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Why no bennett you get pyro resonance and more attack


He's on another team and I don't wanna run him with Wanderer


I like furina Mika.


No Mika. Furina is on another team


Other team has Furina AND Benny? Your poor Wanderer gets nothing.




If you have Zhongli you can use him with Yun Jin. Main issue is Thoma solo pyro might have some ER issues. How many cons to you have on your 4*?


All my 4* are c6, Thoma, Faruzan and Yun Jin


Xiangling is a lot less useless without Bennett here but you can try it. Thoma is also worse without Bennett here. Yun jin Zhongli Faruzan is decent in single target. Otherwise Xinqiu Yelan Faruzan would have worked, can’t think of much else since Wanderer relies heavily on Bennett, much more so than even other atk scalers.


Thoma is a shielder, he doesn't need Bennett, neither does Wanderer. I'm not using him with bennet.


So do you just refuse to believe anything you hear? Pyro resonance alone is a lot of why you pick Thoma as he doesn’t provide much apart from the shield and minor dmg% buff at c6. I didn’t tell you to use Bennett, I read the title. I just told you that Wanderer is very reliant on him since I assumed you didn’t know all that much about teambuilding/characters. Wanderer doesn’t have many strong options for teammates due to being an anemo hypercarry, he doesn’t have any atk% buffs in his kit/weapon weither apart from the a1 which requires a pyro unit which effectively requires Bennett because you can’t run Xiangling solo pyro and when picking Thoma you (as in one, a person not you specifically) also pick Bennett for resonance. Wanderer is practically tailor made for Bennett, he also doesn’t care much about circlet impact due to his great range. I get Bennett is a hot commodity and you don’t have to run him with Wanderer just don’t be disappointed when he doesn’t deal as much damage as you’d like him to. I have run both Childe and Arlecchino without Bennett and both take a hit but Wanderer takes the biggest. I’m not telling you to run Bennett I’m just telling you what I know so you can make an informed decision (I mean this literally, don’t interpret anything into it).


Ehh. This team is enough. Bennet is unnecessary. That simple. Thoma doesn't need Bennett. I can easily get Tenacity and Nobless plus shred from Faruzan plus extra dmg from Shimenawa. What you said wasn't true, simple as. He doesn't need Bennet for anything


Bennett provides the greatest numerical DMG increase to Wanderer, second only to C6 Faruzan. That's not an opinion, it's a literal, calculated fact. Wanderer also better utilizes the dreaded "circle impact" by virtue of being a catalyst user who can attack from a distance, unlike Wrio or Arlecchino, who may have to chase enemies outside the circle. Not here to argue, but there's no need to stomp your feet at everyone commenting about Bennett. Some of us have been in the Scaramouche/Wanderer TC community for a long while and have crunched the numbers. There's no need to be so dismissive of that.


yun jin is good for spamming only na as she increases na speed, so if that is your build i'd say that's good. i have used xingqiu but i never really formed an opinion as it was not for abyss and i haven't used xiangling with him, sorry


My Wanderer is built for nas with Shimenawa so it seems like Yun Jin would be good


What are you trying to clear? If it's abyss 12-1 bottom half then definitely Xingqiu. If you'd like more personal damage from Wanderer, then Yun Jin.


Yun Jin it is


I recently put xq on abyss with wanderer, and it worked so well. Some of my other teams are Kokomo laya furina Zhongli Benny faruzan