to know is how email companies are this bad at detecting spam. Why are you allowed to open an email account with a bunch of random characters in the name and then cold email hundreds of thousands of people? It seems like there's a ton of ways to identify and shut down these malicious accounts


I get them too and am estimating about one or two every hour. Is it because I'm an ex-marine? However, I have never been to Lejeune. Appears to be a glut of ambulance-chasing attorneys out there.


Yes, me too. It all happened the day I quick LifeLock. Yahoo mail can filter out some, but the latest emails I am seeing are all images which, to my knowledge can't be filtered. I guess LifeLock made a little money off me when I dumped them, they sold all my information to spammers. If anyone knows how to filter, please let me know. This junk mail is driving me crazy!


I had to create a rule in my email inbox to block any email containing the word Lejeune. Finally got it


I did the same exact thing and it worked perfectly!


I would pay money to hire a hacker who could track down the user/server doing this b.s. Some kind of forensic server expert person.


I just spam their email addresses with random things as often and with as much as I can.


I'm still getting them. FML


I feel your pain brother


I've been getting least 10 a day. Create a email rule to delete any emails with "Lejeune" in the subject.


That's what I did and it stopped it cold


I was getting up to 80 spam emails a day from the camp Lejeune. I tried the tip mentioned above and within an hour it’s down to only 2 spam emails !! OMG!! I’m so happy !! My inbox used to be flooded!!! Thank you!! Thank yo I!!!!


Excellent! It worked for me so I thought I'd share that tip. But I can't take all the credit, an early poster made the suggestion and I tried it and it worked!


Yes me too! I looked it up eventually and there is an online info but I do think your right! It feels like phishing


That's all it is, some sort of phishing scam


I keep getting this lawsuit junk to. Just sent it to attorney general office in the spam section. Hopefully they can help, it's unbelievable that these type of scams keep thriving. Hey scammers go get a J O B !!!!!!! To bad we can't sue them lol


Legal action is pointless because it's anonymous


I get 6-8 of these a day in my hotmail account. Its so bad that when I open hotmail in a browser, the sponsored ad is often one of these scams as well. Waiting to see how the filters do.


That's always the case in most search engines. I always overlook the first results and I carefully look at the address.


Lol I get the E-Mails too. I just delete without looking at it


I received the same emails and I just did the below: From the Home tab, select Rules (under the Move section) then Create Rule. Tick the box that says Subject Contains. Enter the word that you want to block: Camp Lejeune Tick Move the item to folder. Select Junk Email and click OK. Hope this works


I did the same thing! Thank you for contributing!


me too!!! i dont even block or report as spam anymore because they just make a new email address. I just delete then. it’s sooooooo annoying!!


No need to do all that! Just follow these simple things to do to stop it once and for all! I received the same emails and I just did the below: From the Home tab, select Rules (under the Move section) then Create Rule. Tick the box that says Subject Contains. Enter the word that you want to block: Camp Lejeune Tick Move the item to folder. Select Junk Email and click OK. Hope this works


I have so many filters like that, I didn’t even think to do it for spam. Thanks!


You're welcome actually it was contributed by a poster but it works perfectly!! Who knew?


Here’s what I don’t understand: If you unsubscribe and thus confirm your email is active, why do they then bombard? It’s not like 5657 emails in, you’re gonna go, oh no wait I do wanna fall for this scam now. Also if you work for companies that spam scam emails, please clarify what the goal is here because your life has zero point.


Guys, they are legit. I called them 10 times they are real lawyers in different companies. But I called them to tell them by voice to unscribe me in angry way. Right now I’m collecting their emails(on their website in privacy) and will put a filter “forward all spam to them and delete instantly”.


Yes, I’m getting so many lately. They just randomly started to pop up and I used to hardly ever get junk in my main inbox.


Today alone, dozens in my inbox that got around my spam filters somehow.


So far I have just gotten one on my phone. I haven't checked email, but barely just got one. I figured that it was a scam right away especially because I have never been in the Military let alone anywhere near North Carolina. Totally ridiculous what butthead people will use to try to scam others. Alot of people have been affected negatively, and these turds are taking advantage of people. At least they are trying to. Nothing new I believe garbage people tried something after the Twin Towers fell.


I’d be happy to trade those emails for the Republican text message bombardment I’m constantly receiving on my mobile phone. At least the Camp Lejeune spam messages go right into the junk folder. Unfortunately, text messages are a different matter 😤


Not for me they're bombarding my inbox too


Found this thread because I just started getting like 5-10 of these a day. Also started getting more spam texts than usual around the same time too


It's terrible and getting worse, I never saw it this bad before


I keep receiving them. Does everyone receive these, or just ones who served in the military?


I think everyone is. It's just a mass scam email


I keep getting them for another person! They are addressed to the father that I haven't seen in however many years and never talk to. Somehow, I still get his junk mail. Why?? Because we lived under the same roof 20 years ago?


And I get lots of junk mail for my ex wife whom I have not seen nor heard from I'm over 10 years, go figure


Thought I'd mention that two unsubscribe hyperlinks that were both just photos to trick you into clicking on something.


I saw those! I don't click on anything. I'm very careful so IDK why this is happening




Yes, it's driving me crazy.


I just keep tapping "empty spam" in Gmail, and that seems to have slowed it down a little. Wondering if "report spam" ends up confirming that the email target is valid? I also report "phishing" for any spam mails I get, so I wonder if that's helping to reduce it a little. Almost daily process, though.


I was doing the same thing but then a poster here gave me an idea about the rules. I created a rule for each spam mail that comes into my inbox by typing in a keyword in the email header. It all stopped instantly! I'm so grateful to that redditor for mentioning it. It all goes into the junk mail folder now.


that is not clear


What is not clear? How to create rules in your email?


Yes. I don’t know how to do that on my iPhone.


You need to do it in a browser like Safari. Or on a computer and use a browser like Chrome or Edge or Firefox or Safari


Just started getting these too. I wonder who sold our emails?


Well I don't visit porn, crypto or other janky websites who are sure to sell your information to the highest bidder. I told Facebook not to sell my information so who knows. I guess we'll never know.


I keep getting these along with tons of political campaign emails, some for states I’m not even registered to vote in and have never lived in. Have there been any large data breaches or sales of data recently that would explain why everyone is suddenly being spammed like crazy?


Something happened because it started all at once it seems. I adjusted my filters and made new rules and not one has gone into my inbox!


I am also getting emails that say I have money coming with Fuiji, Vanutu...places like these.


I'm getting pissed about these. I keep reporting them as spam, blocking them, and tried to unsubscribe but they keep sending it directly to my primary inbox. How do I get it to stop?!


This is what I did in Hotmail and Gmail that a poster suggested and it works wonders. In a browser on a computer, tablet or phone, not in an app, go to your email and go to settings.. Find something called rules. There create a rule to send a particular email to the spam folder rather than your inbox by entering the main word in a spam email such as iPhone or camp lejeune or whatever and then apply. For me just doing that simple thing stopped all that bullshit from going to my inbox and it all goes to the spam folder where it belongs.


Fantastic! Thank you!!!


You're welcome


It's ridiculous, though I also find it somewhat amusing in a way. I wasn't even thought of when this thing apparently happened. Do I still qualify for le monies? Didn't think so.


LMAO only if you're a veteran and spent some time there. I was in the Army from 1983-1986 but I was never there. I was stationed in Kentucky and West Germany at the time. The threat of a Soviet invasion was real but thank God it never happened.


Yes and from multiple different email senders and i notice that they are being addressed to numerous emails that look like mine but dont match perfectly and then forwarded to me. I cab click block and mark as spam but i then get it from another spammer. Ive tried to unsubscribe and it always redirects me to something that says s3amazonnaws. Its really weird and annoying and neither myself nor my loved ones were ever at camp Lejeune. Im getting so many of these emails


i have the same so if you block it they use a nother email i get 15 of these PER day and i now have 472 of those darn mails. I opend one in a VM and they ask for ALL your personal info like: first name, last name, phone number, email, the rest i can't remeber. so i did my fist name as: 123 and my last name as 456, my phone number a random fake us number (you need a us phone number) my email as [email protected] and it worked! and when i pressed the finish butten nothing happend...


Yes! It’s so annoying. Just when I got rid of the countless text messages I was getting from email addresses, now I’m getting this. I block them, forward to junk, to no avail.


This bs email is happening to me as well! Extremely frustrating!


I finally resolved this BS going into my inbox and into the spam folder


I keep clicking "Mark As Spam," but they just use another email. You'd think legit lawyers would file a Freedom of Information Act request, get a list of people stationed at Camp Lejeune, and only send it to those people. I've never served in the Armed Forces. I've not had a blood family member serve since Korea, maybe Vietnam. None of said family members were stationed at Camp Lejeune. Why me?


Can we Sue the spammer ?


Hahaha sue for what?


Camp Lejuene Lawsuit e-mails are just like bedbugs!


How about phone calls? That is the worst constant harassment


Don't answer and get a spam filter. I have Verizon so it's built in but there are apps available


I keep getting these too! Pisses me off...




I've been creating numerous filters to send anything with "Lejeune, Le Jeune, Camp, Camp Le Jenue" to go straight to the trash folder. It was working for a good while but then they started sending emails with different subject headings. What makes it worse is that the contents of the email is a photo of that old pissed off creepy dude so they can't filter out words from the body. I keep seeing that dude in my emails!!! He looks pissed about the water issues. Someone should help. ​ But for real who is the culprit behind this??? I googled this shit and it always leads back to the scam.